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    About the Somachi phenomenon

    About the Somachi phenomenon

    Perhaps this is one of the most mysterious phenomena of the human body and soul, which became known to the public largely thanks to Ernst Rifgatovich Muldashev, who, while traveling in Tibet, deeply studied and described this phenomenon.

    Somati is the highest form of meditation. There are special schools that make it easier for people to enter the state of samadhi. Somachi is not a lethargic dream. With lethargic sleep, the heart and brain work, metabolic processes take place. During samadhi, the body passes into a stony-immobile state. The body becomes unnaturally hard and cold. The body of a deceased person is also harder than a living body, but with samadhi the body is many times harder. Figuratively speaking, the body is like a stone. This is achieved by reducing the body's metabolism to zero.

    In samadhi, the mechanism of reducing metabolism to zero, leading to hardening of the body and its kind of conservation, is carried out through the water of the body. The body water can be influenced through the biofield, through meditation. A person must learn to meditate so effectively that the biofield begins to influence the body's water and through it on metabolic processes.

    Somachi is not a state of near death. The soul in a state of clinical death leaves the body, but the body, unlike samadhi, is not prepared to be preserved for a long time. In samadhi, the soul is outside the body, as if next to the body. A person can continue life, leaving his body as if in a conserved state, and then return there. with the help of samadhi, one can understand the life of the soul; a person in reality sees his body, which is inactive and seems to be dead, but feels that he is living. During samadhi, one realizes that one can live without a body. The body can be preserved for hundreds, thousands and even millions of years. But not everyone can attain the state of samadhi through meditation, and not everyone who has learned to enter the state of samadhi can achieve deep samadhi, when the body can be preserved for many years.

    If the soul is outside the body in a state of samadhi, then the body remains preserved. If the soul returns to the body, then the person leaves the state of samadhi and comes to life after five, ten, one hundred, thousand, millions of years.

    There are physical and subtle worlds. The physical world includes matter (planets, stars, etc.) and electromagnetic and gravitational fields. The subtle world includes psychophysical phenomena (psychic energy, bioenergy, etc.). The subtle world is based on ultra-high frequencies.

    There are also torsion fields, that is, torsion fields. in the subtle world, the soul is an energy clot in the form of torsion fields. within this swirling space (soul) information is contained about the functioning of the human body (astral body) and the processes of thinking (mental body). The process of thinking causes the space to twist: good thoughts twist space in one direction, evil thoughts in the opposite direction.

    In order to enter samadhi, one needs to free oneself from negative psychic energy. It is very important that the mind and body are freed from all negative things. It is extremely difficult to enter deep samadhi when the pulse stops, the metabolic energy drops to zero, and the body becomes stony-immobile. Very rare chosen people can do this. Usually in meditation schools, people enter the state of samadhi 3 times a day and stay in this state for no more than an hour. Somati will tell you how long you can stay in this state. Entering a deep state of samadhi and becoming a representative of the human gene pool is the highest spiritual destiny of man. Only worthy people can be here.

    The purpose of samadhi

    One of the versions about the purpose of this phenomenon is expressed by Ernst Muldashev. He believes that the human gene pool was created in Tibet by the highest intelligence and that modern people directly descended from the Atlanteans, who were able to keep their bodies in a state of samadhi in the Himalayas - the highest part of the world, where the wave did not reach during the Flood. Later, when the water receded and the conditions on earth again became favorable enough for life, the souls returned to the bodies of the Atlanteans, and they began to live again, giving rise to modern civilization.

    About the silver thread

    In samadhi, the spirit does not seek to reincarnate into another body, but waits for its return to its body. The spirit keeps in touch with this body for hundreds, thousands and millions of years. When it is decided that the spirit must return to the body, the body revives. v occult literature there is the concept of "silver thread" that connects the spirit with the deceased body for a certain time. If the "silver thread" breaks, then the spirit cannot find the body. At death, the spirit leaves the body first, without losing contact with the body, apparently, for 40 days. This connection, through which the spirit can find the body, is the "silver thread".

    The "Silver Thread" is the principle of the higher mind, which allows you to have hope to the end to return to your body. in deep sleep the spirit “walks”, but retains the “silver thread” along which it finds the body. Therefore, it is not recommended to abruptly wake up a person, since the spirit may not have time to find its body. and therefore it is considered a sin to wake up children.

    3 days after death, the etheric body of the soul leaves, after 9 days

    Astral body. The body can be revived if the spirit returns to it. Therefore, the human soul is multidimensional. It is a collection of human subtle bodies. and in the process of leaving the body, it can successively transform from one state to another (from one subtle body to another). The brain, which spins the torsion fields of the soul (subtle human bodies), cannot work without the spirit. In samadhi, the “silver thread” that connects the spirit with the body is preserved for as long as you like. The souls of people in samadhi are fueled by cosmic energy.

    So what can a “silver thread” be like? Is this again some kind of phenomenal exception to the rule? And the rules obey the Unified law of evolution of the dual relationship (monad), and we have established that the unified self-consistent field of the Universe is a set of interconnected, synchronized and phased electromagnetic fields, including torsion ones, for they are of an electromagnetic nature.

    Many people remember from the school physics course electrostatic discharges, arising, for example, between the plates of a capacitor as the electrostatic charge accumulates. And if such a discharge occurs continuously? Will it not resemble a "silver thread" that will tie the plates of the capacitor while the discharge is going on? And if we remember that torsion fields can be of two types? in one type of torsion fields like charges can be attracted, and in another they can be repelled. There is something to think about. Now about the water. Muldashev writes that long-term samadhi can be entered at a temperature of + 4. ° C, which is found in caves and under water. Apparently, the stone-immobile state of the body (that is, hardening of the body) is achieved by changing the state of interstitial water. Here it is not only the fact that at a temperature of +4 ° C that water has the highest density plays a role, but also the transition of water to a special state.

    There are three known states of water: liquid, gaseous and solid.

    Most likely, during samadhi, water passes into a fourth state unknown to science. It is this fourth state of interstitial water that allows stopping all metabolic processes and transferring human tissues to a more solid state without destroying them. positively swirled torsion fields of the soul can transfer the body water to such a state, which under the influence of meditation can transmit information about a change in the state of water and the related stop of metabolism. Time in samadhi flows 717 times faster than the normal passage of time. Perhaps, Muldashev notes, this is the course of time according to which That Light lives.

    People who are in a state of samadhi can be communicated through meditation. The human spirit during meditation is released from bodily bonds and can communicate with the human spirit in samadhi.

    Somachi is a universal human phenomenon. Therefore, people in samadhi can be anywhere in the world. with physical point of vision, the stone-immobile state of the human body in samadhi is achieved due to the transition of water to the fourth state, which is feasible only through complete cleansing of the soul from negative psychic energy, that is, due to the complete and stable twisting of the torsion fields of the soul in a positive direction.

    This is a hint to a person that the time has come for self-realization, that it is time to find a way to oneself, that this choice can only be made by the person himself. This is a direct indication that the human mind is presented with a unique opportunity to move into another dimension of consciousness, and not after death, but during life.

