• What can you cook from squid: quick and tasty

    Botanical characteristic

    Lemon is a small evergreen fruit tree up to 5-8 m high, with a spreading or pyramidal crown, grayish, slightly fissured bark on perennial branches and green or reddish-purple, smooth on annual shoots, usually with thorns, less often without them. Leaves are leathery, green, 10-15 cm long, 5-8 cm wide, glossy on the upper side and light green and dull from the bottom, whole-edged, with venation, when viewed in the light, pointlike (from translucent containers of essential oil), broadly oval or oblong-ovate, pointed at both ends, on short (from 1 to 1.8 cm), wingless or winged (on growth shoots) petioles, with a noticeable articulation at the base of the leaf blade, usually falling off every 3 years.

    The structure of the lemon leaf is curious: at first glance, it is a simple leaf. In botany complex sheet is called one that consists of several separate plates (leaves), and these leaves fall off separately. In a lemon, the leaf blade falls off separately from the petiole - the petiole falls off later. Consequently, the lemon leaf is complex in origin, but all but one of its lobes have disappeared.


    • Lemon: Taxonomy on the GRIN website
    • (Purdue University) Morton, Julia F. 1987. "Lemon." pp. 160–168, in Fruits of warm climates... (Julia F. Morton, Miami)
    • Andrew M. Watson, 1983. Agricultural Innovation in the Early Islamic World: The Diffusion of Crops and Farming Techniques, 700-1100... (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) pp 42-50

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


    See what "Lemon tree" is in other dictionaries:

      Noun., Number of synonyms: 1 lily (71) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

      See Orange and Orange ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

      Cymbopogon Lemon Sorghum Scientific Classification Kingdom: Plants Division ... Wikipedia

      Lemon- Lemon tree with lush foliage dreams of jealousy. But all the same, it is better not to succumb to this feeling, since there is no basis for it. If you ate lemons in a dream, humiliation and disappointment await you. Green lemon - to illness. ... ... Large universal dream book

      This term has other meanings, see Lemon (disambiguation). ? Lemon ... Wikipedia

      - "Lemon of Troy" "Lemon of Trojan" Episode of "The Simpsons" ... Wikipedia

      - (Latin citrus lemon tree) organic compound, aldehyde of the aliphatic series; contained in essential oils of lemon mint, certain types of eucalyptus and other plants; apply. in perfumery, as well as in the treatment of hypertension and eye diseases. ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      - (Song 2: 3, Joel 1:12). It is commonly thought that this name means the lemon tree with its fruits. The apple tree itself is very rare in the East, and the apples it brings do not have beauty, and a pleasant smell, and in this respect it is not enough ... ... Bible. Old and New Testaments. Synodal translation. Bible encyclopedia of arch. Nicephorus.

    The scientific name of the plant is Citrus limon, it is a plant of the Rutaceae family, genus citrus.

    Where does lemon grow?

    The homeland of lemons is Asia: China, India and the islands in the Pacific Ocean, from where it was brought to the Middle East, North Africa and Europe (Spain, Italy) in the 12th century. Lemons are not found in the wild, most likely, it is a spontaneous natural hybrid.

    People have appreciated the beauty of the lemon tree and its aromatic fruits, which is why they are grown as an agricultural crop in many countries with subtropical climates.


    Indoor plant

    In temperate climates, lemon can be grown as a houseplant. This is a low (up to 1.5-2 m) evergreen tree with a lush crown, in the depths of which fragrant flowers, and then fruits, are hidden. But for a room lemon to become a source of pride, you need to be able to grow it.

    There are several ways to reproduce lemon: from seeds, from cuttings, by grafting, layering.

    The plant is more hardy and unpretentious, but it will begin to bloom and bear fruit only after 8-10 years. Not very difficult. But the most convenient and reliable way is to purchase an already grafted small tree.

    Shoots (sprouts)

    Young lemon shoots appear several times a year. These are thin soft twigs of light green color with leaf buds. They appear from dormant lateral buds, if the tree has undergone pruning, or at the ends of intact stems.

    To form a beautiful low tree, pinch a lemon sprout or cut off with a pruner, to stimulate the growth of new side branches. Over time, when the lemon takes on the desired shape, unnecessary shoots are simply removed.

    Important! Pinching shoots, in addition to purely aesthetic purposes, contributes to earlier flowering.


