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    One of the most interesting moments in the history of John Dee and Edward Kelly can be considered the emergence of a special language with which Dee and Kelly communicated with angels, created seals and talismans, the "angelic language", later called the "Enochian language" after the Old Testament patriarch Enoch. requires the closest consideration.

    By subject on Wikipedia (eng.)

    Dee himself never called the language of angels Enochian, but he pointed out that the alphabet of this language can be considered the alphabet of Adam, it was he who used to name all things. About Enoch, Dee wrote that he was the last person to whom this language was opened.
    According to legend, after his expulsion from Paradise, Adam forgot Enochian and tried to restore it from memory, which gave rise to the Proto-Hebrew language, which was spoken all over the world until the Confusion of Languages ​​during the construction of the Tower of Babel. Later, only Enoch, during his ascension to heaven, was given to know the secret of the first language, on the basis of which he wrote the book " Words of God" (Liber loagaeth), which disappeared during the Flood.
    In the words of the angel who addressed the wizards: " In this language, each letter means a part of the substance it is talking about. Each word expresses the essence of the substance. The letters are separated and in disarray. And therefore they are gathered together according to numbers, also signifying a number. For just as more and more contains less, so the secret and unknown forms of things are united in the one who gave them birth. Being known by number, they can be easily separated, so here we teach how to count places, how to extract letters from numbers, and from letters - correct words, which mean the essence of the thing that the Creator says.." (Donald Tison "Genuine Angel Magic It is easy to see that the angel here reveals the beginnings of the Kabbalistic methods of Gematria, Notarikon and Temura.
    The entire available dictionary of the Enochian language was compiled from 19 passages called "Keys" or "Invocations", with the help of which Dee intended to open the "49 gates of wisdom", the images of which are imprinted in the new Liber Loagaeth.

    Enochian words are written from right to left. The alphabet contains 21 letters. The internal structure of the alphabet is based on 3 groups of 7 letters, so the names of the letters were transferred to Kelly.
    "The names, style and order of the letters of the alphabet are practically undeniable, because the letters were discovered by Kelly in a vision on May 6, 1583, which is recorded in his own handwritten diary. Liber Logaetum... They appeared on the sheet in front of him, written in "light yellow" and Kelly outlined them, after which their outlines disappeared ..." (Idem)

    " In the Enochian section of the diaries, Dee left scattered phonetic clues. He used " dg"to denote soft" g"; "s"to denote soft" with". In several places he indicates; that" ch"pronounced like" k". Word ds(who, what, what) is pronounced di-es ..." (Idem)
    How, in reality, it was worth pronouncing letters and reading words is not known for certain to anyone, there has not yet been a single study on this score. Give here the pronunciation technique that was practiced in the Order of the Golden Dawn, etc. I do not consider it necessary, since you can find a huge amount of distortions, fictions and inaccuracies in it.

    The question of how much the Enochian alphabet is a revelation of angels, and how much a figment of the imagination of Dee and Kelly, is, in fact, a matter of faith, but there are a number of theories that believe that the Enochian alphabet has a primary source, moreover, of a completely "earthly" character. In 1533 Agrippa's book was published " De occulta philosophia"(a draft of which was written back in 1510), where he gives various kinds of" angelic "alphabets (v. 3, ch. XXX), created by the Jews in accordance with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Passage du fleuve very similar to Enochians (although all three alphabets are of the same nature and consist of 22 letters)

    Image taken from the book " Three books of occult philosophy"London, 1651

    From lat. equivalent

    From Heb. equivalent

    It is easy to see the similarities, for example, the letters " r" v PDF and " don"in Enochian," with" with " graph" etc.
    Also, the artificial character of Enochian can be indicated by the presence of "pseudo-Greek" letters, for example " omegas", traits of which can be found in the Enochian" mals "and" na ".

    So the very idea of ​​"heavenly", "angelic" alphabets is unlikely to belong to Dee, just as, perhaps, Enochian itself is not a gift from angels, but serves a more utilitarian function, for example, as I myself believe, to encrypt information.

    From the book "The Modern Charismatic Sectarian Movement"

    General information about Pentecostals

    Pentecostalism- one of the rational-mystical directions of Protestantism. This is the definition of sectologists of the last century, when it was customary to divide heretical societies into rationalistic and mystical. The Pentecostals could most definitely be considered a rationalistic sect. But their teaching about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the experiences accompanying this act allow us to see in this movement a noticeably expressed mystical moment.

    Pentecostals stand in opposition not only to the Orthodox and Catholic Churches, but also to all Protestant trends. Their main goal is to restore in their communities the form and spirit of the Christians of the Apostolic Age. Hence - the institutions of prophets, evangelists, teachers, preachers so developed among them. Those who excel in preaching the Word of God are called apostles. Among them there are “miracle workers” and “healers”. All Pentecostals in our country, except for Evangelical Christians in the Spirit of the Apostles (ECHDA), confess the Holy Trinity.

    The sectarians place a special emphasis in their sermons on the action of the Holy Spirit in the world, and their main dogma is the doctrine of the baptism with the Holy Spirit, which should be accompanied by speaking in “other” tongues. However, some authorities claim that the Holy Spirit can baptize a believer without the sign of tongues, although such are an exceptional minority. It is the teaching of the Pentecostals about the baptism with the Holy Spirit that significantly distinguishes them from other Protestant denominations.

    Otherwise, it corresponds to the main sectarian dogmas. This is, firstly, and recognition of exceptional authority Holy Scripture, and disrespect for the Mother of God and the saints, as well as the absence of prayers for the dead, non-worship of the holy cross and icons, non-recognition of the lawful grace-filled priesthood. At the same time, some of them (ECHDA) argue that the Lord's Supper (breaking of bread), marriage, Baptism, etc. can only be performed by an ordained presbyter (in HVE, in exceptional cases, “these sacred rites can be performed by other ministers as well”).

    The Pentecostals, having arbitrarily distorted the Church Sacraments, turned them into simple rituals. They are convinced that the Lord does not need any material, visible forms of transferring His grace, but at the same time they have preserved the ritual actions corresponding to the events described in the New Testament.

    Three theories of glossolalia among modern Pentecostals

    “If I speak with tongues of men or angels, and have no love, then I am a ringing brass or a sounding cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and I know all the secrets, and I have all knowledge and all faith, so that I can move mountains, but I do not have love, then I am nothing ”(1 Cor. 13: 1 - 2).

    “How many, for example, there are different words in the world, and not one of them is meaningless. But if I do not understand the meaning of words, then I am a stranger for the speaker, and the speaker is a stranger for me. Likewise, zealous for spiritual gifts, try to be rich in them for the edification of the church ”(1 Cor. 14, 10-12).

    The extraordinary gifts of the Apostolic Age should accompany the Church of Christ throughout her earthly history - in this the Pentecostals are united, although their different directions recognize different numbers and different combinations of these gifts. The teaching about the visible gifts of the Holy Spirit is for them "not only obligatory, but also fundamental in their doctrine."

