• What can be cooked from squid: quick and tasty

    Yasinetskaya N.,

    post-graduate student of the All-Union Economic Research Institute in the city of Kirov.

    Feelings and qualities that make up the concept of "citizenship".

    Many researchers consider “civic-mindedness” as an integrative quality of personality (OI Volzhina, AS Gayazov, OI Zolotov, OP Pesotskaya, etc.)

    The concept of "quality", in turn, is a philosophical category, "expressing the essential certainty of an object, thanks to which it is precisely this and not another." that manifests itself consistently in a wide range of situations ”.

    Emotions and feelings are also personal formations. They characterize a person socially - psychologically.

    If emotions are a direct reflection, an experience of the existing relationship, and not their reflection, then feelings have an objective character and are associated with a representation or idea of ​​some object.

    If emotionality is considered to be one of the innate and vitally stable characteristics of a person, the peculiarity of feelings is that they improve and, developing, form a number of levels, ranging from direct feelings and ending with higher feelings related to spiritual values ​​and ideals. The development of feelings, as noted by psychologists, can go in several directions. In the direction associated with the inclusion in the sphere of human emotional experiences of new objects, objects, events, people. Polylines of increasing conscious, volitional control and control of their feelings on the part of a person. And, finally, in the direction of gradual inclusion in the moral regulation of higher values ​​and norms: conscience, duty, responsibility, etc. The improvement of higher feelings means the personal development of their owner.

    Let's consider what qualities determine citizenship.

    In the research works of O.I. Volzhina, A.S. Gayazov, V.I. Zolotova, O. I. Pesotskaya's civic qualities include:

    Civic duty is a conscious system of civic requirements of society and the individual, caused by the needs of social necessity and specific goals and objectives of the historical stage of development;

    Civil dignity is a set of civic qualities of a person, as well as an assessment of these qualities by the individual and public opinion; (2, p. 156)

    Civic responsibility is a personality trait characterized by the desire and ability to assess their behavior in terms of benefit or harm to society, to measure their actions against the prevailing requirements in society, norms, laws, to correlate needs with real opportunities, guided by the interests of social progress; (2, p. 156)

    A civic conscience is “not common to all people, but the individual state of one person; it does not equalize people, but calls each individual to the realization of the good that is available to him, and all the justice that is due from him to other people. (4, p. 179)

    Sense of patriotism and internationalism - a sense of love for the Motherland, activities aimed at serving the interests of the Fatherland, and respect for the sovereignty and national pride of other peoples;

    Civic consciousness;

    Civic engagement;

    Unity of civic consciousness and behavior;

    Respect for the laws of the state and readiness to comply with them;

    Respect and acceptance of the rights and obligations of a citizen, etc .;

    We have listed only those qualities that coincide with the above-named researchers in the definition of citizenship.

    Half of the listed qualities (civic duty, civic responsibility, civic dignity, civic conscience, a sense of patriotism and internationalism) are those values ​​and norms that relate to the highest feelings of the individual. The level of their development speaks about the moral state of the individual.

    So, based on the above, we can conclude that moral feelings and qualities are interrelated. Without developed moral feelings, a moral quality will not be formed, or it will be unstable and unstable.

    Citizenship without moral feelings and qualities is deprived of the basis that encourages a person to act for the benefit not only of his own interests and benefits, but for the benefit of another person, society, country.

    Consequently, citizenship is the integration of not only qualities, but also feelings. For it is the presence of moral feelings that makes citizenship an individual form of morality.


    1. Volzhina O. I. Development of the idea of ​​civic education of the younger generation (historical and pedagogical aspect): author. dis. ... Cand. ped. Sciences - M.: 1991. -21s.

    2.Gayazov A.S. Theory and practice of civic education of young people at the present stage. : d is... ... doct. ped. Sciences: 13.00.01: approved 31.03.98 - Birsk, 1996. - 306p. - Bibliography: 284-299.

    3. Zolotov V.I. Political culture and citizenship. - Barnaul, 1989. - p. 110-115.

    4.Ilyin I.A. The path to the obvious: Works .- M.: 1998.- 912s.

    5.Nemov R.S. Psychology. Textbook. For students of higher education. Ped. study . from alerts... In 3 kn. Book. 1. General Foundations of Psychology. - 2nd ed. - M.: 1995 - 576s.

    6.Pesotskaya O.P. The effectiveness of preparing a future teacher for civic education of senior pupils: author. ... Ph.D. sciences. - M.: 1994. - 20s.