    Insulin therapy for morning hyperglycemia, morning dawn syndrome and the Somoji phenomenon In the morning, diabetic patients often have a rise in blood sugar. This happens for three reasons: too little dose of short or extended insulin

    Director of the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery (Ufa), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ernest Rifgatovich Muldashev has been developing a new direction in medicine - ophthalmogeometry for more than ten years. An ophthalmologist by education, E. Muldashev believes that according to the parameters of the human eye, one can not only identify a person's personality, determine his nationality, diagnose diseases, etc., but also say a new word in the science of human origins.

    In 1999, E. Muldashev published the book "From Whom Are We Descended?", In which he detailed his original views on the above problem. Let's get to know some of them ...

    Beginning in 1996, Muldashev began to organize scientific expeditions to Tibet, India, Nepal, which were engaged and continue to search for the origins of humanity. The information brought by the members of the aforementioned expeditions defies ordinary reason - it turns out that even today there are representatives on Earth ancient civilizations, including representatives of the civilizations that immediately preceded us - the Lemurians and Atlanteans ?!

    One could, of course, dismiss such a statement. But let us remember that E. Muldashev is a serious scientist with a worldwide reputation, and, naturally, one has to agree with his opinion. The area of ​​scientific knowledge discussed here, where the group of scientists headed by E. Muldashev has just started the "offensive", has no direct evidence, since it is not yet possible to get them. But, as you know, the amount of circumstantial evidence can replace direct evidence.

    It all started with the study of the so-called state of somadhy. What is samadhi? .. In all religions of the East (Hindu religion, Gurunama, Nyingmapa, Gilupe, Pompo), the concept of samadhi, or, in other words, self-preservation of the body, is one of the most key points, since it is believed that only through samadhi it is possible to achieve the main destination of the person Prazna (Wisdom). In addition, the state of samadhi can be thought of as a prolonged state of human meditation. While meditating, a person feels that his “soul” leaves the body, which he “sees” from the outside, and then in reality he begins to understand the dominant role of the “soul” ... From the point of view of modern researchers, MEDITATION is a state in which the highest degree is achieved concentration of attention on a specific object. In this case, the processes of perception and thinking stop, and a special kind of sensual isolation of a person from the outside world occurs.

    The mechanism of action of meditation is broadly as follows. In a state of concentration, a person completely turns off from the system of external and internal stimuli, concentrates on a single object and, as it were, "falls out" ... from time. The main content of experiences is the feeling of an unusual emptiness. Since a temporal orientation is necessary
    component in the self-consciousness of the personality, the loss of it leads to the formation of an illusory self-perception of one's “I”, that is, to a feeling, for example, “merging with the infinite,” etc. It must be admitted that such a mental state contributes to the restoration of the neuropsychic functions of a person, causing him a feeling of freshness and inner renewal.

    With the help of meditation, according to the religions of the East, people can enter the state of samadhi and "preserve" themselves for a long time. The state of deep samadhi is characterized by a decrease in metabolism to zero, a stop of the pulse and respiration, and the transition of the body into the so-called “stone-steel state”. At the same time, the body becomes very dense, capable of being preserved for a long time (thousands and even millions of years ?!) under special conditions (temperature + 4 ° С, typical for underground temples, caves, tombs in pyramids, including Egyptian, and lake water) and come to life when the “soul” returns to the body.

    The concept of "human gene pool" was introduced by Muldashev's group, meaning the possibility of keeping people of different civilizations, "mothballed" in a state of samadhi and located in deep caves in the Himalayas and Tibet. It is the human gene pool that is the unifying moment for all civilizations on Earth. He is needed to be: the forefather or foremother of a new civilization in the event of the death or degradation of the previous one, as well as a prophet who uses his knowledge to prevent regression and savagery of mankind.

    In view of the enormous importance of such storage facilities, they cannot be easily accessible, since there are no less evil intentions in the world than good ones. In this regard, later E. Muldashev came to the conclusion about the existence of a psychoenergetic barrier “places of samadhi” or “Somachi-caves”. The entrances to such caves are hidden so that it is unrealistic to find them. Only "special people" know this. This people - high level religious leaders who are good at meditation. They go to the "Somachi Caves" once a month, for some reason on the full moon or 11-12 days after it. To this end, they begin to prepare: they meditate about a week before and enter the cave dressed in special black and white clothes. In the cave, they watch the state of the bodies
    people in samadhi. The admission of special people to the "Somachi Cave" is given by "ON", that is, a person who is in samadhi. Apparently, this is where the contacting of the torsion
    fields and their souls.

    As a result of communication between E. Muldashev and members of his expedition with "special people", it was possible to find out some data on the gene pool of mankind ... First, there are many people in the state of samadhi in the caves! Secondly, some of them have a large rounded skull, some are large tower-shaped, and some are ordinary. People with large skulls are larger and have a massive body. Everyone has ears, and they are quite large. The size of the nose fluctuates at different people very small to normal sized nose; moreover, people with large skulls are more likely to have a small nose. Everyone's eyes are half-closed. Some people have very large eyes, while others are of normal size. Everyone's mouth is closed. The fingers are clenched, it is difficult to judge the presence of membranes. Human bodies are flesh-colored with a waxy tint.

    In the caves, people of different civilizations are in a state of samadhi, that is, usually these caves are mixed. People of our civilization try to enter samadhi in caves with people of previous civilizations, since they will be protected. But there are caves where there are either only people of our civilization, or only the previous ones. Of the entire expeditionary group, only E. Muldashev managed to enter the Somati Cave.

    The entrance to this cave is located on a deserted rocky mountain slope. Only the path leads to a small manhole, which is almost impossible to find without knowing where it is, since there are many such depressions in the rocks. After 25-30 meters of a narrow passage, already in complete darkness, a locked door is encountered. The door is set in stones. Apparently it was installed by "special people". A large hall appears behind the door, which turns into a two-meter-wide manhole. Of course, the ancients did not know what an online store of cabinet furniture was, like a store in general, so there was no atmosphere. It was here that Muldashev felt the action of the psycho-energetic protective barrier. At first, there was a slight feeling of anxiety, which gradually began to turn into fear. Here is what Muldashev himself says about his condition at that moment: “Actually, I cannot consider myself a timid man: I am a master of sports in sports tourism, a three-time champion of the USSR, it’s not the first time for me to be in the mountains and caves. But the feeling of fear intensified and was suddenly replaced by a feeling of incomprehensible and strong indignation, and there was headache... There was a feeling that your soul was indignant and wanted to return outside. For some reason, I stopped feeling the hand stretched forward along with the flashlight ...

    His eyes were covered with sweat, who knows where it had come from in the cold of the cave. A flashlight beam dimly illuminated the end of the manhole and the large cavernous hall behind it. Overcoming pain and complete mental confusion, I began to look ahead ... A dim flashlight beam illuminated some stones and several dark ledges above the floor. What is it? Could it be the figures of people sitting in samadhi? YES, IT'S KIND OF HUMAN FIGURES. IN THE LIGHT OF A DIM FLASHLIGHT, THEY LOOKED TO ME HUGE ...

