• What can you cook from squid: quick and tasty

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-2.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> PHILOSOPHICAL CONCEPTS ABOUT HUMAN SOCIAL QUALITIES">!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-5.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> The era of antiquity Man is part of the cosmos, ie."> Эпоха античности Человек-часть космоса, т. е. микрокосмос. Человек наделен душой и телом. Душа и тело неразделимы. Платон- человек –это духовное существо. Идеи определяют бытие человека. Душа нематериальна. Аристотель -человек- есть живое существо, наделенное разумом, а душу человека считал формой существования тела. Платон и Аристотель!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-6.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Ancient China and India In China, it was believed that a person"> Древние Китай и Индия В Китае считали, что человек должен следовать своей судьбе В Индии верили в переселение душ!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-7.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Ancient Greece Man is the measure of everything that exists."> Древняя Греция Человек- мера всего существующего. Неизменны законы природы, а изменчивы человеческие представления о природе.!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-8.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Middle Ages God is the creator of everything. Man is the creation of God."> Средние века Бог-творец всего. Человек-творение бога. Душа- бессмертна, тело- смертно.!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-9.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Renaissance Age Human is a thinking creature and its possibilities are endless"> Эпоха Возрождения Человек- мыслящее существо и его возможности безграничны Человек- разумное существо, обладающий свободой выбора и творчества Р. Декарт- «Мыслю следовательно существую» Человек- творец и он сам творит свою судьбу!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-10.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> New time I. Kant, G. Hegel, K. Marx"> Новое время И. Кант, Г. Гегель, К. Маркс Разум был выведен за пределы самого человека Разум стал абсолютной идеей, а человек- частица мирового разума. К. Маркс- человек-совокупность общественных отношений!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-11.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Modern concepts proceed from the fact that Man is a biosocial being, the highest"> Современные концепции исходят из того, что Человек- биосоциальное существо, высшая ступень животного типа Задание- п. 2. 1 стр. 58 -61 законспектировать!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-12.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Individual This is a representative of the human race, endowed with special,"> Индивид Это представитель человеческого рода, наделенный особыми, отличительными от других людей чертами Индивидуальность- оригинальные специфические черты человека, которые выделяют его из себе подобных!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-13.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Distinctive personality traits External (skin color, blood type ...) Psychological"> Отличительные черты индивидуальности Внешние (цвет кожи, группа крови…) Психологические (темперамент, характер, интеллект, потребности, способности, интересы) Социальные (отношения к собственности, место в социально-классовой структуре) Духовно-культурные!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-14.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Insert the missing words Each ………… is different, but not each …………."> Вставьте пропущенные слова Каждый …………индивидуален, но не каждый …………. может стать ……………. . …………………. не рождаются, …………………. становятся!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-15.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Personality Every person is different, but not every individual can"> Личность Каждый человек индивидуален, но не каждый индивид может стать личностью!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-17.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Personality This is integrity ……………. ……… ……, product ……………"> Личность Это целостность……………. . ……………, продукт …………… развития и включения ……………. в систему социальных ………………. . , посредством активной ………………… и …………. . .!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-18.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Personality This is the integrity of human social properties, a product of public"> Личность Это целостность социальных свойств человека, продукт общественного развития и включения индивида в систему социальных отношений, посредством активной деятельности и общения Личностью не рождаются, личностью становятся!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-19.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> As an integral social system, a personality has its own internal structure, consisting of levels Biological"> Как целостная социальная система личность имеет свою внутреннюю структуру, состоящую из уровней. Биологический уровень включает в себя природные, общие по происхождению качества личности (строение тела, половозрастные особенности, темперамент и т. д.). Психологический уровень личности объединяет ее психологические особенности (чувства, воля, память, мышление). Психологические особенности находятся в тесной взаимосвязи с наследственностью личности. Наконец, социальный уровень личности разделяется на три подуровня: 1. собственно социологический (мотивы поведения, интересы личности, жизненный опыт, цели), этот подуровень теснее связан с общественным сознанием, которое объективно по отношению к каждому человеку, выступая как часть социальной среды, как материал для индивидуального сознания; 2. специфически-культурный (ценностные и иные установки, нормы поведения); 3. нравственный.!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-20.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> In sociology, modal, basic and ideal personality types are distinguished. average personality type,"> В социологии выделяют модальный, базисный и идеальный типы личности. Модальным называют усредненный тип личности, который реально преобладает в данном обществе. Под базисным понимается тип личности, который наилучшим образом отвечает потребностям развития общества. Идеальный тип личности не привязан к конкретным условиям и рассматривается как эталон личности будущего.!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-21.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Personality qualities q. Mastering ……………….. q. Development ……………. q. Social"> Качества личности q. Освоение ………………. . q. Развитие ……………. q. Социальная ………………. .!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-22.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Personality qualities q. Mastering social functions q. Development of self-awareness q. Social activity">!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-23.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> What shapes personality ØHereditary ØParenting ØSocial environment">!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-25.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> ACTIVITIES AND THINKING. ACTIVITIES AND CREATIVITY">!