    Pedagogical assistance to civic development of the individual requires an understanding of the psychological foundations this process. What is to be developed? The manifestation of what psychological structures underlies the process of civil development of the individual? In what features and characteristics are these psychological structures embodied? What is the relationship between them? What is their role in the integral process of civil development of the individual?

    Consideration of this issue will allow the practicing teacher to look for those types of activities in which it becomes possible manifestation and improvement these features and characteristics, as well as - to correctly select the forms and methods of pedagogical influence and interaction.

    In the previous part of our manual "The purpose and essence of the upbringing process" (Part 4), we have already described the psychological foundations of personality development, which are common characteristics, however , manifested in various aspects of the holistic development of the personality (for example , civil, moral, aesthetic, physical, etc.), acquire specific peculiarities depending on the conditions of their implementation.

    Personality manifests itself at the level consciousness (her judgments, assessments, beliefs, etc.), emotions and feelings (her reactions to the world around her, experiences), behavior (her actions, habits, behavior style). In promoting civic personal development, educators need to see specific manifestation of these psychological structures in which civic traits ... We invite you to characterize civic consciousness, civic consciousness, civic feelings, civic actions.

    CIVIL CONSCIOUSNESS - this is a reflection in the consciousness of a person of the laws of society, its norms and principles. Civic consciousness manifests itself on three levels:

    On 1st level man shows knowledge laws, norms and principles that are accepted in society, he is familiar for example, with the economic, political, moral foundations of society, political parties and social movements, their leaders, election programs. But the formal assimilation of knowledge (even with a broad outlook) shows that it is quite difficult for a person to make his choice, since knowledge only presupposes a certain level of awareness and understanding of meanings in events and phenomena of the country's economic and political life.

    On 2nd level manifest beliefs a person is a collection ideas that are comprehended acquire personal significance and expediency in the life of a given person. This is knowledge that has become the personal property of a person. They underlie his position in life, which determines his relationship with the world. Beliefs come in into the system of motives human behavior that condition aspiration (intention) to bring them to life. For example , in their views on society, its political and economic structure, a person may be close to the idea of ​​community or private property, equality of people or their class. A person can share the ideas of a monarchical or democratic structure of society, social equality of men and women (placement and dismissal for work, care and upbringing of children), etc. What ideas do you share?

    3rd level characterized by conviction person. It manifests itself as the ability of a person to express, defend and argue his point of view(your beliefs, position).

    As you can see, it is the teacher that largely determines the level of civic consciousness at which the development of the individual takes place. The teacher may only be interested in transmissionknowledge , perhaps, the breadth of his horizons, but only this is his pedagogical activity. Storytelling and lecture remain the leading teaching methods.

    The teacher may be interested in ensuring that the student's knowledge goes to the level of hisbeliefs, and therefore in his work he uses a variety of forms and methods of educational and cognitive activity, allowing students to show personal positions and make choices.

    A teacher interested in teaching a studentexpress your point of view,argue it, widely uses in his lessons the methods that activate their cognitive activity - disputes, discussions, political debates, "brainstorming", etc.

    The civic consciousness of the individual is manifested in the breadth of his horizons and in the ability of a person to operate with this knowledge (ideas), which become motives his behavior. However, the development in the personality of various levels of civic consciousness will only become effective when the personality becomes characteristic civic CONSCIOUSNESS - “A person's awareness and assessment of himself as a subject of practical and cognitive activity aspersonality "(71, p. 566). Thus, the concept of "civic consciousness" reflects processknowledge a person of his personality in accordance with the laws and regulations that are adopted in this society. Cognition occurs yourself as a citizen. Psychologists use another term - consciousness - to indicate a level of personality development at which it becomes possible to manifest “A conscious attitude to the world”, behavior “regulated through understanding one's own actions and their results in accordance with goals and motives” (57, p. 349). It is from the moment when a person begins to realize his civic identity, his ideas, norms and principles of behavior, that his civic development takes place.

    In this case, you can say Ocivic position of the individual how relationship systems to the world, which are based on certain ideas, life values, norms, principles that regulate its interaction with the world, individual actions and behavior in general. Citizenship is a vision of the world and oneself in it, one's social essence and the roles that each person must fulfill.

    The civil position of a modern person is characterized by:

      tolerance - tolerance in relation to a different opinion, deed, position; recognition of the possibility of the existence of different points of view; the ability to listen to a different point of view, treat it with respect;

      compromise - the ability to sacrifice some of their interests for the sake of solving common problems; mutual desire to solve the problem; refusal to achieve their goals in any way.

