• What can be cooked from squid: quick and tasty

    Heating a winter tent is an extremely important topic. The possibility of fishing in the cold season and its result directly depend on the heat inside the fishing shelter. In this review article, we tried to collect all the known options for heating a tent for winter fishing - with the obligatory indication of the disadvantages and advantages of each of them. With all that, we checked and evaluated some of the methods personally, which will also be mentioned in the following story.

    Solid fuel mini oven

    Long gone are the days when there were no modern portable gas stoves and stoves were rare. Fishermen at that time used homemade mini-stoves to heat winter tents - welded from sheet iron, or hastily welded from some metal containers. Such stoves usually worked on wood, although other could be used. solid fuel, for example - coal.

    One of my acquaintances is a railway worker, in the world - an inveterate breeder, in the late 80s he regularly fished in our surrounding water bodies - the city pond of Revda, etc. He heated his tent with a homemade coal stove. According to his reviews - "it was fried so that it was sitting in a T-shirt."

    There were a great many designs of these stoves. At this point, as they say - who was good for what. However, the principle was the same everywhere - a firebox, a stand (so as not to melt the ice) and a chimney that went out through a special hole in the wall of the tent, edged non-combustible material kind of fiberglass. Simply put - a miniature potbelly stove.

    At the present time, mini-stoves are superseded from everyday life by more efficient and compact devices for heating a tent. However, this does not mean at all that no one is heating the tent with firewood. In rural areas, especially in some villages far from cities, this is still a very popular method, sometimes the only possible one.

    • Pros: cheap or free fuel, good heating value.
    • Minuses: the cumbersome structure, complete uselessness in the absence of firewood in the fishing area, the need for a large amount of fuel (the aforementioned acquaintance dragged an average bucket of coal on a fishing trip). In addition, I had to periodically throw firewood into the stove, distracting from fishing.


    With the advent of "lights", "bumblebees" and other gasoline burners, wood-burning stoves began to gradually fade into the background. And for a rather long period of time, fishing tents were heated with primus. Even now, there are still many adherents of this method.

    On several fishing trips I had a chance to use the rather popular Dastan kerosene stove. Let me put it this way: power. Probably the most warm way heating a winter tent, and even a preliminary fuss with lighting a primus, as well as some stench of fuel does not overshadow this fact.

    • Pros: compactness, excellent heating value.
    • Minuses: complexity to use. And to this day, there are legends about the "reliability" of primus stoves, but here - again - it all depends on the manufacturer, the specific model and the specific product. For example - imported stoves are quite well made, like some Soviet ones.

    Oil burners (multi-fuel)

    In fact, these are the same stoves, only a high-tech version. They are devoid of most of the shortcomings of "bumblebees", and you can also use any scatterers-afterburners with them (which you can't put on a regular primus), thereby increasing their efficiency.

    • Pros: excellent calorific value, versatility in terms of the fuel used.
    • Minuses: high price.

    Gas stove with 5 liter propane cylinder

    Another old proven method of heating a tent, which is still in full use today. If the balloon is left on the street - the tile itself takes up very little space.

    A fisherman friend of mine has been using such tiles for a long time, and does not blow his mustache.

    • Pros: long work from one gas station, excellent calorific value (the models available on the market are very powerful), greater reliability and safety compared to kerosene stove.
    • Minuses: the bulkiness of the structure and its increased weight, the likelihood of gas freezing in severe frosts (especially if the cylinder was not pure propane, but its mixture with other gases).

    Gas stove or heater on disposable cylinders

    They appeared relatively recently and gained good popularity. They could even supplant other methods of heating tents, if not for one significant drawback, about which - just below.

    The author of this article actively uses a gas heater (with a capacity of the order of a kilowatt) for winter fishing, and knows fishermen who are also heated by similar equipment. Previously, I had to use tiles more than once - they heat very well.

    The same category could include and gas lamps, however, their calorific value leaves much to be desired, therefore, if they are suitable for heating a winter tent, then only during mild cold weather.

    • Pros: compactness, you can also add affordable and relatively inexpensive fuel here.
    • Minuses: the main one is the probability of gas freezing even in light frosts (thin-walled cartridges are designed for gas mixtures with a lower vapor pressure, evaporating at higher temperatures). How to deal with this is written in. In addition, some tiles and heaters are very limited in power, which somewhat reduces their efficiency during severe frosts.