    Usually indicate the necessary belonging to the Church of Christ of three types of the threefold gifts of the Holy Spirit:

    The gifts of revelation are wisdom, knowledge, the ability to discern spirits. Gifts of Help - Faith, Miracles, and Healing. The gifts of government are prophecy, speaking in tongues and their interpretation.

    Most of the sectarians, however, do not consider it compulsory to acquire all these gifts, but usually confine themselves to the “possession” of one or many two. Pentecostals distinguish the fruits of the Holy Spirit from charismatic gifts. Gifts are sent from above, and the fruits are achieved in personal life. Some believe that gifts are obtained through jealousy through fruit. “Others argue that fruits are the result of gifts. There are also intermediate points of view ”.

    The baptism with the Holy Spirit must necessarily be accompanied by the receipt of any spiritual gifts. At the same time, the gift or sign of tongues is necessarily acquired. The gift of tongues is a consequence of the baptism with the Holy Spirit - both acts are closely related and are evidence of each other. None of the Protestant churches includes anything like this in their “creed”. This teaching significantly distinguishes charismatics from other denominations.

    “Speaking in tongues is not something insignificant,” writes the prominent American Pentecostal theologian Gordon Lindsay, “it is a great experience that can edify and enrich the believer throughout his life.” What is meant by edification and enrichment?

    A person is deeply unaware of his true needs and the needs of others. It has been known from time immemorial that a person who is damaged by his mind and will is not able to pray correctly, for he often does not know what he really needs. And then, say the Pentecostals, the Holy Spirit Himself begins to pray for the believer to the throne of the Most High. For this, the gift of tongues was sent down.

    Theory of Historical Languages

    The charisma of languages ​​can be realized in three different forms. First, the gift of languages ​​can be poured out on a person in the form of specific national languages ​​belonging to a particular people. So, on the day of Pentecost, at the descent of the Holy Spirit, the Apostles spoke in the languages ​​of Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and Libya (Acts 2: 9-10).

    Such glossolalia, the Pentecostals themselves admit, is rarely poured out on them. But you can hear that someone somewhere heard that the prayer was speaking in German or Persian, and a translator who happened to be explained what glossolal was saying. But since polyglots are rare in communities, the gifts of tongues remain hidden from understanding, Pentecostals explain. In addition, there are so many languages ​​in the world that few people know, for example, Ethiopian. The believer is also able to “speak” on it.

    The confidence with which the sectarians claim that they speak languages ​​unknown to them is amazing. A Pentecostal believer said that for three days in a row the gift of tongues was poured out in German. She herself did not know German, but that was her guess. The language penetrated her soul so deeply that all this time she spoke her native Russian with a strong accent, very close to the language of glossolalia.

    Let us leave it to the conscience of the Pentecostals to assert the nature of glossolalia. It is known, however, that only rare cases, in a state of mental trance, a person can actually speak a specific historical language.

    The ability of the angel of darkness to reincarnate into the Angel of Light is also known to Christians. Purely unique manifestations of multifaceted human nature are also not excluded. In medical practice, there is a case when, during a complex operation, the operated woman spoke in an incomprehensible language. And only a doctor, who knew ancient Latin well, determined that the patient was quoting the Bible in this language. After the operation, she was asked where she learned Latin so well, which clearly did not correspond to her position in society. It turned out that she did not know any Latin and did not even know how to read in her native language, but it turned out that she often served the guests who gathered at her master's, and remained for a long time in the room where her masters read the Bible in an incomprehensible language.

    There are facts when a person in a state of hypnosis begins to speak in English, German or another language, moreover, with an accent of any particular locality, completely not being familiar even with the elementary skills of the language in which he spoke. In any case, in our time, none of the Pentecostals can demonstrate glossolalia in any of the known languages, although almost everyone is deeply convinced that he is a bearer of this charisma.

    Realizing, however, the duality, but rather the ambiguity, of their position, the charismatics proposed a theory of mixed historical languages.

    Mixed Historical Languages ​​Theory

    According to her, the gift of languages ​​is poured out on a person at once in the form of many historical languages. Glossolal says one phrase in German, another in Coptic, and one in Turkish. Or, in general, every single word is pronounced in different languages. A word in English, a word in Chinese, and so on.

    The absurdity and far-fetchedness of this theory is obvious.

    If “tongues” are a gift from God, then why should the Creator send it down in such a strange form? The "theory" was invented to somehow justify the lack of a genuine gift of tongues among Pentecostals. This way of "speaking" is very common among them. But, apparently, recognizing the certain doubtfulness of this situation, the Pentecostals prefer not to publicly expand on this topic.

    In the Holy Scriptures, of course, there is no confirmation of the "theory", which does not bother the sectarians at all. It turns out that glossolal is also capable of verb in angelic languages. When asked what languages ​​the Pentecostals speak, the presbyter of the Moscow community of the KhVE Nikolai Romanyuk replied: “Angelic”.

    Angel language theory

    Pentecostals of all directions teach that the angelic language is a special dialect, inaccessible to any people in the world, but understandable only to God. They base their theological research on this score on words torn out of Scripture. The Apostle Paul addresses the Corinthian community: “If I speak with the tongues of men and angels, but have no love, then I am a ringing brass or a sounding cymbal” (1 Cor. 13: 1). This, in their opinion, turned out to be enough to assert that Christians of the Apostolic Age could speak with God in angelic tongues, and the gift of tongues itself was sent down to the Church not at all for preaching among nations and did not at all represent some kind of exceptional ability, as teaches Orthodox Church.

    Meanwhile, Paul's words about angelic and human languages ​​(1 Cor. 13: 1) cannot be considered apart from the twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth chapters of the first letter to the Corinthians. In chapter thirteen, the Apostle shows all the "insignificance of their (gifts) without love." In this context, one should understand his words: “If I speak with human or angelic tongues, but have no love, then I am a ringing brass or a sounding cymbal” (1 Cor. 13: 1).

    Here the meaning of the previous sayings of the Apostle about the gift of tongues, as well as other gifts: healing, help, government (1 Cor. 12, 28), is revealed. All these are only gifts, but one should be zealous about fulfilling the commandments of love for God and neighbors. And, therefore, if a person has various gifts from God, which in themselves are not the fruit of fulfilling the commandments, and at the same time does not work in the field of his heart in acquiring love, then his gifts, for example - tongues, are ringing copper, an unreasonable shaking of air ...

    A gift without love does not bring a person closer to God, and without humility in his heart it will even move him away from Him.

    As for the question whether the first Christians spoke in angelic tongues, then it should be answered with questions: if this is possible, then why is it? After all, the possession of even this ability, incomparably more valuable than speaking in foreign languages, in the absence of heartfelt love will be an empty sound. The apostle Paul uses the mention of the angelic language, as well as other stylistic turns that strengthen speech, more than once in his epistles.

    In the Epistle to the Galatians, he warns that if "even we, or an Angel from heaven preach the gospel not what we preached to you, let it be anathema" (Gal. 1: 8). Here the Apostle assures the believers: “Neither Angels, nor Beginnings, nor Powers, nor present, nor future ... can separate us from the love of God” (Rom. 8, 38-39). Do these words mean that he nevertheless admits the possibility of such actions from the forces of heaven? And the Angel of God can preach something contrary to the will of his Creator? Angels are ministering spirits sent to those who wish to inherit salvation (Heb. 1:14), and as heralds of the will of God, of course, they cannot preach anything contrary to it. As for the fallen angels, they usually do not tell the truth. And it is difficult to admit that the Apostle has them in mind here.