    Civic duty Is a person's awareness of personal responsibility

    (to the country, other people) in the performance of their civic duties. Taking responsibility means realizing your capabilities, purpose and meaning of certain life values, correlating these values ​​in terms of their importance. Civic duty is built on the personal convictions of a person (civic position), his civic consciousness. For example, such a duty for a man in any state is to serve in the army and protect the Fatherland in case military action, for women - the birth and upbringing of children.

    How do you think, to what extent is it possible in a modern school to develop the civic consciousness of the individual - its civic position and civic duty? What do you know from the practical experience of innovative schools? What can you offer yourself?

    Civil Act , as psychologists understand it, is "Element of motive behavior". Unlike impulsive

    actions, the deed is committed with an accepted intention (57, p. 269).

    A civil act is committed in accordance with social requirements, it reflects the leading needs of the individual, its relationship with the surrounding reality, character, temperament.

    Assessing the degree of participation of an individual in the social life of the country (work or school collective), the manifestation of his independence and initiative, one can judge about the civic ACTIVITY of the individual .

    In what actions is citizenship manifested?an adult human? First of all - participation in political elections; participation in the work of political parties and social movements; rallies and demonstrations where it becomes possible to express your attitude to the actions of the government; strikes as extreme measures of protest; appeal through a newspaper, etc.

    And in what actions can citizenship be manifestedschoolboy ? What do you know from the practical experience of innovative schools? What conditions for the development of civic activity of schoolchildren can you offer?

    The formation of the civic consciousness and self-awareness of the individual determines the civic actions of the individual, contributes to the development of his civic activity. but how do the ideas of society (state) become ideas of the individual? Why does a person accept some ideas and reject others? Why do all of us (even with their general similarity) have a different position in life and realize our civic duty? Of course, all these questions cannot be answered unambiguously. Each person develops his own individual experience, the hierarchy of life values, motives, etc. is built in different ways. An important role in this is played by emotions and feelings which can explain to a certain extent "Mechanism of regulation of activity and behavior" (57, p. 411).

    As psychologists note, emotions and feelings are mental processes and states based on human needs (desires, interests, ideas and ideals, meanings of life, etc.). Emotions show Direct experiencesignificance ... any situations and phenomena of the surrounding life acting on a person "( 57, p. 411).

    The emotions and feelings that accompany the social life of a person, the process of cognition of the phenomena and situations of the life around him and himself, as a member of this society, are called civic EMOTIONS and FEELINGS. These include, for example, the feeling of love for the Motherland, which can manifest itself in different people in different emotional states - joy, care, pain, anger, sadness. But this feeling may not arise (or it may disappear) if a person receives only negative impressions from the reality in which he finds himself, experiences only negative states.

    Emotional experiences stimulate activity human: positive emotions encourage the achievement and preservation of what causes pleasant, desirable states for the person himself; negative emotions encourage avoiding an unpleasant, harmful state for a person. That is why a person may come to a decision to leave his homeland or, conversely, take an active civic position (speak in the press, at rallies, engage in lawmaking activities in government bodies, etc.).

    Civic emotions and feelings relate to higher mental processes... Unlike, for example, feelings of hunger or thirst, civic emotions and feelings are based on not only direct experiences of the situation (I like it - I don't like it, I want it - I don't want it), but also on convictions, civil positions .

    So, civic duty manifests itself in feelings of responsibility, personal involvement in certain phenomena and events of life. When a person realizes the significance of any idea, he experiences a state of ascent, feels a surge of strength and energy, his readiness to achieve the goal. He deliberately manifests a desire for its embodiment, he realizes himself in civil actions.

    You can observe people who have civic feelings we are not acquainted, they are not worried about everything that happens in life, in the hierarchy of their values ​​in the first place are those that are associated only with material wealth. Common man - this is the name of a person who, in his thoughts and moods, has not risen above personal interests.

    But the desire for material prosperity does not exclude the possibility of manifestation of civic position and civic feelings (for example, defending one's right to work, receiving wages and social benefits).

    You can observe people who deny any innovations, show disbelief in positive changes, see only destructive actions, their incompetence in the activities of the state and its leaders. In life, such people are called nihilists .

    You can observe and fanatical devotion idea, when a person is closed to the perception and awareness of other ideas, he is not characterized by tolerance and compromise. Fanatical behavior few people make a desire to communicate with such a person who does not want to listen to others.