    Paraffin candles

    The power of one candle is about 40 watts / hour. Not such a small indicator. It turns out that four dozen candles may well compete in terms of heat generated with a portable gas heater.

    The author of these lines more than once had to heat a fishing tent with ordinary candles. It is safe to say that this method works great in mild frosts with the correct number of candles: the holes do not freeze, and it is quite comfortable in the tent.

    • Pros: lighting, simplicity, no need for additional equipment.
    • Minuses: low power (the stronger the frost, the more candles you need).

    Dry fuel

    Some types of dry fuel, for example “dry alcohol” tablets, burn for 10-15 minutes without soot and odor. The specific heat of combustion of this fuel is 30 mJ / kg, which corresponds to 8.3 kilowatts. You can go further and calculate the "power" of one tablet. It is approximately 332-498 Wh. Therefore, dry fuel can be used to heat a winter tent.

    One of my friends, a fisherman, once had a chance to heat a tent with dry fuel during a winter fishing trip (on the river), but not anyhow, but during an overnight stay. We took a lot of pills with us - several packs, but only three were needed for heating. It was not possible to freeze on that night (considering that outside the thermometer did not drop below -10 ° C). As well as proper sleep.

    • Pros: high calorific value, ease of use.
    • Minuses: the need to be distracted every 15-20 minutes to ignite a new tablet. It is possible that this problem would be solved by a special stove, where several tablets could be loaded at once, and then "stretch" the process of their combustion, limiting the supply of oxygen. However, so far no one has invented it.


    The specific heat of combustion of alcohol is 27 mJ / kg, which is almost two times less than that of natural gas, but it is quite enough to use alcohol as fuel for a tent heater. And some fishermen - who have constant access to stocks of this substance - do just that, using home-made alcohol lamps from tin cans as a heater. Nevertheless, most anglers consider this approach to be unreasonably wasteful, if not even blasphemy, and it is understandable for what reason.

    • Pros: good heating value.
    • Minuses: relatively high cost of fuel, or difficulty in purchasing it.

    The fisherman himself

    The human body, it turns out, can also be regarded as a heater. In a quiet state, it emits an average of 60 watts of heat per hour. Therefore, with a slight "minus" - after setting up the tent - the holes usually stop freezing, and a heater is not required.

    • Pros: nothing extra is needed.
    • Minuses: low power, sufficient only for "warm" winter weather.

    The sun

    To some, this item will seem even more frivolous, but in reality Sun rays have a very high calorific value. Especially when you consider the fact that during the winter in our hemisphere, the Earth is at the closest distance to the Sun.

    On clear, windless days - even in 30-degree frosts - you can notice the appearance of icicles on dark objects partially covered with snow. This is due to the fact that the sun heats them up to a low above-zero temperature, at which the snow begins to melt. And the temperature difference here clearly exceeds 30 degrees, which is quite a lot.

    The sun also slightly warms up the fishing tent, though with a very meager part of the heat of its rays. And the lion's share of this heat is dissipated into the outer space - due to the reflection from the fabric and its cooling by the constantly circulating cold air outside.

    Somehow it is necessary to direct the solar heat into the inside of the tent, but at the same time minimize its return to the outside. The prospects for this heating method are obvious, and it is quite feasible even with modern technologies... But so far there are no practical developments in this direction. Who will do it?

    • Pros: free energy.
    • Minuses: uselessness in cloudy weather and at night. Well, as mentioned above - at the moment, the full use of solar heat to heat a winter tent is just a theory. But in practice, it turns out that in sunny weather we have a small bonus - five degrees to the main source of heating, be it a stove, primus stove, burner, or heater.

    Nature trips - great way relax and spend time with benefit. However, tourism lovers know very well that on the way they have to face many inconveniences, the main of which is the cold. If you decide to spend the night in a tent, you need to think in advance about how you plan to warm up. A gas heater for a tent will help solve the problem. Let's consider what it is and how justified is its use.

    A gas tourist heater is designed quite simply, it consists of the following elements:

    • thermal fan;
    • power regulator;
    • gas-burner;
    • reflector;
    • protective valve.

    All components are housed in a small metal case, which is called a portable gas heater for a tent. It is not difficult to buy such a device, but to pick up suitable model not so easy. Many devices have additional elements designed to control the combustion process.

    Regardless of what type of heater is used, its operation is based on the process of fuel processing and heat energy production. In this case, everything happens without connecting to the network, which allows you to use the device even in a hike. Food comes from a small gas cylinder that you can take with you without any problems.

