• What can be cooked from squid: quick and tasty

    Sclerosis is not a separate disease, but only a set of symptoms accompanying another primary pathology. This is not only memory impairment, but also other clinical manifestations, for example, impaired sensitivity in the extremities, dizziness, neuroses, etc. Sclerosis should be treated in a comprehensive manner, with drug therapy, exercise therapy, massage, and other therapeutic procedures.

    Treatment methods

    In most cases, it is impossible to get rid of sclerosis, especially if therapy is not started on time or if it is not carried out at full strength. Therefore, when the first alarming symptoms are found, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary diagnostic measures and, based on their results, appropriate treatment.

    The peculiarities of treatment are determined taking into account the form, type, stage of the disease. For example, drug therapy for mild exacerbation of pathology with emotional disorders involves taking drugs that normalize blood circulation, strengthen the body's protective function, sedatives, and antioxidants.

    With a severe exacerbation of sclerosis, it is required to take hormonal drugs, drugs that suppress immunity, anti-inflammatory pills or injections of solutions. In combination with drug treatment, physiotherapy courses are required.

    Correct nutrition, change lifestyle, giving up bad habits (especially smoking), normalizing physical activity to restore glucose levels in the body. When such recommendations do not help normalize total cholesterol, drug therapy is required.

    If an atherosclerotic lesion with appropriate clinical manifestations is diagnosed, medications with fish oil in the composition, essential phospholipids are prescribed. If there is a risk of complications, surgery is performed.


    In combination with drug treatment, which underlies the treatment of the disease, it is important to maintain a healthy psycho-emotional state, organize a normal lifestyle. Due to the fact that each subsequent exacerbation can cause an intensification of chronic infections, regular medical examination is required: taking blood and urine tests, visiting specialized doctors to monitor the state of other pathologies.

    Since an exacerbation often occurs when immersed in hot water or while taking a hot shower, patients are prohibited from performing such water procedures. The onset of clinical symptoms is caused by a decrease in the conduction of impulses along the nerve fibers against the background of an increase in ambient temperature. It is also forbidden to sunbathe on the beach, go to the bathhouse, and travel to hot countries.


    Medicines used in the treatment of sclerosis can slow the progression of the disease and reduce the severity of clinical manifestations. For the first purpose, basic agents with an immunomodulatory effect are prescribed. These help reduce the risk of recurrence of pathology and the possibility of disability.

    The group of basic drugs includes:

    • Betaferon, Extavia, Copaxone, Glatirat: drugs reduce the progression of the disease and the frequency of its exacerbations;
    • Fingolimod, Natalizumab, Teriflumonid: reduce the severity of clinical manifestations, slow down the progression of pathology;
    • Tekfidera, Aubaggio, Gilenia: drugs released in oral form are prescribed for recurrent disease.

    Taking basic drugs in the development of sclerosis is necessary to prevent exacerbation, but when it occurs, they do not give the desired therapeutic effect. With a mild form of acute sclerosis, specific therapy is not carried out.

    If there are significant disorders that affect the patient's quality of life, steroids are administered intravenously, which, although they do not affect the cause of the condition, relieve unpleasant symptoms. In some cases, plasmapheresis is prescribed. The procedure consists in taking blood from a sick person, which is broken into plasma and blood cells. Then, the plasma is replaced and the blood is re-infused into the body.

    Plasmapheresis - effective treatment of sclerotic disorders

    Drug treatment of clinical manifestations of sclerosis, including senile, is carried out using the following drugs:

    • muscle relaxants and sedatives that relieve muscle spasm (Baclofen, Valium, etc.);
    • drugs that relieve fatigue (Modafinil, Amantadine, etc.);
    • antidepressants that eliminate depressive conditions (Zoloft, Fluoxetine, etc.);
    • drugs that normalize the activity of the bladder (Tolterodine, etc.).

    During the period of exacerbation of sclerosis, steroid drugs are prescribed, for example, Decadron, which facilitate the course of the inflammatory process. The duration of one infusion (intravenous or drip) is 1 hour. After injection therapy, treatment with oral steroids is continued. It could be Prednisolone.

    Exercise therapy and massage

    Exercise therapy may be prescribed by the attending physician. Exercise should be regular, moderate and properly selected, taking into account the general condition and characteristics of the development of the disease. The exercise should not cause pain or discomfort. In this case, it is required to terminate the performance and contact the attending physician for the correction of exercise therapy.

    In combination with physical exercises, it is necessary to undergo a course of massage, which will only enhance the final result. The advantages of massage are:

    • increases overall reactivity;
    • reduces autoimmune processes;
    • normalizes the work of the central nervous system and the autonomic system;
    • improves blood circulation and outflow of lymphoid fluid in the spinal cord and brain;
    • reduces movement disorders, cerebellar symptoms.

    Areas of influence - back, paravertebral zones of the spine, collar, chest, abdomen, limbs.


    Sometimes, to cure sclerosis, they resort to innovative methods. For example, it can be a special vaccine, which contains substances that induce the induction of the immune system to stop the effect on myelin, and not just reduce the immune response in general. According to the results of clinical trials, it can be noted that this method of treatment has good tolerance and an insignificant risk of complications.

    An innovative way of treating sclerosis is the use of one's own stem cells, which are removed from the patient, grown artificially in a laboratory and then injected back into a person. This allows you to eliminate cicatricial changes and restore myelin fibers. The technique contributes to the partial restoration of mental processes, motor function, improvement of the emotional state.

    Another innovative technique is autovaccination. Leukocytes are secreted from the patient, artificially stimulated by the cells of nerve tissues, which makes it possible to enhance the production of T-lymphocytes. The isolated cells are exposed to powerful radiation, after which they are injected back into the patient's body.


    The rehabilitation period is also important. As a rule, recovery procedures are carried out in specialized institutions - rehabilitation centers, which are equipped with all the necessary devices and equipment.

    Kinesitherapy is performed by a qualified physician

    To restore the impaired functions, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, mechanotherapy, manual therapy, psychotherapy, art therapy and other useful procedures are prescribed. For example, effective for sclerosis during the recovery period will be:

    • kinesitherapy: helps to restore fine motor skills, eliminate spasms, normalize coordination of movements, develop dexterity, and achieve deep muscle relaxation;
    • mechanotherapy using robotic bicycle ergometers: helps to restore coordination of movements, activate the work of the muscular apparatus, relieve spasms;
    • physical therapy sessions: help restore the functioning of the joints;
    • speech therapy classes: help to restore speech and eliminate speech disorders;
    • neurotherapy: aimed at developing the patient's ability to control physiological functions beyond the control of consciousness;
    • psychotherapeutic sessions: the doctor helps a person get rid of emotional disorders, neurosis;
    • art therapy: stabilizes the emotional state, helps to restore speech;
    • massage: improves blood circulation, develops motor skills, normalizes muscle tone;
    • occupational therapy: helps the patient to enter the usual way of life, to return self-care.

    You can also carry out restorative procedures at home. In this case, the person conducting the rehabilitation needs to have special skills in this area.


    How effective the recovery of the body will be after exacerbation of multiple sclerosis depends not only on the severity of the disorders and the form of pathology, but also on the psychological mood of the patient. Therefore, it is recommended to surround him with attention, to suggest that he is not “special”, but an ordinary person who can lead a habitual life even with such a diagnosis.

    To return to normal working capacity, it is recommended to follow all the recommendations and prescriptions of the attending physician. This is the only way to hope for a favorable prognosis and maximum recovery of impaired functions.

    Sclerosis is called pathological compaction of organs caused by the death of functional elements and their replacement with connective tissue. Sclerosis predominantly affects the cardiovascular system.

    Multiple, or multiple, sclerosis is called a chronic disease of the nervous system, in which multiple lesions develop in the brain and spinal cord, as well as in peripheral nerves.

    Symptoms: the symptoms of sclerosis depend on which organs and tissues are affected by it. The onset of the disease is characterized by decreased vision (sometimes double vision), weakness and numbness of the limbs, instability when walking.

    What's happening? The development of sclerosis in most cases is caused by inflammatory processes, especially chronic ones (tuberculosis, syphilis, etc.), and disorders of tissue metabolism (with prolonged oxygen starvation due to circulatory disorders or cholesterol metabolism disorders). As a result of the progression of the disease, the normal functions of the affected organs decrease, up to their complete loss.


    1. Hereditary predisposition.

    2. Viral diseases.

    The cause of the disease is a virus that is not transmitted from healthy patients. Typically, multiple sclerosis affects people between the ages of 20 and 40. In the future, all of these disorders intensify, then a period of improvement occurs, followed by a new outbreak with a progressive deterioration of the condition.

    Multiple sclerosis is a long-term disease that can last for 20 years or more.

    Sometimes multiple sclerosis appears suddenly, but more often it develops after infectious diseases, especially influenza, trauma, pregnancy and childbirth.

    It is classified by the focus of the lesion into cerebral, spinal and cerebrospinal.

    Signs of the disease

    Weakness of the legs or arms on one side is characteristic. The gait and coordination of movements change. Tremors of the arms, trunk, or head may be present.

    Muscle tone can be either increased or decreased. The speech becomes chanting, abrupt.

    With a long course of the disease, personal changes are noted: memory and mental abilities decrease, the patient becomes angry and aggressive, loses criticism of his own state and behavior.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    Diagnostics is based on the study of cerebrospinal fluid and computed tomography, with the help of which foci of lesions of the spinal cord or brain are detected.

