• What can you cook from squid: quick and tasty

    The couple again got into the lenses of the paparazzi. Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin were spotted on the streets of East Hampton the other day. The celebrity couple got into the lenses of reporters at the exit from the barbershop, where the musician was doing a haircut, writes storinka.com.ua. Dakota would ...

    Kate Beckinsale in the original dress

    The actress charmed her with her appearance. The 10th anniversary charitable gala evening of Mon Chéri Barbara Tag was held in Munich the other day, storinka.com.ua reports. The main star of the event was Kate Beckinsale. The star appeared in public in spectacular black ...

    Children's drawing competition: Volganet.net will invite little artists to Narnia

    Volganet.net is looking for talent! Talents are among the best Volgograd residents - our children! We are announcing a children's drawing competition "My New Year". Children from 0 to 11 years old will be able to take part in the competition. To do this, to our e-mail box)