    In this case, heat transfer occurs due to an infrared emitter, which ensures economical fuel consumption and uniform heat distribution throughout the entire area of ​​the device.

    Helpful advice! When camping, the gas infrared tent heater can also be used outdoors to keep warm in cold weather. The field of action will not be too large, however, if you are near the device, it will be quite enough.

    Types of Gas Camping Tent Heaters

    Depending on how the heat is transferred from the source to environment Heaters are divided into three main types: ceramic infrared, metallic and catalytic. Let's take a closer look at each of the options to figure out which one is preferable.

    In the first case, a ceramic plate is used as a base. It receives heat, which is produced by burning gas in the burner, and emits it with the help of an infrared emitter. It should be noted that with this route the efficiency is no more than 50%. That is, at least half of the thermal energy is lost during the transition from one element to another. Nevertheless, such heaters are the lightest and most compact, which is an indisputable advantage when hiking.

    Note! Infrared ceramic devices are considered to be the most economical when it comes to fuel consumption. A small can, which can easily fit in a backpack, is sufficient for a long hike.

    The second option is a portable gas tent heater equipped with a metal radiator. Due to the fact that the metal rods of the working element are hidden, this option is also quite acceptable for use on a hike. Its design is safe, and a special reflector located at the back of the case allows you to adjust the direction of the heat flow.

    The catalytic tent heater is considered the most versatile. Its capabilities are much wider than that of other representatives, and with its help you can not only keep warm in the tent, but also cook food. Such a device is not very expensive, but much more fuel is consumed.

    Another difference between catalytic heaters and others is the presence of a thermal panel, which, thanks to the platinum layer, has a catalytic effect on the combustion process. The efficiency of such devices is maximum and often reaches 100%. From a safety point of view, these devices are considered the least dangerous, since the process of fuel combustion in them occurs without the formation of a flame.

    Things to Consider Before Buying a Gas Tent Heater

    Of course, living and sleeping in a tent is significantly different from the conditions to which we are accustomed to at home or in the country. Therefore, before choosing and buying a portable gas heater, it is necessary to present the appropriate requirements to it. And first of all it concerns the safety of the device.

    All heaters that can be considered as a travel option must be equipped with an automatic protection system. This is necessary in case you overturn or overly tilt the burner, which happens more than often in living conditions in a tent.

    Another requirement that is likely to be useful is the presence of a carbon dioxide sensor. The thing is that the combustion of gas requires oxygen, which the heater absorbs from its environment. And if you stay near such a device for a long time, you will definitely feel if the level of carbon dioxide emitted exceeds the norm. Of course, this is unsafe for health.

    Considering all these indicators, only a compact gas ceramic infrared burner can be considered an ideal option. With their small size, it has all the necessary characteristics and fits perfectly into the set of necessary camping equipment.

    Helpful advice! Such a device can be used not only to heat a small enclosed space, but also as a camping stove.

    Safe Use of Gas Ceramic Infrared Tent Heater

    The presence of a fuel combustion process inside the system and its conversion into thermal energy makes the gas ceramic infrared burner not the safest home appliance. Its use requires strict adherence to operating rules, which are designed to protect against emergencies.

    The main prohibitions aimed at the use of gas heaters from a cylinder for a tent:

    1. It is strictly forbidden to use the device to dry clothes, as well as any other items that may catch fire when dry.
    2. It is unacceptable to install the heater near explosive or flammable objects.
    3. The device must always be in an upright position and must not be covered with cloth or paper.
    4. Any operations with the heater, including changing the cylinder, must be carried out strictly on the street.
    5. While the heater is on, vent valve tents must be slightly open. You should also try to ventilate the tent as often as possible to maintain normal oxygen levels.

    Note! The category of flammable objects includes, among other things, all cylinders under pressure. It can also be a regular mosquito repellent spray.

    If the infrared gas tent heater needs refueling and you do it yourself, be very careful. Ask in advance how exactly the parsing and refueling with gas takes place, what is necessary for this, and also how to avoid a leak.

    Take the time to read the instructions for the purchased device. This will save you from the occurrence of many unpleasant situations associated with improper operation of the device. It is much better to give this a little time in advance, so that later during the hike there will not be any unpleasant surprises.

    Features and price of infrared gas burner and heater Pathfinder-Ion

    Among the models offered by manufacturers, you can find both simple and more complex and expensive devices. Many companies, both domestic and foreign, are engaged in the production of gas heaters. Consider the most popular model made in Russia and enjoying wide popularity.