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-26.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Activity is a manifestation of human activity in any area of ​​his existence Human activity:"> Деятельность-это проявление активности человека в какой-либо сфере его существования Человеческая деятельность: Во-первых: предполагает активность, которая связана с движением, взаимодействием различных предметов (объектов). Активность, в зависимости от форм движения бывает механической, физической, биологической, социальной и т. д. Во-вторых – взаимодействие человека или группы людей с окружающей средой, миром. В-третьих, это процесс сознательного и целенаправленного изменения человеком мира и самого себя. Человеческая деятельность преобразует мир, улучшает его, но нередко и портит.!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-27.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> What is the difference between animal activities and human behavior"> В чем отличие деятельности животных от поведения человека В отличие от животных, человек не только приспосабливается к природе, но и посредством своей деятельности ее преобразует. В отличие от животных, которые живут в естественной (природной) среде и действуют на основе врожденных инстинктов, люди живут в среде социальной, являющейся результатом их сознательной трудовой деятельности, т. е. человек ставит цели, выбирает средства, прогнозирует свой результат!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-28.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> The difference between humans and animals. Animals Human Use"> Отличие человека от животных Животные Человек Используют только Изготавливает орудия естественные орудия труда и использует их как средство производства Поведение подчинено материальных благ инстинктам Осуществляет сознательную целенаправленную Не обладают творческую деятельность высокоразвитым мозгом и не умеют говорить Обладает высокоразвитым мозгом, мышлением и речью!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-29.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Activity structure An entity - the one who performs actions, possesses"> Структура деятельности Субъект - тот, кто осуществляет действия, обладает активностью, направленной на объект. Субъектом деятельности может быть отдельный индивид, группа людей, организация или государственный орган. Действия субъекта могут быть направлены на другого человека или на самого себя. Объект - то, что противостоит субъекту, то, к чему устремлена практическая и познавательная деятельность человека. Объектом деятельности может быть природа в целом или ее отдельные аспекты, а также различные сферы человеческой жизнедеятельности. Орудия- орудия труда, предметы быта, средства транспорта, книги, компьютер…!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-30.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Nature of the activity The goal is a subjective image of the desired result,"> Характер деятельности Цель - субъективный образ желаемого результата, «то, ради чего» (Аристотель) предпринимаются определенные действия. Средства труда - это различные устройства, помогающие человеку воздействовать на природу для усиления мускульных (а позднее и умственных) возможностей человека Результат Мотивы деятельности!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-31.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Activity motives Needs Social attitudes"> Мотивы деятельности Потребности Социальные установки Убеждения Интересы Сознательное и бессознательное в деятельности!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-32.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Activities In human development, three leading"> Виды деятельности В развитии человека обычно выделяются три ведущих вида деятельности: игра, учение, труд. Игра, как особый тип взаимодействия, многими исследователями рассматривается как процесс, в ходе которого имитируются реальные действия, т. е. она является неким прообразом реальных действий, в ходе которых развиваются умения, навыки, способности человека. Труд как целесообразная деятельность человека начался с изготовлений орудий труда.!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-36.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Thinking is the process of human cognitive activity, characterized by"> Мышление это процесс познавательной деятельности человека, характеризующийся опосредованным и обобщенным отражением действительности. Мышление неразрывно связано с языком и речью.!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-37.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Forms (techniques) thinking analysis synthesis"> Формы (приемы) мышление анализ синтез сравнение обобщение абстрагирование понятие суждения умозаключения.!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-38.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Forms (techniques) thinking Analysis - mental decomposition of an object into its components"> Формы (приемы) мышление Анализ- мысленное разложение предмета на составляющие его части или стороны. Синтез- мысленное объединение расчленяемых анализом элементов. Сравнение есть установление сходства или различия предметов. Обобщение - это мысленное выделение, фиксирование каких-нибудь общих существенных свойств, принадлежащих только данному классу предметов или отношений. Абстрагирование - это мысленное отвлечение, отделение общих, существенных свойств, выделенных в результате обобщения, от прочих несущественных или необщих свойств Понятие - это мысль, отражающая предметы в их общих и существенных признаках. Суждение - это такая форма мысли, в которой с помощью связи понятий утверждается или отрицается что-либо о чем-либо Умозаключение – это процесс мышления, позволяющий из двух или нескольких суждений вывести новое суждение.!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-39.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Creativity is the cognitive and active ability of a person to create qualitatively"> Творчество это познавательно-деятельная способность человека создавать качественно новые материальные и духовные ценности. Специальной наукой, изучающей творческую деятельность, является эвристика. Ее назначение - создавать модели творческого процесса решения задач в условиях неопределенности.!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-40.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Creativity can be exercised: industrial and technical scientific"> Творческие способность можно проявлять: производственно-технической научной художественной изобретательской политической воспитательно-педагогической деятельности!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-41.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Stages of creativity - understanding the problem, formulating the problem;"> Этапы творчества - осознание проблемы, формулировка задачи; - сбор и изучение информации; - переключение на другие задачи или занятия: проблема уходит в подсознание; - озарение: проблема решается с неожиданной стороны; решение обнаруживается там, где поначалу его не пытались искать; - проверка: она может быть логической или экспериментальной: - оценка новизны найденного решения.!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-42.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> Main Components of Creativity Memory Feasibility Intuition">!}