    In order to impart stability and authority to the doctrine he preached earlier, the Apostle uses such a strong expression: "even if we, and not only we, but also an Angel." A person can be allowed to turn away from fulfilling the will of God, but the Angel, after the accomplished division of them into good and evil, is impossible. With the sole purpose of emphasizing more strongly the immutability of his teaching, the Apostle resorts to this metaphor.

    “Therefore,” writes Blessed Theodorite, “if I recognize all human languages ​​and, moreover, the languages ​​of invisible forces, but I don’t have love for my neighbor, then I will be no different from inanimate tools.” Even the most highly spiritual thoughts, for example, angelic ones, cannot give strength to words emanating from a callous heart.

    St. John Chrysostom testifies to the same understanding of Scripture: "Although I will speak," writes the saint, "as Angels usually talk among themselves, but without love I am nothing and even burdensome and intolerable."

    The prophet Isaiah was honored to hear the singing of angels, says the Bible. “And Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah, Micah heard them talking. And if they were able to convey in a human word the ineffable beauty of their speech, but without any content of love, then even in this case this gift would not be high next to the gift of love. "

    None of the spiritual interpreters of this passage of the Epistle has ever meant by the expression “with the tongues of angels” (Acts 13: 1) the actual ability of the first Christians to speak with them.

    If such charisma existed in the Church, then Christian writers of the first four centuries, who lived in close temporal proximity to the events described, would have spoken about it. But we do not find anything like this in their writings, for Christians have never possessed such an ability.

    Nonetheless, Pentecostals insist that they speak in "angelic" tongues. Moreover, this gift is poured out in the same form as in the Apostolic Age. To understand the profound sinfulness of this claim, it is enough to see the manifestation of the “gift” in Pentecostals only once.

    The "gift of tongues" among modern Pentecostals

    “Love never ceases, although prophecies will cease, and tongues will cease, and knowledge will be abolished” (1 Cor. 13: 8).

    “If… ignorant or unbelievers come in to you, will they not say that you are mad” (1 Cor. 14:23).

    The manifestation of the "gift"

    The gift of tongues among Pentecostals manifests itself at times in the most unexpected forms. At one of the meetings of the sectarians, I heard how a young man, about twenty-five years old, loudly and protractedly shouted: "Hallelujah." He began not loudly, but as he repeated it he raised his tone more and more, so that in the end he switched to screaming. Ah-ah-ah-ah-li-li-luya, ah-ah-ah-ah-l-li-lui-me, he shouted seems oblivious, his eyes closed and sharply shaking in time with their hands up. After several consecutive words "hallelujah", he switched to the muttering of meaningless sound combinations: "amina, supiter, amana ..." - and then again loudly shouted "hallelujah".

    The "angelic gift" can, it turns out, be poured out exclusively in the form of a single vowel of the alphabet. “And-and-and-and-and,” one of the Pentecostals sang loudly. She began with low, low tones and gradually raised the tone an octave, without uttering a single other sound. And so it was repeated over and over again for fifteen minutes.

    Another fellow believer uttered like a learned tongue twister: "Regedigida, tregi, regedigida, regedigida." Sometimes he diversified this speech, saying: "Supiter, supiter, aramo."

    For most of the worshipers, the “gift” consists in muttering sound nonsense like: “sopo, murmur, karifa ...”

    Add to this all the splash of the diversity of temperaments of the members of the congregation - and you will witness an action that is infinitely far from the traditional ideas given to the Orthodox in Scripture and Tradition.

    Could the apostles Peter and Paul bless such delights? The Orthodox understanding of holiness and spirituality does not even allow this.

    If the outward manifestations of the “gift” among Pentecostals are, in general, identical, then the practice of language speaking is different. Some are quite relaxed in making prayers only in “other tongues,” while others are praying with more restraint. Usually the preacher begins the prayer in his native language, if desired, continue, using some Russian words, some "angelic", but almost always quietly. This, in particular, is the practice of prayer of the majority of communities that make up the United Eurasian Union of Christians of the Evangelical Faith.

    The forms of manifestation of the “gift” depend on two main theological theories: about the gift of tongues and about the gift and sign of tongues.

    About the gift and sign of tongues

    As already noted, at the moment of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the believer for the first time begins to speak in other languages, which testify (signify) that the Pentecostal believer received spiritual baptism. After that, he may never speak in tongues at all, for the baptism in the Spirit is not yet evidence of the acquisition of the charismatic “gift of tongues”. The ability to speak will translate into a constant ability to pray in “other tongues” only on condition of an extremely pious and spiritual life. This includes regularly attending meetings, diligent prayer at home, diligent reading of the Word of God, etc.

    As a result, speaking in tongues is repeated more and more often and finally becomes a permanent ability. It is true (which is not uncommon) that Pentecostals never get the constant “gift of tongues”, despite all their efforts. But this should not upset the sectarian, for the “gift of tongues” is not an end in itself for him.

    Many very “godly” parishioners do not have the “gift of tongues”. Such theological positions on the gift of languages ​​are adhered to by the communities that are members of the United Eurasian Union of the KhVE. At the same time, they are not shared by the Fedotov Pentecostals, who assert that the one who has received the baptism of the Holy Spirit at the same time acquires a permanent “gift of tongues” (their teaching about the gift of tongues).

    Foreign Pentecostals for the most part adhere to the doctrine of the gift and the sign, which, in their opinion, is closer to the letter and spirit of Holy Scripture.

    For example, in the United States, half or more of the total number of Pentecostals never speak languages.

    The disagreement of theological attitudes on the question of the gift and sign of tongues hinders the unification of various Pentecostal sects in Russia. “Baptized with the Holy Spirit” charismatics with the gift of tongues accuse the kindred sects of lacking the grace of the Holy Spirit.

    Did all Christians of the Apostolic Church have the charisma of tongues?

    The gift of tongues, according to Orthodoxy, was never evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit; it regards the teaching of the gift and sign of tongues as a "theological misunderstanding." Despite their relative equidistance from the truth of God, the doctrines of the gift of tongues that do not share the doctrine of the gift of tongues, which maintain that in Apostolic times, the gift of tongues was not universal, is relatively closer to it. Their opponents, in turn, quote the following words of the Apostle Paul: “When you come together, and each of you has a psalm, there is a teaching, there are tongues, there is a revelation, there is an interpretation” (1 Cor. 14:26).

    Orthodoxy in this case proceeds from the fact that the postulate of the universality of the gift of languages ​​is not at all affirmed here. Otherwise, we must admit that all Christians also possessed the gift of interpretation. But if this is a universal gift, why does the Apostle Paul advise the Corinthians to pray for its acquisition (1 Cor. 14:13)?

    In his interpretation of this passage of Holy Scripture, Saint Theophan the Recluse teaches: “Everyone has some (talent. - I. E.) from the Spirit of God, who is a psalm, who is teaching… who is revelation… who is the tongue ”.