    Treatment of the disease

    It is selected individually. Corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, glucocorticoid hormones are prescribed. Sometimes plasmapheresis is performed and drugs that improve metabolic processes are used. As well as vascular and antihistamines.


    The prognosis for life is most often favorable.

    Eat chokeberry, cottage cheese, vegetables and fruits, horseradish, parsley, apples and rose hips, raspberries and apricots, pomegranate and barberry;

    Drink spring water;

    Drink a glass of hot water on an empty stomach every morning.

    Prevention of sclerosis is the prevention and timely treatment of diseases that can potentially lead to sclerotic changes.

    Using traditional medicine, it is possible to alleviate the patient's condition, and under favorable circumstances and a great desire of the sick person, to cure him.

    In most cases, the causes of sclerosis are various inflammatory diseases, as well as metabolic disorders caused by prolonged oxygen starvation of tissues, dysfunctions of endocrine organs, etc.

    Sclerosis can develop in all organs and tissues of a person.

    • It removes organic salts from the walls of blood vessels and purifies the blood of Japanese Sophora: insist 50 g of flowers or fruits of Sophora in 0.5 liters of vodka for a month. Drink 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for 3-4 months. For those who cannot drink alcohol, brew 1 tablespoon of Sophora with 1 cup of boiling water overnight in a thermos. Drink 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
    • Removes inorganic salts, soothes, regulates the pressure of white mistletoe. Dry the plant, crush into powder. Brew overnight in a thermos 1 teaspoon of the finished powder with 1 cup of boiling water. Drink 2 tablespoons in small sips 15-20 minutes before meals for 3-4 months. The combination of mistletoe and sophora cleanses blood vessels well, makes them elastic. It is useful to use these plants for those who are over 40 years old.

    Decoctions and infusions

    Fill a liter jar halfway with dried pink clover heads, fill them with 0.5 liters of vodka and put in a dark place for 2 weeks. Drink 1 tablespoon before bedtime. The course of treatment is 3 months, a break is 2 weeks.

    Mix 20 g of yarrow herb, 20 g of white mistletoe, 50 g of bearded cystoseira. With a glass of boiling water, brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture, insist, wrapped, for 2 hours, drain. Drink in sips throughout the day.

    Pour 1 teaspoon of Manchu Aralia with 1/2 glass of water or 50 ml of alcohol. Within 1 month, drink 30-40 drops of the obtained Manchurian aralia tincture 3 times a day before meals.

    Brew 3 tablespoons of chopped dandelion root with 2 cups of boiling water, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Drink 1 tablespoon 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals. You need to dig up the roots either in early spring, before flowering, or after the leaves have wilted.

    Mix 15 g of rue herb, 25 g of hawthorn leaves, 25 g of hawthorn flowers, 10 g of valerian root. Pour 1 cup of cold water over 1 tablespoon of the mixture, leave for 3 hours, boil for 4 minutes, leave for 20 minutes, drain. Drink sips throughout the day

    Mix 30 g of yarrow herb, 15 g of periwinkle, 15 g of horsetail, 15 g of white mistletoe, 15 g of hawthorn flowers. Pour 1 glass of cold water over 1 glass of the mixture, leave for 1 hour, boil for 5 minutes, strain. Drink in sips throughout the day.

    Insist 40 g of meadow clover grass in 0.5 liters of 40 percent alcohol for 10 days. Take 20 g before lunch or bedtime.

    Mix 10 g of stinging nettle and yarrow herb. Pour 1 spoonful of the mixture with 0.5 l of water and boil for 10 minutes. Take 0.5 cups at night. In addition to the main action, the broth improves metabolism.

    Mix 30 g of dandelion root, 30 g of wheatgrass root, 30 g of soapwort root, 30 g of yarrow herb. Insist 1 tablespoon of the mixture in 1 glass of boiling water for 1 hour. Take 1 glass in the morning and in the evening. The treatment is long-term.

    For multiple sclerosis and atherosclerosis, fresh onion juice mixed with honey (1 glass of juice per glass of honey) is useful. Within 3 weeks, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, 1 hour before meals or between meals. If necessary, prolong the treatment up to 2 months.

    Prescriptions for the treatment of sclerosis

    1. Garlic oil. Peel the medium-sized head of garlic, crush into a gruel. Place in a glass jar and pour in a glass of unrefined sunflower oil. Place in the refrigerator downstairs. The next day, take a lemon, mash, cut off the bump (from the place where it grows), squeeze out a teaspoon of lemon juice and pour into a tablespoon. Add a teaspoon of garlic oil there, stir. Take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course is from 1 to 3 months, then a break for a month and the course is repeated. Relieves spasms of cerebral vessels, heart cramps, shortness of breath. Excellent vasodilator.

    2. Heather. 1 tablespoon of chopped heather on top of 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes, insist, wrapped, 3 hours, drain. Drink like tea and water at any time of the day, drink with anything. It is used for atherosclerosis, nervous disorders, insomnia, cardiovascular diseases, circulatory disorders of the brain, liver diseases, stones and sand in the kidneys and bladder. The first week, take 1/2 cup, and then a glass.

    3. Garlic. Fill 1/3 of the bottle with chopped garlic. Pour over with vodka or 50-60-degree alcohol. Insist 14 days in a dark place, shaking daily. Take 5 drops 3 times daily before meals for a teaspoon of cold water. Cleans the circulatory system from all kinds of deposits, relieves high blood pressure, cleanses the stomach, has a beneficial effect on spasms of the cerebral vessels.

    4. Honey, onions. Grate onion on a fine grater, squeeze. Mix a glass of onion juice with a glass of honey. Stir well, if honey is candied, heat slightly in a water bath. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day one hour before meals or 2-3 hours after meals. It is used in atherosclerosis, especially in cerebral sclerosis.

    5. An active lifestyle, the fight against excess weight, diet. Restriction in the diet of sugar, sweets, animal fats. Avoid foods rich in cholesterol: brains, egg yolk, caviar, fatty meats and fish, vitamin D, table salt and extracts of other substances (meat, broths, ear). Recommended: cottage cheese, well-soaked herring, cod, oatmeal, vegetable oils: olive, corn, sunflower, linseed. More vegetables, fruits rich in vegetable fiber. If you are overweight, fasting days are recommended: apple, kefir, cottage cheese, compote, etc. Walk more in clean air, drink spring, well or tap water passed through filters. The sediment of chlorine, salts, lime scars blood vessels. Cleans well vessels, removes deposits: apples, horseradish, garlic, rose hips, flowers buckwheat, heather, cinquefoil, vitamin P — rutin, seaweed, parsley — greens, roots, red mountain ash. Drink green tea.

    6. Red clover (flowering leafy tops, collected at the beginning of flowering). Insist 40 g of flowers in 500 g of vodka for 2 weeks. Strain, squeeze out. Take 20 g before lunch or before bed. The course of treatment is 3 months with a break of 10 days. After 6 months, the course can be repeated. It is used for atherosclerosis with normal blood pressure, accompanied by headaches and tinnitus.

    7. Hot water. Daily in the morning on an empty stomach, drink 200-300 g of hot water, as far as tolerable. This cleanses the blood vessels, cleans them and removes all kinds of deposits from the body.

    8. In case of sclerosis, accompanied by noise in the head, a mixture of clover with a stem is taken in equal portions. Brew the mixture like tea and drink it throughout the day.

    This infusion is also used in the treatment of stomach ulcers, gastritis and colitis.

    9. Elecampane. Tincture of elecampane with vodka is an old remedy for senile sclerosis. 30 g dry root per 500 ml of vodka to insist for 40 days. Accept by 25 drops before meals.

    10. Rowan bark. 200 g bark 500 ml boiling water and cook over low heat for 2 hours. Accept by 25 drops before meals.

    With senile sclerosis, take a thick broth of mountain ash.

    11. Propolis. 20% propolis solution in 70% ethyl alcohol, 20 drops in warm water 1-2 times a day in the morning and at lunchtime for 20-30 minutes. before meals. The course of treatment is 1-3 months, depending on the patient's individual tolerance.

    Multiple sclerosis is extremely difficult to treat, because to date there has been no new discovery in the field of medicine to address this issue. Multiple sclerosis medication only helps reduce the risk of the disease developing rapidly. But whether multiple sclerosis can be cured can only be said in each individual case.

    Multiple sclerosis of the cerebral vessels is very difficult to treat. This is due to the fact that there are no effective means to combat this disease.

    All drugs that are in service with modern medicine can only slow down the rate of development of the disease.

    Despite the modern technological equipment available to doctors, unfortunately, no positive dynamics in the treatment of multiple sclerosis has been observed.

    Multiple sclerosis: causes

    As for the causes of the disease, the lack of necessary information sharply affects here. At the moment, experts researching this disease argue that multiple sclerosis is not inherited, and also make the assumption that a viral infection transmitted by a person in childhood can become the underlying cause of the development of the disease.

    According to some doctors, another cause of the disease can be significant disorders in the central nervous system, which is accompanied by inflammation and swelling of the nylon sheath.

    According to some doctors, another cause of the disease can be significant disorders in the central nervous system, which is accompanied by inflammation and swelling of the nylon sheath. Scars and plaques are most often the result of the disease. Full recovery of a person is possible only if the inflammation is one-time and does not have a large number of foci.