    Src = "https://present5.com/presentation/1/172406655_128734239.pdf-img/172406655_128734239.pdf-53.jpg" alt = "(! LANG:> What are the socially significant qualities of your chosen profession that affect"> Назовите социально значимые качества выбранной вами профессии, которые влияют на формирование личности Профессиональные Эмоциональные Интеллектуальные Коммуникативные Организаторские Нервно-психологические!}

    »Is a general concept denoting belonging to the human race, the nature of which, as noted above, combines biological and social qualities. In other words, a person appears in his essence as biosocial being.

    Modern man is a biosocial unity from birth. He is born with incompletely formed anatomophysiological qualities that develop during his life in society. At the same time, heredity supplies the child not only with purely biological properties and instincts. He initially turns out to be the owner of his own human qualities: a developed ability to imitate adults, curiosity, the ability to be upset and rejoice. His smile (a “privilege” of a person) is innate. But it is society that completely introduces a person into this world, which fills his behavior with social content.

    Consciousness is not our natural heritage, although nature creates a physiological base for. Conscious mental phenomena are formed during life as a result of active mastery of language and culture. It is to society that a person owes such qualities as transformative tool activity, communication with the help of speech, the ability to spiritual creativity.

    The acquisition of social qualities by a person occurs in the process socialization: what is inherent in a particular person is the result of the development of cultural values ​​that exist in a particular society. At the same time, it is an expression, an embodiment of the inner capabilities of a person.

    Natural and social interaction between man and society contradictory. Man is a subject of social life, he realizes himself only in society. However, it is also a product of the environment, it reflects the peculiarities of the development of biological and social aspects of social life. Achievement of biological and social harmony society and man at every historical stage acts as an ideal, the striving for which contributes to the development of both society and man.

    Society and man are inseparable from each other both biologically and socially. Society is what the people who form it are, it acts as an expression, design, consolidation of the inner essence of a person, a way of his life. Man emerged from nature, but exists as a man only thanks to society, is formed in it and shapes it by his activities.

    Society determines the conditions not only for social, but also for biological improvement of a person. That is why the focus of society should be on ensuring the health of people from birth to old age. A person's biological health allows him to actively participate in the life of society, realize his creative potential, create a full-fledged family, raise and educate children. At the same time, a person, deprived of the necessary social conditions for life, loses his "biological form", sinks not only morally, but also physically, which can cause antisocial behavior and crimes.

    In society, a person realizes his nature, but he himself is forced to obey the requirements and limitations of society, to be responsible to it. After all, society is all people, including each person, and, submitting to society, he asserts in himself the requirements of his own essence. By opposing society, a person not only undermines the foundations of general well-being, but also deforms his own nature, violates the harmony of biological and social principles.

    Biological and social factors

    What allowed a person to stand out from the animal world? The main factors of anthropogenesis can be divided as follows:

    • biological factors- upright posture, hand development, large and developed brain, the ability to articulate speech;
    • main social factors- labor and collective activity, thinking, language and morality.

    Of the factors listed above, he played a leading role in the process of human development; on his example, the interconnection of other biological and social factors is manifested. Thus, upright posture freed up the hands for the use and manufacture of tools, and the structure of the hand (protruding thumb, flexibility) made it possible to effectively use these tools. In the process of joint work, close relationships were formed between the members of the team, which led to the establishment of group interaction, care for the members of the tribe (morality), to the need for communication (the appearance of speech). Language contributed by expressing increasingly complex concepts; the development of thinking, in turn, enriched the language with new words. The language also made it possible to pass on experience from generation to generation, preserving and increasing the knowledge of mankind.

    Thus, modern man is a product of the interaction of biological and social factors.

    Under it biological characteristics understand what brings a person closer to an animal (with the exception of the factors of anthropogenesis, which were the basis for separating a person from the kingdom of nature) - hereditary traits; the presence of instincts (self-preservation, sexual, etc.); emotions; biological needs (breathe, eat, sleep, etc.); physiological characteristics similar to other mammals (the presence of the same internal organs, hormones, constant body temperature); the ability to use natural objects; adaptation to the environment, procreation.

    Social features characteristic exclusively for humans - the ability to produce tools; articulate speech; language; social needs (communication, affection, friendship, love); spiritual needs (,); awareness of their needs; activity (labor, artistic, etc.) as the ability to transform the world; consciousness; ability to think; creation; creation; goal setting.

    A person cannot be reduced exclusively to social qualities, since biological prerequisites are necessary for his development. But it cannot be reduced to biological characteristics, since one can become a person only in society. Biological and social are inseparably fused in a person, which makes him special biosocial creature.

    Biological and social in man and their unity

    Ideas about the unity of the biological and the social in the formation of a person did not form immediately.

    Without delving into distant antiquity, we recall that during the Enlightenment, many thinkers, differentiating the natural and the social, considered the latter as "artificially" created by man, including practically all the attributes of social life - spiritual needs, social institutions, morality, traditions and customs. It was during this period that concepts such as "natural law", "natural equality", "natural morality".

    Natural, or natural was considered as the foundation, the basis of the correctness of the social order. There is no need to emphasize that the social played a kind of secondary role and was directly dependent on the natural environment. In the second half of the XIX century. various theories of social Darwinism, the essence of which is attempts to extend to public life principles of natural selection and the struggle for existence in living nature, formulated by the English naturalist Charles Darwin. The emergence of society, its development were considered only within the framework of evolutionary changes occurring independently of the will of people. Naturally, everything that happens in society, including social inequality, the harsh laws of social struggle, were considered by them as necessary, useful both for society as a whole and for its individual individuals.

    In the XX century. attempts at a biologic "explanation" of the essence of man and his social qualities do not stop. As an example, we can cite the phenomenology of man by the famous French thinker and natural scientist, by the way, the clergyman P. Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955). According to Teilhard, man embodies and concentrates in himself all the development of the world. Nature in the process of its historical development receives its meaning in man. In it, it reaches, as it were, its highest biological development and at the same time it also acts as a kind of beginning of its conscious, and, consequently, social development.

    At present, the opinion about the biosocial nature of man has been established in science. At the same time, the social is not only not belittled, but its decisive role in the separation of Homo sapiens from the animal world and its transformation into a social being is noted. Now hardly anyone dares to deny biological prerequisites for the emergence of man... Even without referring to scientific evidence, but guided by the simplest observations and generalizations, it is not difficult to discover the huge dependence of man on natural changes - magnetic storms in the atmosphere, solar activity, earthly disasters and disasters.