    There are moments here that I have no right to talk about. I will only say that I tested the action of the psychoenergetic barrier three times. Now I know a lot. I have not seen people of the previous civilization, since no one has the right to bother them ... Any outsider with torsion fields of his soul will destabilize the state of samadhi, which can lead to undesirable consequences up to the death of the body or premature revival. It can turn out to be a colossal sin ... For several days after that I had a headache. Upon arrival
    I underwent a thorough medical examination. Everything turned out to be normal. "

    Subsequently, during a new expedition, scientists managed to find another "Somati Cave". It has a length of about 10-20 kilometers and communicates with the Earth's surface by three exits. As the scientists were told, there are 66 thousand Lemurians and Atlanteans in this cave. Moreover, according to some, only the astral parts of their souls are placed there, according to others - their bodies are in a state of samadhi.

    The psychoenergetic barrier of this second cave turned out to be more powerful than the first one. Perhaps this was due to the large number of people "mothballed" in it. Naturally, the members of the expedition tried to enter this second cave as well. Let us once again turn to Muldashev's story about this attempt: “We were told that the two entrances of the local population are notorious, near them living beings feel a sense of fear. So we went to the third entrance. At 40-50 meters from the beginning of the cave, this entrance was artificially barred. Only a small hole remained. The monks guarding the cave explained that the partition was made to prevent the death of people. For two hours we took measurements of the aura of the members of the expedition and these two monks, standing at the partition. All the images of the biofield, obtained by the device, turned out to be torn, as if "eaten".

    The reason for the destruction of the yoga aura was explained by the influence of incorporeal beings "asuri". We felt weak. One member of the expedition, Olga Ishtimova, even had to hurry away from this place, she felt so badly. To examine the other two entrances, we simply had no strength left. The next day, we conducted another study, the results were confirmed. There was no doubt - did the cave take away human energy? ... Our auras were gradually restored. And now the state of health of all members of the expedition is normal. "

    Swami - representatives of the highest hierarchy for an ascetic or monk in the religion of Hinduism - and the yogis told the members of the expedition that this energy is induced by the mysterious "Shambhala". As before, the monks also spoke of someone whom they all called mysteriously and simply "ON". It is “ON” that can give access to the gene pool cave, and only “ON” activates the “asuri”.

    And further we will cite one more of Muldashev's memoirs: “… From the trip to the“ Somati-cave ”and from the conversation with“ special people ”it was possible to draw scientific conclusions. Namely: 1. "Somachi-caves" really exist. 2. In "Somachi-caves" there are people of different appearance (apparently, different civilizations) in a state of samadhi. 3. "Somachi-caves" are protected by a psycho-energetic barrier that stimulates feelings of fear, anxiety, resentment and causes headaches and weakness. For unprepared people, the psychoenergetic barrier is insurmountable. 4. Data were obtained on the appearance of different people who are in the 8th state of samadhi ... But how would I like, apart from these dry scientific conclusions, to half the final result - to see with my own eyes people of previous civilizations and directly prove the existence of the "gene pool of mankind!" "
    So, Muldashev's group obtained new data on the origin of man ... In some ways, apparently, the scientists are right, in some they were wrong. But they are seriously talking about the existence of unique holy cave temples with the gene pool of mankind, "where earthly life and that light come into contact, where people of our and previous civilizations are together, where life and death are united. This is a whole world with its own laws and principles that need to be studied in the future ... Most likely, an attempt to revive our civilization was finally carried out only 18,013 years ago, when Pompo-Buddha (presumably a representative of the early Atlanteans) acted as the forefather. And only after correcting the path of human development by the prophets (Buddha, Jesus Christ, etc.), gradual progress began.

    Probably, the prophets acted in accordance with the prevailing different regions conditions. Nothing is perfect. Contradictions in different countries insignificant. So what if some people eat pork and others don't. It's all about political leaders who use religion for their own purposes. To confront religious contradictions, according to Muldashev, the time has come to think about creating a single religion for mankind. There are no especially great spiritual obstacles to this, IN FACT, GOD IS ONE! .. In addition, there is a fact of the origin of mankind from a single root - the gene pool of mankind, which cannot be Muslim, Christian, Jewish and others. For thousands of years, religion, as it is, has served people. The fabulousness and allegorical nature of the presentation of the material suited people. But there are no dogmas. Religion must also develop further.

    In conclusion, it should be said that the psychoenergetic influences acting in the areas where the "Somachi-caves" are located, as well as the "absorption" of human energy by individual caves can be explained ... by the various actions of the "geopathic zones" located there, the origin of which, as we said above modern science cannot explain yet.
    And the second thing that I would also like to note. It can be assumed that the gene pool of mankind included the best people different civilizations that preceded us. They, these people, “preserved” their bodies in order to revive humanity in the event of a global catastrophe on Earth ... trying to cash in on this mysterious and interesting find, turning one of the "Somachi Caves" into a place for tourist walks ... Of course not! ..

    Annotation: And finally, in this volume, you, dear reader, will see the legendary City of the Gods. We apologize for the fact that the quality of the images is, perhaps, not very good - the shooting was carried out at an altitude of 5-6 thousand meters and often in the clouds.

    What is the City of the Gods? You will see it for yourself. And also you will get acquainted with the details of the author's journey to Death Valley and the place of the Hungry Devil, which are considered enchanted places.

    Annotation: The book “In Search of the City of Gods” offered to the reader is written in a fascinating style, but in essence it is deeply scientific and touches upon global philosophical problems.

    Annotation:The author of the book, the world famous ophthalmologist and researcher E. R. Muldashev, continues to talk about his scientific expedition to Tibet in search of the legendary City of the Gods. According to an ancient legend told by the bearers of age-old wisdom - lamas, in the City of the Gods under the statue of the "Reading Man" are kept the gold plates of the Lemurians, on which the knowledge of ancient civilizations is recorded. In this book, the reader learns about the new adventures of the expedition members in the mysterious Harati cave, where gold plates are also kept, and also learns a lot of interesting things about the Lake of Demons, the harbingers of Shambhala, etc.

    The Adventure Begins ...


