• What can you cook from squid: quick and tasty

    article on the lecture of B. Monosov "School of Atlandis"

    4 KASTA (Magi) - TS in the Anahata area (Heart)
    People have long been trying to understand the purpose of Sex in our lives. Many works have been written on this topic. And yet - Sex remains a mystery.
    There are different levels of consciousness development, different Castes.
    And Sex in different castes will be completely different.

    The esoteric model of the world and man considers man as two connected multidimensional objects - Soul (Monad) and Body. At the same time, the body is also multidimensional and every physical organ we know also has energy structures. Modern medicine operates only with the physical, the lowest-frequency component of the body.
    Therefore, it is unusual for many to hear that all our organs have additional, energetic functions. For example, a woman's Womb is a generator of the Capture Ray - an energy vortex that, on the one hand, “captures and holds” Men, and on the other hand, in the process of Sex, uniting with a male vortex, captures the Soul of the unborn child.

    We will not consider Sex from the perspective of the first 3 castes - a lot of manuals have been written about this, we will try to analyze it from the perspective of the 4th caste - since nothing has been written about this so far.
    More precisely, it is written, for example - the Kamasutra, Tantra - but it is completely misunderstood, and therefore profane, like all Ancient Knowledge in their modern interpretation.

    The fourth caste senses energies. The fourth caste "assembles" the external world around itself - within the radius of its Personal Power. This fundamentally changes the work of all human mechanisms, including the sexual one.
    People of the 4th caste begin to face sexual problems that are not described anywhere, and by reading all kinds of manuals and studies intended for the first 3 castes, they create additional problems and difficulties for themselves.

    The purpose of our article is to help people of the 4th caste or those passing into the 4th caste to look differently at the sexual aspect of being.
    The first thing I want to start with is that the relationships between people of the 4th caste are built on the upper chakras - Anahata (Love, Higher Emotions), Vishuddha (Mind, Consciousness). If there is no contact on these chakras, then no closer contacts are possible.
    We will not consider situations when a person is deprived of sex for a long time and is ready to pounce on anyone. Any deprivation radically changes the functioning of the human "mechanism", blocks the mechanisms of consciousness and releases the mechanisms of the body - unconditioned reflexes ...

    If for the 2nd caste it is enough to see a beautiful body, and for the 3rd caste it is enough to meet a "worthy" partner, then for the 4th caste it is necessary first of all to establish a friendly, open, completely trusting contact on the upper chakras. Such contact, as a rule, can only be established with a person who has similar parameters of the Personality (Consciousness), a similar position of the Assemblage Point.
    Since in Men, TS is usually more fixed than in women (hence the female mediumship), it is much easier for a woman to "synchronize" with a man than vice versa. Those. A woman who accepts a given man with her consciousness and wants intimacy with him is able to tune in with him. Of course, this does not happen instantly and can take months and years. We are talking about a man of the 4th caste. For a woman, such a connection will be the strongest stimulus in the development of consciousness and Personality. The whole question is whether a woman who graduates from the Warrior caste will be able to go through her Principles and Sense of Self Importance in order to realize this union.

    Developed men with a high TS position are more popular with women. Their “high frequency” is perceived by women of lower castes as sexual attractiveness.
    A man of 1-3 castes who meets a woman of the 4th caste will not understand her at all. He will evaluate her behavior from his own level, and for him she will seem arrogant, abstruse, emotionless, uninteresting. And all this will be true.
    A woman of the 4th caste is not really interested in sexually in a man of the 1-3 caste. The energy configuration of the cocoon of such men is “simple” and “not catchy” for a more complexly structured cocoon of a developed woman. Without synchronization on the upper Chakras, as a rule, no sexual mechanisms are triggered. At the same time, it does not matter at all what a woman looks like, and what kind of Macho a man is. All elements of appearance and social success that are so cultivated in modern society cease to work at the level of the 4th caste.

    It is safe to say that at the level of the 4th caste, sex is an extension of trusting Friendship. After contact is established on the upper chakras, it gradually begins to capture the lower chakras as well. In the 4th caste, the energy of the cocoon is at the top, feeding more consciousness than the body. Therefore, unconditioned reflexes, which are the "consciousness" of the organism, stop working and the person begins to be controlled by Consciousness. If a person has 1-3 castes, sexual arousal occurs as a result of the reaction of the body - an unconditioned reflex, then a person has 4 castes, sexual mechanisms are triggered by a "command" from the level of Consciousness. And until Consciousness issues such a command, no sex is possible in principle ...

    For this reason, many people of the 4th caste begin to experience difficulties in finding sexual partners, and as a result, they form a wrong idea of ​​both sex itself and its place in life, and of themselves, loved ones, supposedly already "outgrown" the need for sex. This is a fundamentally erroneous opinion from the category of building one's own "problems" into Virtue.
    Indeed, at the level of the 4th caste, the man-woman contact no longer occurs in the same way as at the level of 1-3 castes. If your friend or friend from the 1-3 caste can easily meet and sleep with almost anyone, if only "it was not disgusting", then in the 4th caste this is no longer possible ... Just don't dramatize and make hasty conclusions about "viciousness" sex. Your caste has simply changed, and with it all your needs ...

    Indeed, in the 4th caste, people eat differently ... what can we say about sex !!! So, we tracked down the first and very important difference - the choice of a partner according to completely different parameters than we are used to. The problem here is as follows. In our minds, stereotypes of “correct” partners, developed over many incarnations, are still very strong. Yes, and modern Glamor imposes on us long-legged blondes in lush breasts, or muscular Macho with a Ferrari.
    As a result, we find ourselves in some kind of internal conflict. On the one hand, we have information that is confirmed by our past experience about choosing beautiful, socially successful partners, but on the other hand, we are no longer able to build close relationships with them. And those partners who suit us in terms of Mentally and Energy parameters do not always turn out to be in line with modern social standards.

    There are many books, including the Kamasutra, on various sex positions. At the same time, some of them are very clever and not entirely clear to the modern reader of 1-3 castes. Why, they say, be so "perverted" when the same effect can be achieved in a much simpler way. And indeed it is. Most of the positions have practically no meaning for people of the 1-3 caste who do not feel the flow of energy through the cocoon. Let's remember two energy circles - Direct and Reverse. With a straight circle, the energy is drawn from below, rises along the spine to the head and descends along the chest to the perineum ... partially thrown out by the hands. In the reverse circle, the energy is taken by the hands, rises up to the head and descends along the spine to the perineum. At the same time, there is a very important function of the language - the Language is a circuit breaker, or a circuit breaker. The tongue pressed against the upper palate closes the circle, and the tongue not pressed against the upper palate opens the circle and turns into a powerful energy store.

    Feeling and realizing these energetic realities, coupled with the energetic meridians and points of the body, you can rethink the whole variety of sexual positions. In sex, we use the genitals, hands and tongue. With the energetic synchronization of partners and the preliminary elimination of all energetic blockages (without this, Magical sex is basically impossible), automatic synchronization occurs in the flow of Yang and Yin energy between different energy points of the couple. This is where all the poses become clear. If the pair is connected only through the genitals, then there is an accumulation and alignment of the energy level - as in two connected vessels. If the pair is connected through the genitals and hands, or the tongue, then energy flows along the corresponding energy meridians and channels. Energy begins to circulate in a circle created by the pair, creating a single energy structure. Such circulation can continue for hours, filling both partners and building the egregor of the pair. There is nothing like this in sex 1-3 castes. At the same time, both oral and anal sex become clear. We are simply connecting different chakras. Do not forget - the genitals are Svadhisthana, Anus is Muladhara, Hands are Anahata / Vishudha, Language is Vishuddha / Ajna. Those. our tongue at the energy level is the most high-frequency and highly energy-saturated point, because when the energy circle is opened, a mass of energy is concentrated on it.

    Thus, Magical Sex of the 4th caste is a powerful energy process, in which energy saturation and alignment of the work of all organs and systems of the human "mechanism" occurs. As in many other systems, sex has a multi-level meaning. This is procreation on the physical plane, and getting pleasure on the emotional plane, and energy regulation and balancing of all systems and mechanisms on the energy plane, and a powerful impetus to the development of Consciousness. With the complete synchronization of the energy systems of partners during sexual intimacy on the upper chakras, the formation of the egregor of the couple occurs.
    This happens only at the level of the 4th caste and when the energy-informational parameters of the partners coincide. The formed egregor gives birth to its own consciousness, which captures the personal consciousness of the couple. Both partners begin to perceive the world not through their own consciousness, but through the consciousness of Egregor - the consciousness of the 3rd level.