    By no means testifies to the correctness of the Pentecostals and the text they often cite: “I wish you all spoke in tongues, but it is better that you prophesy” (1 Cor. 14: 5). Of course, not all Christians possessed the gift of prophecy. Modern Pentecostals cannot boast of it either. The Apostle Paul, speaking of spiritual gifts, advises to be zealous for the gift of prophecy. On the basis of the fifth verse, one can seem to conclude that all Christians possessed the gift of prophecy, but this does not allow us to do the first verse of the same chapter (1 Cor. 14: 1). Language speaking by all Christians of the Corinthian Church is not yet a reality, but only the desire of the Apostle. “So they don’t think that he humiliates tongues out of envy,” writes St. John Chrysostom.

    If we listen to the letter, and not the spirit of St. Paul's Epistle, we must categorically affirm that everyone in the Corinthian Church possessed the gift of prophecy, literally interpreting the following verse: “When all prophesy, and an unbeliever will enter” (1 Cor. 14:24) ... But how can everyone prophesy if the Apostle advises to be jealous of this gift (1 Cor. 14: 1) in order to receive it for the edification of the Church?

    The fact that in the Apostolic Church not everyone spoke in tongues is clearly shown by the following excerpts from Holy Scripture: “To everyone is given the manifestation of the Spirit for his benefit: to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom ... tongues ”(1 Cor. 12: 8-10). “Are all miracle workers? Does everyone have the gift of healings? Does everyone speak in tongues? Are all interpreters? " (1 Cor. 12: 29-30).

    Pentecostal Teachings on Communicating the Gift of Tongues to the Church to the End of the Age

    The charisma of glossolalia has been given to the Church for all time, the Pentecostals teach, pointing to the words of the Savior spoken before the Ascension: “Those who believe will be accompanied by these signs: in my name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues, they will take a serpent, and if they drink something mortal, they will not hurt them ”(Mark 16:17).

    The first of the church writers to mention the gift of tongues was Saint Irenaeus of Lyons. He writes about his contemporaries. “We hear many brothers in the Church who have prophetic gifts, and through the (Holy) Spirit speaking in different languages ​​and for the common good bringing out the hidden people and explaining the mysteries of God.”

    Saint Irenaeus of Lyons died in 202. From this we can conclude: the gift of languages ​​existed until the end of the second century. But already in the fourth century there is no mention of the gifts of prophecy and language.

    St. John Chrysostom writes that in his time "there was a depletion of events that were then, and now do not happen."

    The gift of tongues was given to the Church to spread the faith and represented the ability to preach in specific earthly languages. “With the spread of her everywhere the use (of the gifts of tongues and prophecy. - I. E.) - already superfluous ”. Blessed Augustine testifies to the same: “The Church was then in the same house, when she received the Holy Spirit, she was not a great number, but had the languages ​​of the whole world. And now it is clear that she formed, the small Church, speaking in the languages ​​of all nations, perhaps it meant that now great, everywhere from east to west speaks in the languages ​​of all nations ”.

    St. John Chrysostom sees in the sending down of the Apostolic Church the gift of tongues and other goals that are not directly related to preaching among the nations. He writes: "For what, in fact, is this grace now cut short and taken away from people?" And he answers: “The people of that time were very unreasonable, like people who had recently freed themselves from idolatry, their thought was so coarse and insensitive that they were completely attached to only carnal objects ... For this, miracles happened ... And now I have no need for signs: why? Because even without miracles I learned to believe in the Lord. A pledge is required by the one who does not believe, and I, as a believer, do not require either a pledge or miracles. Suppose I do not speak in new tongues, but I know that I am cleansed from sins. They then did not believe this without miracles, then miracles were manifested as a pledge of faith, acceptable to them. "

    Is it possible more impartial denunciation of the Pentecostals of their unbelief than this judgment of the Holy Father? Not having in their hearts a strong inner testimony of faith in the Church and her saving Sacraments, not having faith in the fact that a person is saved not only by faith, but also by deeds, the sectarians flatter their hearts in vain, striving to find salvation only where there is the preaching of the full Gospel. ... Thus, they are likened to low-believing early Christians who needed external signs to support their convictions. But the sectarians do not have the full Gospel preaching. It is in the true Church, not in the congregation of heretics. They do not have charismatic talents either. What we see with them today did not and could not be in the Apostolic Church, for it contradicts her spirit and aspirations.

    And yet, how to comprehend the above-mentioned words of the Savior before the Ascension? (Mr. 16:17). From the writings of Blessed Augustine it follows that then charismatic gifts were a frequent sign of the Holy Spirit, i.e. "When people believed, were baptized, received the Holy Spirit (in the sacrament of the laying on of hands), then they spoke in the languages ​​of all nations." But “is the Holy Spirit not being given now? He who thinks so is not worthy to receive Him. Served now. Why then does no one speak in the languages ​​of all nations, as everyone who was filled with the Holy Spirit did then? Why? Because what was meant by that has already been fulfilled. " What happened? "That now the great Church speaks everywhere, from the east of the sun to the west, in the languages ​​of all nations."

    The gift of tongues in the Apostolic Church for Christians served as the first and sure sign by which it was possible to recognize the children of God, born of the Spirit. But a truly spiritual person does not need any visible signs... The language of a spiritual person differs from ordinary speech. A spiritual person always chooses the salvation of his soul and the Cause of this salvation as the subject of his conversations. “For in the word wisdom is known,” says the wise Sirach (Sir 4:28).

    The very purpose for which a spiritual man speaks differs from the purpose for which a fleshly man speaks. “The gift of tongues has not stopped at all in our time, but has only taken on a different form, more natural and consistent with the needs and benefits of the Church. Those who have been born of the Spirit speak in other tongues now. ” And "the attentive one can easily recognize the spirit-bearer by one language."

    This is what distinguishes true Christians from the rest of the world lying in evil. Without the grace of the Creator, the world cannot contain the Wisdom of God. These “veils” are removed only by Jesus Christ, and no one can call Him in the true sense of the Savior and Lord, only the Holy Spirit.

    True Christians at all times spoke and now speak the language of the Holy Spirit, which the Lord Jesus Christ sent to all who yearn for salvation. The fact that the gift of tongues is a temporary phenomenon is evidenced by the very Word of God, for only “love never ceases, although prophecies will cease and tongues will be silent” (1 Cor. 13: 8).

    Instead of a conclusion: once again about "languages" and neopagans

    Summing up our acquaintance with the doctrine and religious practice of charismatics, it is impossible not to notice that in their “infancy in Christ” they become like those Christians from Corinth who, having no genuine gift of tongues, excited themselves with frantic “self-controlled” exclamations, wishing to become like those Christians from Corinth. who received this gift from above. Indeed, could the Holy Spirit impart the charisma of tongues when there was no need for it, in our case - during the worship of the faithful? Apparently, this could only happen if the interpreter was nearby, for it is said in Scripture that “the manifestation of the Spirit for the benefit” is sent down to everyone (1 Cor. 12, 7), and “the prophetic spirits are obedient to the prophets” that “God is not God of disorder, but peace ”(1 Cor. 14, 32-33). And what is the use if all or many suddenly speak in tongues, without edifying anyone at the same time?