    The Pathfinder-Ion gas heater is designed for the climatic conditions in which it will be used. The main advantages of the device:

    • light weight - only 370 gr.;
    • compact dimensions - 120x200x215 mm;
    • rather high power - 1000-12000 W;
    • the presence of piezo ignition;
    • the ability to heat rooms up to 20 m².

    Such a device is extremely economical: depending on the mode used, the fuel consumption per hour does not exceed 50-110 grams, which allows you to warm up for a long time even with the smallest cylinder. As many hobbyists confirm, this is a great option for a gas heater in a tent for winter fishing or for a hike.

    Helpful advice! When calculating the required amount of fuel that you will take with you on a hike, be sure to leave some reserve. Calculating stocks back to back, you run the risk of not guessing with the needs.

    The average cost at which you can buy an infrared gas burner is 1,650 rubles, the price of the Pathfinder-Ion heater is 2,900 rubles.

    Piezo fired Pathfinder

    Gas heater Pathfinder-Hearth: reviews and device features

    The second most popular device for heating tents and tents is the Hearthfinder. Affordable, simple and very convenient, this heater has taken a solid position in the domestic market. Let's consider how it is characterized and differs from the previous model.

    First of all, this device has large dimensions - 275x275x180 mm, and weighs 1.8 kg at the same time. It can be quite problematic to carry such a heavy device with you, but if we are talking about a large tent where several people or a family with children will live, then you simply cannot do without it.

    The area that such a device can heat is about 15 m², but at the same time, the fuel consumption in the maximum operating mode does not exceed 108 g / h. This suggests that, despite its size, such a device is quite economical in fuel consumption and does not require excessive gas reserves.

    After reading the reviews on the use of this device in real conditions, there are several fundamental advantages that have made the device popular:

    • it can be easily used for cooking as a gas stove;
    • using a special adapter, the device can be connected to large gas cylinders;
    • the burner does not blow out either in a strong wind, or even when trying to do it on purpose;
    • there is no smell of gas during use, and oxygen burning in the tent is minimal.

    Features of choosing an infrared gas burner: reviews on use in a tent

    Before finally deciding which infrared gas burner to buy, it is worth evaluating your choice from several points:

    • fire safety;
    • Efficiency and fuel consumption;

    • the presence of additional functions, for example, the ability to heat or cook food;
    • availability of appropriate certification of the product, confirming the safety of its use in small rooms and tents.

    To create comfortable conditions for outdoor recreation, when there is no electricity, it is customary to use gas appliances. A common such device is a gas heater for a tent. It is relatively safe and economical way heating during the hike. The modern design consists of:

    • gas burner block;
    • heat reflecting screen;
    • control systems.
    In a tent for the winter, a similar unit is simply necessary. Durability and safety are tested by manufacturers who provide product warranties. Another important advantage when traveling is light weight. Propane butane fuel is available and optimal.

    The durability of the gas tent heater makes it suitable for many travels. It often has to be applied in the summer as well. After all, for example, in the mountains there are especially cool nights. Such a heater will help to warm up and dry after the rain. Every winter tent should be sold with similar equipment. Its capacity is usually enough to heat a multi-person tent, even at very low air temperatures outside.

    The cost of a gas heater for a tent is quite affordable. It is especially important to buy this device for those who often go hiking. Its choice depends on the volume and weight of the tent. You should also pay attention to the following indicators:

    • power, its adjustment;
    • fuel, operating time without refueling;
    • the presence of piezo ignition;
    • safety valve;
    • design;
    • the weight.

    Often a tent for winter is sold complete with a stove. This is also a good heating option. But very troublesome. It will be easier to purchase a gas heater that will easily solve heat problems.

    The latest production technology makes the infrared gas tent heater a wonderful in a modern way creating comfort. Korean manufacturers called it "little sun". Portable heaters are manufactured by many companies. Model consultations are available in specialized stores and on the Internet.

    Many winter tents have a special "skirt" to keep out the snow. It also has a heat saving function and can withstand wind and frost.

    If you have a hiking trip in winter or at another cold time, you should thoroughly prepare for it. Pick up quality equipment and may you be lucky!

    Overnight in a tent is a fact known to many from fishing trips, picnics and other situations. At night, in a tent without heating, you can do only in the summer, while in the rest of the months, which are still quite warm during the day, you should take care of marching way heating at night, which is most often a portable heater.