    Young leaves mature quickly and become dense, bright green, with well-visible veins. An adult lemon tree leaf is in the shape of an oval, pointed at the end, and can be up to 15 cm in length and up to 8 cm in width.

    The outer part of the leaf is shiny, glossy, the bottom of the leaf is matte and slightly lighter. Leaves grow alternately, live 2-3 years, after which they grow old and fall off, being replaced by new ones.

    REFERENCE! It is quite simple to distinguish a real lemon from other citrus fruits and from hybrids: its leaves do not have stipules, and if the leaf is damaged, a clear lemon smell will appear.

    Lemon stalk

    Annual shoots are green and smooth, but then turn woody, acquire a light brown or gray tint, become hard and often prickly, with thin sharp thorns. On old branches, the bark is reddish-purple, covered with shallow cracks.

    If the lemon is formed correctly, trunk straight however, if the central shoot is damaged, any side branch can become the main stem.


    The decorative lemon tree can bloom at different times of the year, and sometimes even all year round: on a healthy strong plant, you can see buds, flowers, ovaries and ripening fruits at the same time! White or cream-colored flowers 4-5 cm in diameter, with five petals around pale yellow stamens and a powerful pistil located in the axils of the leaves one by one or in clusters. After 4-5 weeks, the bud opens and blooms for 7-9 weeks, exuding a strong aroma.

    Lemon ovary

    Flowers can self-pollinate, but for reliability they are artificially pollinated by transferring pollen to the sticky stigma of the pistil. When the petals fall, you can see ovaries - dark green seals at the bottom of the pistil. They grow quickly, become uneven and look like real lemons.

    Remember: too many fruits deplete the plant, it is better to remove unnecessary ovaries immediately. The optimal number of fruits on a tree is one per 15-20 leaves.


    They ripen within 6-9 months, and some varieties (for example, Lunaria) can mature even longer, up to 19 months. Ripe lemon fruits do not fall off on their own, but there is no point in not picking them: they will become thick-skinned and lose their taste and smell.

    According to strict classification, Lemon fruits are multi-celled berries of light or bright yellow color. The weight of the fruit depends on the selected variety: it can be from 50-70 g to a kilogram (Kiev large-fruited).


    Inside the fruit there may be lemon seeds - white or yellow-green ovoid seeds with a single embryo, light green inside. - the most famous and most common, bred specifically as a houseplant. Can bear fruit all year round;

  • Novogruzinsky lemon has a strong flower aroma, and its fruits have no seeds;
  • Genoa (Genoa) and Maikop are some of the most productive varieties.
  • In addition to the usual ones, there are exotic varieties with fruits of an unusual shape: for example, Lunario, blooming on the new moon and having elongated pointed fruits, or an absolutely amazing variety Buddha's hand, the fruit of which resembles a hand with spread fingers, but inedible.

    Home care

    Despite such a variety of varieties, the care of lemon trees is the same: most of them are photophilous, they love heat, but they do not tolerate direct sunlight, which causes burns on the leaves. Lemon is a plant that should be watered abundantly, but not very often so that the ground can dry out completely.

    Important! You should not expose the tree to sudden changes in temperature: if in the summer it stands on the balcony, bring it into the house in advance, without waiting for a significant cold snap.

    Useful video

    You can learn more about the lemon tree, as well as about the features of its cultivation, in the video below:

    Homemade lemon- a bright welcoming plant with fragrant flowers will remind you of summer and subtropics, creating warmth and comfort in your home. And if you do everything right, you will certainly taste the lemons grown with your own hands!

    The lemon tree is an evergreen perennial thermophilic plant that does not tolerate low temperatures. It is a hybrid species of plants of the genus Citrus, belongs to the Rutov family. The lemon tree was originally grown as an ornamental plant in China.

    Lemon tree - description.

    The lemon tree can be up to three meters high. The leaves of the plant are dark green with shine. Lemon tree flower has white inflorescences, which are arranged in brushes in the axils of old leaves or at the tips of old and new shoots.

    Flower bud formation occurs throughout the year, but more in the spring. After the bud appears, the flower of the lemon tree develops for another month and only then blooms. Lemon blooms for several days. The aroma of blossoming buds is delicate and sweetish, a bit like the smell of acacia or jasmine. With a sharp drop in air temperature in the room, the lemon tree reacts immediately. It is for this reason that the lemon tree leaves, unblown buds and flowers fall off. The optimum temperature of the room in which the plant is located is +16 + 18 ° С, the humidity should be at least 60%.