    In half of the cases, the main clinical manifestations of multiple sclerosis are problems with the musculoskeletal system. The carrier of the disease begins to feel significant muscle weakness and have difficulties with coordination. Often these problems are accompanied by limb dysfunction: numbness, colic, etc.

    The worst effect is a decrease in the level of intellectual development and the loss of elementary skills.

    The course of the disease can vary depending on the degree of damage to the spinal cord and brain. In some cases, the patient does not experience practically any discomfort with this ailment, but at some point the disease suddenly makes itself felt and begins to progress at a rapid pace.

    Remissions and exacerbations invariably accompany the development of multiple sclerosis. In connection with these factors, it becomes more difficult to compile an effective complex of therapeutic agents. The unambiguous nature of the disease, the consistency of manifestations and the unambiguous course could become the foundation for determining appropriate actions, but in the case of multiple sclerosis, this is impossible.

    After consultation with a specialist, the patient can count on a change in the rate of progression of the disease through the effects of medications, immunosuppressants, anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapeutic actions. However, you should not dwell on this treatment, since health depends on the patient himself.

    It is impossible to determine how to treat multiple sclerosis without identifying the cause of the disease. There are many opinions of scientists who are inclined towards various factors in the onset of sclerosis. Some of them believe that this is a consequence of a viral infection suffered in childhood.

    Others tend to attribute regular hypothermia to the root causes of the disease. There are generally accepted phenomena, as a result of which you can find out: is multiple sclerosis curable or not?

    Factors causing negative consequences:

    • previously transferred viruses and bacterial infections;
    • the climate in the area where the person permanently resides;
    • spinal cord injuries with damage to the central nervous system;
    • toxic effects of substances, radiation;
    • non-observance of proper nutrition;
    • regular stress, depression.

    Can Genetic Multiple Sclerosis Be Cured? The pathology of the gene does not differ in any way from the acquired form of sclerosis, therefore, the treatment will not fundamentally differ.

    Early symptoms of multiple sclerosis include:

    • chronic fatigue, weakness in the body;
    • weak sensitivity of the limbs;
    • chills, burning, tingling, or numbness throughout your body;
    • visual impairment;
    • disorders of muscle tone.

    With the progression of the disease, other symptoms may arise, and only a competent specialist can answer how to cure multiple sclerosis with them. Symptoms of the next stage:

    • impaired motor skills, problems with coordination when walking;
    • frequent constipation;
    • poor urine retention;
    • loss of balance;
    • poor speech, possible breathing or swallowing problems;
    • mental disorders.

    Due to the fact that the nerve endings of the entire central nervous system are affected, the symptoms of the disease can manifest themselves in different places, because the body is controlled by a healthy nervous system. A person can be completely immobilized, become disabled. Every patient wonders if multiple sclerosis is curable.

    It is believed that the impetus for the development of the disease is a viral infection, for example, mumps, rubella, measles. Having suffered a disease, a person does not suspect that the particles of the virus remain in the body and gradually destroy nerve cells. As a result, the cells are replaced by a new foreign substance, and the body is trying with all its might to get rid of it.

    • hereditary predisposition
    • severe stress
    • the presence of other autoimmune diseases
    • vascular lesions
    • frequent infectious toxic diseases

    Such a complex chain of factors, as already mentioned, is only a theoretical cause of the onset of multiple sclerosis and, according to some scientists, is very controversial.

    Specialists still have no consensus on the causes of the development of multiple sclerosis. It is generally accepted that the disease is provoked in the event of a combination of a number of unfavorable factors. These include:

    1. Viral and bacterial infections.
    2. Genetic predisposition.
    3. Constant stressful situations.
    4. Interaction with toxic substances.
    5. Autoimmune processes (destruction of nerve cells as foreign).
    6. Radiation radiation.

    The symptomatology of the disease is varied, since various parts of the nervous system are affected. Pathological processes develop over time, with periods of remission alternating with exacerbation. The mild form of the disease is characterized by long periods of stabilization. In severe cases, periods of remission are extremely rare.

    The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are different. Depending on the place of localization of plaques, disorders are observed in the motor or mental spheres. The following symptoms should alert you:

    • lack of coordination, staggering when walking;
    • muscle tension in the arms and legs, numbness;
    • trembling limbs;
    • weakening of facial muscles;
    • double vision, blurred vision;
    • dizziness;
    • fatigue even in the absence of a load;
    • urinary incontinence;
    • decreased mental ability;
    • emotional instability;
    • pains of various localization.
    The consequence of the disease is limitation of mobility

    The above symptoms can appear either singly or in any combination. They can also vary in the same patient over a short period of time.

    Treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies - experience of struggle. A 6-year-old woman has been sick with multiple sclerosis. She is now 44 years old. To keep himself in shape and let the disease progress, he does the following things: 1. Conducted 3 courses of laser therapy in Moscow every six months. Conducted a course of bee stings (50 stings) 3.

    For a whole year I was breathing according to Frolov, now I switched to pranoyama - balanced breathing. 4. I injected live substance of a chicken egg. 5. Completed a course of rehabilitation according to the Norbekov method. 6. For a year and a half, I went to the gym as to work. 7. 6 years old doused in cold water in the morning 8. Exercises to stretch the muscles of the legs and back.

    nuts, legumes, oatmeal, nettles, beets, yolks. Therefore, in case of multiple sclerosis it is necessary to adhere to a reasonable diet. Most of all, the patient is worried about hypertonicity of the muscles of the legs and back, cramps and irritability of the skin. This condition is relieved by cooling, the patient wraps her legs with a cold wet towel for 10-15 minutes.

    After that, the muscles calm down, confidence and strength in the legs appear. The woman realized that the disease can and should be managed. To do this, you need to take an active position, have the support of others, and believe in yourself. The patient came up with a healing mood for multiple sclerosis, like those offered by Georgy Sytin. He helps her a lot. The text is published in this article HLS. (HLS 2002, No. 3 p.8-9)

    After 5 years, the same patient with multiple sclerosis wrote another letter to the "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle", because she received hundreds of letters from readers asking "How is she being treated?" lower their hands. We were not taught to fight for our health. We have shifted the responsibility for it onto the shoulders of doctors, we only hope for medicines. Patients do not try to analyze their life, look for the causes of the disease, do not try to remove these reasons.

    The author of the letter also at some point hoped for drugs (in 2005), took a course of pills, injections, was even undergoing treatment in Pyatigorsk in a sanatorium. Only before the treatment I walked on my own with a cane, and after the treatment I began to walk with two canes and an accompanying person.

    Mordovnik, who recommend all herbalists for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, is not suitable for her, since her muscles are already in hypertonicity. And the muzzle, or rather the alkoloid echinopsin contained in it, is a tonic for flaccid paralysis and sluggish multiple sclerosis. But retinal larkspur suppresses the transmission of nerve impulses from the motor centers to the muscles, it is shown with increased muscle tone. Ie.

    these 2 plants for the treatment of multiple sclerosis act in opposite directions. Therefore, you need to deal with your symptoms before you start treating MS with these folk remedies. But, judging by the letters, often patients with multiple sclerosis take these two drugs at the same time. (HLS 2007, No. 7 p.15-16)

    Kombucha in the treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies.

    Kombucha infusion helps with many diseases. Kombucha lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body, regulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs. Drink infusion of kombucha for atherosclerosis, including disseminated, hypertension, rheumatic heart disease and polyarthritis. (HLS 2002, No. 15 p.15)

    Multiple sclerosis - symptoms and treatment: personal experience.

    The woman has been sick with multiple sclerosis for many years, now she is 37 years old, but she was correctly diagnosed at 35 years old. The first signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis appeared when she was 8 years old: the skin on her leg became numb. Massage and rubbing did not help, but this numbness did not interfere with living normally, and after 4-5 years it went away by itself. The patient attributes this improvement to the fact that during that period she almost did not eat sugar, drank simple boiled water.

    And when I moved to another school, they constantly gave sweet compote, and the symptoms of multiple sclerosis worsened - the numbness of the skin increased again. After school, when eating sweets, the following symptoms were added: drowsiness, weakness, pain in the stomach. Then the patient realized that she had to completely abandon sweets.

    When the woman was 23 years old, the symptoms of multiple sclerosis were joined by pain in the legs, which made it difficult to walk. The pain subsided on its own, but when the head was tilted, it began to prick in the fingers and toes. At 34, the right temple and right eye ached, there was a fog of luminous dots before the eyes, it was impossible to read and distinguish the faces of people. At the hospital, the doctor did not react carefully, prescribed cheap pills and advised me to eat less salty.

    The patient decided to be treated herself, drank herbal infusions (chamomile, dill seeds, mint, nettle), ate Kalanchoe leaves. A year later, lameness appeared. For a whole year she drank rosehip infusion. Gradually, the lameness disappeared, but when a computer appeared at work, the symptoms intensified, an exacerbation of multiple sclerosis began:

    the head began to hurt, the lameness returned, the skin on the legs began to grow numb - at the slightest touch it seemed that thousands of needles were digging into the skin. Numbness covered both legs, left hand. I went to the doctors again, they diagnosed me with asthenic syndrome, added glycine and aevit, and prescribed electric massage. After the second massage session, the woman became completely disabled. Only after that was she given the correct diagnosis.

    She came to the hospital on her own feet, and her colleagues brought her home by the arms. Household chores became beyond the power. But the woman began to do gymnastics 2 times a day, drink hot water on an empty stomach, put glycine under her tongue. I achieved my goal - instead of group 2, I was given a third.