    This is the very “cool” state described in esoteric literature and incomprehensible (inaccessible) to modern understanding. Sex is, in most cases, a pleasant “procedure”, after which a person relaxes and often falls asleep ... But this is not the “flyaway” we are talking about. Tantric Sex is based on the formation of the egregor of the couple. It follows that Tantric Sex is available only to people of the 4th caste. At the same time, in modern Tantra groups, only people of the 2nd caste are "handful", with TS in Svadhisthana and therefore are very fond of sex ... but have nothing to do with Tantra. As we have already written many times on the site, all practitioners work fully only in their Agreement, their Egregor. Therefore, the 2 castes certainly have sex - but far from Tantric. When the Egregor of a pair is formed, a person completely "falls out" of the feeling and control of himself.
    Our sense of self is based on the work of our Personal Consciousness, and when the Egregor of a pair is formed, the individual personal consciousness disappears, it becomes part of the Egregor ... That is, our personal "I" completely disappears.
    Of course, such Egregorial states can be achieved not only with the help of Tantric sex (we, for example, achieve them with the help of the Hyperbrain), but sex in the 4th caste is one of the most accessible methods of developing Consciousness. Experiencing periodically Egregorial states of consciousness, a person gets used to them and gradually begins to perceive his own egregor - Consciousness "not-I", formed by all structures of past incarnations.
    And this, in turn, accelerates progress towards the formation of a "continuous" consciousness "Super-I", including both the Subconscious and the living Personal Consciousness "I".

    In conclusion, we can say that Magic Sex (sex in the 4th caste) is fundamentally different from the sex of the first 3 castes and is a powerful stimulus for further energetic and Spiritual development. Our advice to everyone who considers themselves “above” or “beyond” this is to pay attention to possible blockages and “troubles” in the field of sex, developed by long prayers in past religious incarnations or wrong upbringing in this incarnation - and open to Magical Sex. which will not only bring you back to reality, but also help in further development.

    My name is Alexey Pokhabov. I am a psychic and I am the winner of the "Battle of Psychics" TV project. But this book is not about me, but about how I see the world and how people like me see it. You have probably read many books on esotericism, magic, and, perhaps, holding this book in your hands, you think, they say, this is another one in which it will be written: "Do this and that, and you will become a psychic." No, you won't find anything like that in it. This book is the extreme of your perception. That is, either it will turn your life around, or it will not touch you at all. The average is not given. I will try to convey to your consciousness some of the features of the structure of the world and the keys to seeing it all with your own eyes. The information in it is not for a wide range of readers. Although I will try to describe everything in as much detail as possible, only a few will be able to draw real knowledge from it. And I know for sure that this book will fall into the hands of those who are ready for this knowledge. I myself have been collecting this knowledge for eight years in this incarnation and the devil only knows how many years in the previous ones. The skills I learned during my studies have borne concrete results both in my life and in the lives of those I have helped. For more than two years now, I have been teaching people to develop in themselves the ability for subtle perception, called extrasensory perception. And since the results of my students are impressive, I believe that I have every right to talk about how to make magic out of ordinary consciousness, that is, consciousness with the properties of a Magician - a person whose instrument in his life is thought, not body.

    This book is dedicated to my teacher Sergei Melnikov. And also to the Magus Boris Monosov, who is the author of the training system partially described in this book and without whom I would hardly have written it at all. It is an honor for me to know you.

    Part 1
    The basic model for the development of psychic abilities

    Chapter 1
    Three pictures of the world

    Psychic. What a popular word, isn't it? .. The main thing is how it sounds ... And something has become too many of them lately. Although if you translate this word, you get "supersensitive". Then it becomes clear why there are so many of them. But what is "hypersensitivity"? Is it oversensitive to cry at the sight of DiCaprio drowning in the Titanic? After all, he is in pain, it is cold, and he is about to die ... Of course not. Extrasensory perception is a special property of consciousness to perceive what is beyond the five well-known sense organs. But let's not rush into terminology.

    Let's take a closer look at the Mages. I will use the word "Magician" more than "psychic", because by this I pay tribute to the ancient tradition and also hint that the Magician and the psychic are no different from each other.

    When communicating with such people, the first thought of a normal person looks like a desire to summon people in white coats, since he has a place next to "Napoleon" and "Stalin" in "ward No. 6". However, with more prolonged contact, there is a slight bewilderment. It seems that he speaks his native language, he does not seem to be a nutcase, but he speaks about what we were not told either at school or by our parents, friends also did not use such terms. And what's most interesting, these people describe the world in a different way. And there is no such description either in religions or in science. Not in textbooks or scriptures. In other words, it becomes clear to us that these people know something that we do not know. They behave strangely, they have strange desires and goals, and what is funny is that after a close acquaintance with the Magician, the idea will sooner appear to call people in white coats for themselves, because even against our will, the roof starts to go next to them. But as long as she is in place, we ask ourselves the question: “How do they know this? Why do they describe the surrounding reality differently from us? Who gave them this knowledge and where do the legs of this devil grow from? " The first opinion on this matter is books. Or the Internet. After all, we live in the age of information freedom. You can find any book, download, print it, and then make a smart face, put on a hoodie, put a pentagram on your chest - and here's a modern magician. But seriously, is it that simple? Where did the authors get their knowledge? How far can we go back in time in these tracks? Where is the source? But before answering this question, let's consider the existing pictures of the world, the models that are the fulcrum for describing the world, the whales on which all points of view stand. And, as the ancients said, there are really three of these whales.


    The most ancient model of the world, from the point of view of our civilization, is the religious picture of the world. We will not take all religions to pieces, but it is enough for us to understand that all these movements are united by one property - faith. In other words, all that a follower of a particular religion needs is simply to believe in his holy book. He simply believes that everything was, is and will be exactly as it is written in his holy book, and sees this truth in every piece of his life. And the essence of such a picture is that God exists. The creator, the creator of all that exists, who did everything at his own discretion. However, the disadvantage of this system is that too many questions remain unanswered. How did God do all this? What for? What does it look like and does it have any form at all? Who is he anyway? And no one, including the Pope, knows the true answers. And all that you will hear is that you just have to believe.

    The science

    But the scientific picture of the world rejects the principle of faith, since the meaning of the life of scientists is to seek answers to these and other questions. They believe only in what they see with their own eyes, only in what can be verified experimentally. But this model also has its drawbacks. And the most important of them is the level of civilization. Our civilization is paradoxical from this point of view. On the one hand, our technologies are developing, but on the other, they are also a brake on science. For example, the internal combustion engine was outdated in the middle of the 20th century, but because of the oil tycoons, we cannot introduce more powerful and more environmentally friendly technologies into production. And this, in turn, hinders the search for answers to questions and, as a result, hinders the development of all mankind and man separately.


    But there is another picture of the world. Magic, or, as it is also called, occult or esoteric. Like any model, it describes the world around it from its own angle. Take history, for example. There is a history of the world described in the scriptures. For example, the creation of man in Christianity, his descendants, according to which it can be calculated that humanity has lived for about seven thousand years. Science is not so prosaic, but theories of the creation of the world in it are also more reminiscent of a fairy tale than reality - the origin of man from a monkey, the theory of the big bang and the like (a fairy tale, because it cannot be repeated). And there are also plenty of black spots in the evolution of mankind and its history. And although the history of mankind, from the point of view of the Magicians, is not supported by any facts, we will rely on it.

    Magical tradition

    History from the point of view of magic in the tradition is called tradition. And according to this legend, magic as a system of knowledge has no author. Everything that is described by these or those Magicians is a product of an entire civilization that existed on our planet long before ours. Today we call it Atlantis.

    This civilization died about 65 thousand years ago. And now it makes no sense for us to figure out why, because knowing the reason will not come to us, will not lose. However, what the Magi know about life itself in Atlantis will be very useful for understanding what follows. As the Mages say, the Atlanteans built their civilization on the basis of biotechnology, in contrast to us, following a technogenic path. It is difficult to imagine biotechnology with our minds. Well, try to imagine live clothes. A suit that consists of living tissues that provide your body with everything it needs - warmth, nutrients. Something like a bio-suit. But if this still lends itself to imagination, then how to imagine a living car or a living house? It is not surprising that we do not find any traces (more precisely, we do, it is simply that this is not said to the masses). But if the Atlanteans created living organisms, then, like any living organism, combined with another, it enters into symbiosis with it, and therefore an interface is needed that could control this symbiosis.

    For example, what is the pinnacle of our civilization? What technology is the main point of support for people? This is a computer. Not your laptop, but the computer as an interface through which a person controls all other technologies. Space flights, nanotechnology ... Everything is controlled through a computer with a simple push of a button. So in Atlantis, the top of technology was machines that accelerated the evolution of a single person. At the exit, they received a special consciousness, which was the interface that controlled global processes. Controlling the weather, the migration of animals, the size of the population ... This consciousness was so powerful that the control was due to thought. Convenient, isn't it. Modern scientists say that even the most modern computer cannot be compared to the brain of a snail. Imagine what then the human brain is capable of, swinging at 100% of its capabilities. It was this kind of consciousness that was later called magical consciousness, and its bearer - the Magician.

    But Atlantis died. Those machines no longer exist, and now the evolution of an individual person occurs naturally, which can be accelerated through a certain amount of work.