    The color range of the lemon pericarp can be from light yellow to red or green. Lemon peel is dense from orange to bright yellow. It contains glands with essential oils that give it a specific scent. Fruit weight is small, on average 65 grams. The length of the lemon is from 6 to 9 centimeters, the diameter is from 4 to 6 centimeters. The sectional interior has several nests with seeds. The fruit of the lemon tree can be arranged either singly or in bunches. They differ in shape depending on the variety or type of hybrid.

    Types of lemon trees.

    By the presence of the stipule, it can be determined that the lemon tree in the pot is hybrid. These varieties include Jubilee lemon, Meyer's lemon, Ponderosa lemon. Also distinguish Pavlovsky lemon, Novogruzinsky lemon, Genoa, Lisbon, Ural lemon, Kursk lemon, Maikop lemon, Jubilee lemon, Eureka, Lunario and other species.

    Some types of domestic lemons have a reddish-lilac color during flowering. Indoor or decorative types of lemon trees are unpretentious, relatively low and produce well (some varieties up to four times a year). They differ only in the taste of the fruit, the size of the plant and the frequency of appearance and ripening of fruits. Flowering and fruiting in them begins in the third year of life.

    Where does the lemon tree grow?

    The homeland of lemons is considered to be China, India and the tropical Pacific islands. The wild state of the lemon is unknown, most likely a hybrid that arose through evolution. As an agricultural crop, lemon is grown in the CIS countries: in Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan. The leaders in the cultivation of lemons are India, Mexico, Italy, Turkey.

    Lemon tree care.

    In order for this plant to be able to delight you with its aroma and frequent harvest, you should know the rules for caring for a lemon tree. It is important to learn how to fertilize, how to prune, and how to water the lemon tree before planting.

    Primarily, watering lemon tree produce only with settled (not less than a day) water. The trickle of water should be directed as close to the ground as possible to avoid erosion of the roots. The pot is filled with water until it appears at the bottom of the pan.

    The soil during planting and during growth should be loose and nutritious. Fertilizer is applied once a week along with watering the lemon. In winter, if the air temperature in the room is not higher than 15 ° C, the lemon goes into "sleep mode" and does not require strong lighting. A pot with a lemon tree is placed as close to the window as possible, but it is better if direct sunlight will not fall on the lemon. If the lemon tree begins to bloom prematurely, such buds must be removed, otherwise the plant may die.

    Leaves require special care. It is necessary to ensure that pests do not appear on the surface of the leaves, spray them with water at least once a week. If, nevertheless, pests were found, a soap solution or tincture of tobacco should be prepared, with which each leaf is treated. You can also purchase special insecticides. The most dangerous and common pests of homemade lemon are scale insects, scale insects, nematodes, and garden slugs.

    A nematoda is a small transparent worm that gnaws at the roots of a lemon, settles in them and sucks out the juice. At the same time, the tree begins to lose leaves abundantly. To detect a pest, you need to dig out the roots, there will be small swollen areas or growths on them, and the pest lives in them.

    Interesting fact: If you move the plant from its usual place, where it was constantly, and simply unfold the pot of lemon, the plant can slow down its growth and bear poor fruit.

    Unknown, historians believe it was China or India. The first mentions of lemons were 2 thousand years BC. Later, the lemon tree, it got to Mesopotamia, from there to the countries of Asia, and then to Europe.

    The appearance of lemon in Russia

    When Russia first got acquainted with lemon, it is not known for certain. According to one version, this happened in the 15th century, when merchants from the East brought them to our homeland.
    References to lemons were found in Domostroy, a monument of Russian literature of the 16th century. It mentions lemons as "the common master's food" and gives some advice on how to store lemons in the cellar properly.

    "Domostroy" is a book written for ordinary people, peasants and servants, which contained various useful information and instructions, based on this we can conclude that lemons in those days were not a delicacy and were available to ordinary people.

    It is believed that the great reformer Peter I brought lemons to Russia.

    According to another version of historians, the first acquaintance of Russian people with lemon occurred only in the 17th century, when Peter I first brought lemon trees from Holland to Russia. After the Emperor visited Holland, he became a big fan of lemons. The first 200 Dutch lemon trees were brought to Russia by Admiral Apraksin in 1708 by order of Peter. After that, Peter more than once ordered cuttings and new varieties of lemons from abroad., and in 1714 a special building with large greenhouses was erected for the purpose of breeding lemon trees. It was named Oranienbaum, which means "orange tree" in German. In Moscow, lemon trees were grown in the Kremlin "ranzheryny chambers".