    We know that many Corinthians were honored with the charisma of tongues. Others, from those deprived of grace, succumbing to envy, outwardly imitated those who had genuine talents. From here came among the Corinthians, spiritually imperfect, cases of false "language speaking". What is fraught with false tongues? As follows from the letter of Paul, the spirit of celestial malice, introducing into a state of trance those who speak with inauthentic “tongues”, mixed inarticulate murmurs with blasphemous exclamations in the native Greek language. This is why Saint Paul, addressing the Corinthians, writes: “No one who speaks by the Spirit of God” will pronounce anathema against Jesus Christ ”(1 Cor. 12: 3).

    What, then, was the “glossolalia” of those who spoke, but did not have genuine charismatic gifts? And to this the Apostle Paul answers us: “You know that when you were pagans, you went to mute idols” (1 Cor. 12: 2). The reminder of the Apostle about the former pagan practice of Corinthian Christians, of course, is not accidental. Pagan antiquity among all pre-Christian peoples abounded with “inspired” spirits of malice - soothsayers who prayed in incomprehensible languages. What we find a lot of evidence from historians and writers who lived before the birth of Christ. Saint John Chrysostom, in his interpretation of the First Epistle to the Corinthians, gives a description of the action of the pagan priestess, who, in a state of ecstasy, spoke in incomprehensible words. This is why the Apostle Paul equates unintelligible ecstatic speaking with pagan demonic possessions. Apparently, the joy of the priests had a similar effect on the pagans themselves. The Apostle warns: “If ignorant or unbelievers come in to you, will they not say that you are raging” (1 Cor. 14:24), that is, unbiased pagans could consider the Corinthians' glossolalia to be a phenomenon of undivine nature. And does not the Orthodox feel the same at the current meetings of charismatics who “speak in tongues”?

    Modern linguistic research shows that the language of modern glossolals is characterized by the pronunciation of expressions stored in the subconscious. Only occasionally is it diversified by some new "sayings". Charismatics, on the other hand, argue that the monotony of glossolalia is the essence of the glorification of God in an ancient, for example, Sumerian language. And the phonetic poverty of their utterances is akin to the glorification of God, like the well-known a short prayer: Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit... Is it so? Soon after the emergence of the neo-Pentecostal movement in the United States, the phenomenon of glossolalia attracted the closest attention of the confessors of various Christian sects. The charismatics were convinced that they spoke ancient historical languages, although they did not know them. Therefore, it is a gift from God and the Lord is with them. At that time they did not dare to mention the angelic languages, for they would have been cruelly ridiculed by the leaders of the most various religious associations in the United States.

    To fight the charismatics, they chose glossolalia as the most vulnerable part of their creed. Special commissions of linguistic specialists were created, and some of them, such as the American Psychiatric Association, did not have a specific religious orientation. The commission included experts from almost all linguistic groups of the peoples of the Earth, they could recognize and identify about four thousand linguistic dialects, including dead languages. The researchers listened to a huge number of tape recordings of glossolalia. As a result, the experts stated that they had not heard a single (!) Expression in any language. Moreover, after analyzing the texts using special linguistic methods, they came to an extremely important conclusion: the Pentecostal glossolalia, in principle, cannot be a speech in foreign languages, because in its structure and functionally it has nothing to do with real historical languages... Each foreign language has its own complex structural features, and the “languages” of glossolists in their structure, if it can be said at all, are immeasurably simpler and more limited. They practically lack the semantic elements of real languages. True, occasionally you can still hear that someone somewhere, while traveling in Africa in some Kenyan meeting of Pentecostals, heard a phrase in his own language. When it was possible to verify such a message, it was revealed that it was completely unreliable.

    The ambiguity of the claims of charismatics is sometimes aggravated by newspaper reports of this kind that: “The wife of a certain master N came to believe after her husband suddenly recited a verse in Chinese from a poem she recently read. " Let us even assume that if the wife did not hear this, then why did the Lord not send her a call to come to Him in ordinary Chinese, which the wife was fluent in, but decided to use a verse from a pagan poem he had read for this? The only reliable glossolalia can be considered only when someone completely unfamiliar, say, with the Russian language, can turn to us with an appeal for salvation. But nothing of the kind is known either in our country or abroad.

    It is also appropriate to ask why the Holy Spirit should give prayer in a foreign language? Is it not appropriate, being in the Spirit, to pray in our native language, through which the Lord reveals to us all that we should care about? And we ourselves would be greatly enriched by the knowledge of the Holy Spirit if we could understand what we say.

    The initial falsity of glossolalia is also convinced by experiments with the interpretation of languages. When several charismatics “possessing” the gift of interpretation were asked to decipher the same tape recording of “charisma”, they all gave completely different translations. Some considered it to be thanksgiving to God for a successful purchase, others as a petition for the bestowal of health, etc. etc.

    And finally, the last refuge of charismatic glossolalia, as noted above, is the angelic language. “We sing in an angelic way, that is why it is incomprehensible to people,” the Pentecostals categorically affirm. However, the angelic praise, apparently, must have some characteristic features. Meanwhile, the external manifestations of the "angelic" prayers of charismatics are very different from each other. One Pentecostal “angel” “prays” with a single vowel, the other just shouts “Hallelujah,” the third repeats a few monosyllabic words, and so on.

    Isn't it blasphemous to call this painful sound eruption the angelic tongue?

    From the Holy Scriptures we know that the Upper World is infinitely richer and more multifaceted than the earthly, shrouded in the "shroud" of sin. The Apostle Paul writes that he was caught up to the third heaven, but he could not tell about what he had seen and heard, for he had heard “unspeakable verbs” in earthly human language. It would be absurd to believe that the Lord allowed the division into different languages ​​in the angelic world, as he did in the human world. According to the testimony of the Old Testament, on earth this became a reality after the dispersion of peoples, before which everyone had one language, or, as linguists say, the proto-language. Revealing the reason for the division of languages ​​sheds light on the charisma of glossolalia in the Primary Church.

    Sinful humanity in its pride decided to create a name for itself. Overwhelmed by various passions, it, however, did one common work of its pride - it erected the tower of Babylon as a challenge to the power of God. The angry Lord divided the common language of the living into many so that people would stop understanding each other. So the Lord pointed to the inner sinful diversity of the inhabitants of the Earth, and only in the Apostolic era of the Holy Spirit something completely opposite happened - through His Church, the Lord recreated the unity of the aspirations of human souls. Overcoming the insurmountability of various dialects, the Lord through the unity of the Spirit made it possible for those who believed to speak in languages ​​unfamiliar to them.

    The claims of charismatics, as we know, are not limited to just languages. They broadcast to the whole world about the resurrections from the dead they practice, - however, with a fair amount of convention. Let's say a trouble happened to someone - he was struck by an electric shock; the heart is not bugged, outwardly the person is dead. But if, by chance, a Pentecostal is nearby, then having prayed for the resurrection of the “dead”, he will later surely cope with whether the victim survived. And if in the intensive care unit the victim was brought to his senses, then instantly the rumor will be spread that the dead was raised by the prayer of the Pentecostals.