    The super-technological civilization went down in history, but the Mages remained. Of course, physically they died, but the magical consciousness had one property, which was later described in all occult teachings as a great secret. And the essence of this great mystery is that such a consciousness possessed complete memory. Continuous consciousness, as we call it, had the property of preserving memory during rebirth. This is due to the combination of consciousness and subconsciousness, which are two halves of our personality. This procedure was later called "initiation". According to what Mages know about the structure of a person's personality, information about past incarnations is stored in the subconscious. Reincarnation is a fact for us, not a topic for discussion and controversy. And unlike ordinary people, who in subsequent incarnations each time a new personality appears, the initiated Mages retained the memory of technologies, history, and, more importantly, the ability to restore their power of consciousness. However, it was very difficult for them to do this, since earlier this power was provided by machines, and now nothing remains of them. Of course, some technologies survived and later became myths, but there was a need to restore strength on their own. This is how magic appeared - a system of techniques and spiritual practices that allow one to turn consciousness into other modes of work, in which experience is gained that was not available in the usual state. Due to this, the acceleration of the evolution of the personality takes place.

    Thus, the Magicians preserved their surviving knowledge, created systems for training consciousness and became fighters of the invisible front in the progress of human civilization. They were credited with unusual properties, wonderful abilities, etc. But they are not alone in this regard. So, the founders of religions, the saints, also had the same abilities. Jesus, Buddha, Moses ... Even scientists have superpowers. Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla gave out such parameters of the brain that we can only dream. Holy people founded religions, scientists - scientific movements like physics, chemistry, mathematics. And what was founded by the Magicians of antiquity? After all, they could not tell the wild mankind about the structure of the world, since an unprepared person would either turn it into a religion or go mad. Therefore, the transfer of ancient knowledge had to be carried out pointwise, choosing more or less ready individuals from the general crowd. This is how secret societies were founded. We know some of them: Masons, Illuminati, the Knights Templar or the Order of Malta ... At their foundations were the Great Magicians of Atlantis, because there is no other way to explain their enormous power in their times. So knowledge was passed from teacher to student and passed on secretly, hence the term "occultism", that is, "secret".

    One way or another, the line of transmission of knowledge has survived to this day. And those who believe that one can get all the necessary knowledge in books are deeply mistaken. Try to learn boxing from a book, and then test yourself in a real fight. And you will understand that not everything is so simple.

    I am a student of the Magicians who inherited the European tradition of secret knowledge and who were able to pass it on to me. Now I am the conductor of this tradition. I have reached a level where I can include other students in it. Do not take this book as a gateway to it. Realistically, it is possible to become a conductor of tradition only through personal interaction with a teacher. Let me explain with an example. Imagine that you are standing outside the castle and you need to get inside. You can read any books or shout any prayers - you can really get through if the gates are opened to you from the inside. Hence the term "esoteric", that is, "internal". It seems to say that only inside tradition, it is possible to comprehend knowledge and take it into service, only inside the castle you will see its real parameters. Outside, any fantasies on this topic will remain fantasies. Why this is so, I will describe later.

    So, magic is a system of knowledge that allows a person to influence the surrounding reality through thought, and not through the body, as is the case with ordinary people. And this system is very ancient and still remains a secret teaching. And all the literature in the public domain, for the most part, is just rubbish. And for those who are not ready for this knowledge, my book will be the same rubbish.

    Chapter 2
    Extrasensory perception

    The first stage in the development of personality in magic is extrasensory perception. After all, the ability to feel or see energy gives a person the opportunity to work with it. Otherwise, the description of the world in the energetic aspect, as it is said in magic, will remain a description, and for a person who does not possess this ability, it will be just an empty philosophy. You can quote the same Castaneda and his visions of human cocoons, energy lines, etc. as much as you like, but if you yourself do not see this, it means that you are simply shaking the air with empty chatter. Later you will understand what I mean.

    So how do you develop the ability to feel what others do not? Here we must turn to the description of the world from the point of view of the Magicians. They believe that the whole world is energy. Indeed, we know that matter consists of molecules, molecules - of atoms, and atoms - of elementary particles: neutrons, protons, electrons. And elementary particles, according to the latest data of quantum physics, are frozen light (which vibrates, thereby giving rise to a wave theory of the structure of the world). What is light? This is energy. Radiation in its original form. It's just that it is frozen due to klipots (this is how the structure of matter is called in Kabbalism, which bends the primary light, due to which the form of this light appears). Therefore, the whole world is light, and hence energy. This energy generates waves, which means that it has its own frequency (speed of movement in time). Our body, in turn, is equipped with senses that pick up these signals at a certain frequency. Then they transmit these signals through the nervous system to the brain, where they are processed and a picture of the world is displayed. At the same time, we know that the senses themselves are only transmitters. For example, the eyes cannot see. They catch the reflection of light, encode this signal and send it to the brain through a ray tube. Hence the conclusion suggests itself: if you send such a signal directly to the brain, bypassing the eyes, then the brain will see. And there are people in the world who read books with their eyes closed, see internal organs, etc.

    So what is extrasensory perception? Extrasensory perception is the perception of information directly by the brain, bypassing the senses. This is the only way to explain this phenomenon. Because the senses are not capable of this. Magicians learn to step further, that is, to see the world as energy itself. How does this happen? - you ask.

    Let's imagine that our planet in the energetic sense is a ball with a certain amount of energy. The little ball inside is us, because we live inside the planet. There is our energy mass, and there is the mass of the surrounding world. From the laws of physics, we know that the greater the mass, the greater its gravitational force and, as a consequence, the force of impact on a lighter object. Hence the question arises: "Why does the mass of the outside world not overwrite our personality?" Before answering it, - a small digression. Our personality is the result of accumulated experience gained by collecting information about the outside world. The collection of information itself occurs thanks to the senses. This information is processed in the most important nerve node of our body - the brain.

    And, returning to our question, we understand that there are radio waves, ultrawaves, electromagnetic radiation around us ... But what is not around us! And nevertheless, we remain autonomous individuals, and the outside world, despite all its mass, does not overwrite us. If you again ask the question: "Why", then different answers may come to mind, one of which will be the one that says that our brain has a natural biological defense, or shielding in the form of the skull, cerebral fluids and tissues. Such shielding allows us to take only that information that is sharpened for the senses. Consequently, our brain does not catch another frequency range, allowing us to gain experience and grow a personality. However, as we found out above, psychics directly grasp this information with their brains. It turns out to be some kind of contradiction. On the one hand, I say that the brain is shielded, and on the other, that psychics look at them directly. But in reality, there is no contradiction. Let's take a look at the drawing of the brain.

    In its central part is the pituitary gland, which regulates the hormonal system of the body. And hormones are letters that contain information about how the cells of our body need to multiply. In other words, the structure of our body, its appearance and structure depend on them. The pituitary gland has an individual program that our parents wrote down for us. And this program says that we must be born, grow up, have some kind of body, grow old and die. Moreover, the pituitary gland itself also has a protective screening (energetic), which allows it not to deviate from this program even a step (which is why we often look like parents). I am hinting that the density of your body tissues depends on the work of the pituitary gland. How long does it take to have a new body? How many years does it take for the body to completely replace the cells in its body with new ones? From about 7 to 12 years old (in adults). Longest of all, as you know, cell division occurs in the hardest tissues: bones, joints, etc.

    So how does the third eye open? Sorcerers use meditative techniques, with the help of which they enter the so-called high-frequency modes of the brain. These are modes when a greater amount of energy of a certain quality passes through it, due to which the screening from the pituitary gland is removed (for the duration of meditation). From this, the pituitary gland begins to faint and signals from the outside world begin to cling to it. And we remember that the outside world is much heavier than us. Through easy logical inferences, we understand that the program of the pituitary gland begins to change, reprogrammed. And this, in turn, leads to a violation of the hormonal background, which in turn leads to a decrease in the density of the cranial tissue, due to which the brain becomes receptive to external information that is already coming directly. And we remember that the renewal of cells, especially bones in an adult, takes from 7 to 12 years. And the answer to the question: "How long does it take to open the third eye?" - resolved by itself: from 7 to 12 years, being in a high-frequency state 24 hours a day. That is, you have to sit in meditation all these years, and only then can you say that you have completely opened your third eye. But you yourself understand that this is impossible. Therefore, the procedure for opening the third eye is distributed not only for the whole life, but also for several incarnations. And when you see an ad like "I'll open my third eye in two sessions", then be careful. After all, if this person is not lying, then he is clearly wielding a hammer and chisel and punching a path to the third eye directly through your skull. I hope that after this explanation you will be more sober about such statements.

    By the way, in some Tibetan traditions this method is used. The forehead bone is drilled with a thin needle between the eyebrows, thereby directly piercing the path to clairvoyance. Or maybe it’s true to go to learn to be a surgeon and open everyone’s third eye just like that? Believe me, it's not that simple.

