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    How the Zener Clairvoyance Test Works

    In the clairvoyance test, the program selects a random card. The test subject must determine which symbol is depicted on it and then click on the corresponding sign.

    If the mode is selected "standard", then the program randomly generates one of five characters, which must be determined by the subject.

    In the mode "simplify" each Zener card is generated a certain (equal) number of times. For example, with a layout of 25, the program will select and shuffle 5 cards with each of 5 symbols; in the case of 50 - 10 out of 5, etc. This setting can be applied only if the "Hide" mode is selected.

    "Hide map"- when you select this option, you will not see the actual symbol after clicking on the selected one. Also, the number of guessed characters in the process of passing the test will not be shown. You will know the result only at the end of the Zener test.

    "Show map"- the actual image opens after you click on your selected symbol.

    Zener Card Telepathy

    Two people are involved in testing - a test subject and an assistant. The assistant is at the computer and controls the study. Ideally, the subject should take a comfortable sitting or lying position, close his eyes, be extremely calm and focused. It is very important that the person slept well before the study, was full of energy and in a good mood. There should be complete silence in the room. Nothing should distract the subject, therefore, it is necessary to exclude as much as possible all factors that can affect the course of the study (sounds, bright lights, pets, etc.). After pressing the "Start" button, one of the Zener cards will be opened on the screen. The assistant must mentally transfer the depicted symbol to the subject (present it mentally). The task of the test taker is to define it and say it out loud. Then the assistant clicks on the sign that was pronounced. At the end of the test, the program will analyze errors and correct answers, and give an appropriate result. In telepathy testing, the "Hide Map" mode does not work.

    Analysis of the results

    According to the theory of probability, it is believed that a person who does not have psychic abilities is able to guess every 5th Zener card in the deck, i.e. 20% of the total amount. Therefore, to analyze the results, the value of the proportion of chance (D) is used, which consists of the ratio of the total number of cards in the deck to the number of symbols used. For example, for a 25-card test that uses 5 different symbols, D = 25/5 = 5 possible guesses. For dough of 100 pcs. D = 100/5 = 20, etc. But even if the subject guessed, for example, 30% of the signs, this does not mean that he possesses extrasensory perception, since there is also the likelihood that he was just lucky. To exclude this factor, the probability coefficient of guessing (p) is calculated for each case. And already on the basis of it, a conclusion is made whether a person has certain abilities. The lower this value, the more likely it is to have psychic abilities.

    If p> 0.1, then in the field "Evaluation of abilities" you will see the inscription "None";
    If p If p If p If p If p
    For the best result, a minimum of 100 cards must be used in the task. According to the observations of the researchers, if you take the test regularly (several times a week), extrasensory abilities gradually increase. It is believed that Zener cards are a good training for clairvoyance and telepathy.

    A good way to test your intuition and the degree of trust in clairvoyant information (in religion, revelation) is with Zener cards. Now there are many online resources and applications for smartphones, which boil down to the following: guess one of the 5 characters that will appear on the screen after choosing an option.

    An ordinary person without any ability will guess 20% of the cards on average. If it is stable at 30-40%, then you can occasionally pay attention to what a person receives "from spirits." If 50-80%, then you can already rely on the forecasts of this person.

    I still have 23-25%, and the maximum was 28%. It's good that I didn't fly high - it doesn't hurt to fall.

    I downloaded a couple of applications to my phone. One (Zener Cards ESP Test) with annoying ads and limited to 25 cards, and the other (ESP Zener cards) - as simple as a sneaker, no ads, but incorrectly calculating percentages. In this second, you can guess the cards ad infinitum.

    There is no point in trying to calculate the probability. While practicing with the ESP Zener Cards (purple background), I first walked the finger, choosing different cards, and my result was from 20% to 28%. Then, for the sake of experiment, I decided to test each of the symbols separately. That is, for 100 cards it is stupid to choose the same one. I went through all 5 maps 2 times with 100 emissions. They are more or less all about 20% (from 16% to 24%).

    Therefore, the approach here needs a magical one, and the point is to train the inner state in which this approach will work. That is, do not try to guess what will now float past you in the universe, but try to force the appearance of the desired symbol: "an asterisk will appear now! A circle will appear now!" It was with this attitude that I got my miserable maximum result of 28%. In the initial stages, you must follow a chaotic order. The higher the number of hits, the more you can complicate the sequence of characters: for example, 5 stars in a row, and then 8 streams in a row

    Curiously, in the first application (white background), I got results 8/25 and 1/25 (32% and 4%) in 5 minutes. A high result - when I just opened it after a long break, and a low result - with the accumulation of irritation from unsuccessful guessing and from an unpleasant interface. Irritation is the giving of one's own energy to an entity. Therefore, it is most important at first to get as much pleasure from the process as possible. It is not only the attitude to "bend the cards" that is important, but also the determination not to start considering yourself a loser with every unpredictable card. The second, I think, is even more important, because it builds an internal energy channel.