    After the electromassage, the face became asymmetrical, arms and legs were constantly twitching. The valerian tincture helped (20 drops 3 times a day). Treatment with valerian brought relief in a month, numbness on the legs and hands eased. Numbness in multiple sclerosis is also well treated with nettles. After reading the newspaper "Vestnik HLS", I began to drink coniferous broth and infusion of dandelion roots, calamus, burdock. This helped a lot in the treatment of multiple sclerosis - the fog from the luminous points in front of the eyes decreased, and vision improved. (HLS 2003, No. 6 p.10-11)

    Qigong against multiple sclerosis.

    Official medicine believes that multiple sclerosis cannot be cured, there is a constant deterioration in the patient's condition, only hope for drugs.

    The author of the article believes that illness is a process that takes place in the body. Any process can be stopped and even reversed. Therefore, multiple sclerosis is curable, you just need to find a way to turn the body back in time. These methods include Chinese qigong breathing exercises.

    With multiple sclerosis, the brain stops giving the right commands. Qigong practice is aimed at improving the harmonious functioning of the brain. This is the path to recovery. People with multiple sclerosis must realize that the cure lies within us. (HLS 2003, No. 7 p.14)

    Water is both friend and foe.

    The author of this article, who has been suffering from multiple sclerosis for 30 years, argues that in areas where the climate is dry, the population does not suffer from this disease. Therefore, he believes that the main cause of multiple sclerosis is an imbalance in the water balance in the body. This is due to excess water intake and insufficient sweat excretion.

    Treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies

    When diagnosing multiple sclerosis, there is nothing more useful than personal communication. A woman with this diagnosis tells her story of treatment.

    Every spring and autumn, she conducts vitamin therapy courses, takes immunostimulating mixtures with lemon. Every 30 minutes he drinks 4-5 sips of cold water to saturate the blood with oxygen. In case of back pain, he lays down on Kuznetsov's Ipplikator for 10-30 minutes. Does light physical exercise at any time during the day. In the morning and in the evening he takes a contrast shower.

    5 g per 500 ml of 70% alcohol. Or buy in the pharmacy 1% solution of "Echinopsin nitrate" in 20 ml vials. This drug is an extract from the fruit of the muzzle. Take 10-20 drops 2 times a day 20 minutes before meals. 3. At night, rubbing rubbing along the spine from the back of the head to the coccyx: a mixture of menovazine, tincture of muzzle, tincture of fly agaric in equal proportions. 4.

    As a result of such treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies, the woman feels better than 15 years ago, when she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and was treated in a hospital. Then, due to the prescribed procedures with prednisolone and other treatment, an ulcer opened, a goiter, intestinal atony appeared, pains began in the sacrum region, and the left eye stopped seeing. (HLS 2004, No. 13 p.20-21)

    Home treatment

    In order for the treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk remedies to have a positive result, the patient should change his lifestyle.

    Overheating of the body must be avoided. Do not stay in the open sun for a long time. If it becomes necessary to go outside on a hot day, an umbrella or wide-brimmed hat should be a must.

    A hot bath is also not worth taking. Better to limit yourself to a cool shower.

    Of course, you need to give up bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine are categorically contraindicated in multiple sclerosis.

    In addition, you need to rethink your diet. Try to reduce your intake of animal fats. Eat less sweets, but vegetables and fruits will become a reliable ally in the fight against the disease.

    It is best to get rid of pets, if any. Wool can cause an allergic reaction, and as a result, provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

    For the same reasons, you shouldn't have flowering plants. In the room where the patient lives, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning as often as possible.

    An important factor in the treatment of multiple sclerosis is the patient's peace of mind. Try to avoid stressful situations.

    In no case should any attempt be made to relieve nervous tension with alcohol or drugs!

    The best way to come to rest is through meditation. To do this, simply sit for a few minutes in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. At the same time, it is recommended to breathe slowly and deeply, try to focus your thoughts on breathing.

    Sleep is the best way to relax. Therefore, you need to adhere to the regime and go to bed on time. In a dream, the body relaxes and rests as much as possible.

    Talk to your doctor about exercising. Moderate stress on the muscles, a great way to get rid of nervous tension.

    Even if your doctor prohibits fitness, try to take walks in the fresh air. Just select the average air temperature for such walks.

    Parkinson's syndrome is a symptom of many diseases of the nervous system. Find out the details in our material.

    Hypochondriacal neurosis can lead to hysteria and mental abnormalities if adequate methods are not adopted in time.

    Most often, the reasons for the development of this disease are a violation of material metabolism in the body, inflammatory diseases, disorders of the functioning of the organs of the endocrine system, etc. The disease can develop in any tissues and organs. Treatment of multiple sclerosis at home greatly facilitates the patient's condition, and with proper treatment, it provides many years of life, with virtually no extensive damage to the central nervous system.

    Healers and specialists in the field of traditional medicine advise to deal with this disease in a comprehensive manner. Therapy begins with cleansing the patient's body, increasing the defenses, and then all forces are directed to support all body systems and cure diseases that arise as a result of sclerosis.

    Multiple sclerosis treatment with hydrogen peroxide is performed to enrich the circulatory system with oxygen and remove accumulated toxic substances. Bee sting treatment is very effective in treating the disease. Various tinctures and decoctions of medicinal plants help to lower blood pressure, relieve spasms of the cerebral vessels, etc.

    Alternative therapies

    For effective treatment of multiple sclerosis to give a result, you need to carefully diagnose the patient. To do this, use the following methods:

    1. Biochemical analyzes.
    2. Immunological studies.
    3. MRI. With the help of tomography, clusters or foci of demyelination are detected.
    4. CT. Helps to identify the temporal and spatial dispersion of inflammation foci.
    5. Electromyography. Determination of pathologies of the optic and auditory nerves, the functional state of the peripheral nerves.
    6. Diagnosis by an ophthalmologist. Identifying the presence of progressive myopathy.

    Many doctors acknowledge the positive effects of the following alternative healing methods on people with multiple sclerosis:

    • Yoga (prolongs the period of remission).
    • A tailored diet (such as Dr. Ewers's diet, which focuses on fruits and vegetables).
    • Shiatsu acupressure, relaxing oriental practices and qigong breathing exercises (general strengthening effect on the body).
    • Aroma and color therapy, as well as music therapy (the psychoemotional state of the patient improves).

    Comprehensive treatment (for example, a combination of medication, shiatsu massage and music therapy) helps to achieve better results, the periods of remission become longer and the patient's quality of life improves.

    The proliferation of sclerotic plaques is confirmed by MRI data. Despite the fact that the treatment of multiple sclerosis with folk methods should be carried out at any stage of the disease, one must not forget about the observance of the neurologist's prescriptions for taking medications, as well as regular visits to the ophthalmologist and other specialized specialists. As a rule, the relatives of the sick person have to follow these important points.

    You can massage the body with honey. Many experts recommend taking baths with pine needles 2 times a week. To prepare such a bath, branches of coniferous trees are simmered over low heat for about 30-40 minutes. Allow two hours to settle, and then filter. The resulting liquid is added to water before bathing.

    If the disease is accompanied by pain and muscle cramps, acupuncture can be tried. The point effect on human bioactive points came to us from China. And since then, acupuncture has been successfully helping in the fight against many ailments. In the absence of contraindications, you can take a course of treatment with bee stings.

    you need to eat parsley as much as possible (its benefits for the body are described in this article). This greens is endowed with a diuretic effect and prevents the formation of salts in the body; excellently cleanses the vessels of the brain seaweed (recipes for the use of dried kelp are posted here). This product should take its rightful place in your diet;

    watermelon juice has a good anti-sclerotic effect. Watermelons should be eaten in large quantities during the season; does not allow the development of sclerosis of the vessels of the brain wild strawberry. This delicacy is not only tasty, but also very useful. Berries must be included in your diet, at least 100 grams. in a day.

    Drug treatment

    In the course of medical correction of the symptoms of pathology, an individual drug or a set of drugs from the following groups is used:

    • a muscle relaxer, relieves spasms. These can be muscle relaxants (baclofen, etc.);
    • sedatives that reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, which have a calming effect on the entire body, for example, Valium;
    • glucocorticosteroids (dexamethasone) help relieve exacerbation. However, dexamethasone does not cure, but only relieves inflammation, swelling. Dexamethasone also works specifically and can provoke an increase in body weight. Drugs such as dexametozone, methylprednisolone can be used for people of all ages;
    • antidepressants for depression accompany the muffling of panic fears and emotionality;
    • special preparations for relieving fatigue and supporting immunity;
    • oxybutin, toterodine, dexamethasone to normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system.

    Treatments for multiple sclerosis help to achieve good results, provided they are used early, when the first symptoms are just signaling the body. The duration of drug treatment must be strictly observed. If you experience unpleasant sensations, allergic reactions, side effects while taking medications, do not hesitate and consult a doctor. He will adjust the dosage, change the drug, or select another treatment regimen, a new drug.

    The disease is incurable, but do not give up

    Unfortunately, not a single case of getting rid of multiple sclerosis is currently known. In addition, it is not known what factors can trigger its occurrence.

    Therefore, it is impossible to determine who is at risk. The best way to prevent this unpleasant and dangerous disease is to try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

    Give up bad habits, eat properly and in a balanced way. Pay more attention to sports and walking in the fresh air. Tempering will also be useful. Try not to allow nervous overstrain.