    In the formation, existence of a person, and this has already been said before, a huge role belongs to social factors, such as labor, relationships between people, their political and social institutions. None of them by itself, in isolation, could lead to the emergence of man, his isolation from the animal world.

    Each person is unique and this is also predetermined by his nature, in particular, by the unique set of genes inherited from his parents. It must also be said that the physical differences that exist between people are primarily predetermined by biological differences. First of all, these are the differences between the two sexes - men and women, which can be attributed to the most significant differences between people. There are other physical differences - skin color, eyes, body structure, which are mainly due to geographic and climatic factors. It is these factors, as well as unequal conditions of historical development, the system of upbringing that largely explain the differences in everyday life, psychology, and the social situation of the peoples of different countries. And yet, despite these rather fundamental differences in their biology, physiology and mental potencies, the people of our planet are generally equal. The achievements of modern science convincingly indicate that there is no reason to assert the superiority of any race over another.

    Social in man- this is primarily a tool-production activity, collectivist forms of life with the division of responsibilities between individuals, language, thinking, social and political activity. It is known that Homo sapiens as a person and person cannot exist outside of human communities. Cases are described when small children, for various reasons, fell under the care of animals, were "brought up" by them, and when, after several years of being in the animal kingdom, they returned to people, it took them years to adapt to a new social environment. Finally, a person's social life cannot be imagined without his social and political activity. As a matter of fact, as noted earlier, a person's life itself is social, since he constantly interacts with people - in everyday life, at work, during leisure. How does the biological and social correlate in determining the essence and nature of man? Modern science unequivocally answers this - only in unity. Indeed, without biological prerequisites it would be difficult to imagine the appearance of hominids, but without social conditions, the formation of man was impossible. It is no longer a secret for anyone that pollution of the environment, the human environment, poses a threat to the biological existence of Homo sapiens. Summing up, we can say that now, as well as many millions of years ago, the physical state of man, his existence to a decisive extent depends on the state of nature. In general, it can be argued that now, as with the appearance of Homo sapiens, its existence is ensured by the unity of the biological and the social.

    Man is a natural (biological) being;

    2. Man is a social being (public), or, according to Aristotle, "zoon politicon" (social animal). A person becomes a person only in society, in the process of socialization.

    Socialization - (from Lat. Socialis - social), the process of assimilation by a person of a certain system of knowledge, norms and values ​​that allow him to function as a full member of society; includes both a targeted impact on the personality (upbringing) and spontaneous processes that affect its formation.

    Human needs and interests.

    A need in the ordinary sense means a need or lack of something

    necessary to maintain the vital functions of the organism, the human personality,

    social group, society as a whole. However, in scientific theory, the concept of need

    denotes a constant contradiction between the current situation and the necessary conditions for human life and development (for example, quenching thirst with a glass of water does not eliminate a person's need for water, without which his normal life is impossible).

    The classification of human needs was proposed by the American psychologist A.

    Maslow. In his opinion, all people are characterized by a certain hierarchical system.

    basic (basic) needs. Maslow separated the primary (inborn) needs

    from secondary (acquired). Maslow attributed the needs to the first group:

    a) physiological (needs for reproduction of the genus, food, respiration, clothing,

    dwelling, rest, etc.);

    b) existential (needs for the safety of one's existence, comfort,

    confidence in the future, job security, etc.)

    Secondary needs include:

    a) social (needs for social connections, communication, participation in a joint

    other people of activity);

    b) prestigious (needs for self-respect, respect from others, achievement

    success, career development, etc.);

    c) spiritual (needs for self-expression).

    The needs of each next level become, according to Maslow, urgent when

    the previous ones are satisfied.

    Interest is a conscious need that characterizes people's attitude to objects and phenomena of reality that are of great social importance for them, attractiveness.

    Human activity directed by the action of needs is carried out

    due to the fact that the individual has the richest complex of abilities. Abilities are individual characteristics of a person, on which the success of a certain type of activity depends.

    Activity and thinking

    Activity and thinking concepts

    Activity is a specifically human way of relating to the external world, the essence of which is in changing, transforming the world, creating something that is not in nature.

    Thinking is a specifically human feature that allows one to gain knowledge about objects, properties and relationships of the real world that cannot be directly perceived at the sensory level of cognition.

    ^ Specificity of activity

    The difference between animal activity and human activity

    ^ Animal activity

    Human activity


    Reasonable, goal-setting

    ^ Is adaptive

    Actively changes the environment

    Only natural items are used as tools

    Something new is being created, something that does not exist in nature

    Activity structure

    Activity includes an end, means,

    Subject (the one who carries out the activity),

    The object (the one to whom the activity is directed), and the result.

    A subject can be either one person or a group of people, a government institution, etc. The object can be nature, another person, some sphere of public life, etc.


    Labor - human transformation of the environment;

    The game is an imitation of real actions;

    Teaching - acquisition of ZUN;

    Creativity is the creation of qualitatively new, previously non-existent values.

    Personality concept



    An individual, every independently existing organism

    The unique identity of the individual

    A stable system of socially significant traits that characterize the individual as a member of society

    Personality is a becoming being.

    What sense do we put into the concept of "becoming being", speaking of personality?

    Personality formation factors

    1. Education;

    2. Activity;

    3. Society and its culture.

    Lesson 1 Form F-B-05-01

    Topic: Introduction

    Target: actualization of knowledge about the discipline "Social Science".