    Manufacturers of camping equipment and camping equipment today offer many compact autonomous heaters designed for heating tents and temporary shelters in the field.

    Let's consider the most common heaters used in field conditions, in terms of their compliance with the necessary requirements.

    Criteria for the suitability of autonomous heaters for use in a tent

    If you do not consider tents and tent structures for industrial or military purposes with the ability to accommodate large groups of people, a tent is a well-known accessory for a hunter, fisherman, traveler, or just went on a picnic.

    Small-sized gas heater Elekon with a standard mini-gas cylinder.

    The device is a small volume, frame or frameless type, made of waterproof canvas, which also does not allow air to pass through. The material of the tent, depending on the composition and impregnation, reacts differently to heating and an open flame.

    Considering these factors, the heater for suitability of its use in the tent must have the following characteristics:

    • safety is the most important requirement for diminutive housing and remoteness from assistance services;
    • compactness - for the convenience of transportation by personal transport, transfer and placement in conditions of a shortage of living space;
    • sufficient efficiency - a portable heater with a compact design must cope with its purpose;
    • efficiency - providing the unit with fuel should not be burdensome;
    • rational functionality - the possibility of using the unit for cooking or heating outside the tent is welcome;
    • ease of use.

    Infrared portable heating device in a tent with the ability to focus the heating.

    Types of heaters for a tent and their device

    There are many types of industrial heaters used in field conditions, and there are even more classifying features. The main difference between these heaters is the fuel consumed and the heat output.

    Important! The use of homemade heaters, especially in tent conditions - with limited living space, is explosive and fire hazardous, therefore, they can be used only in extreme situations in the absence of an alternative. In all other cases, only industrial devices should be used.

    Liquid fuel appliances

    Liquid fuel tourist heaters, depending on the design, consume kerosene or gasoline. The calorific value of such devices is quite high, but their operation is accompanied by the following negative factors:

    • combustion of even purified liquid fuel is accompanied by the presence of an unpleasant odor in the air at a certain period;
    • the procedure for refueling the heater to avoid fuel spills requires caution;
    • not all types of devices have the constructive ability to be equipped with a device for automatically stopping combustion when overturning;
    • the quality of liquid fuels when buying is not predictable.

    Small kerosene heaters

    Heaters on kerosene for outdoor use refers to infrared heating devices, but can also be used for cooking.

    The device is a housing, in the lower part of which there is a fuel tank with a filler neck. In the upper part of the tank, as in a kerosene lamp, a wick device with a flame regulating mechanism is mounted. The wick is a sleeve made of special fabric, the lower part of which is immersed in kerosene, and the upper part is located inside a mesh metal cylinder-emitter. The wick is ignited manually or with the help of a piezo device, and after heating the device (5 minutes), its length is adjusted until there is no soot during combustion - in this case, not kerosene is burned, but its vapors.

    The metal mesh (shell) heats up to glow and begins to emit infrared waves, heating the surfaces of objects in the path of their propagation. The appliance can be used with metal utensils of a suitable size for cooking.

    The advantages of such "kerosene" - compactness, functionality, efficiency, affordable price.

    disadvantages - smell in the air from the combustion of kerosene before the device goes into operation (the first 5 minutes), the absence of a device for automatically cutting off the fuel supply in the presence of the possibility of overturning.

    Petrol Tent Heaters

    Gasoline heaters have been used for heating temporary light housing for a long time, but earlier they were primitive devices based on a conventional burner with a high degree of fire hazard during operation.

    In the process of improvements, modern gasoline heaters are effective universal devices that consume not gasoline as fuel, but an air-gasoline or air-alcohol mixture.

    Small alcohol heaters: on the left - Dometic Origo 5100 burner, on the right - Dometic ORIGO A100 stove.

    However, the presence in the air of the smell accompanying the combustion of foreign impurities in gasoline or alcohol makes these devices less popular.

    KOVEA KB-0603 multi-fuel burner designed for gas or petrol consumption included.

    More advanced are liquid-fuel camp heaters of catalytic action, the release of heat in which occurs due to the oxidation of fuel, but not during its combustion. In such devices, vapors of preheated gasoline or alcohol are supplied to a heated plate with a catalyst coating, where they are oxidized with the release of heat. Also available in models with removable hob for cooking food.

    Catalytic Gasoline Alcohol Tent Heaters

    At high degree safety (absence of an open flame), such units have a significant drawback - a limited resource, since during the oxidation process, the catalytic substance evaporates under the influence of heating.