    If one of your relatives is still sick, in no case should you self-medicate! This can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

    When you are offered some magical remedy for multiple sclerosis that can completely defeat the disease, do not believe it.

    Very often scammers take advantage of the gullibility of desperate and sick people. Acceptance of all drugs, including traditional medicine, must be coordinated with your doctor.

    Despite the fact that multiple sclerosis is considered an incurable disease, we sincerely hope that the above tips and recipes will help alleviate and improve the condition of a sick person.

    Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease of the nervous system.

    As a result of this disease, sclerotic plaques form in the spinal cord and brain.

    What causes these plaques to form?

    Clinical picture

    T cells destroy the myelin sheaths of neurons

    The prevalence of the disease in our country is 30-100 cases per 100 thousand people. Most often, the pathology debuts in patients at the age of 30, but early onset of the disease is possible. The earliest MS debut was recorded in a 2-year-old toddler.

    Multiple sclerosis has its own characteristics of the course. The first manifestations of the disease can appear suddenly. Patients notice weakness in the limbs, a slight deterioration in vision. As the pathology of the brain tissue progresses, patients develop numbness of the arms or legs, loss of vision, the development of hemiparesis, monoparesis, and total paralysis.

    Specific features of MS include:

    • weakness of the muscles of the arms and legs;
    • visual impairment (limitation of visual fields, veil, blind spot);
    • numbness in the arms, legs, creeping sensation;
    • change in gait, double vision, difficulty recognizing text;
    • constipation, urinary incontinence, feces;
    • paralysis;
    • poor tactile sensitivity;
    • vestibulopathy;
    • memory impairment, irritability, depression, suicidal tendencies.

    Traditional medicine for the treatment of MS suggests the use of glucocorticosteroid hormones (Methylprednisolone, Prednisolone). They are necessary for the relief of the acute period, as well as for the prevention of exacerbations of the disease. In addition to glucocorticosteroids, nootropic drugs are used to improve blood flow to the brain, as well as to facilitate the conduction of nerve impulses in the brain.

    Long-term use of corticosteroids in the treatment of multiple sclerosis is not indicated.

    Interferons-beta are also actively prescribed for patients with MS. They normalize the immune system. The main drugs in this group are: Extavia, Ronbetal.

    Natalizumab (monoclonal antibodies to interleukins-2), Cladribine, Fingolimod, human immunoglobulins in high doses (10%) for injection (Gamunex, Octagam) are actively used.

    The underlying reason for the formation of plaques is a malfunction in the immune system, which begins to regard the personality cells of the myelin sheath as foreign.

    Their chaotic destruction takes place.

    Perhaps that is why the disease has such a specific name - multiple sclerosis.

    coordination of movements becomes indistinct, vision and gait are disturbed, frequent urge to urinate appears, limbs begin to tremble, it becomes difficult for a person to control his body, a deterioration in his state of health is gradually observed, memory and thinking deteriorate, problems begin in bed with a partner with impotence, it is written here), the process of emptying the intestines from feces is disrupted.

    There is one unpleasant moment: mainly young people, aged 18 to 45, are susceptible to the disease.

    It is for this reason that leaving a young man alone with an insidious disease is not worth it.

    It is imperative that all friends, family and friends of the patient devote all their energies to combating this disorder.

    Many doctors consider this disease incurable. But, if you take advantage of the recommendations of traditional healers in time and competently carry out complex treatment, the result will exceed all your expectations.

    Consider traditional treatments for multiple sclerosis.

    To prolong the remission of a patient diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, herbs that have the ability to restore the myelin sheaths of nerves help.

    These are lady's slipper, spotted orchis and two-leaved (i.e., plants of the orchid family).

    Also, folk healers recognized as an effective Scutellaria Baikal, which has the ability to inhibit the development of autoimmune processes. Given the strong effect of these herbs, their dosage and dosage regimen should be selected strictly individually.

    Of the available herbs that can be bought in dried form at the pharmacy, you should pay attention to tansy and fireweed. These medicinal herbs are used as follows: 1-2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture are poured with half a liter of boiling water and infused in a thermos for 12 hours (the thermos needs to be shaken periodically). An infusion of fireweed or tansy, with regular use, increases the resistance of the central nervous system (drink half a glass of tincture three times a day).

    Chamomile infusion (pour a tablespoon with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for three hours, strain and take during the day) - with multiple sclerosis, this anti-inflammatory agent is used to stop the aggressive onset of the disease.

    Also, such a collection is used: combine a teaspoon of chopped stinging nettle with the same amount of yarrow, also chopped. Pour the mixture into 0.5 liters of cold water and simmer for 10 minutes. Drink half a glass of this broth before bedtime.

    Garlic oil is another popular folk recipe for fighting multiple sclerosis.

    Peel the head of fresh garlic, grind it to the state of gruel and add one glass of unrefined sunflower oil, keep it in the refrigerator for 24 hours and can be taken.

    This remedy is taken as follows: mix a tablespoon of this oil with a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and drink.

    You need to take this mixture three times a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is from a month to three.

    The Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) has a comprehensive approach to the treatment of this disease, including the use of herbal medicine. Herbal preparations are selected individually, taking into account the patient's condition.

    Workers-bees help alleviate the patient's condition and prolong the period of remission.

    Apitherapy is used in a complex way: the intake of honey, bee products (bee bread, propolis, royal jelly) and the actual therapy with bee stings.

    It is believed that the following types of honey are especially useful for this disease: herbs, rapeseed, buckwheat, mustard.

    According to traditional methods of treatment, honey should be taken in a tablespoon at least three times a day. You can also take a bath with honey - dissolve 259 grams of honey in warm water. Take a bath (the water temperature should not be too hot) no longer than 15-20 minutes, 12-20 such procedures are shown with an interval of once a week.

    Royal jelly is also taken in a course: for three to four weeks: in the morning and afternoon, put under the tongue and dissolve. The dosage is at the tip of the knife. The course of treatment with royal jelly is recommended to be repeated after two months.

    Depending on the severity of the disease, the course of propolis treatment can last from one to three months.

    Bee stings in the lumbar region are another proven folk technique for prolonging the state of remission.

    As a rule, bees sting in the lumbar region (from 3 to 6 stings). The course of treatment is designed for 40-60 bites, procedures are carried out daily or with a break of one day.

    The effect of a bee sting is increased if insects sting at the acupuncture points (this is controlled by the apitherapist).

    Alternative methods are those methods, the results of which are not proven by scientists and are not attested in science. In this case, it is difficult to talk about the effectiveness of such therapy, but how to treat multiple sclerosis is up to you. We can unequivocally say that such methods do not carry risks and insecurity, they will strengthen the body and cheer up.

    Very often they resort to the help of various dietary supplements, go on a diet, try the procedures of ancient Eastern medicine, etc. When such therapy is used in combination with medication, it is called complementary.

    With the support of loved ones and the formation of positive thoughts, stress and depression can be easily avoided. The attending physician will not prescribe this for you, but you definitely need to try it.

    Sports activities. Even in the early stages, physical training is necessary so that the body gains strength, strengthens its immunity, and the patient does not have time for depression. If you are not ready to practice at home, sign up for yoga courses, for example, or tai chi. If you are accustomed to dynamic sports, it is better to consult a doctor if it is possible to do this in your particular case.

    Healthy eating rules. If you do not have serious illnesses that require a special diet and go, you can start eating only healthy foods. Better to start right away than regret it later.

    Therapeutic massage improves the general condition, helps relieve pain, relieves spasms, and improves coordination. You should be careful with this type of therapy, as it is contraindicated in osteoporosis. It is better that the massage is performed by a specially trained specialist so as not to harm the body. A massage course will bring more pleasure than a pill taken, for example, dexamethasone.

    Acupuncture, reviews of which are only the most positive, can relieve swelling and spasms, relieve pain, and also help cope with involuntary urination. You only need to contact certified experts in their field who have experience working with such patients. After all, such a procedure is fraught with the risk of infection and infection.

    The effectiveness of alternative therapy lies in its promotion of recovery during traditional treatment. Not all of them are affordable, or useful on a case-by-case basis.

    How to treat multiple sclerosis with folk remedies? Traditional medicine suggests using various medicinal herbs, garlic, bee products, mummy. Before using folk remedies for multiple sclerosis, you must consult your doctor, since some medicinal herbs and bee products (honey, propolis) may have contraindications to the appointment.

    It will not be possible to completely cure multiple sclerosis only with herbs and folk remedies, since no herb (product) has such a high immunosuppressive effect on the body as glucocorticosteroid hormones. Even effective drugs that make up the gold standard for MS treatment fail to stop brain damage.

    To reduce the risk of exacerbation of concomitant diseases in multiple sclerosis, it is recommended to use herbal medicine

    According to the literature, when using phytopreparations, it is necessary to take into account not a separate active substance in a medicinal plant, but several of its properties in a complex. It has been proven that the use of one plant does not have the desired effect, in contrast to specially designed fees. Only when the collection is prescribed, the symptoms of multiple sclerosis go away due to a complex of substances interacting with each other.

    Herbal medicine and traditional medicine are necessary to prevent complications during treatment with standard drugs. Phytotherapists believe that during the appointment of herbal dosage forms, it is possible to reduce the dosage of glucocorticosteroids (GCS) to alleviate the patient's condition, reduce side effects. But at the same time there is a risk of a new exacerbation, therefore, in severe forms of the disease, the dose of GCS should not be reduced.