    Somati. Perhaps this is one of the most mysterious phenomena of the human body and soul, which became known to the public largely thanks to Ernst Rifgatovich Muldashev, who, while traveling in Tibet, deeply studied and described this phenomenon.
    Somati is the highest form of meditation. There are special schools that make it easier for people to enter the state of samadhi.
    Somachi is not a lethargic dream. With lethargic sleep, the heart and brain work, metabolic processes take place. In samadhi, the body goes into a stone-immobile state. The body becomes unnaturally hard and cold. The body of a deceased person is also harder than a living body, but with samadhi the body is many times harder. Figuratively speaking, the body is like a stone. This is achieved by reducing the body's metabolism to zero.
    In samadhi, the mechanism of reducing metabolism to zero, leading to hardening of the body and its kind of conservation, is carried out through the water of the body. The body water can be influenced through the biofield, through meditation. A person must learn to meditate so effectively that the biofield begins to influence the body's water and through it on metabolic processes.
    Somachi is not a state of near death. The soul in a state of clinical death leaves the body, but the body, unlike samadhi, is not prepared to be preserved for a long time.
    In samadhi, the soul is outside the body, as if next to the body. A person can continue life, leaving his body as if in a conserved state, and then return there. With samadhi one can understand the life of the soul; a person in reality sees his body, which is inactive and seems to be dead, but feels that he is living. During samadhi, one realizes that one can live without a body. The body can be preserved for hundreds, thousands and even millions of years.
    But not everyone can attain the state of samadhi through meditation, and not everyone who has learned to enter the state of samadhi can achieve deep samadhi, when the body can be preserved for many years.
    If the soul is outside the body in a state of samadhi, then the body remains in a conserved state. If the soul returns to the body, then the person leaves the state of samadhi and comes to life after five, ten, one hundred, thousand, millions of years.
    There are physical and subtle worlds. The physical world includes matter (planets, stars, etc.) and electromagnetic and gravitational * fields. The subtle world includes psychophysical phenomena (psychic energy, bioenergy, etc.). The subtle world is based on ultra-high frequencies.
    There are also torsion fields, that is, torsion fields. In the subtle world, the soul is an energy clot in the form of torsion fields. Within this swirling space (soul), information is contained about the functioning of the human body (astral body) and the processes of thinking (mental body). The process of thinking causes the space to twist: good thoughts twist space in one direction, evil thoughts in the opposite direction.
    In order to enter samadhi, one needs to free oneself from negative psychic energy. It is very important that the mind and body are freed from all negative things. It is extremely difficult to enter deep samadhi when the pulse stops, the metabolic energy drops to zero, and the body becomes stony-immobile. Very rare chosen people can do this. Usually in meditation schools, people enter the state of samadhi 3 times a day and stay in this state for no more than an hour. Somati will tell you how long you can stay in this state. Entering a deep state of samadhi and becoming a representative of the human gene pool is the highest spiritual destiny of man. Only worthy people can be here.


    One of the versions about the purpose of this phenomenon is expressed by Ernst Muldashev. He believes that the human gene pool was created in Tibet by the Supreme Mind and that modern people directly descended from the Atlanteans, who were able to preserve their bodies in a state of samadhi in the Himalayas - the highest part of the world, where the wave did not reach during the Flood. Later, when the water receded and the conditions on earth again became favorable enough for life, the souls returned to the bodies of the Atlanteans, and they began to live again, giving rise to modern civilization.


    In samadhi, the spirit does not seek to reincarnate into another body, but waits for its return to its body. The spirit keeps in touch with this body for hundreds, thousands and millions of years. When it is decided that the spirit must return to the body, the body revives. In occult literature, there is the concept of a "silver thread" that connects the spirit with the deceased body for a certain time. If the "silver thread" breaks, then the spirit cannot find the body. At death, the spirit leaves the body first, without losing contact with the body, apparently, for 40 days. This connection, through which the spirit can find the body, is the "silver thread".
    The "Silver Thread" is the principle of the Higher Mind, which allows you to have hope to the end of returning to your body. In deep sleep, the spirit "walks", but retains the "silver thread" along which it finds the body. Therefore, it is not recommended to abruptly wake up a person, since the spirit may not have time to find its body. And therefore, it is considered a sin to wake up children.
    In 3 days after death, the etheric body of the soul leaves, in 9 days - the astral body. The body can be revived if the spirit returns to it.
    Therefore, the human soul is multidimensional. It is a collection of human subtle bodies. And in the process of leaving the body, it can be successively transformed from one state to another (from one subtle body to another.
    The brain, which spins the torsion fields of the soul (subtle human bodies), cannot work without the spirit.
    In samadhi, the “silver thread” that connects the spirit with the body is preserved for as long as you like. The souls of people in samadhi are fueled by cosmic energy.
    So what can a "silver thread" be? Is this again some kind of phenomenal exception to the rule? And the rules obey the Unified law of evolution of the dual relationship (monad), and we have established that the Unified Self-Consistent Field of the Universe is a set of interconnected, synchronized and phased electromagnetic fields, including torsion ones, for they are of an electromagnetic nature.
    Many people remember from the school physics course electrostatic discharges, arising, for example, between the plates of a capacitor as the electrostatic charge accumulates. And if such a discharge occurs continuously? Will it not resemble a "silver thread" that will tie the plates of the capacitor while the discharge is going on?
    And if we remember that torsion fields can be of two types. In one type of torsion fields, can the "charges" of the same name be attracted, and in another, repel? There is something to think about.
    Now about the water. Muldashev writes that long-term samadhi can be entered at a temperature of + 4 ° C, which is found in caves and under water. Apparently, the stone-immobile state of the body (that is, hardening of the body) is achieved by changing the state of interstitial water. Here it is not only the fact that water has the highest density at a temperature of + 4 ° C, but also the transition of water to a special state. There are three known states of water: liquid, gaseous and solid.
    Most likely, during samadhi, water passes into a fourth state unknown to science. It is this fourth state of interstitial water that allows stopping all metabolic processes and transferring human tissues to a more solid state without destroying them. Positively swirling torsion fields of the soul can transfer the body water to such a state, which, under the influence of meditation, can transmit information about a change in the state of water and the related stop of metabolism. Time in samadhi flows 717 times faster than the normal passage of time. Perhaps, Muldashev notes, this is the course of time according to which That Light lives.
    People who are in a state of samadhi can be communicated through meditation. The human spirit during meditation is released from the "bodily bonds" and can communicate with the human spirit in samadhi.
    Somachi is a universal human phenomenon. Therefore, people in samadhi can be anywhere in the world. From a physical point of view, the stone-immobile state of the human body in samadhi is achieved due to the transition of water to the fourth state, which is feasible only through complete cleansing of the soul from negative psychic energy, that is, due to the complete and stable twisting of the torsion fields of the soul in a positive direction.
    What is this fourth state, and positively swirled torsion fields? Obviously, these fields must have the ability to synchronize and phase the human body in the state of samadhi and outside it (subtle bodies). This is the only way to achieve the "silver thread" effect.
    Therefore, the torsion fields of a foreign soul can also introduce an imbalance in the torsion of the torsion fields of a person's soul in samadhi even if they are twisted in a positive direction, not to mention negatively twisted torsion fields. An imbalance in the torsion fields of a person in samadhi can lead to instability of the fourth (hypothetical!) State of water in the body and a corresponding loss of the stone-immobile state of the body.
    The torsion fields of the soul are only one of the specific types of torsion fields that characterize the Unified Torsion Field of the Mind.


    Samadhi comes from SoHm and is interpreted as a message. Great words, the last message of the Atlanteans is "SoHm". "So" means "I am that", "Hm" means "I am myself." And the general meaning of "SoHm" means - "Realize yourself." This is a warning about the need for self-realization of each person within the limits of his life on earth in a good direction. The previous civilization of the Atlanteans was realized not only in a good, but also in an evil direction. Atlanteans could easily enter the Higher Mind, that is, the Universal information field, and used the knowledge gained from there, not only for good, but also for evil purposes.
    Muldashev writes that the “SoHm” principle means that the next civilization, that is ours, will not be admitted to the “universal knowledge bank” because there is no belief that this knowledge will be used only for good purposes. "SoHm" means "Realize yourself" in the period between the first inhalation and the last exhalation, that is, during the period of life on Earth. The principle "SoHm" supposedly testifies to the fact that the Supreme Reason decided to stop the easy access of people to the Universal Knowledge - let people realize themselves, accumulate knowledge by themselves. "So Nm" is a conversation with the nose: inhale - "So", exhale - "Nm".
    This came from a previous civilization that spoke with its nose. So Nm is the sound of the nose, it is the sound of life and death. When a child is born, he is a "human plant", at the first inhalation the soul flies into the child's body, that is, inhalation ("So") is life. When a person dies, the soul flies out of the body along with the last exhalation, that is, exhalation ("Hm") is death.