    Solid fuel units

    These devices, as a rule, are not considered as the main ones when solving the issue of heating in a tent or tent, since the limitation in the dimensions of heating devices excludes the possibility of using firewood, and the efficiency of using solid fuel materials, such as dry alcohol, is not great.

    However, as a means to quickly warm hands or warm up a mug of tea, canned food cans, solid fuel devices are quite applicable.

    Gas devices

    There are many varieties of gas heaters for a tent, therefore, it is not realistic to present a description common to all such units. Each line of models has individual characteristics, and only the type of fuel consumed, compactness and efficiency are common to all campers.

    A tourist gas heater is most often designed to use disposable propane cylinders inserted into the device body or connected via a hose. But models are produced with the ability to install on a standard household cylinder, suitable for cooking.

    Important! Devices on a standard cylinder, due to the physical characteristics of liquefied gas, are suitable for use at temperatures up to -5 degrees, and this should be taken into account when transporting the cylinder and the place of its installation. Gas fuel in special cartridges is designed for use with more low temperatures Oh.

    According to the heating method for use in tents, a portable infrared gas heater is the safest and most effective due to the absence of a directed stream of hot air during operation, which is fire hazardous in a small room.

    A gas cylinder heater equipped with a conventional burner without an infrared emitter is effective when used outdoors, for example, for fast food food in the cauldron.

    Infrared heaters for outdoor use are divided into three groups:

    • with a metal emitter;
    • with ceramic radiation generator;
    • catalytic action.

    Metal emitter gas infrared tourist heater is a steel mesh heated by a burner and equipped with a reflector-reflector. The emitter does not come into contact with the material of the burner and is equipped with a protective grid for safety of use.

    Despite the fact that such heaters are universal - they are used both for heating an area of ​​5-6 square meters, and for cooking, the price range of devices with a metal radiator is available to a wide range of consumers, but when buying, you should take into account their increased gas consumption.

    Infrared camping gas heaters with metal radiator.

    Ceramic infrared generator in portable tent heaters made in the form of a perforated plate, also heated by the flame of the burner, to which the gas-air mixture is supplied. Ceramic infrared gas heaters are intended only for heating, it is impossible to cook on them, while an analysis of the statistics of the use of these devices shows a high fire hazard. However, due to their compactness, low weight (on average, 0.7 kg without spare cylinders), the minimum emission of gas combustion products and the economy of fuel consumption, such heaters continue to be very popular among tourism enthusiasts.

    Infrared gas heaters with ceramic emitters: on the left - tabletop Orgaz Heater SB-602, on the right - floor-standing Sibiryachka GII-0.8.

    Catalytic gas heater for use in tents and tents - the most advanced device for camping conditions, which has a fiberglass panel with a platinum or cobalt-chrome coating in the construction - a catalyst. The conversion of fuel energy into heat in such devices occurs without the combustion process - a preheated gas is also supplied to the heated panel, which, in the presence of a catalyst, reacts with atmospheric oxygen (oxidizes), resulting in the release of energy.

    Due to the absence of an open flame during operation and the occurrence of oxidation at temperatures below the combustion temperature, catalytic heaters are the safest for use in confined tent conditions. In addition, the efficiency of such heaters when converting fuel into thermal energy is in the region of 99%, while for ceramic radiators it is about 50%.

    A catalytic tent heater is a silent unit with zero probability of emission of combustion products into the air, but the effect of its operation takes some time.

    Catalytic gas heaters cannot be used for cooking, so physical impact on the plate or the ingress of liquid on it can render the catalyst unusable or extinguish the device.

    Catalytic heater in operation in the open air.

    The unit is compact, does not require searching for fuel, but it is designed to use only certain types of disposable cartridges.

    The oxidation temperature of the fuel is lower than its combustion temperature, but the heater must still not be leaned against combustible objects or touched with bare hands.

    The oxidation process is accompanied by the consumption of oxygen from the air in the tent, so it must be periodically ventilated, and for safety reasons it is still better to turn off the unit for safety reasons.

    Important! The power of some models of catalytic portable heaters foreign manufacturers not designed for use in Russian winter conditions. Therefore, for such devices, there are special nozzles on sale that increase the heat transfer area of ​​the device.

    The heater is started by pressing the button of the piezo device or by igniting it with a match.

    The price range for catalytic heaters starts from 2.5 thousand rubles.