    In the same Tibet, before doing this on a student, they teach him for decades and only the most prepared are filmed in this way. This suggests that the student must be ready for this. Journalists once attributed to me this phrase, they say, I believe that everyone is able to develop psychic abilities in themselves. This is a lie, I don't think so. More precisely, you can do something with everyone, and everyone will be able to see something, but not everyone will remain in a sober mind and firm memory. And to understand this, let's turn to the laws of physics. The outside world, as mentioned above, is much heavier than our personality. And if you remove the shielding, then the same thing happens to us as to a floppy disk, if you present a magnet to it. Imagine that you are a glass of water placed under an open water tap. If the tap is not turned off in time, the water will overfill the glass and begin to displace the old liquid, replacing it with a new one. So it becomes clear to us what will happen to our personality if we open the third eye, provided that we are not ready for this. Therefore, this procedure is done with those whose personality has matured. And the readiness for such changes is assessed by the person who can close this flow of incoming energy. I hope you now understand why not everyone can become psychics. Those who are not ready will simply go crazy. And as confirmation - take a walk to the psychiatric hospitals. There, every second is treated for Magic. Therefore, this path is dangerous, and not everyone will master it.

    In addition to the usual hallucinations that a person can see with an open third eye, the properties of these visions also cause danger. The fact is that the signals entering the brain catch not only the lateral regions responsible for perception, but also the deep levels responsible for the internal state, for well-being. If you watched the "Battle of Psychics", you could see how many felt bad during the tests, they started screaming, vomiting, crying, asking to stop the test ... And all because these signals are felt by the nervous system. Imagine looking at a photograph of a person who is currently successfully decomposing in a coffin. You will begin to feel the decay of tissue on your own skin. The brain will kind of give the order to the cells to decompose. The immune system will disagree and will give out a huge portion of energy to support the body. These signals will get mixed up, and, believe me, you will be very, to put it mildly, unpleasant. Therefore, when people come up to me on the street and say: "You, Alexey, probably see right through me, my past, present, future ..." - then I answer that I have nothing else to do but "watch" you. This is unpleasant, and once again I will not do it. Therefore, when you hear in the media, they say, some psychic lives badly because he constantly sees everything, it is a lie, in a constant mode the psyche will not withstand such a load (like with a glass of water), and all other rantings about that extrasensory perception is a heavy cross, then compare the blind and the seeing with each other. Who is in a better position? That's it.

    So, what conclusions can be drawn from all this? One must be prepared for magical practices and their consequences in the form of the ability to feel the world directly with the brain. And you probably have a question in your head: "How do you know if I'm ready or not?"

    ... continued on the previous page.


    How to find happiness when you can't get it

    Fourth caste called"wise men".

    It consists of four levels - 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4.

    Here we will break down only two levels, because levels 4.3 and 4.4 are the levels of global reality management. And for them the question “how to find happiness” has already been resolved.

    What characterizes the transition to the fourth caste?

    The fourth caste already sees the world more broadly.

    This is a manifestation of intuition, the appearance of a certain feeling.

    There are prophetic dreams, people begin to see and understand the signs of the Universe.

    1) Sublevel 4.1 is called psychics , i.e. people with some sensitivity to energies and their changes.

    Psychics are already distinguished by sufficient human wisdom and ability to accept and understand other people.

    However, they have health problems all the time. They do not have time to cure one thing, another falls ill. These people are no longer usually helped by the methods of traditional medicine.

    You can go to the doctors, but the help will be short-term, it will not eliminate the causes, and the diseases will return again.

    Why are these people starting to search? Because the old methods don't work for them.

    It is possible to cure those who are on the level of a lower caste with traditional medicine, but for the fourth caste this does not work as much as for the first, second and third.

    Level 4.1 people are very often lonely.

    Do you ever get the feeling that you are not understood in society?

    Doesn't even understand his close environment? For example, talk to husband about some higher values, but he does not understand you. You to him about love, and he to you - let's go have sex. This is a very common situation! This does not mean that husband mundane or bad.

    Just maybe he level second caste. For him, love is sex, and for you, love is spiritual intimacy. You just have different life values.

    The feeling of loneliness is a common feeling of a person at the level of transition from the third to the fourth caste and level 4.1, because this caste is still few in number.

    The feeling of loneliness that is present in caste 4.1 must be taken as solitude.

    The feeling of loneliness in other castes is negative; it is sad and sad when a person is alone.

    When a person 4 castes he retires, he does it consciously in order to devote time to himself, to understand himself, gain strength and go to another level.

    Another of the most relevant problems level 4.1- This is problem lack of money.

    This is partly due to energy, because our energy is slipping through our fingers, and, accordingly, you cannot earn money without energy.

    The most important question at level 4.1. - WHO AM I?

    Until you understand who you are, you cannot effectively solve problems.

    What other tasks are there at this level?

    In addition to social tasks, there is the task of spiritual development, namely evolution at a higher level of the soul.

    It also happens that when level 4.1 starts looking for answers to their questions, someone goes to religion, someone goes to psychology, and someone falls into sects.

    Someone tries drugs, because they also give a certain altered state of consciousness. Drugs and alcoholism, all these manifestations are a deeply hidden, subconscious unwillingness to live. And a person does not want to live when he lacks an understanding of the meaning of life, there are no goals in life.

    A person who has already grown to caste 4.1 will find himself, understand himself, and understand how to solve his problems.

    There will no longer be any talk about alcoholism or drugs.

    It is important to get into that circle in time, in which you will be understood, because very often this is precisely an escape from your loneliness.

    If your loved ones do not understand you, if you are not accepted in society, if you are considered a black sheep, then in fact you end up in some kind of isolation, and this is very difficult for the psyche.

    Hence the craving for alcohol and drugs and everything else is not the most favorable solution to problems.

    The concept of love is different for each caste, i.e. his own.

    If you analyze the life of your acquaintances, you will understand that the level of each caste builds relationships in its own way.

    Let's take the first caste, they simply unite in order to give birth to children.

    The second caste very often converge against the background of common pleasures, have a pleasant pastime, on a sexual basis.

    This suits them, but their love is sex and mutual manipulation. At this level, there is no question about spiritual intimacy, about spirituality, about any interests that lie more in the intellectual and spiritual spheres.

    The third caste unites very often according to social sign. Let's say a girl is looking for a husband who is rich and has a certain status. It also happens that parents find a match for their child that suits him in terms of status.

    What is the other difference between the first three castes from level 4.1 except for mature warriors?

    The first three castes will blame anyone for their failures:

    bosses, neighbors, government - this is the position of the victim.

    The people of caste 4.1 are beginning to understand that each of us is the creator of our life and our reality.

    Level 4.2 is an exit to the level of the creator of your reality.

    The fourth caste lives on the anahata chakra. This is the heart chakra, which is responsible for feelings and emotions. And for the fourth caste, love is harmony in all spheres of relationships: from sex to spiritual intimacy. You are probably already happy.

    2) Sublevel 4.2 called " creators of their reality».

    The transition to level 4.2 is the task of people at level 4.1.

    In terms of social tasks, the fourth caste is not alien to anything human.

    Family, love, self-realization in the form of a career or some kind of creativity are also important to these people, they also need success.

    To achieve their goals level 4.2. can apply all methods of previous levels and use additional tools available only to level 4.2. and higher.

    At this level, the problems of level 4.1 go away. such as: lack of money, poor health, difficulties in relationships with loved ones and society, and others.

    The main difference between level 4.1 and level 4.2 is that level 4.1. -sages-psychics - man begins to understand how this world works in terms of energy... He starts to touch the subtle world, to cognize it, to master in it, to interact with it.

    And at level 4.2 interaction with the subtle world allows you to effectively solve their tasks in the physical world.

    At level 4.2, money starts to appear.

    People are beginning to find answers to their questions.

    They know, how act.

    Their health begins to improve, because they are already working with their energy and with their bodies using the methods that work specifically for the fourth caste.

    Indeed, many of the methods that work for the first, second and third castes do not quite work for the fourth.

    Because if you try to solve problems in the 11th grade using the methods of elementary school, then you simply will not solve them. It's the same here.

    At level 4.2. relationships begin to improve, because a person builds relationships from the position of a sage, better understanding people.

    And accordingly, level 4.2 achieves many of its goals, but by other methods - through wisdom.

    So, what caste do you belong to?

    Most likely you found yourself either on the transition from caste 3 to 4.1., Or realized yourself as a sage-psychic, or you are on the transition 4.1- 4.2

    And this is a regularity, because this book would hardly be read by a person of the first, second caste or an initial warrior. Because they don't ask questions - they blame others.

    We ask questions, we look for answers and we find them. There are more and more of us.

    More and more people get the opportunity to really improve their lives and reality next to us.

    What are we doing right now!

    All of the above is not just theory.

    This knowledge has a practical application in all spheres of life.

    Thanks to reading and deep comprehending described in this book, you can:

    Realize who you are, what caste you belong to,

    Realize your most important values ​​and build your life based on YOUR understanding of life,

    Understand which tools and problem solving methods are effective for you.

    How to use this knowledge to get results

    This knowledge gives us the understanding that there are no bad and good people, each person is at his own level and solves his problems .

    Maybe he solves them ineptly, but not because he is bad, but because he fulfills various tasks of the soul.

    Realizing this:

    We free ourselves from condemnation, rejection of other people.

    We do not condemn people who are simply below us in terms of evolution, just as we do not take offense at unreasonable children.

    It is important not to be jealous of the success of others.

    In this way, we do not waste our strength and our energy in vain.

    In this way, we do not burden our karma with our own negative emotions.