    Thus , the development of civic emotions and feelings is the most important moment civic development of personality. Their awakening and improvement is one of the ways to activate the educational process of the school. It turns out that it is important not only to create conditions for the manifestation and formation of civic position and personal conviction, but also to create situations that allow one to experience a variety of emotions and feelings.

    Everyone knows that the comprehension of events and phenomena of social life (past or present), which did not cause any (or caused negative) emotions, remains at the formal level of assimilation, this knowledge is not included in the student's personal experience. V. A. SUKHOMLINSKY believed that in the lesson it is important to organize "Knowledge of the heart", when the perception of scientific knowledge is accompanied by the experiences of children, their emotional assessments, in which involvement in the events and phenomena of both the distant past and the present (what they observe around them) is manifested.

    Today, many teachers use the methods of suggestive pedagogy and empathy methods (didactic theater, business games, playing situations, etc.). Do you know such methods? How possible is their application in the lessons of your subject?

    Practical tasks

    Try to compile a socio-psychological portrait of a citizen's personality, in which his features and characteristics could be arranged in accordance with psychological structures: civic consciousness, civic consciousness, civic feelings and civic actions.

    This will help you to select the forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical activity, to see their appropriateness for solving specific problems of personality development.



    1 FSAEI HPE "Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University"

    2 Naberezhnye Chelny Institute, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

    3 Naberezhnye Chelny Institute, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University

    This article analyzes the problem of civic education, the essence of which is the formation of a person who can benefit society, civic consciousness, civic feelings, civic behavior, civic engagement. Civic education must be carried out at all levels of education: preschool, school, university. The result of civic education is the formation of citizenship. To study the formation of citizenship among university students, four criteria have been identified: cognitive, emotional, activity-based and need-motivational. The levels of civic education were revealed depending on the degree of formation of civic qualities, the adoption and implementation of a behavioral decision, the relationship of external influences and internal self-regulation, and a diagnostic map was developed to identify the formation of civic consciousness.

    civic education


    citizenship building process

    formation of citizenship



    1. Bondarevskaya E.V. The problem of the formation of the moral consciousness of the personality of senior schoolchildren // Sov. pedagogy. - 1980. - No. 1. - S. 42-49.

    2. Veremeeva E.P. Students as a social group of society. The structure of the student's consciousness // A comprehensive approach to the communist education of student youth. - Lviv: Vishcha school, 1980. - S. 38-54.

    3. Gayazov A.S. Formation of a Citizen: Theory, Practice, Problems / Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing house of the Chelyab. State Pedagogical University "Fakel", 1995. - 237 p.

    4. Russu I.N. Education of citizenship among students of a comprehensive school. - Chisinau: Shtinitsa, 1976 .-- 192 p.

    5. Khmelyuk R.I. Formation of civic maturity of student youth. - Kiev, Odessa: Vishcha school, 1978 .-- 134 p.

    Civic education at the present stage is a multifaceted, multipurpose, multidirectional pedagogical activity, the essence of which is the formation of a personality capable of benefiting society, feeling itself legally, socially and politically capable.

    To successfully solve the problem of civic education, it is necessary to implement it at all levels of education: preschool, school, university. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the education of students' citizenship. According to sociologists, educators and psychologists, in particular E.P. Veremeeva, “in her student years, which are the time of the most intensive development of the intellectual and moral capabilities of a person, the foundation of the personality is laid, from its appearance to what determines the core of the personality - its character and worldview. At this time, a more serious attitude towards life, greater independence gradually comes, and with it responsibility for their actions, the desire to establish stable relations with people, to meaningful communication, to proactive and creative solution of professional problems, to sobriety of thinking and maturity of judgment. This period in a person's life is characterized by the most active development of moral feelings. "

    Theoretical basis civic education of the younger generation received coverage in the scientific works of psychologists, teachers, lawyers, philosophers and sociologists of different eras. So, the foundations of civic education were laid in the works of Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, V.G. Belinsky, A.I. Herzen, N.G. Chernyshevsky, V. Ya. Stoyunin, V.A. Sukhomlinsky and many other domestic and foreign philosophers and teachers.

    I.N. Russou defines citizenship as the interconnection of three aspects:

    • rational (a set of qualities with the help of which a person realizes his position in society);
    • sensual and emotional (representing an assessment of this position, the rights and duties of a citizen, expressed in a sense of love and devotion to the state and society);
    • practical (refraction in practical terms of their conscious position as a citizen).