    On a note

    To avoid repeating other people's mistakes, it should be noted that using a tent or tent for heating homemade devices on batteries or rechargeable batteries is not effective.

    At first glance, it seems possible to use heaters based on resistive elements or a self-regulating heating cable for this, but it should be borne in mind that even if the heaters are selected for a battery voltage of 12 V, the battery will need a constant recharge. To recharge the battery, you need a generator, which, in turn, needs fuel, and thus the know-how in the form of "battery heating" will turn into a time-consuming and costly undertaking.


    Today, when going fishing or just on vacation in nature, one can be less afraid of dependence on changes in the weather and the availability of natural fuel for a fire - the market for tourist equipment and units for heating temporary housing is saturated enough. Having a camping heater available, you can look for a place to rest without being tied to the presence of firewood there. However, one should not fully rely on the existing unit, and it is better to have another device of a different type in stock. At the same time, the more reliable the selected tourist heating equipment is, the less the likelihood of spoiled rest due to an unforeseen cold snap.

    The main point of the article

    1. Tent heaters are a necessary and affordable accessory, the availability of which during a long stay in nature can hardly be overestimated.
    2. When choosing a device for heating a tent or cooking, you need not only to anticipate the upcoming operating conditions, but also the basic requirements for camping heaters: safety, functionality with compactness, efficiency and ease of use.
    3. Oil-fired heaters are efficient, but due to the physical characteristics of the fuel, they are inconvenient. In addition, when using them, there is a factor of unpredictability of the quality of the purchased fuel.
    4. Camping gas heaters are quite efficient with compactness, while their operation in terms of providing fuel is much easier. In addition, there are 2 modern species gas tourist heaters - with a ceramic radiator and catalytic action, optimally corresponding to the conditions of a long stay in nature.
    5. In order to protect yourself from surprises associated with a change in the weather when going out into the countryside, it is better to stock up, in addition to the main one, with a backup means of heating temporary housing, moreover, with the possibility of using it for cooking.

    The most common heating device on a hike is a campfire. However, this option is not always acceptable and depends on the weather conditions (rain, snow, strong wind and so on), and you can't light a fire in a tent either.

    But modern tourists have an excellent opportunity, without any effort and high costs, to provide themselves with comfortable conditions on a hike, using hiking heaters.

    Types and characteristics of camping heaters

    There are several types of camping heaters, which differ in weight, size and power and are selected depending on the purpose. So, for example, a family vacation in a camping-type tent presupposes the presence of a powerful heating device of large weight and size, that is, you cannot take such a heater on a hike.

    Types of camping heaters:

    • Gas. Recently, such devices have become very popular with tourists due to their compactness and versatility. The camping gas burner has two modes of operation: heating and cooking.
    • Gasoline. Due to its relatively low cost and availability of fuel, this type of outdoor heating device is very common among tourists.
    • Collapsible stove stoves. They are mainly used for heating tents in very low temperatures (mountaineering, mountaineering).


    Due to its compactness, reliability and ease of use, this design has gained immense popularity among hiking enthusiasts.

    Appliance has two types of construction: burners connected to the cylinder with a special hose, and burners that are placed directly on the cylinder.

    A gas burner with an attached cylinder, which has proven itself perfectly in extreme cold conditions, has a slightly higher "endurance", but it also weighs more.

    Using one or another type of gas burners, you should carefully observe fire safety measures... Such devices have one more drawback: they function only from "native" cylinders, so you always have to carry a container with fuel with you.

    Gas heaters

    This is an invaluable find for a tourist during hiking in the cold season. A small, economical assistant will quickly provide comfortable temperature in a tent, will help warm your arms and legs.

    The device has Various types heating elements to control the temperature.

    Available in two types:

    • Universal. Basically, it is a gas burner with a reflector that operates in two modes: heating and cooking. The power of the device is 1 kW, which corresponds to a heated area of ​​5-6 m3.
    • Ceramic. This type of gas tent heater is the most fire hazardous and should be used with extreme caution. But despite this, the device is popular with tourism enthusiasts, as it is very compact and its minimum weight is only 0.7 kg. (without additional cylinders). Such a device is intended only for heating, you cannot cook on it.

    According to the type of heat energy emitter, gas heaters are divided:

    Catalytic... These are the most efficient gas burners with high efficiency (almost 100%). They work on a fiberglass panel coated with a platinum layer.