    Realizing, with a person of what caste you communicate, you can be more successful in society.

    Do you know what people make mistakes caste 4.1 in social interactions?

    4.1 people try to solve interaction issues through love and understanding.

    But with a man from 2 or 3 third castes it is absolutely useless to speak from this position.

    This is what is called "you to him about Thomas, and he to you about Eremu."

    He will not understand you, and no matter how much you tell him about eternal human values, the merchant will manipulate, and the warrior will crush.

    In order to find a language with each person, you need to determine which caste a person belongs to and speak with him in his language.

    This does not mean that it is necessary to weave intrigues with merchants or act dishonestly.

    Merchants have the right to do so, and if a person of caste 4.1 does so, he immediately get it in the head... Because reasonable manipulation is present and acceptable in society, but it should not be based on deception and shameless use of other people.

    A “merchant” person does not need to be told about love and some higher values, you just communicate with him in his language.

    Immature caste man warriors will try to crush you. And no matter how much you tell him that it is not good to do this, he will not understand it.

    Then you need to communicate with him from the position of your charisma and your authority.

    The initial warrior must feel this power in you, because you were already this warrior and you are already wise.

    How are conflict situations resolved?

    The first caste will give in the face.

    The second the caste will try to negotiate, somewhere it can cheat or use flattery.

    The third the caste will try to suppress with its authority or charisma.

    Fourth the caste simply will not get into a conflict situation.

    Most effective tools for everyone

    If you identified yourself as 2 caste, then:

    Read the book "Anti-Carnegie or Man-Manipulator" by E. Shostrom and learn harmless manipulations.

    If you classified yourself as 3 caste:

    Read the above book too, but your method is influence.

    Download and study The Psychology of Influence by Robert B. Cialdini.

    If you attributed yourself to 4 caste:

    You need to be able to act adequately to the situation: to hit in the face, and harmlessly manipulate and charismatically influence people. >

    Current page: 2 (total of the book has 15 pages) [available passage for reading: 10 pages]


    100% +

    Chapter 3
    The caste system

    The point is that people are not equal. And maybe, after reading this phrase, an ardent Christian, who believes that everyone is equal before God, will burn this book, sending me to hell, and a person who has devoted his life to the struggle for democracy and human rights will begin to use it as toilet paper (from which he is more likely to have hemorrhoids), but this does not correct one fact. People are not equal. Take a closer look at them. From the very childhood, this inequality is very noticeable. Some are born in prosperous families, and others in poverty. But even if we remove social inequality, then with the naked eye you can see how someone by nature has a healthier body, and someone has more developed mental abilities. So we are not equal. Not physically, much less intellectually. Hence, at all times, mankind has tried to divide people into types. By class, by nationality ... There are a lot of personal classification systems, you can even come up with your own. In magic, they use the system of caste society, described 6000 years ago in the Vedas. This system has been tested by time and is still considered quite accurate. Indeed, despite the fact that there are about seven billion people on earth, all of them can be divided into four castes, four types. In ascending order, they look like this: worker - merchant - warrior - sage (Magician). Even ants and bees have a similar division.

    Before examining these castes in more detail, one should understand that what is meant here is not social status, but the level of personality, the level of consciousness that interacts with the outside world. Imagine that the caste system is a 4-story building. The first floor is the first caste (worker). He sees only what is under the window. From the second floor you can see more, from the third even more, and from the fourth even more. That is, each next caste sees what the lower floors see, plus something of their own.

    First caste. Worker

    The first caste includes a person who is born for the first time. This person does not have any personality, it only has to be developed. He does not have a subconscious (past incarnations) and as a result, he does not have a powerful intellectual apparatus. What is such a person capable of? After all, his spirit still has no experience of being in a human body? Such a person can only work with his own body, since, apart from the body, he has not yet worked out anything. Therefore, this caste is called workers. They are prone only to physical labor or to simple monotonous work, where they do not need to strain their brains.

    Gaining experience, the personality of the employee improves and evolves. And at the end of his evolution, the man of the first caste turns into a master. We say about such a person: "He has golden hands." He can do anything: screw a light bulb, and nail a carnation. That is, body control skills reach a high level of mastery. And then he begins to move to the next caste.

    Second caste. Merchant

    In the caste of merchants, the person is already learning other skills. Communication skills. That is, they have already developed body skills and are now learning to interact with their own kind. Learn to communicate, make connections. And such skills are most quickly acquired in the commodity-money sphere. That is why they are called merchants. And then, the most important motivator in the life of these people is precisely money.

    At the end of its evolution, large financial flows begin to flow through the merchant. And here you need to understand that the size of these flows depends on the scale of its reality. For example, in some village everyone gets 1,500 rubles. And some daring man has set up a stall with vodka and has 20 thousand rubles a month. For the locals, he will be just an oligarch, although for us, perhaps, this money is not of great value. By increasing the conductivity of his financial flow, such a person begins to move to the next caste.

    Third caste. Warrior

    When a person becomes a warrior (not to be confused with a warrior according to Castaneda), then he begins to develop the qualities of the strength of his personality. The motivation in this caste is already power. He learns to subjugate the weak and obey the one who is stronger than him. The warrior divides the world into black and white, into friends and enemies. Moreover, the presence of an enemy is a prerequisite. A warrior evolves by fighting enemies. And here anyone can hit the target. The neighbor is a goat, the Americans are a goat. In general, someone is a goat.

    At the end of evolution, the warrior faces his greatest enemy. Fear of death. If you have familiar combat officers who have returned from hot spots, then perhaps you will notice that many of them are turning into philosophers. They begin to think: “Why are people fighting? Why someone is a friend, and someone is an enemy, why is there this or that in the world? How does the world work in general? " Such questions are not idle curiosity, but a consequence of personality evolution, which brings these people to the next caste.

    Fourth caste. Sage (Mage)

    The magician is not interested in money, not interested in power. His life motivation is knowledge. He is constantly looking for answers to questions, gaining knowledge that is not a theory, but a practical experience of a person. Thus, it evolves.

    You are probably thinking, "What caste am I in?" Let's do a little test. There are four statements, four credos that characterize a particular caste. Try to choose one that is closest to you in your opinion.

    1st statement. The caste of workers: "The workers believe that mental labor does not exist, and that only loaders really work."

    2nd statement. Merchant caste: “All people are friends and you can negotiate with any person. Anyone can be bribed, and in general the world is ruled by money. "

    3rd statement. Warrior caste: “The world is divided into friends and enemies. And now we will gather with friends and go to beat the enemies in the face. Whoever has more power is in charge. "

    4th statement. The Mage Caste: “And by and large we don’t care about human relationships. We love to read, learn new things, and apart from knowledge, we are not interested in much. "

    Pick one statement. Is it possible to classify yourself as a caste? Difficult, really. And all because you can see the signs of all 4 castes. When I conduct such a test at my seminars, about 90% of those who come are Magicians. Which, of course, is not the case. For example, if you take scientists, then they are more suitable for the 4th caste, since they earn their bread with their brains, but they also dig potatoes with their hands. It is very difficult to define yourself, so it will be better if someone looks at you from the outside. After all, belonging to a caste is not a philosophical definition. The caste is visible on the energy, and for the Magicians it is not difficult to determine it.

    Here's some more information on castes.

    Chapter 4
    Spiral of qualities

    If we are talking about how to become a Magician, then we must understand the following: human evolution occurs in a clear sequence. There are no leaps from the merchant caste to the Mages caste. You have to climb the steps, stepping on each one.

    The problem is that we were taught that human evolution is linear. Remember the funny drawing in the biology textbook: from monkey to man. Even if we imagine that physiologically we are evolving linearly (which is not so), then with the evolution of the personality such a thing will not work. If we assume linear evolution, then total freedom of the path appears. Imagine a point from which we draw a line in one direction or another. If we allow the increase along the line, then it becomes possible to draw this line in any direction. In other words, there would be an opportunity for individual evolution. And you may be offended by me now, but individual evolution does not exist. I hint that no matter how you consider yourself to be the one and only person, you are just part of the crowd. Part of the herd. I'm part of it too. You just have to understand this.

    Imagine such a small experiment. We take all the people on the planet, place them on the same territory, in the desert, for example, and mix them up in a chaotic manner. And we begin to observe. We will see how people start to unite in groups according to various parameters: language barrier, religious belief or skin color ... We will see that a person is part of a mechanism, part of a mosaic. Part of the herd.

    The thought of one's non-identity is reduced to a sense of one's own importance. However, the desire to be individual in most cases remains only a desire. It seems to everyone that everyone's life problems and situations are unique. However, everyone continues to step on the same rake, and this rake exists regardless of a person's intentions. Man is a squirrel. And the world is a wheel. And we are forced to twist it. And we all spin it the same way.

    If we add a caste system to the evolution of personality, then a spiral appears. Each caste goes through a circle and moves on to the next. Moreover, the parameters of the circle are already set by the world in which we were born. This is a system, and we follow its rules. And since this is a system, it means that it has its own laws, which we can distinguish on a circle as points or segments. These points themselves are personality traits that we develop from incarnation to incarnation. This is how evolution takes place. How many points can we draw on a circle? Yes, as much as necessary. But in order not to reinvent the wheel, we will use ready-made systems for determining these algorithms.