    In a word, the boundless self-confidence of charismatics, proudly

    If the Bible always means normal human speech by language, what does 1 Corinthians 13: 1 mean? An. Paul says: "If I speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have no love, then I am a ringing brass or a sounding cymbal." Perhaps the "angelic tongue" is the speech of ecstasy, which the chariematics call a true gift?
    The problem with trying to identify ecstatic speech in 1 Cor. 13: 1 with the gift of tongues is that the Bible does not say anything about the "angelic tongue." On the contrary, in all communication of angels with people, speech was always conducted in normal human language (see Luke 1:26 ff). The only other kind of language, besides human, which we find in the Holy Scriptures, is that used by the Holy Spirit when He intercedes for us before the Father with “groanings unspeakable” (Rom. 8:26).
    What does Ap. Paul? He did not necessarily state the factual reality, but resorted to hyperbole (exaggeration), wanting to express a certain thought. In the Greek text in 1 Corinthians 13: 2-3, the subjunctive mood is used, which usually means an incredible situation, hyperbolic exaggeration. In order to sharpen the idea of ​​the importance of love, ap. Paul tried to express his thought exaggeratedly, pushing it to the extreme. He seems to say: "No matter how beautiful and wonderful your speech would be, even if you could speak in angelic, but without love, all this is just an empty sound."
    Although it is difficult to establish an absolute connection, it is interesting to note that in the two mystical religions prevalent at that time, there were false deities named Sibyl and Dionysius. When worshiping these deities, they practiced speaking in tongues (ecstatic babbling), accompanied by the striking of cymbals, gongs and the loud sound of trumpets. (William Barclay, The Letters to the Corinthians, p. 131.) And while it is impossible to say with certainty that Ap. Paul was referring to these mystical religions when he wrote 1 Corinthians 13: 1, but it is certain that in these chapters of his first letter to the Corinthian church he was referring to the perversion of the gift of tongues.
    If the main purpose of other languages ​​(already known languages) is to be a sign for unbelieving Israel (see 1 Cor. 14: 21-22), then other languages ​​could have some meaning for a Christian only if they are translated. To claim that the biblical gift of tongues is the ecstatic speech that charismatics use today in their private prayer is to impose a meaning on the biblical text that it does not have.

    Languages ​​will cease and love will never cease

    In 1 Corinthians 13: 8 ap. Paul expressed a very interesting, even startling thought that love never ceases, although prophecies “will cease”, knowledge “will be abolished,” and tongues will be silenced. In the Greek text, the word "will cease" means "will fall away" or "will be canceled." Ap. Paul is not saying here that love cannot be rejected or destroyed by those who refuse to accept it. But he claims, however, that love is eternal - it will always be available and will never end.
    Ap. Paul wanted to emphasize the temporary nature of the gifts in order to help the Corinthian believers see that their over-emphasis on the gifts of the Spirit is wrong. Especially when their main motivation was the desire to  boast of their spirituality in front of others. At the same time, in many cases, they manifested the carnal nature and counterfeit for a true gift.
    Ap. Paul told believers that three of the most outstanding gifts would end. The gift of prophecy, often mistaken for the gift of foretelling the future, was in fact the gift of preaching God's Word. Greek word, which is used here, comes from the verb propheteuo, literally meaning "to speak in front of someone", although in the second sense it can mean "to speak forward" - in the sense of predicting, which is usually clear from the context. So, this gift means the ability to speak in front of people, to proclaim God's Word, sometimes with an element of prediction.
    1 Corinthians 14: 3 says, "He who prophesies speaks to men for edification, admonition, and comfort." The gift of prophecy was practiced to edify people, encourage them to do good deeds, and comfort in times of trouble. Ap. Paul also says that the gift of knowledge will be abolished. The gift of knowledge is the ability to observe facts in order to draw spiritual truths from the Word of God. It is the gift of understanding God's Word and sharing that understanding with others.
    The third gift that will end according to 1 Cor. 13: 8 is the gift of tongues. As noted earlier in this chapter, the gift of tongues was not ecstatic speech, but the ability to speak in foreign languages ​​that a person had never learned, as a sign to unbelieving Jews about the approach of God's judgment.
    It is important to remember that the gift of tongues was also a sign of apostolic authority. In particular, D. Ap. in chapters 2, 8, 10 and 19, this gift served to certify the authority of the apostles as new guides for the words and deeds of God.
    1 Corinthians 13: 8 clearly states that these three gifts will be abolished, but the question remains: when? Brothers in Christ, Pentecostals and charismatics assure that none of these gifts have stopped. So this "when" is somewhere in the distant future. On the other hand, I have heard the explanation of a very famous preacher and Bible teacher who says that all the gifts have already ceased. According to the concepts of this person, today there are no spiritual gifts at all. And then there are those who claim that some of the gifts have remained and some have ceased. This view also corresponds to my concept.
    It is important to note that the selection of words in 1 Cor. 13: 8 makes it clear that tongues will not end simultaneously with prophecy and knowledge. Regarding prophecy and knowledge, it says that they will "cease", "abolish" or "abolish" (depending on the translation), and the root of the Greek word
    here is the verb katergeo, which is used for prophecy and knowledge, but in relation to other languages, ap. Paul uses another verb, pauo, which simply means that they will “stop,” be silent, and no longer sound.
    It is also important to understand that the katargeo verb is passive. According to grammatical rules, when there is a passive verb in a sentence, this indicates that something is affecting the subject. And in this case, 1 Cor. 13: 8 says that something will cancel prophecy and knowledge. So, under the influence of some other force, prophecy and knowledge will cease, and this other force of ap. Paul calls "perfect." (“When the perfect comes, then that which is in part will cease” 13: 9-10) This will bring the abolition of prophecy and knowledge, while the gift of tongues will end by itself even before the “perfect” comes. This explains that. that ‘languages’ disappear from the text after verse 8, while “prophecy and knowledge” is still mentioned further: “For we know partly and prophesy partly; when will it come || perfect, then that which is in part will cease ”(I Cor. 13: 9-10).
    There have also been many assumptions about that. what is "perfect". Some think that this is the completion of the canon of Holy Scripture, others - that this is the maturity of the Church, some believe that this will be the rapture of the Church, and still others - that it comes about the second coming. But, most likely, "perfect" refers to the state of eternity - the new heaven and new earth, which will be created after the millennium, which is confirmed by the following:
    1. During the millennium, there will be both prophecy and teaching, and the result will be knowledge (see Isa. 11: 9; 30: 20-81; 32: 3-4; Jer. 3: 14-15; 23: 1-4; Joel 2:28 ff; Rev. 11: 1 ff). All these Scriptures indicate that there will be an incomparable teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit, and as a result, a worldwide increase in knowledge.
    2. Plus. it seems to me that the expression "face to face" in 1 Cor. 13:12 can only be explained by being with God in the new creation. In a sense, the "perfect" comes for any believer at the moment when he passes to the Lord Jesus Christ (at the moment of death). But chronologically "perfect" will come in history when the eternal state comes, when everything will be perfect.

    from the book "Charismatics"