    The model is distinguished by its fire safety and environmental friendliness, so when burning, the fuel does not form a flame. The device operates almost silently and heats the air quickly.

    The price of such heaters depends on the power: small burners - 1000 rubles, more powerful ones - from 3000 rubles. up to 7000 p.

    The disadvantages of the device include the fact that most models work only on "native" cartridges, which cannot be replaced with similar ones.

    Infrared ceramic... Ceramic infrared tent heaters operate on infrared radiation generated by the conversion of heat from a gas burner. The heater is heat-resistant ceramic slab with perforation. Inside the body of such a device, the gas is actively mixed with air and forms a specific gas-air mixture, which subsequently burns out at the outer surface of the heater.

    The advantages of the device:

    • profitability;
    • versatility;
    • security;
    • compactness and light weight;
    • work with the release of a minimum amount of harmful substances.

    The cost of such models fluctuates from 2000 to 4000 r.

    Power - 0.5-1.75 kW. The efficiency is 50%.

    The heater has a heat-resistant perforated ceramic hob.

    Some models use emitting metal pipes as well as a blowing torch.

    Choosing a compact tourist gas heater, you should pay attention to the size of the intended area for heating. The dimensions of the device, as well as its power, to some extent depend on them. All these indicators must correspond to each other, otherwise the desired effect will not work. So, for example, a heater with a low power may not cope with the volume of a large tent.

    Before buying, be sure to check the device for fire safety, familiarize yourself with the principle of its operation, operating rules and safety precautions.

    How to choose a tourist infrared heater?

    The device is available in several completely different modifications. By what criteria do they differ?

    Most of the models run on widely available propane, which ensures stable operation of the apparatus at -10 degrees. But here there is one nuance - before using a gas cartridge, it must be kept warm for some time.

    Natural gas burners are also produced.

    The main advantages of the tourist infrared heater are the comfort and safety of use. The main heating element of such a device is a ceramic or metal plate. Basically, they are no different from each other, so the choice depends only on your wishes.

    Another important argument in favor of an infrared gas burner is that in addition to its main heating functions, the device is capable of performing additional ones - cooking and heating food.

    Devices with a metal emitter... By appearance the heater is similar to a mesh steel hood. This is a protective shield that separates the glowing burner. A parabolic reflector is installed behind it. Such a device is quite stable and capable of heating a significant area.

    Supplied with one or two burners. But unlike ceramic heaters, it has low efficiency(only 30%), while fuel consumption is higher.

    A device with a metal emitter is also considered to be fireproof. Its steel working element does not come into contact with the burner surface. Devices of this type are universal, that is, they can be used both for heating a tent and for cooking. The main advantages of such a device are ease of use and relatively low cost. The disadvantages include higher fuel consumption compared to other models.

    Safety rules when using a gas heater outdoors:

    • during the operation of the device, it is necessary to slightly open the ventilation valve of the tent, since combustion products that are harmful to health can accumulate in the tent;
    • replacement of cylinders must be carried out outdoors;
    • in order to maintain oxygen balance, the tent needs to be ventilated more often.

    Pros and cons of tourist gas appliances


    • relatively light weight and compactness;
    • ease of maintenance;
    • convenience of design for use in nature;
    • efficiency in terms of fuel consumption;
    • a standard gas appliance with a capacity of 1 kW is capable of heating an area of ​​5-6 m3, which is quite enough for a small tent;
    • the heater can work at full power for 10-12 hours, while consuming 65-75 g / h.


    • Possible malfunction in severe frost. In this case, cylinder heating or additional insulation will be required.
    • tourist gas burners require replaceable cylinders, which, in turn, increases the weight of the camping backpack and directly the cost of operation.

    In addition, in small settlements, difficulties may arise with the acquisition of branded gas cylinders, because the equipment of another manufacturer simply will not work.

    And the most important disadvantage of gas burners should be considered an increased fire hazard. Using the device to warm up a tent in winter may cause a fire, therefore, a working heater should never be left unattended, even for a short period of time.

    When operating a tourist gas appliance, it is necessary observe safety measures... It is strictly forbidden to use the device to dry clothes, as well as direct it towards flammable objects. In the event of a problem with the fuel supply, you do not need to try to disassemble the cylinder yourself and fill it with gas.

    Before starting to operate the purchased device, carefully read the operating instructions for the device and act in accordance with the recommendations given in it.

    Compliance with all installation and application rules gas equipment will help you avoid troubles and provide an opportunity to fully enjoy your vacation in nature.