    Herbal medicine actively uses decoctions and infusions of various medicinal plants. When applying these manufacturing methods, the recommendations should be followed. This will increase the effectiveness of the treatment. The amount of the medicinal substance in the solution depends on the correct preparation.

    You can prepare a tincture of honey with onions. To prepare the medicine, grate the onion or chop finely (1 medium onion), additionally squeeze the juice from another of the same onion. The same amount of honey is added to the chopped onion. The mixture must be insisted in the refrigerator for a day, and then consumed 1 dessert spoon three times a day.

    Bee sting is carried out at bioactive points

    Bee treatment is actively used for multiple sclerosis. A bee sting, during which the insect injects active substances, stimulates the conduction of nerve impulses, prevents further destruction of brain cells. This method has a disadvantage: bee venom can cause severe allergies, therefore apitherapy should not be used in patients with an increased tendency to allergies.

    Methodology: a bee sting is performed in the place of weakness or disability of the limbs. The scheme of therapy is as follows: first, the patient is shown a sting of 1 bee per day, and then the number of bee stings is increased to 6 times or more per day. Course therapy lasts 3-4 months. In the future, the number of bites is increased to 40-100 per course. If the patient does not tolerate the treatment, the procedure should be discontinued.

    Traditional medicine offers the use of propolis tincture for multiple sclerosis. Propolis tincture is diluted in water (20 drops). It is necessary to drink the solution twice a day for 1-3 months.

    In addition to beekeeping products, garlic is actively used. The benefits of garlic are specific phytoncides, which have a positive effect on the condition of a patient with multiple sclerosis. Patients after immunosuppression often suffer from respiratory diseases. Garlic infusion prevents the occurrence of acute respiratory infections.

    For multiple sclerosis, it is good to take an infusion of garlic

    To prepare the tincture, you will need to grate a small head of garlic, pour a glass of vegetable oil. After that, the solution is insisted in the refrigerator for 24 hours. After cooking, add 5 ml of lemon juice. You need to take the medicine 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. In the presence of diseases of the digestive system, the medicine should not be used.

    General principles of MS therapy, clinical manifestations

    With sclerosis, do not overheat. Do not bask in a hot bath, preferably wash under a warm shower. Do not abuse the sun's rays. In hot sunny weather, you should try to spend more time in the shade. The menu should be dominated by products of plant origin. The disease can be aggravated by the fact that a person leads an inactive lifestyle.

    Blood should not stagnate in the cells of the brain. If you like to sleep during the day, then this habit should be abandoned. For a night's sleep, you need to choose a high pillow (it should be equal to half the volume of the head). Do not forget to do basic physical exercises: rise on your toes, then abruptly drop down on your heels.

    This should be done every hour for 15 to 20 exercises.

    In order not to provoke an exacerbation of the situation, you need to completely protect yourself from all kinds of allergens. An important rule to remember and always follow: avoid stressful situations, smile as often as possible, believe in your own strength, and the disease will surely recede.

    If you have tried all the possible methods of traditional treatment for multiple sclerosis on yourself, and they were unsuccessful, you should pay attention to the methods that alternative medicine offers.

    You should never "give up" in front of any ailment. You need to hope for the best and look for ways to get rid of pathology.

    In order to achieve the best effect, treatment with folk remedies should be carried out in parallel with taking the medication prescribed by your doctor.

    Most importantly, remember that you will not be able to quickly cope with this disease. You need to tune in to a fairly long treatment.

    Multiple sclerosis prognosis

    An accurate prognosis for multiple sclerosis should not be expected. This is a serious disease with a mass of consequences, with unexpected symptoms of CNS damage. The duration and quality of life with this disease directly depends on the correct diagnosis and treatment on time.

    When an exacerbation occurs, it is extremely difficult to predict something. A person can become disabled and no longer restore the motor functions of the body. The average life expectancy with such a diagnosis fluctuates around 30-40 years. But there are cases when a person could not move after only a few years after the onset of exacerbations.

    It is important to take into account that multiple sclerosis is such a complex disease, the nature and symptoms of which are very diverse, and it proceeds purely individually in each of the cases. He cannot be left without the attention of a specialist and engage in self-diagnosis and treatment. Without a medical prescription, a doctor cannot cope with these signs of the disease.

    What should be abandoned completely

    It is necessary to give up smoking and strong alcoholic beverages (how to drink Riga Balsam is written in this article). These bad habits negatively affect the body, in general, and blood vessels, in particular.

    Excessive consumption of table salt favors the development of the disease. Sodium chloride tends to build up in the body.

    And this becomes the reason for the impaired transmission of nerve impulses, as a result, we have multiple sclerosis. But remember, you should not completely abandon salt.

    In small quantities, it is needed for the normal functioning of the entire body.

    In order to "wake up" your body, in the morning you need to drink a glass of hot water (not boiling water) on an empty stomach.

    Warm water will help your blood circulate faster, which minimizes the possibility of blood clots.

    liver, chocolate, sardines, sprats and some others - you need to exclude from your table.


    This disease affects people at a fairly young age - from 20 to 45 years old and, according to statistics, of the European race, with a slight predominance of women.

    Proper nutrition (priority is given to vegetables and natural dairy products), constant physical activity (for example, regular exercise in the gym or long walks in the fresh air), giving up bad habits - these simple but effective measures will help to delay the onset of the first signs of multiple sclerosis.

    An important nuance is to prevent chronic overwork, since in this case the body's defenses are weakened. The first warning signs: blurred vision (double vision), a feeling of numbness in the arms and legs, deterioration in gait, interruptions in urination, sexual dysfunction, speech impairment.

    You should pay close attention to your health if there were cases of multiple sclerosis among close blood relatives.

    Multiple sclerosis includes the following preventive measures aimed at preventing the factors provoking the disease:

    • protection against viral infections. It is especially important to follow these rules during the cold season. In the midst of epidemics, it is necessary to take broad-spectrum antiviral drugs and protect the face with a cotton-gauze bandage;
    • adherence to proper nutrition. You do not need to go on any special diets if there is no indication for this. Simply, the food consumed daily should be saturated with omega fatty acids. You need to eat more fish, plant foods, fresh vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins. Exclude fried, smoked and spicy;
    • exclude overheating and hot baths. In order not to provoke new symptoms of the disease, it is better to avoid steam rooms, baths, saunas. Does not stay in the scorching sun for a long time without proper protection;
    • lfk. Engage in physiotherapy exercises every day, do morning exercises, stretch the body, strengthen muscle tissues. You can do moderate physical activity, but not overdo it. You can do stretching, yoga, gymnastics;
    • regularly undergo a course of anti-relapse treatment. Drug therapy should not be avoided if the symptoms have gone away and there are no exacerbations. The formation of new foci of the disease and the return of old ones should not be allowed. Visit a doctor twice a year to prescribe a preventive course of medication;
    • try not to be nervous, avoid emotional outbursts and stressful situations;
    • give yourself more time to relax, engage in an active lifestyle. Walk more in the fresh air, go out of town, breathe fresh forest air;
    • visit the pool, it relieves stress on the joints, relaxes the pinched affected nerves of the central nervous system and allows the body to rest.

    Treatment of multiple sclerosis with alternative methods

    Honey and onion juice

    To prepare this product, you will need onions and honey. If you have a juicer, then you need to squeeze one glass of onion juice. If there is no juicer, then several heads can be rubbed on a fine grater.

    After preparing the required amount of onion juice, add honey in the same amount, mix thoroughly and turn into a homogeneous mass. This mixture is recommended to be applied daily, several times during the day. The dose is limited to one tablespoon. The effectiveness of treatment will be higher if you take onions mixed with honey one hour before meals or one hour after eating.

    Black currant

    Black currant

    In many ways, the treatment of multiple sclerosis depends on the symptoms that accompany the course of the disease. If, along with the above clinical manifestations of the patient, constant headaches are tormented, then black currant will be a suitable remedy. You need to collect or buy fresh berries and make fresh juice from them every day. Taking two or three times throughout the day will be sufficient.

    The next remedy for multiple sclerosis involves the use of shilajit. It is necessary to heat (or cool) boiled water to room temperature and dissolve a small piece of mummy there (five grams per hundred milliliters of water will be enough). After the mummy is completely dissolved in water, the mixture is ready for use.

    Propolis tincture is extremely effective. For its preparation, you will need directly propolis and alcohol 70% or 90%.

    It is necessary to thoroughly grind about five grams of the substance and fill it with half liters of alcohol, then leave the liquid for a week in a dry, dark place with a sufficiently high temperature. After the expiration of the prescribed period, the tincture should be drained, leaving propolis, which after that will have to be poured with another 200 milliliters of alcohol. Before use, the tincture should stand for at least six more days. The tincture can now be stirred and consumed.

    To make the task easier, you can purchase a ready-made tincture at any pharmacy. In any case, the reception requires compliance with several basic rules: firstly, thirty drops of the tincture must be diluted in 50 milliliters of water, and secondly, it is recommended to drink the tincture thirty minutes after taking the mummy, the recipe for which is described above.

    The duration of treatment is limited to three months.

    To prepare this tool, you will need the following components:

    • medium-sized head of garlic;
    • a glass of refined sunflower oil;
    • lemon juice.