    Enochian pronunciation

    Geda - G - ‘J’ as English

    The meanings of the Enochian letters
    O- the basis of Being-Becoming: being, becoming; everything that exists
    L- the basis of Superiority: first, primacy, one; providence
    S is the basis of Possession; to have, to possess, to collect; together
    N is the basis of the Inner; inside (within), inside, personality
    F- the basis of the Manifestation (Manifestation); exhibit, visibility, appear
    V is the basis of Darkness; dark (secret), hidden (therefore unknown); reflection (Shadow or its reflection)
    R is the basis of the Movement; move, movement (gesture), emotion, induce, change
    G is the basis of Negation; no (no), no one, no
    H is the basis of Breathing; breathe, life
    I - the basis of Energy / Opportunity; communicate energy, give opportunity, ability
    A - the basis of Time; start, start, new, anew; again then when
    D is the basis of Probability; possible, potential
    B- the basis of the Choice; duality, multiplicity, choose (between)
    T is the basis of Equilibrium; balance, justice, regulate, judge, balance
    C is the basis of Causality; do, cause, create, due
    Z-base of Separation; share, separate, different, part of something
    P is the base of the Foundation; space, place, place, put, here, where
    M- the basis of Knowledge; mind, know, awareness, cognition
    Q is the basis of Lust; lust, love
    E is the basis of Will; will, intend, purposefulness, intention
    U is the basis of Light; light, enlightenment
    X- base Limit / Decrease; border, reduce, inferior, retarder
    Y is the base of the Magnification; grow, increase, more, faster

    Enochian letter Pa (pa)

    Ingush language pa: pilot
    Ingush language opa: walk, distance
    Ingush language pha: vein, string, vessel, pulse, titiva
    Ingush language phi: five
    Ingush language pho: bottom, bottom, bullet, back
    Ingush language phye: residence
    Ingush language phyea: country, state
    Ingush language pu: point
    Ingush language puba: capable
    Ingush language epi: stage of work

    Ingush language milestones: challenge, call Ingush language milestones, vih: break
    Ingush language vuh: back, face
    Ingush language milestone: invite, get drunk, drunk, drunk, confused
    Ingush language wakh: to live
    Ingush language в1ьах: long, long
    Ingush language vieg: shake
    Ingush language weikh: hot
    Ingush language veg: to lead
    Ingush language voag: to burn
    Ingush language voakkh: big


    Ingush language gad: prayer
    Ingush language g'ad (g'ad): trunk, tree, stem
    Ingush language year: fine
    Ingush language gad: towel
    Ingush language g1ad: joy
    Ingush language agida: dogma
    Ingush language gaydolg: brush, bunch
    Ingush language is jadd: grandfather, grandmother, great-grandfather, great-grandmother, etc.
    Ingush language was greedy: old, feeble
    Ingush language zheddi: ancestor

    Enochian letter Or

    Ingush language OAR: voice, speech
    Ingush language orkh: fetters, connection
    Ingush language org: deep
    Ingush language op: ravine, pit, ditch
    Ingush language orc: cylinder
    Ingush language ur: up, higher
    Ingush language oire: verse of angry content
    Ingush language uyr: morning
    Ingush language era: dog, hound
    Ingush language ep: he


    Ingush language un: disease, infection
    Ingush language uine: sexual


    Ingush language tal: tree, poplar
    Ingush language talkh: rot, spoil
    Ingush language tolkh: temple, old stuff
    Ingush language tal: hunter
    Ingush language tula, til, tul: lost, miss
    Ingush language t1eala: tell me
    Ingush language tola: win, surpass
    Ingush language tol: dugout, dome


    Ingush language gon: hammer
    Ingush rutting language: knee
    Ingush language gene: abdominal
    Ingush language gian: tree
    Ingush language gonakh: around
    Ingush language gan: for, away, far away
    Ingush language genar: seed


    Ingush language urkhaz: the leader
    Ingush language hurray: standing, standing, 2 | figuratively | - while awake.
    Ingush language urkh: reins
    Ingush urg: hole
    Ingush language hurray: peak | sharp peak of the mountain |.
    Ingush language hurricane1: up

    Enochian language
    One of the most interesting moments in the history of John Dee and Edward Kelly can be considered the emergence of a special language, with the help of which Dee and Kelly communicated with angels, created seals and talismans, the "angelic language", later called the "Enochian language" after the Old Testament patriarch Enoch. requires the closest consideration.

    Subject article on Wikipedia

    Dee himself never called the language of angels Enochian, but he pointed out that the alphabet of this language can be considered the alphabet of Adam, it was he who used to name all things. About Enoch, Dee wrote that he was the last person to whom this language was opened.
    According to legend, after his expulsion from Paradise, Adam forgot Enochian and tried to restore it from memory, which gave rise to the Proto-Hebrew language, which was spoken all over the world until the Confusion of Languages ​​during the construction of the Tower of Babel. Later, only Enoch, during his ascension to heaven, was given to know the secret of the first language, on the basis of which he wrote the book "Utterances of God" (Liber Loagaeth), which disappeared during the Flood.
    According to the angel, who addressed the wizards: "In this language, each letter means a part of the substance that it speaks of. Each word expresses the essence of the substance. The letters are separated and are in disorder. And therefore they are gathered together by numbers, also signifying a number. For as more and more contains less, so the secret and unknown forms of things are combined in the one that gave birth to them.Being known by number, they can be easily separated, so here we teach how to count places, how to extract letters from numbers, and from letters - the correct words that mean the essence the thing that the Creator speaks of. " (Donald Teeson "The True Magic of Angels"). It is easy to see that the angel here reveals the beginnings of the Kabbalistic methods of Gematria, Notarikon and Temura.
    The entire available dictionary of the Enochian language was compiled from 19 passages called "Keys" or "Invocations", with which Dee intended to open the "49 gates of wisdom", the images of which are captured in the new Liber Loagaeth.

    Enochian words are written from right to left. The alphabet contains 21 letters. The internal structure of the alphabet is based on 3 groups of 7 letters, so the names of the letters were transferred to Kelly.
    "The names, style and order of the letters of the alphabet are practically undeniable, because the letters were discovered by Kelly in a vision on May 6, 1583, which is recorded in his own handwritten diary, Liber Logaetum. They appeared on the sheet in front of him, written in" light yellow "and Kelly outlined them, after which their outlines disappeared ..." (Idem)
    Angel Alphabet - Enochian Alphabet

    The Enochian alphabet, also known as the Alphabet of Angels, was obtained by Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelly during their seances, during which they received various texts and squares from the Angels. The term Enochiana came from the biblical hero Enoch, who kept secret mystical knowledge. According to Genesis 5:24, "he walked with God," and Hebrews 11:05 says that he "was taken out of this life so that he did not experience death." John Dee also mentioned this in his letter to the Alphabet Adamikal.
    There are actually two different spellings of the Enochian alphabet that differ slightly from each other. The first spelling can be found in the first five books of the Mystery (Sloane-3188), and the second (which is more likely to be true) is found in Liber Loagaeth (Sloane-3189), later used as the original Kelly script.