    One of the well-known systems is astrology. Its essence is that it divides the circle into 12 signs of the zodiac, each of which, in fact, is a personality quality. The theory says that a person lives one life under one sign and develops one quality. This means that in order to move to the next caste, you need to live 12 incarnations. However, this is not quite true. The dynamics of the modern world is very high, and it may turn out that in one incarnation we can develop several qualities at once. Therefore, perhaps, reading various astrological predictions, you cannot see the similarity with your zodiac sign in any way, but the neighboring one is about you. The names of the constellations themselves contain a definition of quality. Many people believe that the constellations are named so because you can connect the stars, and you get a figure, for example, a scale. But what kind of dreamer does one have to be to connect the dots in this order? I saw these constellations on the map. I think that it was not without hallucinogenic mushrooms. In reality, these constellations describe an algorithm. Everyone born under one sign or another automatically falls under its influence and begins to work out situations in which they develop the quality of their zodiac sign. That is, the name of the constellation contains a hint of what a person should do.

    So, for example, crayfish are known for going backwards all the time. What can this tell a person? Here an indication is given that one must learn to overcome one's own laziness, inertia, the desire to quit this business and go back.

    Or take the archers. Sagittarius are like children. They were given a bow in their hands, and they immediately begin to shoot at all targets. There is a lot of energy, no less ambition, so they are trying to keep up with all the hares at once. But what does archery require? Several skills: choose a target, pull the string and hit the target. This requires patience, perseverance and the intention to hammer one goal to the end, and not waste your time on trifles.

    You can read more about what needs to be worked out for this or that sign in the book "Karma and Reincarnation" by Boris Monosov. And there is enough written about the spiral of qualities. But I will briefly describe this spiral, otherwise it will not be entirely clear later.

    If astrology divides a circle into 12 points, then sephirothic magic divides it into 10 points, or 9 segments (one of the nine segments includes two points). This division is described in the book of Thoth, which is hierographically represented in the deck of Tarot cards. The deck itself is divided into two parts: large, or major arcana Tarot and small, or minor arcana Tarot. The major arcana describe the vertical evolution of the personality (movement upward), and the minor arcana describe the horizontal evolution (movement in a circle). Minor arcana consist of 4 suits, each of which consists of 14 cards. But there are 10 points on the circle! If we look closely at the minor arcana, we will see that they are divided into numbered arcana (from twos to ten) and signed arcana (from volts to aces). Easier to divide them into "pictures" and "not pictures". It was from them that the usual playing deck originated, in which one "picture" of the suits disappeared. This is the knight who is between the jack and the lady. But now is not about that. We will return to the Tarot cards later, since all sephirothic magic is built on them.

    As you already understood, the spiral is divided into 10 points, described by "not pictures" of small arcana. At the same time, the qualities themselves do not have names. They are called just that: twos, threes, etc. The algorithm of the quality being worked out is encrypted in the Tarot, but in each suit it is the same. That is, the names of the algorithms are suitable for all stripes.

    So, starting evolution on Earth, a person begins to harvest from qualities, moving consistently. From twos to threes, threes to fours. Having reached a dozen, a person leaves for a new round of the spiral, but even there he begins to develop the same qualities, but the viewing angle changes.

    To understand this, let's understand the essence of personality evolution. In general, what is personality? When a person incarnates, his consciousness looks like a smooth piece of plasticine. Gradually, a person begins to gain experience. The experience itself occurs due to the collision of the individual with the outside world. Any collision leaves dents or traces on the person (facets of the person). Thus, it becomes clear to us that evolution is the accumulation of experience. It's just that one caste is a collision with one side, the other with the other. But the collisions themselves take place according to a pre-planned scenario, which is described in the minor arcana.

    Remember, we said that the whole world is energy. From this we can conclude that the evolution of personality is tied to interaction with the energy of the world, but each caste perceives this energy in its own way.

    So, for example, for workers, energy is work. That is, through work, this caste learns the world and itself.

    For merchants, energy is money.

    Wars believe that energy is power.

    And only Magicians mean energy by energy.

    It's not about what we believe in, but how we really see the world. Our angle of view. Imagine once again a 4-storey building, where people of their own caste live on each floor. It represents vertical evolution. But to go from floor to floor, you need to go through 10 steps. This is horizontal evolution.

    Let's describe each quality, each algorithm. This is important enough, because it will help to identify the point at which you are. This means that it will become clear what needs to be worked on.

    Two (0–2) qualities. Cognition

    The first quality that a person encounters in any caste is cognition. That is, twos denote the knowledge of the world into which the person has fallen. The rules of the game are described here. That is, the rules of the game in each caste are different, but it is with their study that a spiral movement begins. And what should the representatives of this or that caste understand?

    In the caste of workers, a person learns the principle of survival in this world: work. A father comes to his son and says: “Son, this is a very cruel world. And in order to survive in it, you have to work, work and work again. So take a shovel and go digging. "

    In the caste of merchants, who are obtained from workers, a person understands that it is not necessary to work and bend your back in a factory. It is enough to build a shop, establish trade relations, find customers - and that's it. There will be money, which means that you can live. That is, values ​​change, a person's perspective on the world changes.

    In the caste of warriors, a person learns that, it turns out, the store is not needed either. What for? It is enough to become a deputy of the State Duma and issue a law where merchants themselves will carry money straight into their pockets. Because if they do not carry it, then we have an army, militia ... We have power. And the merchant won't fight, he'd better pay off.

    And what does the Magician know in twos? Twos in magic correspond to such a concept as "extrasensory perception". What do Magicians need from life? Knowledge and nothing else. However, the degree of knowledge gained from the Mages differs from how the first three castes obtain it. Magicians learn the world from their own experience and simply do not take information on faith. Merchants and warriors do not care where to trade or fight, on a flat or round Earth. But the Mages need information. They must absorb it as a fact. And if the rest of the castes refer to such a concept as, for example, a "living tree", purely speculatively, then Magicians feel life in a tree. They see this life, realize it, interact with it. And this cannot be done with ordinary senses. It is the psychic abilities that give the Magician such knowledge. And since these are deuces (the first quality on the circle), it becomes clear where the movement in magic begins. It is with the development of these abilities in oneself. After all, if you do not see, do not feel the energy, then the belief that it flows along your energy meridians (which you also do not see) will be of no use. For Magicians, magic is the science of facts. Either I see it or I don't.

    But why twos and not ones? Why is the start of a path depicted as zero to two (0-2)? The point is that there is uncertainty in this range. Certain states, a measure of inertia that a person must overcome. You see, the transition from caste to caste is the most difficult period in human evolution. And this is due to the likelihood of falling back to zero.

    For example, what difficulties does an employee experience at the beginning of his evolution? He is faced with the fact that he has to work, but he does not want to work. What? Need to work? No, I'd better go drink vodka with my friends. The caste of workers is most often embodied in the villages where these qualities are best developed.

    When an employee goes to the merchant caste, he finds out that they wanted to spit on his employee skills. If you have money, come in. No - get out. And the difficulty here is that the employee already has a survival system. He already knows how to survive by working with his hands. And when he sees the difficulties of the next caste, he has a completely natural desire to leave to do what he is a professional at.

    When a merchant goes to the warrior caste, he moves there with his values. He's already used to buying everything. And now he also plans to buy power, only that a fig will not work. A striking example from life is Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the founder of the YUKOS company. He was doing well, he was one of the ten richest people in Russia, his company was the main supplier of fuel for the armed forces of our country. But as expected, money at the end of the caste of merchants does not satisfy the merchant himself. You need power. And he climbed into power. I wanted to become the president of Russia, but to be more precise, I wanted to buy this place. But Vladimir Vladimirovich was already sitting there, who had already structured the power for himself. As a result, Khodorkovsky is in prison, and his company has been dismantled to pieces and sold for a pittance to other companies.

    Warriors face similar difficulties when it comes time to become their Mages. They push their fists forward into the magic. They are used to finding out the truth by force, but only this does not work with Mages. Mages have no enemies, and the usual aggression simply does not catch them. The warriors swing their fists in vain and quickly understand who is in charge. Similar transitions can be seen on TV. In the "Battle of Psychics", for example, various sorcerers, witches and psychics are constantly trying to intimidate each other with all sorts of damage and evil eyes. But whose approach is this? Warriors, of course. I call these characters "nedomag". Magicians never threaten anyone and do not damage anyone. They are simply engaged in their own development and protect themselves and their space. Is it the wall to blame if some moron ran up and bumped into it with his head?

    So they were deuces. Caste rules. Description of the world that a person sees from his floor.

    Three (3) qualities. Accumulation

    We remember that these points, algorithms, describe interaction with the world, that is, with energy. In other words, the accumulation of energy occurs in threes.

    In the first caste, we are talking about work, that is, work is accumulated there. How can you save up work?