    The SoHm principle symbolizes the infinity and unity of life and death, as well as the fact that the main thing is there - beyond the boundaries of earthly life. "Amen" and similar words in different religions are all reflections of "SoHm".

    The principle "SoHm" - "realize yourself" can be interpreted in a completely different way.
    1. This is a hint to a person that the time has come for self-realization, that it is time to find the Path to oneself (the Path to oneself), what kind of person this choice can only be made by the person himself.
    2. This is a direct indication that the human mind is presented with a unique opportunity to pass into another dimension of consciousness, and not after death, but already during life.

    In this issue of our newspaper we are opening a new section - "The World of Secrets". Here will be published materials that are of particular interest to our readers. The letters that the editors receive often suggest topics that are very interesting, but controversial from the point of view of rigorous science. Now the reader will be able to appreciate the extraordinary versions about the nature of mysterious phenomena, about the superpowers of man.

    We will introduce you to scientific approaches and religious interpretations of events taking place on Earth and in outer space. We hope for an active response from adherents of the scientific and educational genre and we will wait for your new letters. Today we are talking about the amazing discoveries of the famous Russian scientist Ernst Muldashev.

    Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Director of the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery, member of the American Association of Ophthalmologists, member of the International Academy of Sciences. Ernst Muldashev organized four scientific expeditions to Tibet and the Himalayas, published several books about his research. His first book is called "From whom are we descended?" Ernst Muldashev agreed to remind our readers of his amazing discoveries and incredible experience in the Himalayas.

    Baby eyes

    A little girl was brought to the clinic for an appointment with Muldashev. To calm the child down, the young mother whispered something in her ear. Four blue eyes looked warily at the doctor. Muldashev drew attention to how similar their eyes were, and professionally noted that the size of the cornea of ​​the eyes of the mother and daughter was the same. But can the cornea of ​​a growing child be the same size as that of an adult? Examination of three strangers - a young woman, a respectable middle-aged man and a teenage boy - again surprised the doctor. The size of the cornea of ​​the eyes was carefully measured with an ophthalmoscope, and the device dispassionately gave the same figure for all three patients. What is this, a new constant, unshakable, like a boring number pi in school?

    Hundreds of measurements showed that all people who were examined by doctors had almost the same cornea size: equal to 10 plus / minus 0.56 millimeters.

    Researchers began to find out the reasons for this, to look for a connection with other parameters of the human body. We started by studying the geometric characteristics of the eye area of ​​the face: eyelids, eyebrows, eye section, nose bridge. We managed to identify 22 parameters that determine the individual characteristics of a person's facial features. But only two of them were clearly tied to a constant value - the diameter of the cornea, the rest depended on physical condition person, his emotional state.

    The developed methodology made it possible to determine the main external features of a person's face, to establish, with a certain amount of assumptions, his psychological type... This could be a valuable aid in medicine, forensic science, career choice, recruitment. But what other possibilities does this technique provide, where can it be used?

    Ancestor portrait

    Since childhood, Muldashev was fascinated by the works of the Russian scientist, philosopher and artist Nicholas Roerich. He remembered Roerich's thought about the origin of man in Tibet, going through countless photographs of various human eyes. A working idea arose: to create a collective image - the average human eyes, and to trace which of the known races living on Earth today, this image is more close. In this case, the classification was used not according to three known races - white, black, yellow, but according to the classification of the Soviet anthropological scientist Arkady Yarkho, dividing humanity into 35 races. The worked out technique gave an amazing result, which fully coincides with Roerich's hypothesis: the average eyes belonged to a person of the so-called Tibetan race. Muldashev found another interesting fact, which, he believed, is related to the Tibetan version of the origin of people. The "Tibetan footprint" was discovered without difficulty - all Tibetan temples have their own "calling card": images of huge human eyes on their walls. Eyes again! These eyes look at us from tourist booklets, from the walls of temples on the streets of cities. These images have been carefully analyzed.

    The reconstructed appearance of the human-like creature lacked the bridge of the nose, and the nose itself. Instead of a nose, some kind of worm-like squiggle, and the middle of the upper eyelid was slightly pulled down. We remembered Nostradamus, who, back in the Middle Ages, wrote about the civilization of the Atlanteans, about these tall and wise giants. They led a half aquatic life, therefore their eyelids are different, and the nose is not a nose, but a breathing valve, like a dolphin or a whale. The absence of the bridge of the nose made it possible to significantly increase the viewing angle, and in that figured slit, which was located at the site of the intended nose, there could be gill organs. The guess about the membranes between the fingers and toes of these two-meter beauties was confirmed later, during a Tibetan expedition.

    The riddle of SOMATI

    The meeting between Muldashev and Daram Raje Bharti was organized by the chief ophthalmologist of India. Small in stature, inconspicuous in appearance, this man had the highest religious title, was engaged in the study of the religion of the East. They talked about the role of intuition and logic in understanding the world, positive and negative spiritual energy. Muldashev took out a drawing of Atlant. A mysterious word sounded - "samadhi". What does it mean? "Somachi is when my body is motionless, like a stone, but I am alive," was the answer.

    It turned out that Tibetan lamas depict on their temples a representative of a previous civilization in a state of samadhi. It turns out that llamas have seen them high in the mountains relatively recently.

    Somati is not a lethargic dream, when the heart and brain are working, metabolic processes are going on. To achieve such a state, a person must learn to meditate so that the biofield begins to affect the water in the human body, and water, in turn, affects metabolic processes. The state of deep samadhi can preserve the body for many years. "Where is the soul?" - asked Muldashev. There is no soul in this "conserved" body, if it returns to the body, then it will again be a person. The question of the return of the soul to the body is decided by the Higher Mind. So a firm answer was received that we descended from the Atlanteans. They kept their bodies in a state of samadhi in the Himalayas, the highest part of the world, and when the conditions of life allowed them to return to earthly life, the souls returned to the bodies of the Atlanteans and they continued the human race. Some of these creatures remained in cherished vaults high in the mountains. In case of new disasters.

    It turned out that special people have access to samadhi caves, the nominees of these proxies are approved by the council of local lamas. Saying goodbye, Daram Bharti advised us not to look for Atlanteans in their caves. These hard-to-reach places are guarded by special unknown forces that are deadly to humans.