    The method by which this alphabet was obtained is very interesting. John Dee wrote:

    “But it should be noted that when K. [Edward Kelly] could not successfully imitate the shape of the symbols or letters as they were shown, then they appeared drawn on his paper of light yellow color, which he drew on black and so yellow disappears, only the form of the letter in black remains ... "

    Dee also recorded a conversation with the angel Ir:

    “These letters represent the creation of man, and therefore they must be dosed. They represent the necessary means to manipulate the human soul, as the creator did. "

    The most commonly used and most commonly used version of the Enochian alphabet shown below. He shows the Enochian letters as drawn by Edward Kelly.

    Enochian pronunciation
    Veh - C - S 'or' English K as'
    Geda - G - ‘J’ as English
    Gon - I / Y occasionally as ‘J’, as the English combination ‘EE otherwise’
    Van - ‘or U’ ’V sometimes’ (Van / UU as English ‘W’ -) double
    Mals-Na - PH - like English 'F'
    Veh-Na - CH - ‘Shi’ as Greek English ’or TCH.
    Un-Van - AU - similar to Greek 'AF'
    Germany - Q - as Semitic "Kaf" or "Qoph" (gorseted) as English ‘QU or’
    Ceph - Z - Old English 'Zod as'
    Aleister Crowley suggested the following pronunciation: all characters are pronounced the same as in English, with some exceptions:

    A - ah - as in the word "fAther" ["Fɑ ː də] C - A - as in the word" C Oke "
    E - a - as in the word "g E y"
    I - s - as in the word "e ee t" [q: t]
    O - long o - as in the word "see O KE"
    Q - H - as in the word "Q abalah"
    U - long and - as in the word "e oo l" [l ː fu]

    Many Enochian magicians agree that in this case the "correct" pronunciation is not so important aspect, compared to the concentration and intent of the magician.

    The Enochian language is a significant and interesting topic in the world of occultism, with a long history of many legends around the process of its creation and place in mystical practices. Although it was only discovered in the 16th century, many already claim that it is the basis of all languages.

    In the article:

    The Enochian language - the dialect of angels

    Otherwise, it is called the language of angels, since its creators John Dee and Edward Kelly in 1581, it was announced that during the ritual, the angels came to them and gave them the basics of knowledge. With the help of these foundations, they were able to establish existing beyond the ordinary. This language of the higher powers had its own alphabet, grammar and syntax, recorded in the diaries of John Dee. The name was given to it "Enochian", in honor of its author. He was the last one who possessed knowledge about him, and he also received knowledge from angelic creatures.

    The creator and reconstructor of the language of angels himself John Dee had a doctorate in mathematics, was also fond of the occult, astronomy and astrology. He lived a significant part of his life in Mortlake, which is the west side of London. At that time, he was highly educated, was educated at Cambridge St. John's College, was a member of high society, gave scientific advice, and was also a confidant of Queen Elizabeth I.

    In his youth, John did not experience a craving for supernatural things and mystical practices, however, later he was disappointed in the exact sciences. He began to look for answers to his questions in experiments with the occult. John wanted to find lost spiritual knowledge and rediscover the wisdom hidden in ancient manuscripts and grimoires... His greatest attention was attracted by the so-called book of Enoch, the biblical patriarch, who described the system of magic that existed in the time of Jesus and up to Solomon.

    The language of angels, the Enochian language - this is all connected with the biblical figure of Enoch, who was the source of knowledge about the mystical side of the Bible. As the book of Genesis says, Enoch “walked with God” and did not die, like all people. Enoch was taken up to heaven and brought closer to the Heavenly Throne.

    Starting in the second half of his life, upon reaching the age of fifty-four, John Dee begins to create the work of his whole life. In his personal diary, he writes that God sent "Good Angels" to walk among people to Earth, serving as the conductors of His divine will. To communicate with the angels, he enlists the medium and counterfeiter Edward Kelly.

    Together they recorded hundreds of conversations with the spirits, including those that contained the Enochian alphabet, completely different from the usual English letters. These symbols were shown to John and Kelly by the angels when they were divining on the surface of the mirror, along with various texts and tables. Since then, fortune telling on mirror surface has become a common technique for seers, psychics, sorcerers, mediums, witches and other occultists of all stripes to obtain information about the future.

    Glossolalia - what is it

    Word has Greek roots, representing a hybrid of two words - "language" and "speak, broadcast, babble." Modern Christianity calls glossolalia the practice widespread in various churches to make speeches in an incomprehensible and meaningless language that cannot be known to the average listener.

    Throughout its history, the Bible often mentions other, different and new languages.
    Even before a new language was born, the Scripture could predict this - such predictions occur twice in the Bible. The first such prediction was made by the prophet Isaiah, who lived in the sixth-seventh centuries BC, and heralded the appearance of other languages, "babbling lips." In talking about other dialects, the Apostle Paul in the New Testament points out precisely this prophecy, saying that the gift different languages, when two people speaking different languages ​​cannot understand each other, and there is a “babbling mouth” predicted by Isaiah.

    In addition to Isaiah, glossolalia, that is, the emergence of the gift of the appearance of different languages, was predicted by the Son of God, Jesus Christ. As his earthly ministry drew to a close, as the Gospel of Mark says, he listed five signs of a supernatural nature that God intended to accompany the preaching of the gospel. Christ spoke of new tongues, and they appeared at Pentecost, a great holiday.

    How does glossolalia relate to the angelic language recorded by John Dee and Edward Kelly? There is a theory that Kelly, who was fond of alchemy and insisted that he was able to make gold from copper, using only the help of a mysterious powder he found in Wales at the grave of the bishop, fooled his companion. Kelly's claims that he was gifted with the power of summoning angels through a magic crystal, as well as the ability to conduct long dialogues with them, caused skepticism.

    John kept the minutes of each such ritual and wrote down the angelic alphabet, later called Enochian, during the conversation. Enoch was the biblical father of Methuselah, taken to heaven and returned to earth to record everything he saw. Enemies who denied the Enochian language said that Edward Kelly was fooling John, and his muttering during the sessions was nothing more than glossolalia, an incoherent set of words that Dee, who wanted to believe in the presence of angels, took for a true divine presence and folded into coherent words

    Enochian Symbols - Forerunners of all other alphabets

    First of all, the symbols are the Enochian keys, representing 48 rhymed lines of poetry corresponding to different functions in the structure of this type of magic. John Dee recorded them both in their original form and translated them into modern English based on Old English. In a great fire, John's original manuscripts were lost, resulting in many interpretations of the true and valid angelic language.

    Enochian alphabet

    Legends say that the Enochian symbols are the oldest on Earth, and the Enochian alphabet itself is the predecessor of all other human languages. Of all the magical alphabets, the Enochian language is considered one of the most potent strains, helping to communicate with intelligent creatures of other planes of existence. Unfriendly scholars and occultists have argued that the syntactic structure of Enochian is extremely similar to the English construction of syntax. And English, by the way, was the native language of John and Edward.

    An electronic analysis has shown that the Enochian texts are indeed grammatically related to English language... Liber Loagaeth has phonetic features of English. However, there are also those that are not characteristic of natural language. They are more associated with glossolalia or a recorded conversation in another language.