    Threes are purely the law of conservation of energy. It says that there is a certain limit of energy in space. And if you take energy from one place and transfer it to another, then there will be more of this energy, and in the place where it was taken - less. Imagine there are 40 chairs in the audience. I took one chair and moved it from your corner to my corner. I have one more chair, and you have one less. However, the law of conservation of energy itself strives for balance. If the kettle is not constantly heated, it will cool down. Having lost your chair, you will want to return it ...

    So how do you accumulate work? There is a factory with a limited number of vacancies. For example, five people want to get a job for one vacancy. One was taken, and the others were not. One took energy in the form of a workplace from others. And he sits, accumulates experience in this work.

    The merchants talk about the accumulation of energy in the form of money. You can save money from your salary, or you can create a system when others will carry it to you (business). The guys who work out the troikas in the caste of merchants are very fond of demonstrating this. They wear jewelry, buy expensive things and try to show it to everyone. A similar example is good to consider on the representatives of the American hip-hop culture. Look at all these black rappers. They always have some kind of gold chain adorned with diamonds hanging on their chests, in the videos there are expensive cars and many beautiful women who look more like prostitutes (they also work out triplets), since they are carried on for money. What are these nice American guys trying to tell us all? They say, “Hey, look at us. We have a lot of money, we are no longer laborers (not the first caste), we can afford everything. " They seem to say this to those who really manage finances, who are in eights, nines. But all the earnings of these musicians are elementary triplets. They made an album, other people are buying it. They give money for it, and they have less of this energy, and the author has more. Pure energy conservation law.

    Well, how to save money is clear. How to accumulate power? After all, power is not material. And if we are talking about the law of conservation of energy, then we are talking about the fact that this power is limited, there is a certain limit. And that means that it cannot be taken out of thin air, this power must be taken away. How is this possible? An example is gangs that walk the streets and beat up innocent people. Imagine that you beat a man, and he, bloodied, lies at your feet. What did you take from him? Not a wallet or a cell phone, but power. He now does not rule over the situation and over himself. You are the owner now. The more such situations, the more authority. It is with this that the concept of war trophies is connected. The Indians scalped and took power with them. Vikings chopped off the phalanxes of fingers from their enemies and dressed them like beads, demonstrating their authority, snipers in World War II made notches on the butts. Imagine there is a war going on. You are sitting with your comrades by the fire, and suddenly a sniper with 40 notches on his rifle joins you. Agree, you will talk to him politely.

    Threes in the Mages caste are a very multifaceted thing. This point contains a whole layer of magic known as village magic. Village magic itself arose as follows. At a certain stage of development, the Magician needs to get away from a large crowd of people in order to retire. And often they choose a place near a sparsely populated village. For many Mages, before finally leaving, there is a need to transfer their knowledge. They take disciples from those people who are nearby. And since education is difficult in the villages, they explained everything in the “local” language. And since the Middle Ages, these traditions have been passed on. Hence the "primitiveness" of the presentation of the rituals. But the essence, which at first glance is not visible, is in fact very deep. The very same magic for the most part resembles a collection of grandmother's recipes on how to get energy from one place and send it to another. For example, imagine a healer grandmother in whose house a man dies from some incurable disease. He is in bed, he has a temperature. He sweats, sweat soaks into the pillowcase. Information about the disease is absorbed along with it. Then this healer takes a pillowcase and insists in a jar of water. The water absorbs this information. Then our grandmother treats her neighbor with this water - and that's it, a week later the neighbor is gone. But if you try to repeat it, you will fail. There are many factors to consider: illness, the neighbor's immunity, the way of infusion, the way of serving the drink. The village witches all know this.

    So that's it. What did our grandmother do? She just took the energy and copied it. At the same time, she might not even be in the caste of Mages. By the way, the overwhelming majority of such attendants are not Mages. After all, if we talk specifically about Mages, then in threes it turns out something like this: the Mage sees a disease in a person, and according to the law of conservation of energy, this painful energy must be put somewhere. You can put it in an egg, you can put it in salt water, or you can throw it on another person. In this case, the patient recovers, and the healthy one gets sick. At this stage, many psychics were killed. When a person develops sensitivity (deuces) and some ability to interact with it (threes), then for some reason many immediately begin to engage in healing. And this is understandable, since there is a lot of money in this industry. People always get sick, so why not get them treated? Only, apparently, these guys did not study physics at school well. The law of conservation of energy does not spare anyone. If you pull out the disease, then you need to shove it somewhere. And most often these would-be healers take this energy upon themselves. For the time being, their immune system copes, but then they quickly wither away. The high mortality rate among these people is proof of this.

    Fours (4). Give name

    In the fours we are faced with the principle “As you name the yacht, so it will float”. In other words, we see a process and call it somehow. That is, we are working through the name.

    For example, in the caste of workers Vasya comes up to you and says: "Well, whoever digs like this with a shovel, you have to dig like this." And it shows. You tried it and saw that it is really more convenient to dig this way. And they called this method "The method of digging with a shovel named after Vasya." Or some artist lived and invented a new way of drawing. And I named it somehow.

    Fours are when we get into some part of the world and see the name of this part. And if no one named it, then we call it ourselves.

    In the caste of merchants, the four are a brand. A label that works for a merchant. For example, I tell you: McDonald's or Coca-Cola. And that's all. You don't need to say anything else, you yourself understand what this is about. That is, you open your store and call it something. So fours is when people are already interacting with your name, and not with you.

    Fours in the warrior caste are different titles. For example, he was a senior lieutenant - now a captain. One more star, a couple of letters in the name have changed, but now the person is already perceived differently. The title gives more power, more people in submission. Here are all sorts of laureates of various awards. All this affects the authority of a person in his environment.

    The fact is that through the name of the object you can influence the object itself. For example, imagine a gang of robbers. They have a leader and several of his subordinates. One of them has the nickname Cowardly. The leader approaches him and says: "Now you will be the Brave." And he told him: "But, boss, I'm kind of scared of everything, I'm cowardly." - “And now you will be a daredevil! Have you all heard? Now all call him a daredevil! " And what will become of the cowardly? Whether you like it or not, you will have to work out a new title. Changed the name of the object - changed the object itself.

    My best friend did this thing with him. When girls approached him to get acquainted, he answered in all seriousness that his name was Albert Krasatulin. Of course, no one believed in this, but contact with the girls was established. And if it began as a simple joke for acquaintance, then later this name stuck to him tightly. He subscribed so on the Internet, talked about it in conversation. In the end, everyone knew that Krasatulin was him. The result was not long in coming. The number of women he has increased tenfold. He has no problem with them at all.

    So, the principle "Change the name of the object, and the object itself will change" is the basis of the magic of the fours. This section in magic is called "Kabbalah". The Kabbalah, which the Jews study, is a primer in comparison with the real Kabbalah. When the Magician reaches the level of fours, he begins to see the world, as Neo saw the matrix. No, there are no green hieroglyphs there, it's just that now the name of the object is not just a sound, but also an energy signal. And since the whole world is energy, now the Magician distinguishes between various impulses of this energy, and these impulses can be designated by letters or by the source code. The expression "In the beginning was a word" refers to the fact that any object is a word. A set of energy parameters. And if ordinary Kabbalists try to select different letters for objects in an attempt to comprehend its nature (true name), then Magicians-Kabbalists simply see this nature. So, for example, the same illness in the human body is when there is a mistake (illness) in his true name (human energy). By changing one letter to another, a person recovers.

    As an example, I will tell you a case from my life. One of my students was afraid of heights to trembling knees. The fact is that at the age of 12, she was pushed into the water from a 10-meter tower in the pool. She hit hard. Although she did not break anything, her psyche was damaged. Here we are faced with the fact that all these fears in fours are a very specific thing that can be seen. I asked the girl to recall this situation and saw how a spot appeared in the chest area on her cocoon (the letter of the damaged name). Then, with my consciousness, I began to introduce the parameters of a person who is not afraid of heights, but, on the contrary, loves it. That is, I caught my attention on the damaged area of ​​the cocoon and entered other parameters there, while continuing to scan this area and making sure that the necessary changes took place. Outwardly, it looked like this: she was sitting on a chair, I was opposite, other students strengthened me - and no suggestion, hypnosis, etc. A week later, she brought me a DVD with a video of her parachute jump. Moreover, according to eyewitnesses, of all those present, she was the least afraid of all, although none of the rest in childhood received psychological trauma associated with height.

    We often repeat that the modern Society is built for the first 3 Castes, and therefore, people moving into the 4th Caste begin to "drop out" from it, experiencing certain difficulties.

    Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

    1. The Workers caste is represented in the Society by the very Proletarians for whose rights the Bolsheviks fought so hard. These are people of labor. Urban workers and rural peasants. People performing simple work, work that requires certain qualifications, up to complex work on modern equipment. All of this reflects the different levels of the Worker caste. With the acquisition of life experience and the development of various simple working specialties, over many lifetimes, a person begins to master more complex working specializations provided by society. In modern society, there are many job positions and there is a constant need for a caste of Workers. An employee who has completely "worked out" this level smoothly moves to the Kasta Kuptsov, starting to establish contacts, conclude deals, supply working equipment and so on.