    Equipment: computer, projector, interactive whiteboard, Textbooks: Man and Society. Social science. / Ed. L.N. Bogolyubova, A. Yu. Lazebnikova. In 2 hours: 1-10 grades, presentation "Social Studies"

    During the classes:

    I... Org. moment;

    II... Presentation of new material:

      What is social science?

      What is society?

      Objectives of the discipline and the role of social science in the formation of personality.

    presentation "Social Studies", computer, projector, interactive board.

    1. Social studies- a complex of disciplines, the object of research of which are various aspects of the life of society.

    As an academic subject, it includes the basics of social sciences (philosophy, sociology, social psychology, jurisprudence, economics, political science, etc.) and focuses on the special knowledge necessary to effectively solve the most typical problems in the social, economic, political, spiritual spheres of life. ...

    A characteristic feature of the social studies course is that social sciences are not considered in it in an isolated form, but as closely related disciplines that make up a single whole. We can say that if each individual science offers its own fragment of knowledge about society and man and its point of view on it, then social science allows you to add from these fragments and positions a holistic and voluminous picture of the social world

    Question: remember what is called a society?

    2. Society is a large and stable group of people occupying a certain territory, having common forms of economic activity, culture, worldview, realizing their unity. It is a historically developing, ordered, self-governing and fairly autonomous system of relations, an organizational form of joint life of people, transformed and reproduced in the process of their activities. Since society consists of many groups, it can be called a "collective of collectives", and since it develops - the historical way of organizing the life of people. A developed society is a set of social institutions in which the essence of a person is expressed.

    Question: when studying society, what areas of society are affected?

    Social science affects all four spheres of social life - social, economic, spiritual and political.

    The question is: why, when studying society, special attention is paid to economics? Why is the economy considered the basis of the state? What is the significance of the political sphere for society? What is public relations? What are the types of people uniting?

    Public relations represent the diverse connections that arise between social groups, strata (strata, classes), nations and individuals in the process of economic, social, political and cultural life.

    3 ... Despite the fact that social science is a "constructor" of several disciplines, there is no such discipline that could replace it and give a holistic view of society and social processes. Social science absorbs the most important, with regards to the life of society, from each discipline, therefore its teaching in schools, colleges and universities is quite justified. This subject plays an important role in the formation of a person's personality, his civic position, helps young people to understand the political situation in the world and learn how to act correctly when dealing with issues that relate to civil, labor, criminal law and many other aspects of public life.

    Currently, in accordance with the tasks of modernization of education, there is a significant update of the content of the course "Social Studies", the goals of which, according to the State Standard, are structured by identifying five areas: development of the personality of students, education, assimilation of the knowledge system, development of skills, formation of the ability to apply the received knowledge and skills in practice. The practical orientation of the course "Social Studies" is embodied in the orientation of social science education to prepare for the conscious fulfillment of typical social roles (family man, worker, owner, consumer, citizen, student).

    III. Anchoring.

      What is social science?

      What does social science study?

      What is society?

    IV... Summing up.

    V... Homework: lecture notes, to determine the meaning of concepts: philosophy, sociology, psychology, law, history.

    Session 2 Form F-B-05-01

    Topic: Philosophical ideas about the social qualities of a person. Man, individual, personality. Needs, abilities and interests.

    Target: the formation of knowledge about a person as a biosocial being, the disclosure of philosophical ideas about a person and his purpose, the actualization of knowledge about the needs, abilities and interests of a person, to reveal the concepts: “person”, “personality”, “individual”, “individuality”;

    Basic concepts:"Man", "personality", "individual", "individuality", anthroposociogenesis.

    Equipment: interactive board, projector, textbook, presentation “Man and his essence”, “Man, individual, personality”, “Needs, abilities, interests”.

    During the classes:

    I... Org. moment;

    II... Homework check:


      What is social science?

      What does social science study?

      What sciences are included in the discipline of social science?

      What is society?

      What areas of society do you know? Give an example.

      What is the role of social science in human life?

    III... Learning new material:

    Conditional questions of the topic and the order of their presentation (problem situations)

    Use of visualization, TCO, progressive forms of education

      Man and his essence.

      Man, individual, personality;

      Needs, abilities, interest

    presentations "Man and his essence", "Man, individual, personality", "Needs, abilities, interests". computer, projector, interactive whiteboard.

    1. Among the problems considered in the doctrines of being (ontology), cognition (epistemology), the problem of man, and in particular, his origin, essence, the place he occupies in nature, and his role in social life is one of the fundamental philosophical topics.

    Since the inception of philosophy and up to the present time, man has been in the center of its attention, and to date, other scientific disciplines have emerged (psychology, physiology, medicine, pedagogy), which set the main goal of studying various aspects of human activity.

    The first ideas about man begin to be expressed long before philosophy appeared. This is evidenced by the myths and primitive religious ideas that have come down to us.

    The thinkers of antiquity - in Ancient India, China, Greece, they considered man undifferentiated, as a part of the cosmos, acting as a kind of unified timeless “order”, “order” of nature and including all the basic principles of the world - water, air, fire, earth, ether.

    Traditionally, it is believed that the first creator of the doctrine of man, we are talking about ancient Greek philosophy, which in no way diminishes the contribution of ancient Indian and ancient Chinese sages to this problem, is Socrates (c. 470-399 BC). Socrates focuses on the inner life of a person, focusing on a person who knows.

    At a higher level, human nature is considered in the works of such ancient thinkers as Plato (427–347 BC) and Aristotle (384–322 BC). The ideas expressed by them about the essence of man formed, taking into account, of course, time, the basis for subsequent ideas about man.