    Therefore, if someone has such a productive bifurcation of the psyche that, on the one hand, he receives a lot in psycho-practitioners, and on the other hand, he wants to be as honest with himself as possible and not live on credit from illusions, then it is all the more useful to work with this system in order to monitor his level connections to the Great Spirit. Not in every particular case, but in general, on average, as a background. If the dynamics from week to week is more than 50%, then you can trust yourself. If at 80%, then it is no longer a shame to take money for it.

    I think it's not worth offering this test to familiar magicians, witches and psychics, so as not to put them in an uncomfortable position if you want to stay on good terms with them. I'm almost sure that most of those who promote themselves online and / or confidently call themselves a magician, witch or psychic will not score even 50% on this test.

    It is known that there are five senses: sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste. At present, thanks to the advances in biology and our more complete understanding of higher nervous activity, they have been sufficiently studied. However, there are some features of perception that do not fit into the framework of these sensations.
    The ability to perceive information from sources unknown to science is defined as supersensible, or extrasensory. The transmission of thoughts at a distance is called telepathy, and clairvoyance is the ability to receive information about the future. Psychometry is the ability to obtain information from objects of inorganic origin about the past of their owner or about past events associated with these objects.
    Such paranormal phenomena are sometimes referred to as the "sixth" sense. For telepathy and clairvoyance, the term "extrasensory perception" (ESP) is used. The information received by the psychic appears to him in the form of sounds, taste or tactile sensations, smells, visual images. It follows that all five senses take part in the process of extrasensory perception and serve as conductors between the subconscious and the conscious comprehension of the information received.
    In the Middle Ages, people who heard invisible voices (like Joan of Arc) were considered witches or saints, and now these people are called psychics.
    Only at the end of the nineteenth century did the first attempts to generalize the scattered evidence and to understand the source of this mysterious power appear. More than 110 years ago, the creation of the Society for Psychical Research was registered in London, and today it successfully deals with a wide range of problems of supersensible perception.

    Zener Cards

    Initially, the main efforts of researchers were directed at collecting information and looking for witnesses to such phenomena. A major contribution to the study of ESP was made by Dr. JB Rain, a scientist who in the 1920s and 1930s laid down strict rules for laboratory experiments. The term "ESP" originated from tests that used twenty-five cards; on each of them, in various combinations, five symbols were depicted: a cross, a circle, a square, a triangle and wavy lines. These Zener cards, named for their inventor, were shown to the subject, who was asked to telepathically transmit his chosen images to a participant in the other room. Zener cards, of course, were not the first cards in Rain's experiments, before them they used an ordinary deck of playing cards, but since the pictures on the cards were very similar to each other, it was decided to create their own deck of cards for ESP experiments. Later, Zener cards went on the free sale in American cities. It is worth noting that the experiments of ordinary citizens on the ESP ended with very good results. The reason for this was very simple: cards that went on the mass sale were made on very low-quality equipment, sheets with a certain sign were cut on their specific machine and, in fact, the machines marked their cards, so looking at the back of the card, it was easy to "foresee" the card that fell map.

    According to the theory of probability, there is a one in five chance that the combination of the symbols shown on the card will be correctly guessed. This means that if you did an experiment with a hundred cards, then you can count on twenty correct answers. Any result significantly greater than this would suggest that an ESP was in operation. Tens of thousands of experiments have been carried out, but their results rarely went beyond the permissible deviation and could not convince skeptics of the reality of ESP. Experiments staged by life itself can provide a clue to the nature of ESP. The driver on the freeway suddenly hears a shout: "Get out of the road" - and, to avoid an invisible danger, sharply turns to the side, thereby avoiding a collision with a truck whose driver lost control at that very moment. The mother unexpectedly wakes up in the middle of the night, runs into the nursery to her child and sees that he suddenly became dangerously ill and could die if he was left without help until morning. In both cases, there was a close emotional connection, be it fear or love. Random numbers and Zener cards cannot evoke such feelings.

    In general, every person has hidden abilities. Only one can manifest them, while the other keeps them in a dormant state all his life. In order to take everything from life, we need to know what abilities we are endowed with.

    The simplest test to identify telepathic abilities is testing with Zener cards. Zener cards can be crafted by yourself. To do this, you need 25 (not necessarily, 50, 100) of the same cards, and put the following symbols on each of them: a circle, a cross, three wavy lines, a square, a five-pointed star. We will have five identical cards.