    E.V. Bondarevskaya identifies 3 components of civic education: the normative component of civic qualities (knowledge, moral concepts, principles, ideas that express society's requirements for human behavior and gradually become the property of the individual); regulatory component (feelings, attitudes, beliefs that have a regulatory effect on the personality); evaluation component (assessment and self-assessment), which are used by a citizen in practice.

    The result of civic education is the formation of citizenship. To determine the formation of civic education among university students, we identified four criteria: cognitive, emotional, activity-based and need-motivational.

    Indicators of the formation of students' civic consciousness are civic consciousness, civic feelings, civic behavior, civic engagement, which are expressed in active participation in the public life of the country, city, educational institution, awareness of rights and responsibilities, civic position, which characterizes the worldview of an individual, her beliefs, attitude to society and the state, people and socio-political phenomena, manifested in his activities.

    The same approach is followed by R.I. Khmelyuk. It connects knowledge, beliefs, activities and behavior of an individual as a single integrity in determining civic maturity.

    A.S. Gayazov supplements this approach with the remark that it is necessary to determine the levels of manifestation of these qualities in civil activity at its various stages.

    Thus, the analysis of scientific studies devoted to this problem shows that scientists unanimously recognize the need to study and the possibility of taking into account the results of civic education.

    Indeed, in order to manage the process of the formation of citizenship, it is necessary to be able to track the progress of students in their development. This requires the creation of appropriate diagnostic programs. Depending on the degree of formation of civic qualities, the adoption and implementation of a behavioral decision, the ratio of external influences and internal self-regulation determine the levels of civic education.

    On this basis, we tried to determine the diagnostic map of the formation of citizenship, which helps to concretize the goals of education of citizenship, to determine the tactics and strategy of work, allows to approach students with different levels of formation of citizenship in a differentiated way and provides an individual approach to each student.

    Depending on the completeness of the emerging qualities, manifested by a person of public orientation and civic position, we identified three levels of formation of civic consciousness among students: high, medium, low.

    The high level is characterized by a stable and positive experience of civic behavior, deep conviction, a socially valuable attitude towards attitudes and behavior, a responsible attitude to the observance of laws, labor and social duties. The student is characterized by the unity of consciousness and behavior. He studies well, carries out tasks assigned with desire, showing activity and creativity, humanity towards people, animals, stands up for those who need it.

    For the middle level, stable positive behavior, the presence of regulation and self-regulation are characteristic, although an active civic position in relation to the activities and actions of comrades is not always manifested. Students of this group know their rights and obligations, the rules of conduct and observe them, are truthful, true to their word. But they do not show independent initiative, since the social activity characteristic of the highest level is not sufficiently developed.

    The low level of formation of students' civics is characterized by a weak manifestation of a positive, yet unstable experience of civic behavior. Students have little knowledge of the norms of morality and law, they are indifferent to work and study, not showing initiative. They need constant encouragement from teachers and the team.

    On high level students show only positive manifestations, on average - not always, on low - rarely. The nature of the manifestations can be different. For some, cognitive activity increases, for others, social and political activity. Signs different levels the formation of civic consciousness of the selected complex of qualities are summarized in diagnostic table 1. It presents indicators and signs of different levels of civic education, which act as specific "keys" for recognition. This diagnostic program allows you to see the essence of the phenomenon being studied, to understand the motives of students' behavior through their attitude to society, the state, work and oneself.

    According to V.P. Bespalko, it is necessary to highlight the diagnostic and diagnosable signs. Among the diagnosed qualities, we include: social orientation of the individual, fulfillment of civic duty, awareness of rights and obligations, civic position, which characterize the worldview of the individual, her beliefs, attitude to society and the state. Indicators and signs of different levels of citizenship formation are presented in Table 1.

    Table 1.

    Diagnostic card for determining the levels of formation of citizenshipuniversity students


    Indicators of citizenship

    Signs of manifestation of different levels of civic education





    Civic consciousness

    Knows the basic documents about human and civil rights: about political, social, civil, economic, cultural rights. Realizes and fulfills rights and obligations. Knows and correctly evaluates social phenomena and processes, evaluates his own actions and actions from the position of the interests of society, requires this from others.

    Knows constitutional laws, tries to fulfill his duties;

    knows and correctly evaluates social phenomena and processes, evaluates his own actions and actions from the position of the interests of society, but does not require this from others.