    Plato's doctrine of man is based on two postulates. The first one proceeds from his general philosophical concept, according to which a person should not create, but only embody ideas already existing in the world. A person is free only in the choice of already existing ideas.

    Secondly, according to Plato, the essence of a person is only the soul, and his body appears only as a lower and hostile matter to the soul. In reality, a person is, as it were, divided into two unequal parts, from which the idea is the highest, and the body is the lowest.

    In contrast to Plato, Aristotle sees man as the unity of his soul and body, closely interconnected with each other. And although the body should be subordinated to the soul, as the most exalted part, nevertheless they cannot exist in isolation

    In accordance with modern scientific achievements, there are good reasons to assert that man is a product of evolutionary development, in which, along with biological factors, an important role belongs to social

    Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens) at a certain stage of evolutionary development separated from the animal world.

    Question: what theories of the origin of man do you know? What is anthropogenesis? What is the essence of man? What are the main differences between humans and animals? What unites humans with the animal world? Why is a person considered a biosocial being? What does nature give to man? society?

    Question: How do people differ from each other?

    2. Individual usually called a single specific person, considered as a biosocial being. The concept of "person" is usually used, wishing to show that a person belongs to the human race (Homo sapiens), as well as the fact that this person has universal features and qualities inherent in all people.

    It is necessary to distinguish the concept of "personality" from these two concepts. The word "personality" (lat. Persona) originally denoted the mask worn by the actor in the ancient theater. Then they began to apply it to the actor himself and his role ("character"). The ancient Romans used the word persona only to indicate the social function, role, role of a person (the personality of the judge, the personality of the father, the personality of the consul, etc.). Having turned into a scientific term, the word "personality" has significantly changed its meaning and now expresses something opposite to the content that was put into it in antiquity.
    A person is a human individual who is a subject of conscious activity, possessing a set of socially significant traits, properties and qualities that he realizes in public life. When they talk about a person, first of all, they mean his social individuality, uniqueness. The latter is formed in the process of upbringing and human activity, under the influence of a particular society and its culture. Not every person is a person. People are born, become a person in the process of socialization.
    Socialization is called the process of influence of society and its structures on them throughout the life of individuals, as a result of which people accumulate social experience of life in a particular society, become individuals.

    3. Need.

    Question: what is need? What types of needs do you know?

    Independent work: Read the text on p.

    and determine what types of needs exist? How can you explain the position of needs: why are some higher, others lower? What needs are more significant for a person? Is it possible to trace the dependence of needs on each other?

    Briefly write down their characteristics.

    Need can be defined as an objectively necessary condition for the existence or development of its carrier. Need is an objective condition for the normal existence of a person. In the process of production development, the basic, simplest needs are satisfied, which gives impetus to the emergence of new, more complex needs.

    This idea received a more detailed study in the psychological motivation concept developed by an American (the son of Jewish immigrants from Russia) Abraham Maslow(1908-1970). He argued that the innate needs of a person are built into the following hierarchy:

    physiological needs (hunger, thirst, etc.);

    security and protection needs (long-term survival and stability);

    needs of belonging and love (joining and accepting);

    self-esteem needs (meaning, competence);

    the needs of self-actualization, or the needs of personal self-improvement (realization of potential).

    All these needs are arranged in a hierarchy.

    This means that the lower the need is located, the more significant it is. The needs located at the base of the hierarchy must be satisfied to some extent before a person can realize higher needs.

    Human ability and interest.

    The term "ability" is ambiguous. R.S. Nemov presented them in a compact classification:
    1. Abilities - properties of the human soul, understood as a set of all kinds of mental processes and states. This is the broadest and oldest definition of ability available. At present, it is practically no longer used in psychology.
    2. Abilities represent a high level of development of general and special knowledge, abilities and skills that ensure the successful performance of a person in various types of activities. This definition appeared and was accepted in the psychology of the 18th-19th centuries, and is partly used today.
    3. Abilities is something that is not limited to knowledge, skills and abilities, but explains (ensures) their rapid acquisition, consolidation and effective use in practice. This division is now accepted and is the most common.

    IV... Anchoring.

      What theories of human origin do you know?

      How did the ancient philosophers define the essence of man?

      Why is a person considered a biosocial being?

      What impact does society have on a person?

      What is socialization?

      What are needs?

      What is a person's ability and interest?

    V... Summing up.

    VI... House. exercise:§ 2-3, back. 4, p. 50. Complete the assignment in writing: determine the types of abilities and interests of the person.

    Society problems have always been part of the circle of philosophical interests. But in scientific thought from the 18th to the 20th centuries. one can note a kind of revolution in the perception of society. The idea arose that there is a special object of scientific knowledge - "society", which is not a simple sum of its constituent people. The unification of people in large aggregates gives rise to a new quality that obeys other laws than the behavior of a single individual. Therefore, a social philosophy was formed, in which society was considered, according to the philosopher S. N. Bulgakov, as "a special way of approaching life, in which the personality is extinguished for the sake of aggregates."

    Social philosophy surveys social life in general and studies social institutions. One of the most important problems is the relationship between the individual and society - in general terms, that is, regardless of the types of social organization. Social philosophy examines the conditions under which society maintains its integrity, it comprehends the methods by which social life is cognized, it generalizes the experience of social sciences.

    In the history of philosophy, two main approaches can be distinguished: classical and postclassical.

    The classic approach to society excluded from theoretical consideration the subjective world of an individual. From this point of view, social reality does not depend on subjective actions, although it is made up of them. In this regard, philosophers sought to find a social structure that would not depend on subjective actions and thus would be decisive for society as a whole.