    Greenhouse of tropical plants of wealthy gentlemen of the 19th century

    After the first lemon trees were brought to our country, rich people began to order a delicacy from Holland - pickled lemons. At first glance, this is a rather strange delicacy, but in India to this day this storage method is considered the best way to preserve all the vitamins and beneficial properties in lemon during long-term transportation.

    Further, lemons gradually began to gain popularity and the fashion for their cultivation quickly spread among the nobles and landowners. Those who could afford to grow a lemon tree were considered very wealthy people., it was considered a sign of prestige.

    During the time of Catherine, her favorite, Count Sheremetyev, owned a large complex of greenhouses, where lemon and orange trees were planted to produce fruits. The number of trees there was in the hundreds. All plants were under the close supervision of serf gardeners, a subtropical climate suitable for them, appropriate temperature and humidity, was created for the trees. But unfortunately, after the death of Count Sheremetyev, all greenhouses gradually fell into decay, hundreds of trees died, and the invaluable experience of peasants in caring for citrus fruits was lost.
    Also, the king's hobby for growing lemons was adopted by the famous nobles. In the 19th century, lemon trees appeared in the garden of Leo Tolstoy, at the Lyceum friend of Pushkin, Pyotr Vyazemsky.


    After the appearance of lemon in Russia for several centuries, their cultivation in their garden and in the house remained the privilege of only the upper classes. But in the middle of the 19th century, lemons became widespread. And the reason for this was the appearance of the famous Pavlovsky lemon - a folk variety.

    Lemon trees came to the city of Pavlovo from the gardens of Turkey

    And it happened in this way. The merchant Karachistov from Pavlov, who traded in metal products, took his goods for sale to Istanbul. And the Turkish merchant partners in honor of the successful completion of the transaction presented Karachistov with a couple of lemon seedlings. Having traveled a long way, they miraculously survived and reached Pavlov, where Karachistov presented lemon sprouts as a gift to his relative Elagin. He, in turn, realized what conditions are needed for growing lemon and how to keep it, planted lemon cuttings at home and began to breed them. The famous Pavlovsk lemons originated from those first plants. Gradually, as a result of vegetative reproduction, various forms of this fruit appeared. After some time, lemon trees could be found in almost every home, and then the fashion for growing lemons on the windowsill spread throughout Russia.

    The new variety of domestic lemons attracted a lot of attention from Soviet scientists. Botanist Mikhail Kaptsinel, based on the results of his research, wrote several books about caring for various types of lemon and their cultivation ("Indoor Lemon Culture" 1936, as well as "Growing Citrus Crops in the Rostov Region" 1959). Professor of the Gorky Agricultural Institute, Ivan Petrovich Eliseev, worked very hard on a detailed study, description and breeding of the Pavlovsky lemon variety. He made a full botanical description of it, found that the domestic variety originated from a lemon variety from Turkish South Anatolia.

    Lemon varieties in Soviet times in Russia were actively studied and adapted to local conditions.

    In the city of Pavlovo, by the method of folk selection, as a result of many years of continuous vegetative reproduction and the mutations occurring during it, many different varieties of Pavlovsk lemon were obtained. They differ from each other in the shape of the leaves, shape, size, color and taste of the fruit. And in 1974 the book "Pavlovsky" was published, which collected all the studies of the variety studied by Professor Eliseev. In the USSR, work continued to expand the varietal variety of lemons, their adaptation to the middle lane and home cultivation.

    This is proved by the fact that in the 50s a special large cultivated lemon was developed by Soviet breeders. But in the future, this variety could not get widespread. There is a funny story about this that one official of that time said: "The Soviet people do not need lemons that do not fit into Soviet glasses." There is a certain logic in his words, but of course it is insulting.

    Would he be so popular if he didn't fit so well in a glass of tea?

    In the homeland of lemon in the city of Pavlov, a large glass lemon greenhouse was built and with it a laboratory for the detailed study and reproduction of rare varieties of lemons. In 1937, a special brochure-book "Caring for indoor lemons" was published, where the topic of cultivation and breeding of Pavlovsk lemons was highlighted in great detail. According to the results of research and work carried out over several years, by 1941 there were about two thousand plants older than five years in Pavlovsk greenhouses and more than 34,000 lemons aged from one to three years. Various institutes throughout the USSR collaborated with Pavlovsk citrus researchers.