    He does not know enough constitutional laws, does not always fulfill his duties in good faith, finds it difficult to assess social phenomena and processes.


    Civil feelings

    He loves his homeland, the country, the people around him, is proud of his country, shows respect for the traditions and customs of his people, is emotional,

    knows how to find in any situation the beauty in life, in nature, in the moral character and behavior of a person. He is caring, always attentive, shows mercy and helps the weak, sick and needy.

    He loves his homeland, the country, the people around him, is proud of his country, respects traditions and customs

    their people; caring for the people around him, respects elders, does not always pay due attention to those who need his help.

    Shows no interest in the fate of his homeland, in the people around him; indifferent to the traditions and customs of his people; rarely shows concern for the people around him, is not attentive to those who need his help.


    Civil behavior

    Observes the rules and norms of behavior existing in society, requires it from others; willingly, responsibly and willingly fulfills

    public assignments; participates in solving socially significant problems; combines public and personal interests; fulfills the requirements of the team.

    He tries to comply with the rules and norms of behavior that exist in society, but does not require good behavior from others, he willingly fulfills a public assignment; does not always participate in public life

    institute; tries to fulfill the requirements of the team.

    Allows deviations in the observance of law and order,

    needs additional control from adults, comrades;

    reluctantly fulfills assignments, but only under the condition of supervision by teachers and classmates; does not always fulfill the requirements of the team.


    Civic engagement

    He actively participates in the public life of the city, country, institute, is active in his studies, demands it from others; shows initiative, independence in the fight against violators of discipline; acts as an organizer of various actions and knows how to inspire others to socially significant activities; makes social contacts easily. Knows how to express and defend his point of view; self-critical, demanding, persistently working on himself; bears full responsibility for their affairs. Skillfully applies knowledge about citizenship, the social role of a citizen in practice.

    Participates in the public life of the country, city, does not require it from others; supports the fight against violators of discipline and law and order; takes part in various promotions; can establish social contacts; does not always express his point of view; objectively evaluates their cognitive capabilities and character traits; working on himself is not enough; does not always apply knowledge about citizenship, the social role of a citizen in practice; does not always show persistence and perseverance in achieving the goal; not ready to realize himself as a citizen.

    He reluctantly participates in the public life of the country, city, sometimes participates under the condition of control from fellow students; does not support the fight against disciplinary offenders; does not willingly take part in various promotions; does not express his point of view; not self-critical, self-esteem is somewhat overestimated, does not work on himself; does not apply knowledge about citizenship, the social role of a citizen in practice.

    Thus, the revealed three levels of civic consciousness formation among university students (high, medium, low) allow us to determine the zone of necessary influence on the civic formation of students. The indicators characterizing the highlighted levels are civic qualities. The following indicators are important: active participation in the social and political activities of the group, faculty, university; independence and evidence of judgments and conclusions; responsible attitude to learning activities; creative initiative; intolerance to all kinds of violations (intolerance towards immoral, antisocial acts, etc.); unity of word and deed, etc.


    Zakirova V.G., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Pedagogy and Methodology primary education Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan.

    Vlasova V.K., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy. Director for educational activities of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan.

    Bibliographic reference

    Valeeva R.A., Koroleva N.E., Sakhapova F.Kh. DIAGNOSTICS OF THE FORMATION OF CITIZENSHIP IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS // Contemporary problems science and education. - 2013. - No. 6 .;
    URL: http://science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=11199 (date of access: 11/23/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

    What are "civic feelings" and "civic action"? and got the best answer

    Answer from
    What is a civil act? The seventh-graders ("Presnya") were looking for the answer to this question in the social studies lesson.
    In the opinion of many students, a civil act is the defense of the homeland, respect for the monuments of Russia, and even, for example, the payment of taxes ... We considered indifference to the homeland to be uncivil actions.
    Reflections on this topic helped us change our attitude towards society and the events that took place, the actions of people. It was incredibly interesting to read historical chronicles written by very famous people.
    You are probably also thinking, and what actions in your life are more: civil or anti-civil?
    A source:

    Answer from 2 answers[guru]

    Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What are "civic feelings" and "civic action"?

    Answer from Mikki L[newbie]
    Civic feeling is the consciousness of a citizen of his country, a person who accepts rules, laws and history, who cares for statehood.
    civic feelings are associated with the country in which we live a feeling of love for the homeland acceptance of faith by the laws of the country, traditions and culture. civil act an act for the good of society