    Within the framework of the classical approach, two directions can be distinguished. Some thinkers, for example, Hegel, believed that the unity of society is ensured by spiritual culture. Others, such as Marx, considered the economy and economic life to be the main factor.

    Individual, individuality, personality

    Society is a system of concrete historical social ties, a system of relationships between people. A separate person is also a certain system with a complex structure that does not fit into the spatial-physical framework of the human body.

    The method of structural analysis helps to isolate those stable components that make up the concepts of "person", "individual", "personality" and "individuality". For a long time in Russian literature, they almost did not differ and were used as something interchangeable, which led to a lot of theoretical confusion. Meanwhile, the concepts of “individual”, “personality”, “person” are of the same order, but not identical. At the same time, one should not go to the other extreme - a sharp differentiation and opposition of these concepts. The already obvious fact that a person, on the one hand, is a part of nature, a natural being of a special kind, and on the other hand, is a part of social and practical being, suggests that, in terms of its structure, the concepts of “man”, “personality”, “individuality” include both social and natural (biological) components, albeit in different dimensions and proportions.

    A person as a system is a relatively stable unity of elements and their relationships, identified on the basis of the principles of conservation, or invariance, as well as the unity of the internal content of the system and its external relations. The structure is a relatively stable way of organizing and self-organizing such elements of the system, which, when conditions change, retain their stability, stability and without which the system loses its previous quality.

    Such invariant elements of the concept of "man" as a system are the social and the natural, since they are preserved, remain relatively unchanged with all modifications of this concept (personality, individuality). Biological and social are two classes of stable components (substructures) that make up the structure of a person as an integral system.

    The most general, generic concept is the concept of a person. A person is a subject of socio-historical activity and culture, or, more precisely, a subject of these social relations and thus of the global historical and cultural process. By its nature, it is an integral biosocial (biopsychosocial) system, a unique being capable of conceptual thinking, producing tools of labor, possessing articulate speech and moral qualities.

    As for the concept of an individual, this is a single representative of the human race, a single person, regardless of his real anthropological and social characteristics. The born child is an individual, but he is not yet a human individuality. The individual becomes an individual as he ceases to be only a “unit” of the human race and acquires the relative independence of his being in society, becomes a person.

    In the question of the relationship between society and the individual, two tendencies are often manifested: either their dualistic opposition, or the dissolution of the individual in the system of social relations. The antinomy of the social and the individual is overcome if we keep in mind that the individual is not just a single empirical being "interspersed" into society, but an individual form of being in the same society.

    Of course, each individual, being a representative of the human race, a bearer of the generic qualities of a person, is at the same time a unique individuality, which (unlike the genus) is not eternal and disappears along with the death of the given individual. But from this it does not at all follow (as it may seem with a purely quantitative approach to the issue) that the individual is fundamentally opposite to the social, because from the point of view of quality, the individual and society are of the same type (although not identical). They cannot be opposed, for the individual is a social being and every manifestation of his life (even if it does not appear in the direct form of its collective manifestation) is a manifestation of social life. Equally, it is inappropriate to identify an individual and a society, for each individual, possessing general genus characteristics, can also act as an original individuality.

    The human individual, taken in terms of his social qualities (views, abilities, needs, interests, moral convictions, etc.), forms the concept of personality. Personality is a dynamic, relatively stable integral system of intellectual, socio-cultural and moral-volitional qualities of a person, expressed in the individual characteristics of his consciousness and activity. Although the natural basis of a personality is formed by its biological characteristics, nevertheless, the determining factors of its development (the essential basis) are not its natural qualities (for example, one or another type of higher nervous activity), but socially significant qualities. The personality is characterized by awareness of the motives of their behavior, constant work of consciousness and will, aimed at self-realization, disclosure of individual abilities. The complex of peculiar unique qualities and actions characteristic of a given personality is expressed in the concept of "individuality".

    Personality is a dialectical unity of the general (socio-typical), the particular (class, national, etc.) and the separate (individual). In concrete historical circumstances, it acts as a whole, the type of which is formed by a certain social system. Personality is the reality of the individual as a social phenomenon and subject, realizing himself in various types of social communication and action.

    The social qualities of a person are manifested in her actions, deeds, in her relation to other people. By these externally manifested actions, as well as through questionnaires, tests and introspection (self-observation), one can, to a certain extent, judge the inner world of a person, his spiritual and moral qualities (both positive and negative). This creates the possibility of not only objective knowledge of the social qualities of a person, but also a formative influence on them. Cognition of the structure of the personality is possible both in general theoretical terms and in terms of empirical studies of certain aspects of this structure by individual sciences - biology, psychology, physiology, sociology, pedagogy, etc.

    The inner content of the personality, its subjective world is not the result of mechanical introduction into its consciousness of various external influences, but the result of the inner work of the personality itself, in the process of which the outer, passing through the subjectivity of the personality, is processed, mastered and realized in practical activity. The system of social qualities educated and independently developed by the individual that has developed in this way is manifested in a subjective form (ideas, values, interests, orientation, etc.), reflecting the interaction of the individual with the surrounding objective world. Depending on the nature of social relations, the level of knowledge and willpower, the individual acquires the opportunity to exert more or less influence on the factors of his development.

    The concept of "personality" characterizes a person as an active subject of social relations. At the same time, each person is not only a subject, but also an object of activity, a set of functions (roles) that he performs due to the existing division of labor, belonging to a particular class or social group with their ideology and psychology. The worldview of a person, formed by the social environment, upbringing and self-education, is one of its most important qualities, its “core”. It largely predetermines the direction and characteristics of all her socially significant decisions and actions.