    But, unfortunately, with the beginning of the war, the lemonarium in Pavlov had to be liquidated. More in our country, lemons were not grown on a similar scale. But today, as before, the locals keep lemon trees in their apartments.
    In 2005, a monument was erected on the central square of Pavlovo to commemorate the contribution of all people to the development of the folk variety of lemon.

    In the city of Pavlovo, on the central square, a monument to Pavlovsky lemon is erected

    Today, varietal Pavlovsky lemons can be found in the Pavlovsky nursery, which has been breeding and selling plants of this variety for over 70 years. Plants can also be found and purchased from individuals, but there will be no certainty that these are varietal plants.

    For the 19th century, the appearance of the Pavlovian lemon in Russia can be compared with the release of the first Ford car, that is, growing lemons from an exotic hobby for the wealthy estates became a folk hobby, accessible to both peasants and workers. This was due to the unpretentiousness of the variety to care and external conditions of detention. How you can read in our blog.

    Seed propagation in the garden strawberry we are used to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries - alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's find out about the main advantages and disadvantages of this culture, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether to allocate space for her in the berry.

    Often, when we see a beautiful flower, we instinctively bend over to smell it. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and daytime, whose pollinators are mainly bees. For a florist and a designer, both groups of plants are important, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners with the onset of the evening. The fragrance of our favorite fragrant flowers never fails.

    Pumpkin is considered by many gardeners to be the queen of the garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, useful qualities and a rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the possibility of long-term storage, this vegetable supports our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your site, you will be interested to know how to get the largest harvest possible.

    Scottish eggs - incredibly delicious! Try to cook this dish at home, there is nothing difficult to prepare. Scotch Egg is a hard-boiled egg wrapped in minced meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep-fried. For frying, you need a frying pan with a high side, and if you have a deep fryer, then it's just great - even less hassle. You will also need deep-fat oil to keep the kitchen out of smoke. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

    One of the most amazing large-flowered tubs, Cubanola Dominican, fully justifies its status as a tropical miracle. Heat-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique flower bells, Cubanola is a fragrant star with a complex character. She requires special conditions in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, there is no better (and more chocolate) candidate for the role of indoor giant.

    Chickpea Curry with Meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner, inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare but requires preparation. Chickpeas must first be soaked in a large amount of cold water for several hours, preferably at night, the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight to make it juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then cook the curry according to the recipe.

    Rhubarb is not found in every garden area. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious preserves, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! A large green or red rosette of plant leaves, resembling a burdock, acts as a beautiful backdrop for annuals. Not surprisingly, rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

    Today, the trend is to experiment with non-trivial combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to the assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

    3 Delicious Sandwiches - Cucumber Sandwich, Chicken Sandwich, Cabbage and Meat Sandwich - great idea for a quick snack or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and some spices. There are no onions in these sandwiches, if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches, this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to collect a picnic basket and go to the nearest green lawn.

    Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening periods - 55-60 and late periods - at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly lengthened. But success in obtaining a high-quality crop of tomatoes also depends on the careful implementation of the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

    Unpretentious plants of the "second plan" of sansevieria do not seem boring to those who appreciate minimalism. They are better than other indoor decorative leafy stars for collections that require minimal maintenance. Stable decorativeness and extreme endurance in only one type of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - Khan's rosette sansevieria. The squat rosettes of their rigid leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

    One of the brightest months of the garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balance of distribution of favorable and unsuccessful days for working with plants according to the lunar calendar. A vegetable garden and a garden in June can be practiced throughout the month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do useful work. There will be their optimal days for crops with planting, and for pruning, and for a reservoir, and even for construction work.

    Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is perfect for a regular lunch and for a festive menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken will cook too, so this meat is preferable for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, the best choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - boletus, boletus and other goodies are best harvested for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

    I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious ones with interesting, non-trivial foliage coloration. I have different Japanese spireas, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry ... And there is one special shrub that I will tell you about in this article - the viburnum bladder. To make my dream of a low-maintenance garden come true, it is perhaps ideal. At the same time, it is able and very diversified the picture in the garden, moreover, from spring to autumn.