    Next, you can perform a test for both transmission and reception of information (as it is also called "mind reading." : relax, get rid of extraneous thoughts, close your eyes and imagine a black background (not necessarily black, the main thing is that it is monochromatic) with a white dot on it. a card, mentally imagine a symbol, and (also mentally) observe how it "flies" into the recipient's head. Next, you write down the transferred symbol on a piece of paper. And the recipient writes on a piece of paper the symbol that "came to him." And this should be done with everyone 25 cards After the end of the experiment, the results will be checked with the recipient.

    Mind reading follows a similar principle. Only you are not transmitting information, but are trying to "remove" it from the head of the assistant. You give an instruction to the assistant: sit down comfortably, relax, look at the map and mentally present it. Your task is to "transfer it from the head of the assistant to your head by the power of thought. If you transfer it correctly, the image of the card will begin to appear in front of your eyes. You and the assistant write down the transmitted received symbol on paper and at the end of the experiment you are checked.

    No need to be upset if your result is low. The minimum result is 5 correct "guesses". If there are fewer of them, then perhaps this is pure coincidence, if there are more, then we can assume that psychic forces helped you. For accurate data, the experiment must be performed 25-100 times. After all, practice gives rise to experience.

    In order not to suffer with making cards at home, you can try to test your psychic abilities on this

    Zener cards, Zener cards - a deck of cards with five repeating patterns (circle, cross, three wavy lines, square, five-pointed star - see photo), proposed in the 1930s by the psychologist Karl Edward Zener for the study of the paranormal forms of perception or abilities of a person, for example, clairvoyance.

    At the present time, extrasensory perception is being studied by various psychological institutions. Dr. JB Rain made a great contribution to its study. This is the scientist who, in the 1920s and 1930s, set fairly strict rules for laboratory research. Tests were developed that could determine the presence of psychic abilities in a person. One such test is the test with Zener cards, which were named after their creator.

    First experiments with Zener cards

    These cards were shown to the subject, who was asked to telepathically transmit his chosen images to a participant in the other room.

    Zener cards, of course, were not the first cards in Rain's experiments, before them they used an ordinary deck of playing cards, but since the pictures on the cards were very similar to each other, it was decided to create their own deck of cards for the experiments. Later, Zener cards went on the free sale.

    Zener Card Exercise

    Sit at the table so that you feel comfortable and comfortable.

    Turn the cards over with the images facing the table, mix thoroughly and arrange them in a row in front of you.

    Calm down, get distracted from all extraneous thoughts, free your mind, concentrate on the task at hand - to see the figures depicted on the cards.

    Now, looking at the first card, try to see with your inner eye the symbol that is depicted on it. Write it down, move on to the next card. And so go through all five in sequence. Then flip the cards over and see how many matches you get.

    To achieve good results and develop intuition, this exercise should be done regularly. At least several times a week for at least 15-20 minutes.

    Original taken from eastblackangel in Zener Maps. Exercise for the development of clairvoyance

    This exercise, if you do it regularly, will greatly help in the development of clairvoyance and intuition. To complete the test exercise, you will need special cards, which are called Zener Cards and are a set of five pictures. These maps were invented and proposed in the 1930s by the psychologist Karl Zener for experiments with parapsychological phenomena.

    You can download map images in the discussion at the link at the end of the post. You can redraw them yourself or print them. Necessarily on thick paper so that it does not shine through.

    Sit at the table so that you feel comfortable and comfortable. Turn the cards over with images to the table, mix thoroughly and arrange them in a row in front of you. Calm down, get distracted from all extraneous thoughts, free your mind, concentrate on the task at hand - to see the figures depicted on the cards. Now, looking at the first card, try to see with your inner eye the symbol that is depicted on it, write it down, go to the next card. And so go through all five in sequence. Then flip the cards over and see how many matches you get.
    To achieve good results and develop intuition, this exercise should be done regularly. At least several times a week for at least 15-20 minutes.

    The maps look like this
    And yet, a few tips for increasing energy, which means how to improve yourself into a normal state.
    (taken here http://otvet.mail.ru/question/25978445)
    1) Put an open glass of water on the windowsill overnight. And drink it first in the morning.
    2) Stop using ALL stimulants in the body. Coffee and tea also fall into this category.
    3) Sleep without a pillow. Funny, but true.
    4) Stop drinking, smoking, and for some individuals, taking drugs.
    5) Never allow any problem to hurt you to such an extent that you always think only of it.
    6) Have a good opinion of yourself.
    7) Do not be overwhelmed by your shortcomings.
    8) Do not eat food with heat treatment (the first 2-3 months it sucks, and then a sharp improvement in well-being).
    9) Do not miss sleep hours (0-3).
    10) Do not hunch over.
    11) Stop dreaming (meaning not making grandiose plans, but coming up with goals that you consider unattainable)
    12) Drink more water.
    I saved it on purpose to test myself in a normal state. , of course I understand that I'm tired at work and my head hurts, but 100% ... wrong answers :)) intrigue ...
    Although everything can be ...
    P.S. There is an online option