    The social structure of a person is formed both in production and in non-production spheres: social activity, family, everyday life. The degree of personality development directly depends on the richness of real social relations in which it is included. Society, humanity is objectively interested in creating conditions that ensure the all-round development of the individual, the formation of bright, spiritually and morally rich individuals.

    Individuality is a unique, distinctive way of being a specific person as a subject of independent activity, an individual form of a person's social life. Personality is inherently social, but according to the mode of its existence it is individual. Individuality expresses the individual's own world, his special life path.

    Individuality is revealed in the identity of a particular individual, his ability to be himself among others. Natural inclinations and congenital features play an important role in the development of individuality. Individuality is the unity of the unique and universal properties of a person, formed in the process of interaction of his qualities - general, typical (common human natural and social characteristics), special (concrete historical, formational) and single (unique bodily and spiritual and mental characteristics). With the historical development of human activity, the individualization of man and his relations in various areas of life is developing more and more. The formation of individuals is the greatest value, since the development of the diversity of individual abilities and talents, their competitiveness in historical terms is one of the necessary conditions for social progress.

    The rich experience of philosophical and anthropological research, and above all of the problems of the individual, his spiritual self-improvement is presented in the history of Russian philosophy. As V.V. Zenkovsky noted, Russian philosophy is anthropocentric in nature. The works of Russian thinkers demonstrate a variety of approaches to personality problems: from religiously oriented to positivist, naturalistic and materialistic.

    The history of the ideas of the philosophers of Russia in the 18th-20th centuries. on the concept of personality is closely related to the peculiarities of the development of philosophical thought in the country. First, in contrast to the Western worldview, which proceeded from the individualistically interpreted "I" as the last foundation of everything else and an independent essence, the Russian worldview, as S.L. Frank noted, is deeply imbued with a communal feeling, the philosophy of "we" the "I" grows. Second, in contrast to fragmentation, theorization and rationalistic atomization of life in the West, Russian thinkers advocated a synthetic, holistic approach to the analysis of the theoretical and practical spheres of human life. Hence - the development of the ideal of "integrity" as a unity of theory and practice, thought and action, and the tasks of spiritual self-improvement were closely linked with reflections on the meaning of history, "integrity of spirit", "collegiality."

    Therefore, already in the philosophy of the Slavophiles (Khomyakov, Kireevsky) the idea of ​​an "integral personality" was developed. Based on the Orthodox teaching about the three elements of personality (body, soul, spirit), they emphasized the importance of reconciling reason and feelings with other requirements of the spirit, their subordination to the “inner root of understanding” in the soul, merging into “one living and whole vision of the mind”. Following the Slavophiles, S. N. Trubetskoy argued that the consciousness of an individual can be understood only with the assumption of the idea of ​​conciliarity, a social whole, a collective consciousness.

    The original philosophy of the "symphonic personality" was developed by one of the leaders of Eurasianism, L. P. Karsavin. He believed that being is personal in nature, consists of potentially personal beings (inanimate objects), rudimentary personal (animals) and truly personal (humans, social formations). The possibility of transformation of a personality from potential to actual is carried out through a cognitive act. As a spiritual being, personality is freedom. The world is a symphonic all-one personality, a hierarchical unity of many symphonic personalities - individual and social. The highest stage of the symphonic world is the social person (people, family, state, humanity, universal church).

    S. L. Frank expressed meaningful thoughts in his philosophical anthropology: about the dual nature of man (natural and supernatural, i.e., a spiritual being), about the dialectic of the relationship between God and man, the inner antinomy of man, etc. life has the form of social life, he noted that it is the personality that is the engine of it. But personality is not some self-contained, self-contained reality. An isolated thinkable individual is only an abstraction.

    I. A. Ilyin developed important aspects of personality theory. He paid special attention to the problem of combating evil - the most difficult for both Christian ethics and other ethical doctrines. Having criticized Leo Tolstoy's concept of non-resistance to evil, I.A. He linked the problem of overcoming evil with the problem of the formation and education of a spiritually and morally healthy person, and this latter - with an understanding of the meaning of human life.

    The category of personality received a deep development in the work of N.A. Berdyaev, and on a fundamentally new, existential basis. He believed that the concept of personality should be distinguished from the concept of the individual. The individual is a naturalistic category, denoting a part of the genus, society, space. In this hypostasis, the individual is connected with the material world. Personality, on the other hand, means independence from nature and society, which provide only matter for the formation of an active form of personality. Personality cannot be identified with the soul, it is not a biological or psychological, but an ethical and spiritual category. Personality is not part of society or the universe. On the contrary, society is a part of the personality, its social side (quality), just as the cosmos is a part of the personality, its cosmic side. This explains that in every personality there is something in common, belonging to the entire human race, to one or another professional type of people, but this is not its essence. It is that personality is a microcosm, a universe in an individually unique form, a combination of the universal and the individual. The secret of the existence of a personality lies in its absolute irreplaceability, in its singularity and incomparability. The paradox of her existence: she must realize herself throughout her life, and at the same time, for this she must already exist from the very beginning.

    Being an existentially thinking philosopher, Berdyaev, at the same time, did not use the concepts of "existence", "being-in-the-world" and other "existentials" characteristic of existentialism, but put forward as the most important category of personality, which the founders of existentialism in Western Europe, on the contrary, was used extremely rarely, as it was considered unsuitable because of its socially objectified grounding.