    2. The Merchant caste. These are people involved in Business and Trade. And also all kinds of employees and some engineers. Unlike Workers, Merchants seek to acquire education according to the principle of what they like best (but not according to the principle of practicality or competitiveness) ... The social range of Merchants extends from a simple trader in a grocery store to an international sales agent, intermediary or Distributor a large company. The social demand for people with a level of Merchant consciousness is high. Having worked out the level of the Merchant's consciousness, a person smoothly passes into the Warrior caste, occupying a leadership position, organizing his own business, and so on.

    3. Warriors. These are organizers and leaders of all stripes, as well as commanders in the army. The Warrior caste's social range extends from the grocery owner to the President of the State. The social demand for people with the level of consciousness of the Warriors is quite large. Warriors strive to get a good education and are in constant competition.

    It should be noted that social wages in developed countries are structured in such a way that the Worker earns less than the Merchant, who in turn earns less than the Warrior, at a similar level.

    Of course, a distributor of a large company, which is one of the maximum possible manifestations of the level of a Merchant in society, earns more than an ordinary engineer, but not more than the Head of a large Concern, who is one of the highest social manifestations of the level of a Warrior.

    Social wages stimulate the development of the individual in society and society as a whole. The employee sees and understands that in order to increase the salary, it is necessary to study and become a master. The merchant sees and understands that in order to increase earnings and a more interesting life, it is necessary to study and become a leader ...

    Those. at the level of the first 3 castes, the modern social structure of society in developed countries works very successfully.

    The problem begins with the transition from the Warrior caste to the Mages caste. A warrior who has “acquired” all his military qualities by the middle of his life and has attained high leadership positions begins to perceive the world differently. He becomes uninteresting and tiresome social fuss associated with leadership and working according to the rules that he is not able to change.

    We are talking about a situation when a person has already changed all possible jobs and was convinced from his own experience that the “problem” does not lie in this workplace and not in this boss or subordinate, but in the very essence of the work being performed.

    This is what is called full level development. When a person no longer has the illusion that somewhere there is a company in which everything happens differently ... When a person has already learned from his own experience that everything is the same everywhere, only with slight, cosmetic differences ...

    Society is constantly evolving and the pace of its development is constantly accelerating. If we compare the requirements for an engineer today and 100 years ago, the difference will be enormous.
    The former engineer received a diploma and subsequently performed work according to his qualifications. A modern engineer, regardless of his specialty, is obliged to own a computer, pass psychological tests, be able to work with people, speak foreign languages, periodically fly to conferences or exhibitions in other countries and communicate with colleagues around the world.

    Even observing from our own experience the changes that have occurred in the field of computer technology over the past 30 years, it is impossible not to track the manifold increase in the intensity of engineering activities.

    The acceleration of the pace of social life, increased competition, an increase in the cost of living and much more, leads to an acceleration in the development of the necessary experience at the level of all castes, and first of all the Warrior caste.

    At some point, a successful leader begins to lose interest in his activities, motivation for further advancement, realizing that this will not bring him anything new, except for even more headache and fuss ...

    Such a person begins to think about why it all happens this way ... what and how can be changed. He "wakes up" an interest in knowledge. A person begins to read "smart" books, to talk with people - that is, to show all the signs of a transition to the next caste, to the next level of consciousness.

    But, in this case (in contrast to the previous inter-caste transitions), the society has nothing to offer it. If a successful Merchant became a Leader and continued to “build up” his potential, then a successful Leader, tired of constant running and fuss, does not see any social opportunity in front of him, where he could use all his acquired qualities, plus a new vision and understanding of the world ... and at the same time continue to make money at the achieved level ...

    It is this state that we call the social lack of demand for the 4th caste.

    If you think about it, successful leaders who acquire psychic abilities and a more expanded view of the situation can greatly help in "diagnostics", in "navigation" (choosing a more successful path) and in many other areas of modern social production.

    But, since the number of self-realized people of the 4th caste is very insignificant, they have not yet prepared a place in the modern social hierarchy.

    In a Warrior passing into the Mages caste, the cocoon energy begins to rise from Manipura to Anahata, increasing the frequency at the same time. As the frequency increases, the amount of energy decreases. It turns out that a strong and experienced leader begins to turn into a novice psychic.

    A person finds himself in a situation where he can no longer live in the old way, because the energy on Manipur has become less and he begins to "get out" of the "engagement" with the egregors of the Warrior caste, but he still does not know how to live in a new way.

    The world around begins to change, the old interests, hobbies and meanings cease to be interesting, the old motivation disappears, and new opportunities are not only not in demand in society, but, at first, bring some inconvenience.

    The leader begins to "read" the state of people and intuitively feel situations, including all the lies, falsity and hypocrisy ... Attending meetings, he hears one thing and feels another. At the same time, he cannot talk about his new sensations with anyone, and he no longer wants to “play” with old games ...

    In situations like this, some people leave leadership positions and move to more technical or research jobs, where they are more on their own and do not have to communicate with people and lead them ...

    Some leave production altogether (see article Downshifting phenomenon in the Press Materials section).

    It is assumed that with the development of society and the consciousness of people, there will be a demand for people of the 4th caste. Any business will only benefit if it creates positions for "Diagnostics" who can better test people when hiring, test business partners when making deals, analyze and predict market developments, and much more.

    The same should happen in other areas.
    For example, Medicine. Today there is official medicine from doctors of 2-3 castes and alternative medicine from Psychics and Healers - people of the 4th caste.

    The social doctor does not feel the patient. He has learned theory and practice, and instead of looking and feeling a specific patient and a specific disorder, he looks at the computer, where he has written down general recommendations for a given set of symptoms ...

    In modern society, any person who graduated from a medical institute can become a doctor. At the same time, a real Healer can only be a person of the 4th caste, of course, who has received the appropriate education.

    Roughly the same thing is happening in the field of education. Modern social education does not develop children, but rather simply fixes them in a certain average position of the Treaty.

    A modern teacher, as a rule, does not feel either the audience or the material taught. He simply learns the material and passes it on to the children.

    Education is the foundation of all life. Education should be divided into castes. What is capable of perceiving the consciousness of a child of the 1st caste is fundamentally different from what the consciousness of a child of the 3rd, and even more so, of the 4th caste can perceive.

    As a result, we are witnessing a crisis in the modern education system, which is trying to be “good” for everyone without dividing by levels. As a result, public education is leveled to the lowest caste, and parents are forced to send more developed children to private schools ...

    In order for a new vision and perception of the world and man to become possible and in demand, it is necessary to develop the consciousness of an individual and society as a whole.
    New knowledge is needed, which, at the moment, are present only in the Esoteric Heritage.

    It is worth mentioning that in Antiquity, Doctors, Engineers and Teachers were people of the level of development of the 4th Caste, which is completely forgotten by modern society.

    The work of the Institute of Magic "Atlantis" and our Center for the Study of Heritage are aimed specifically at the development of the Personality and raising the level of Consciousness of a modern educated person.

    We are making efforts to begin to create in modern society an understanding of the idea of ​​the development of Personality and Consciousness, the path of evolution of Consciousness within the planetary system.

    The change in society begins with a change in the consciousness of people. Only developed, socially realized individuals are able to make any changes to the existing order.

    People who are not self-realized in Society will be perceived by them as "losers" and will never have enough influence to bring new ideas into society. They will continue to provide individual "Magical" services, as they do today (and for thousands of years), but they will not contribute to the development of society ...

    The expansion of modern society to the level of the 4th caste is possible only thanks to developed Personalities who have fully worked out the Warrior caste and are in a creative search for new ways and opportunities.

    Society is our habitat. We are all part of it and it develops as our consciousness develops. In ancient civilizations, there was a different society, which differently solved almost all issues. The path to such a society is still far away, and no social revolutions will solve the problem until there is a sufficient number of Personalities with the accumulated Consciousness, who transfer to the caste of Magicians.

    Therefore, at this stage in the development of modern society, we are in many respects pioneers, and we are guided by the Legacy of Ancient Civilizations to pave new social paths, with the goal of not reinventing the long-invented "bicycle".

    The purpose of our Center is to accumulate and process the experience of people leading an active social life, developing a Personality and complicating their Consciousness before moving to the caste of Magicians.

    Such people are faced with the same type of problems, which we are jointly trying to solve ...

    It is for this reason that we do not focus on paranormal abilities, active in past incarnations, alien contacts, all kinds of predictions and predictions.

    The legacy of ancient civilizations is the result of ancient science, ancient social structure. To master them, you need developed, educated Personalities, capable of independent thinking and analysis.

    In modern society, the idea has taken root that Esotericism is Mysticism and that it is incompatible with science and self-realized Personalities.

    This is a fundamentally erroneous opinion, created and supported by people who are not self-realized, not educated, who do not know how to understand and explain anything ...

    The problem lies in the fact that until recently, our modern view of the world was so “primitive” that we had no chance to understand and accept ancient knowledge. The museums exhibit many ancient technological artifacts, by definition - objects of worship ...

    We live in an era of revision and rethinking of our history, our understanding of the world and man ...

    And it all begins with each individual self-realized Personality ... who has reached the level of the 4th caste ...