    With garlic, you need to do simple steps: peel, cut in half and crush with a knife. The main thing is that the result is a gruel. It should be transferred to a bowl made of glass, and vegetable oil should be poured into it. Until the mixture is ready for use. Before she needs to brew for 24 hours in the refrigerator.

    Pollen.Treatment with this product must be carried out under the strict supervision of your doctor.

    Start and end therapy gradually.

    As a remedy, flower (pine) pollen should be drunk 32 grams every day.

    As a prophylactic agent, 20 grams per day is enough. The remedy is drunk two to three times a day, on an empty stomach.

    The minimum treatment course is 1 month.

    Shamrock (clover). It is necessary to collect the plant heads and fill a liter jar with them.

    Then top up with vodka (0.5 liters) and insist for two weeks. Take one large spoon at bedtime.

    You need to drink the medicine for 2.5 - 3 months. Then a break for 14 days, then we repeat the course again.

    hawthorn leaves (25 grams), flowers of the same plant - 25 grams, valerian root (instructions on how to take the tincture are posted here) - 10 grams, rue (15 grams).

    Mix all ingredients thoroughly. We collect 1 tablespoon of the mixture and fill it with a glass of cold water.

    After 3 hours, put on low heat, bring to a boil. We boil for 5 - 7 minutes.

    After complete cooling, we filter through cheesecloth or a thick strainer.

    We take the broth from three to four times a day in equal portions.

    You can store the product for no more than one day.

    Collecting from stinging nettle (10 grams) and yarrow (10 grams). Mix the raw materials, take a tablespoon and place the herbs in an enamel bowl.

    Fill the contents with cold water in the amount of 0.5 liters, put on the stove and boil for several minutes.

    You need to drink the medicine before bedtime, half a glass in a warm form.

    30 grams of culbaba roots, the same amount of soapwort roots and wheatgrass rhizomes (medicinal properties), 30 grams of yarrow.

    Grind and mix all this. Place a spoonful of collection in a saucepan and pour a cup of boiling water.

    We insist 1 hour. The broth is ready to use.

    You need to drink it in 1 glass in the morning and in the evening, before going to bed.

    we take 5 grams of propolis (to increase immunity in children) and fill it with alcohol (0.5 liters).

    Shilajit Take 5 grams of the product and dissolve it in warm boiled water (100 grams).

    We store the infusion in the refrigerator in a sealed glass container. We take 1 teaspoon in three doses during the day.

    Blackcurrant juice (useful properties and contraindications of the leaves) will help get rid of headaches. It should be drunk 1/3 cup at least three times a day.

    Honey with onions. Onion, grated or twisted in a meat grinder.

    Squeeze 1 glass of juice through cheesecloth. We mix it with a glass of honey. The mass must be stored in the refrigerator.

    We use the medicine one hour before meals, three times a day.

    Hawthorn fruits on alcohol. Use half a glass of dried fruits, grind them and fill with a liter of 70% alcohol.

    We insist for seven days, filter and take 50 drops before eating, but not more than three times a day.

    Ready-made hawthorn tincture (instructions for use) can be bought at any pharmacy in your locality.

    thoroughly wash it off the ground, there is no need to peel off the bark, grind the root, take 50 grams of the mass and fill it with vodka in an amount of 1.2 liters, we insist for at least 3 days.

    After this period, we filter and take, three times a day, before meals, 50 grams.

    It should be remembered that taking various alcoholic and vodka tinctures at the same time is not recommended.

    An effective remedy for multiple sclerosis is prepared from the bark of mountain ash.

    Shoots of common heather. Cooking the broth. For this purpose, you need to use dry heather shoots.

    Grind them with a meat grinder or blender. We collect a tablespoon of ground raw materials and fill it with hot water (500 g).

    Boil over low heat for 8 - 10 minutes. Cover the pan with a lid and wrap it with a towel. Let it brew for 2.5 - 3 hours. After that, we filter.

    We take the medicine twice a day for 1 glass.

    Black currant

    Black currant

    Traditional healers advise not to wait for signs of how multiple sclerosis manifests itself during the next exacerbation, and even before that, start therapy with available means. Any folk recipes are also suitable for the prevention of multiple sclerosis.


    There are many alternative treatments for multiple sclerosis. And they all have a characteristic effect on the general condition of a person.

    The main thing to remember is that each individual reacts differently to the healing process. Each patient needs to select an individual therapy.

    Be careful with herbs, they can cause allergic reactions. Observe the measure in everything and do not forget to consult with your doctor.

    For an effective treatment of multiple sclerosis by bees, see the video below.

    To date, not as much information is known about multiple sclerosis as is necessary for a successful and prompt treatment. This is a disease of the central nervous system, which is chronic in nature and in most cases adversely affects the functioning of the brain and spinal cord, and also affects the optic nerves of a person.

    Treatment of senile weakness with folk remedies Due to the fact that weakness is a nonspecific symptom,

    It is a medical term used to describe the process of replacing the organ parenchyma with denser connective tissue. Sclerosis is not an independent disease, but a manifestation of other major ailments.

    The reasons for this phenomenon in the body can be a variety of processes: disturbances in blood circulation, inflammation, changes that occur in the human body due to age.

    Sclerosis can develop in different organs. So, when there are changes in the heart, when - in the walls of blood vessels, when - in the kidneys, when - in the lungs, etc.

    Multiple sclerosis

    Multiple sclerosis Is a chronic disease of the central nervous system. Unfortunately, until today there are no drugs that would completely cure this disease. But a number of therapeutic methods can stop the progress of the disease. Preventive treatment of multiple sclerosis can significantly slow down the course of the disease, prolong remission, and reduce the number and frequency of exacerbations of multiple sclerosis.

    Multiple sclerosis causes

    The exact causes of the development of multiple sclerosis are still not known. Experts talk about the autoimmune nature of the disease. It is the central nervous system that controls the work of all systems and organs of the human body. It consists of the brain and spinal cord. Due to the autoimmune nature of the disease the immune system attacks the cells of its own body. Therefore, multiple sclerosis affects the cells of the spinal cord and brain.

    But there are other theories about the occurrence of this disease in humans. Therefore, physicians tend to view multiple sclerosis as polyetiologic disease ... This means that the cause of the development of the disease is a combination of several factors. We are talking about a malfunction of the immune system, external influences, diseases of an infectious nature, as well as genetic disposition.

    Multiple sclerosis symptoms

    The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are varied, and different combinations are possible. Talking about the symptoms of the disease and explaining to the patient what it is, doctors distinguish more than 50 different signs of the disease, which can manifest themselves in each individual case. Depending on some features of the course of the disease and human conditions (concomitant disease), the severity and duration of such symptoms is determined.

    When a disease is diagnosed, the most common symptoms of multiple sclerosis are often identified. We are talking about a depression, constant fatigue, a feeling of numbness or tingling in the hands and feet. Also noted dysfunction of the bladder and intestines , a variety of sexual dysfunctions , periodic tremors and pain , ataxia , cognitive impairment , vision problems ... However, all these signs may indicate other diseases, therefore, it is impossible to diagnose multiple sclerosis in a patient solely on the basis of the definition of symptoms.

    The life expectancy of people with this disease directly depends on timely diagnosis and the correct approach to treatment. If the patient does everything strictly on the recommendation of the doctor, then his life expectancy is equal to normal.


    Diagnosing multiple sclerosis is tricky because many other conditions also have symptoms. There is currently no diagnostic method for accurately determining multiple sclerosis. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of this disease, a complex of research methods is used. First of all, the doctor examines the medical history, conducts a neurological examination. The patient is assigned an MRI scan, lumbar puncture. To rule out other diseases, a laboratory blood test is practiced.

    Relapse, types

    With the development of a relapse, the patient aggravates the symptoms of the disease that existed before, or new manifestations develop. A relapse of multiple sclerosis is also called an attack or flare-up. The reasons for the periodic development of exacerbations of the disease are also not known exactly to this day. In different patients, both the severity of the symptoms and the duration of the illness vary markedly. Sometimes some of the symptoms go away on their own after a few days. But a number of manifestations of the disease with its relapse significantly worsen the quality of human life.

    Most patients are diagnosed with the so-called remittent multiple sclerosis. In this case, periods of remission and exacerbation of the disease alternate. In this case, remissions can last even for several years.

    Another type of multiple sclerosis is secondary progressive ... In this case, there is a significant worsening of symptoms. In about half of patients with remitting type of the disease, secondary progressive multiple sclerosis manifests itself during the first ten years.

    At primary progressive form of the disease, which is observed in about 15% of patients, neither remissions nor relapses of the disease are observed, but the symptoms are constantly progressing.

    The least common (about 10% of cases) is progressive-relapsing multiple sclerosis. With this form of the disease, the symptomatology progresses, but at the same time acute relapses of the disease occur periodically.

    The doctors


    When discussing the treatment of multiple sclerosis, patients are primarily interested in how curable is multiple sclerosis. Currently, not a single case of a complete cure of this ailment is known. But the use of drugs preventive therapy , allow to postpone the development of new symptoms, and also significantly reduce the number and frequency of relapses of the disease. In this case, immunomodulatory agents, monoclonal antibodies, chemotherapy are actively used.