    To be continued

    Special people

    Through mountain passes, Muldashev's group managed to reach a Nepalese village where two special people lived. It turned out that these people enter the samadhi cave once a month, and before that they begin to prepare themselves long ago. There are many halls in the cave, but not all are accessible to them. In these halls there may be people in a state of samadhi, unlike the portrait of the Atlantean, which they were shown. Special people said that there are people of different appearance, different constitutions. Do they have a third eye? "If only they can insert it themselves," came the reply. The youngest of the special people led the group to a small depression in the rock. Only one person was allowed to enter the cave. Muldashev took a rather dim flashlight with him: bright lighting was forbidden.

    After walking 30 meters in complete darkness, Muldashev rested on iron door... Inaudibly, a special one appeared and unlocked it. Outside the door was a spacious hall, from which a rather narrow opening emerged. Our tracker did not feel any unpleasant sensations about which they were warned. But, as soon as he approached this hole, a slight feeling of anxiety appeared. Then it disappeared, but was suddenly replaced by a strange indignation. It was impossible to understand what caused this indignation.

    “And after a few tens of meters, a headache began. She became such that I could hardly tolerate her, - says Ernst Muldashev. - There was a sharp weakness, the indignant soul did not give rest. I realized that it was impossible to go further, otherwise death would come. The dim light of the flashlight illuminated some rocks and a few dark protrusions above the floor. What is it? Could it be the figures of people sitting in samadhi? In the dim light of the flashlight, they seemed huge to me.

    I went to the exit of the cave. Daylight hit me hard in my eyes. Friends rushed to me: "Are you alive, old man?"

    I understand that after death, metabolic processes in the body continue for some time; organ and tissue transplantation is based on this. In addition, lytic enzymes are activated after death, leading to tissue destruction. What is the mechanism of reducing metabolism to zero in samadhi, leading to hardening of the body and its kind of conservation? I asked.

    This is a special mechanism, and it is carried out through the water of the body, - answered Swami Daram.

    Is the samadhi body exposed to microbes?

    Almost not exposed. But it is better to choose clean places.

    How does temperature affect the body in the samadhi state? - Better cold temperature.

    How can you influence the body's water to reduce metabolism to zero?

    Through the biofield, through meditation, - answered Swami Daram -. The biofield and water in the body are conjugated. But a person must learn to meditate so effectively that the biofield begins to influence the body's water and through it on metabolic processes. Somati is the highest form of meditation. Not everyone can achieve the state of samadhi through meditation, and not everyone who has learned to enter the state of samadhi can achieve deep samadhi, when the body can be preserved for many years.

    What happens to the soul in the samadhi state?

    In the teaching of samadhi there is a term - "QBE" ("Out of Body Experience"), which means "experience outside the body" when you can observe your body from the side. In samadhi, the soul is outside the body, as if next to the body. A person can continue life, leaving his body as if in a conserved state, and then return there. With samadhi one can understand the life of the soul; a person in reality sees his body, which is inactive and as if dead, but you feel that you are living. During samadhi, one realizes that one can live without a body.

    This means that the role of samadhi consists, on the one hand, in showing the possibility of life without a body, on the other, in the ability to preserve one's body for many years. The body, figuratively speaking, will still come in handy, ”I said.

    The body can be preserved for hundreds, thousands and even millions of years, - replied Swami Daram.

    It's amazing, - I exclaimed, - because samadhi can be a saving state for a person to survive cataclysms and catastrophes, even global ones. The preservation of the human body in a state of samadhi can be a promise to the creation of the Gene Pool of mankind. Is it so?

    Should human bodies be preserved in case of global catastrophes?

    The role of the body also cannot be diminished, as some religions do. The human body was created through a long evolution. Why go through this path again, it is easier to keep the body in a state of samadhi, - answered Swami Daram.

    I think there are still examples of samadhi in nature. For example, hibernation of animals. In the North, the brown bear hibernates for 7-8 months a year, and the den can hardly be called warm. It is likely that a samadhi-like bear reduces its metabolism. A connecting rod bear is a bear that has failed to enter the samadhi state. In addition, one can recall the hibernation of gophers, marmots, hamsters, snakes, frogs, insects and other living creatures. Obviously, a somatotype state is a way of adapting to the conditions of the North.

    I am a representative of a warm country. It is difficult for me to state this, but what you said is logical, - answered Swami Daram.

    Where is the soul? - I asked.

    The soul is popularly called the heart. But the heart is just a pump. And the "heart-soul" is located in the navel.

    In medicine, there is such a concept as "human-plant", that is, the heart works, metabolic processes are running, and the person is out of consciousness. Does this mean that the soul does not want to return to this body, maybe the soul does not like it, maybe it is too destroyed? I asked.

    Yes, the body, in principle, can live without a soul, but it will be a “plant man”. If the soul returns to the body, it will be a human again.

    What is the relationship between body and soul in a state of samadhi?

    If the soul is outside the body in a state of samadhi, then the body remains in a conserved state. If the soul returns to the body, then the person leaves the state of samadhi and comes to life after five, ten, one hundred, one thousand, many thousand years and millions of years, - answered Swami Daram.

    Who sends soul to body?

    Higher intelligence. It is very useful to be in a state of samadhi, as a person learns another life - the life of the soul, realizes the role of the Higher Mind and, having returned to the body, becomes more spiritual, not belligerent. If people were more often in a state of samadhi, the world would be at peace.

    What is the soul?

    The soul is a part of the energy of the Universe, and it is located in a specially outlined space. The energy of the soul is energy outside the electron and outside the proton. But the energy of the soul is very strong, it has a way of influencing gravity. The energy of many souls has an ear of greasy power. There are positive and negative soul energies that are coupled. Soul energy can create and can destroy. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler accumulated negative mental energy, and it resulted in the destruction of people, in the war. Good and evil go side by side. Negative spiritual energy can attract destructive space objects and affect nature. Therefore, quite often conflicts and wars are accompanied by falling meteorites, earthquakes ...

    The attraction of space objects by negative spiritual energy occurs, figuratively speaking, how ball lightning is attracted to electricity? - asked Vener Gafarov.

    Figuratively speaking, yes. But there are other physical laws at work, - replied Swami Daram.


    You began your research with the study of the eyes, - continued Swami Daram, - and you, of course, know that the eyes are the window to the soul. We speak to each other not only with our language, but also with our eyes, since the eyes are the window to the soul. Vision goes straight to the soul, and this is understandable, since vision is our main feeling. Please compare: the distance of sight is many kilometers, the distance of hearing is meters, the tongue and fingers act through contact. Blind people lose a lot, not only in physical life, but also in mental life.

    Does this mean that the energy of the soul works through the eyes? I asked.

    Yes. In addition, I have noticed in your studies of the eyes one extremely important point- this is that the size of the cornea of ​​the eye is a constant for all people. This coincides with religious knowledge and testifies to the fact that God gave the same opportunities for self-realization to each person.

    Interesting idea…

    It is the cornea that is the window through which the soul can self-actualize. I could recommend that you study psychic energy in more detail, for example, measure it when leaving the eyes. Use the latest advances in physics, said Swami Daram. Here, let me make a digression and give a logical extract from modern concepts of physics about the soul and psychic energy, which was prepared by a member of our expedition (deputy leader) Valery Lobankov, a prominent Russian physicist, specialist in field physics.

    There are physical and subtle worlds. The physical world includes matter (planets, stars, etc.) and electromagnetic and gravitational fields. The subtle world includes psychophysical phenomena (psychic energy, bioenergy, etc.). The subtle world is based on ultra-high frequencies.

    There are also torsion fields, i.e. torsion fields. The manifestation of torsion fields in the physical world is inertia. The manifestation of torsion fields in the subtle world is the soul - an energy clot in the form of torsion fields. Within this swirling space (soul) is information about the functioning of the human body (astral body) and the process of thinking (mental body). The process of thinking causes the space to twist: good thoughts twist space in one direction, evil thoughts in the opposite direction.

    All souls are part of the Universal Information Field, which is popularly considered the Supreme Reason. Some people, such as E. Blavatsky and E. Roerich, can connect to the Universal Information Field and receive knowledge from there that seems amazing to us. This information field contains knowledge not only of ours, but also of previous civilizations. Space in our Universe is closed, therefore, by connecting to the Universal Information Field, one can see the past and the future.

    Initially, only space and the Absolute (Absolute nothing) existed, i.e. plan for future creatures. Space is neutralized matter and antimatter, where matter and antimatter are constantly being created, which are constantly neutralized by each other. The absolute violates the neutralization process. Matter and antimatter appear, but they do not neutralize each other.

    First, the subtle world arose, then the physical world. In the physical world, matter became denser, in connection with which stars, planets, and so on appeared. Sealing thin world led to the creation of souls.

    Souls on earth gradually became denser and began to acquire a physical body. At first, the body was not dense, it could pass through objects. Then it became denser and acquired modern features. This is how people, animals, plants appeared. At first, consciousness was constantly connected to the Universal Information Field, then this ability was lost due to the fact that the previous civilization (Atlanteans) accumulated too much negative psychic energy, i.e. torsion fields twisted in the negative direction.

    There is a law of karma, i.e. the ability of the soul to consistently live in different physical bodies, while accumulating positive or negative psychic energy. A person with bad karma through good deeds should spin his torsion fields in a positive direction in order to get rid of negatively twisted fields and become happier. Every soul is given the same opportunities for self-realization.

    There were 22 civilizations on earth, ”Swami Daram immediately said. - Civilizations really reached a high technocratic level and self-destructed. Self-destruction took place either in the form of global conflicts, or as a result of cosmic cataclysms, caused largely by the impact of negative psychic energy on cosmic objects. As a result of global catastrophes on earth, the climate was changing. And as soon as the earth's climate became favorable for life, humanity re-emerged in the form of a new civilization, developed, reached a high technocratic level and again self-annihilated.

    It's a shame that the knowledge accumulated by previous civilizations was destroyed along with them, - I regretted.

    No, knowledge was not destroyed. The positive of this knowledge (i.e., torsion fields twisted in a positive direction. - E.M.)

    And you can enter the Higher knowledge.

    Yes, I can, ”Swami Daram answered clearly.

    Tell us about the last, previous civilization of the Atlanteans, I asked.

    This civilization was very advanced. She drowned in the sea. The climate at that time was very warm and humid. The land was in the form of islands. The vegetation was different. Many plants grew under water. Atlanteans had underwater plantations, they swam a lot in the water. The sky was red. They could act on gravity, they had amazing flying machines. They possessed directed psychic energy. Unfortunately, this civilization has accumulated a lot of negative psychic energy, which resulted in conflicts. It was one of the most advanced civilizations on earth. But she did not protect herself from the accumulation of negative psychic energy. As a result, a cosmic cataclysm occurred. The earth has changed its axis, immense sea ​​wave bypassed the globe, washing away cities and drowning humanity.

    Are we descended from the Atlanteans?

    Yes, we are descended from the Atlanteans, replied Swami Daram. - Atlanteans were able to keep their bodies in a state of samadhi in the Himalayas - the highest part of the world, where the wave did not reach during the Flood. Later, when the water receded and the conditions on earth again became favorable enough for life, the souls returned to the bodies of the Atlanteans, and they began to live again, giving rise to modern civilization. They had difficult living conditions. Their appearance gradually changed according to the changed conditions of life on earth and acquired the features of a man of our civilization.

    Don't you think this is incredible?

    There is nothing incredible here. When the astronauts were on the moon and took samples of the lunar soil, they found preserved microbes in it. If there was an atmosphere on the moon, these microbes could come to life. Similarly, a person in a state of samadhi is a person in a preserved state. For the religious masters of the East, samadhi is as natural and understandable as Newton's law is for you. Somachi is the only saving moment in the self-destruction of civilizations. Those people who have entered the state of samadhi and have been in it for thousands and millions of years devote themselves to the highest goals, the main of which is the survival of mankind in the event of self-destruction of civilization.

    Where are samadhi bodies stored?

    They can be stored in three places, replied Swami Daram. The first is in the water. Water is a special substance whose role in the origin of life on earth is exceptional. Water is the average between air and earth (meaning density - EM). Chelna 66% consists of water. Salt composition of sea water and water human body about the same. Therefore, the body of a person in a state of samadhi can be preserved in water for a long time. The mechanism of reducing metabolism in samadhi is to change the properties of the water of the human body.

    Excuse me, - I could not resist, - for several years we have been studying the water of the human body at our institute. We found that this water is a carrier of information, the role of which is very important in tissue regeneration.

    The information that the body water carries is related to the soul, said Swami Daram.

    Tell me, - asked Vener Gafarov, - are dolphins the descendants of the Atlanteans who left the state of samadhi in the sea, who in the process of evolution adapted to the marine lifestyle? Confirmation of this, - he continued, - can be the high mental abilities of dolphins, the ability to communicate in the ultrasonic range (like the Atlanteans), the shape of the respiratory opening and other common signs.

    Do not know. Maybe, Swami Daram replied. - I think the man came out of the sea.

    What are the second and third places where the bodies of people in a state of samadhi can be stored?

    These are glaciers and caves. In the Himalayas, for example, they found fish that had lain in a glacier for millions of years. When she thawed, she swam. A similar thing can happen to a person in a state of samadhi. And in the caves there is a stable cold temperature, which also favors the preservation of the body in a state of samadhi.

    I read, - said Sergei, - that one of the Russian researchers, either Tsibikov or Roerich, saw in one of the caves in Tibet a very large human skull with a hole in the forehead resembling the orbit of an eye.

    “The Third Eye didn't look like an eye. The hole could have been traumatic in nature, replied Swami Daram. - By the way, I do not recommend that you search in the caves of the Atlanteans in a state of samadhi.

    This is dangerous for you.

    The caves where the bodies of the Atlanteans are in a state of samadhi are extremely inaccessible and hidden from human sight. This is done on purpose so that people do not die. In these caves there are special forces unknown to us, deadly to humans.

    These forces are designed to keep the Atlanteans calm in a state of samadhi. These forces are induced by the souls of the Atlanteans in a state of samadhi. These forces are bioenergetic in nature and are forces of the same kind as those possessed by the Atlanteans, acting on gravity and moving huge stone blocks, building pyramids. The man of our civilization does not know how to counteract such forces. We must not forget that the Atlantean civilization was much more developed than ours.

    And you cannot get in touch with the souls of the Atlanteans who are in samadhi.

    Unlikely. The level of development of the souls of the Atlanteans is much higher than ours. They are unlikely to believe in the kindness of your intentions. Remember, no one - not the king, not the president, not the greatest scientist - can give permission to disturb the Atlanteans in a state of samadhi. It is only they who decide - those who are in samadhi. Entering without permission means death.

    Is the same situation observed when the bodies of Atlanteans are preserved in glaciers and in water?

    Yes, Swami Daram replied firmly.

    There was a silence. The veil of secrecy was slightly opened, but it was clear that it was impossible to open it completely.

    Who were the prophets? - Breaking the silence, I asked.

    Prophets were people who possessed good knowledge of previous civilizations and passed it on to people. In most cases, they were ordinary people ... - answered Swami Daram.

    And could a man of a previous civilization be a prophet, different in appearance from ordinary people?

    Yes, he could - if he left the state of samadhi when a new civilization had already developed and people had already changed their appearance in accordance with new conditions.

    I understand that you are already tired, - I said, - nevertheless, tell us about SoHm.

    Have you already been told about this?

    Yes. - I summarized the essence of the information we received about the last message.

    To what has been said, I can add, - began to tell Swami Daram, - that "SoHm" is a conversation with the nose: inhale - "So", exhale - "Hm". It came from a previous civilization, they actually spoke with their nose. But the role of “SoHm” is very important: “SoHm” is the sound of the nose, this is the sound of life and death. When a child is born, he is a "human plant", at the first inhalation the soul flies into the child's body, that is, inhalation ("So") is life. When a person dies, the soul flies out of the body along with the last exhalation, that is, exhalation ("NT") is death. Inhale means life, exhalation means death. The SoHm principle symbolizes the infinity and unity of life and death, as well as the fact that the main thing is there - outside of earthly life. "Amen" and similar words in different religions are all reflections of "SoHm".

    Why is "SoHm" called the last message?

    Because this is a warning about the need for self-realization of each person within the limits of his life on earth in a good direction. The previous civilization of the Atlanteans, unfortunately, was realized not only in a good, but also in an evil direction. Atlanteans could easily enter the Higher Mind (i.e., the Universal information field. - EM) and used the knowledge gained from there, not only for good, but also for evil purposes. The message "SoHm" means that the next civilization, that is, ours, will not be admitted to the "universal knowledge bank", because there is no belief that this knowledge will be used only for good purposes. "SoHm" means "realize yourself" in the period between the first inhalation and the last exhalation, that is, during the period of life on Earth.

    It is too dangerous to admit people to the "Universal knowledge bank", since mastering knowledge, for example, about new types of energy, can become fatal for our civilization, - I said. - The principle "SoHm" testifies to the fact that the Supreme Reason decided to Stop the easy access of people to the Universal knowledge - let people Realize themselves, accumulate knowledge themselves.

    Yes, it is, ”replied Swami Daram.

    But after all, - I continued, - some people are admitted to the Universal information field. I understand that these are the people whose good intentions do not arise in doubt, that is, the torsion fields of these people are clearly twisted in a positive direction. These people, apparently, become prophets of great scientists, but they have a difficult life, as they struggle with the negatively twisted fields of many people.

    Such people are masters, ”said Swami Daram.

    I want to tell you one case, - I did not stop. - I had a chance to watch a documentary about the design and construction of flying saucers by Hitler's factories based on the knowledge gained from the Universal Information Field. This knowledge was received by two women - "contactees" and passed on to the Nazis. By the end of the war, the Nazis built flying saucers, they flew, but they did not have time to use them. The flying saucers created disappeared in some unknown way. The transfer of information about flying vehicles, apparently of the previous civilization, to the Nazis was, as I understand it, a direct violation of the SoHm principle - “realize yourself”. Then why did the transfer of this information take place? Maybe in contrast to Stalin, whose evil intentions were not in doubt?

    Maybe, Swami Daram said. “But do not forget that there is also a Great Spirit of Evil. Positive and negative psychic energies are coupled, and Good and Evil go side by side. The role of negative psychic energy cannot be belittled.

    And can the Universal information field correct its mistake? Maybe this is what caused the mysterious disappearance of Hitler's flying saucers?

    If the principle "SoHm" is violated, the Higher Reason cannot influence by force, since it is beyond forces, but it can influence the souls of people. In particular, he could influence the souls of the creators of flying saucers, convincing them to destroy the results of their labors. Good must win, otherwise the world will be destroyed.

    It's a shame that because of the evil and power-hungry Atlanteans, our civilization is cut off from the "universal knowledge bank," I said in my hearts.

    Of course, not all Atlanteans were evil, but the evil energy in their civilization won. Let's see what will happen to our civilization, whether Good will win, I don't know. Therefore, all religions teach one thing - to constantly repeat "amen" (or similar words), which means "SoHm", that is, I realize myself in a good direction, - said Swami Daram.

    - "SoHm" may turn out to be the last warning to humanity. The Higher Intelligence may refuse to send souls back to bodies in a state of samadhi, if our civilization also self-destructs.

    May be…

    And the last question, sorry, I said. - At the beginning of our conversation, when we showed you an image of a hypothetical Atlantean, you asked if we had seen them. What, you can see them now?

    Yes. They should still be in a samadhi state. And not only they ...

    Who else?

    We walked Master Swami Daram home. We said goodbye for a long time and warmly. This man radiated kindness and strength. I didn't want to leave. Sergei and Vener shook his hand in turn, I took pictures. Swami Daram smiled broadly.

    Use this knowledge for good purposes, - he said in the end.

    So, in the Indian part of the expedition, we managed to find confirmation of the main provisions of our hypothesis. Such logical conclusions as the Tibetan origin of our civilization, the appearance of the Atlantean, the emergence and self-destruction of civilizations on earth, and others, seemed to us shaky and unconvincing in the pre-expeditionary period. After conversations with Indian swamis, we realized that for them it is natural and understandable, since this is what religious science teaches them.

    Maybe we "invented the bicycle"? To some extent, perhaps this is so. But this is the case in science when independently obtained data coincide with historical and religious knowledge. Religion, which many people perceive as a fairy tale or a pious mandate, is nevertheless a profound knowledge that came, as Swami Daram said, from previous civilizations.

    We realized that the deepest religious knowledge is not widely publicized, i.e. are secret, only for the reason that they can fall into the hands of evil forces.

    Will we pass on this knowledge evil forces? After all, many secrets were revealed to us! No. In the description, we have missed some points that may be relevant for negative use. We will never open them. We have earned trust not only due to the fact that we "guessed" the appearance of the people of the previous civilization, but first of all due to the well-directed logic of research. It is also obvious that the time has come to lift the veil over the secrets of the universe.

    The most exciting news for us was the information about the latest message from "SoHm" and samadhi. A special state of mind and body - samadhi - excited the imagination as possible way preservation of humanity on Earth.

    We went to Nepal and Tibet. Now we had a more delineated circle of questions. What will the Tibetan lamas say about this?