    Determining the scheme of how to treat multiple sclerosis in an individual case, the doctor takes into account the specific symptoms of the disease and prescribes exactly the medicine for multiple sclerosis that can alleviate their manifestation. However, for the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, not only pills from a specific manifestation are used. If a patient goes to a specialized medical center, he is also prescribed physiotherapy methods of therapy, as well as a specially developed one. Supportive treatment with folk remedies can also be practiced. Thanks to the constant work of researchers on the problem of treating multiple sclerosis, something new is regularly emerging in the treatment of the disease.

    When the disease recurs, patients are often given large doses of corticosteroids to shorten the duration of the relapse.

    Doctors are very careful about the prognosis of the course of multiple sclerosis. But there are statistics that indicate that the prognosis is more favorable if the disease began before the age of 35; a woman is ill; the duration of the intervals between diseases is long; after relapses, complete recovery occurs.

    In multiple sclerosis, it is important to avoid infections because even ARI can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. Patients should not be allowed to overheat, eat too much. Stress also negatively affects the patient's condition.

    Diet, nutrition for sclerosis

    also called motor neuron disease. This is a disease of the nervous system, which has a progressive chronic nature, during which central and peripheral motor neurons are selectively affected. In this state, a person has an increasing weakness of the shoulder and pelvic girdle, bulbar muscles, trunk and abdominal muscles, while the oculomotor muscles and pelvic sphincters are less affected. Treatment of the disease is carried out constantly, in courses.

    As a rule, the disease occurs sporadically, rarely there are familial cases. A person can get sick at any age, but more often the disease develops in people after 50 years.

    It is assumed that the disease is caused by a virus. The disease develops slowly, sometimes a person does not notice its onset. First of all, weakness of the distal parts of the hands gradually develops, and speech difficulty may be noted. Later, the specialist discovers the presence of atrophy and paresis of the small muscles of the distal segments of the arms. Progression and atrophy is gradually noted, which can spread to muscles in other parts of the body. In addition to these signs, the patient has symptoms that indicate damage to the pyramidal system.

    Over time, the patient develops disorders of swallowing, articulation, phonation. They gradually become more pronounced. The tongue moves limitedly, its atrophy takes place. The patient does not have a pharyngeal reflex, there is constant salivation due to the inability to swallow saliva.

    If neck muscles are weak, the patient's head may hang down and movement is limited. Over time, mimic and chewing muscles weaken. A person has a lower jaw, it becomes difficult for him to chew. Involuntary laughter and crying are also possible.

    Doctors distinguish three types of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: bulbar , cervicothoracic , lumbosacral ... The disease is always progressive.

    Diagnosis of the disease includes determining the presence of characteristic symptoms. Also, the patient undergoes electromyography, the data of which can confirm the damage to the cells of the anterior horns of the spinal cord. To clarify the diagnosis, MRI of the cervical spine and myelography are performed.

    The existing methods of therapy to this day do not allow a complete cure of the disease. Patients should be monitored regularly by several doctors of different specialties. Patients are assigned an appointment riluzone ,vitamin E , B vitamins ... Treatment is also practiced nootropic drugs , ATF , anabolic hormones ... To improve neuromuscular conduction, treatment is practiced, oxazyl ... The use of other drugs, sessions of light massage of the limbs is also practiced.

    The disease can last from two to ten years, while the prognosis is poor. The patient dies from paralysis of the respiratory center, exhaustion, intercurrent infections. If a person also has bulbar disorders, then he can live no more than two years.

    (cerebral atherosclerosis ) Is a disease that occurs relatively often. In the process of its development, the vessels of the muscular-elastic type are damaged. At the same time, foci of lipid deposits are gradually formed in the inner lining of blood vessels in the brain. They can be either single or multiple. In the course of the development of the disease, the vessel is gradually deformed and narrowed. Sometimes there is a complete obliteration of the vessel. As a result, there is a chronic, slowly increasing inadequacy of the supply of the organ that feeds through the cerebral vessel affected by sclerosis.

    Most often, the symptoms of this disease, like vascular lesions of the lower extremities, appear in people after the age of twenty, but the disease is most common among people after the age of 50.

    As a rule, the manifestation of the disease is due to a hereditary factor. However, the disease begins to develop under the influence of factors that stimulate its manifestations. It's too frequent psycho-emotional stress , arterial hypertension , alimentary , tobacco smoking .

    Symptoms of the disease can be different and depend on where the disease is located and where the process is spreading. Diagnosis is based on the presence of individual vascular lesions.

    For the treatment of the disease, methods are used to stop the progress of the disease, as well as to activate the development of the pathways of roundabout blood flow.

    As a therapy, it is practiced to ensure regular muscle activity, for which special exercises are used. Particular attention is paid to the patient's nutrition. His diet should contain an equal amount of vegetable and animal fats, since weight gain in this disease is undesirable. If a person already has one, then one should get rid of him.

    In addition, it is important to provide systematic treatment for diseases that accompany sclerosis. A sharp drop in blood sugar should not be allowed, as well as a decrease blood pressure.

    Subchondral sclerosis

    Subchondral sclerosis Is a disease that affects the joints. In the course of the development of the disease, the articular cartilage degenerates, as a result of which changes in the articular surface occur. The incidence of the disease increases markedly with age. Subchondral sclerosis is divided into primary and secondary forms. In the first case, the cause of the disease is a strong overload of the spine, while the disease develops in healthy cartilage. In the second case, the ailment develops on an already previously injured cartilage, which has been negatively affected due to injury, or the influence of other disorders.

    Subchondral sclerosis of the endplates of the vertebral bodies often occurs during development in humans. It is important to conduct a competent diagnosis and prescribe timely treatment of the disease. Various methods of therapy are practiced, but if the disease is too advanced, then the doctor can make a decision about surgical intervention.

    Sclerosis of the prostate, lungs

    In addition to the types of sclerosis described above, patients are often diagnosed with sclerosis of the prostate or lungs ... In the first case, a gradual sclerotic degeneration of the prostate gland occurs, which develops as a result of the inflammatory process. In the course of the development of this disease, elasticity is lost and the patency of the vesicourethral segment is impaired. This, in turn, leads to chronic urinary retention. In most cases, this disease is preceded by chronic prostatitis. The disease relatively often affects young men.

    Lung sclerosis ( pneumosclerosis ) Is a process of proliferation of connective tissue in the lungs, which ultimately leads to impaired lung function. The disease often develops as a consequence of tuberculosis, acute and lingering pneumonia. Highlighted cardiogenic pneumosclerosis, which is diagnosed in people suffering from prolonged congestion with lesions of the myocardium, aorta, with heart defects.

    Tuberous sclerosis

    Tuberous sclerosis also called Bourneville disease ... The name of the disease contains the Latin word tuber, which means "growth", "tumor". This is a rare disease of a genetic nature, with the development of which benign formations appear in various organs. Due to a very wide range of diverse symptoms, the disease has a polysystemic character. If tumors arise in the brain, the patient may develop, reduce intelligence. When internal organs are damaged, a variety of symptoms of the disease appear. At the initial establishment of the diagnosis, the appearance of characteristic neoplasms on the fundus and skin of the face is important.

    As a rule, this disease manifests itself in children in the first year of life. They have skin lesions, epileptic seizures, and intellectual disabilities. Often he also joins these signs. As the child ages, seizures become more frequent, while the decline in intelligence progresses. Patients with this diagnosis live no more than 25 years. After the diagnosis is established, they are prescribed symptomatic therapy, aimed mainly at stopping epileptic seizures. It is important to ensure a continuous treatment process.

    In common parlance, there is also the expression “ with taric sclerosis". It is used to refer to a variety of memory impairments in the elderly. But in fact there is no such disease, and the expression obviously comes from the term "cerebral atherosclerosis", that is, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the brain, in which it manifests itself in older people.

    List of sources

    • Schmidt TE, Yakhno N.N. Multiple sclerosis. M .: MEDpress-inform; 2010;
    • Korkina, M. V. Mental disorders in multiple sclerosis / M. V. Korkina, Yu. S. Martynov. G.F.Malkov. - M .: Publishing house of UDN, 1986;
    • Multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating diseases. Ed. E.I. Guseva, I.A. Zavalishina, A.N. Boyko. M .: Miklos. 2004;
    • Gusev E.I., Boyko A.N. Multiple sclerosis: from the study of immunopathogenesis to new methods of treatment. M. 2001;
    • Yakhno N.N., Shtulman D.R. Diseases of the nervous system: a guide for doctors in 2 volumes. M .: Medicine, 2001.

    Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune progressive disease of the nervous system in which the sheaths of nerve fibers (axons), cells of the brain and spinal cord are demyelinated.

    It should be noted that the term has nothing to do with absent-mindedness, as a personality trait, and also is not "sclerosis" in the everyday sense, when they want to remind of forgetfulness.

    In this case, the name "sclerosis" characterizes morphological changes in the nervous tissue, in which the sheath of the nerves is replaced by scar tissue, that is, it is subjected to sclerosis. And the word "scattered" means that this disease does not have a single focus of localization, as, for example, a stroke.

    What it is?

    Multiple sclerosis Is a neurological pathology characterized by a progressive course with multiple lesions in the central nervous system and with a smaller number of lesions in the peripheral nervous system.

    Most often, women are sick, although about a third of cases of multiple sclerosis occur in the male population of the planet. Pathology manifests more often at a young age, affecting active people from 20 to 45 years old - this is almost 60% of all cases. Most often, multiple sclerosis is diagnosed in people engaged in intellectual work.

    In addition, scientists at this point in time are revising the age boundaries of the onset of the disease in the direction of their expansion. So, in medicine, cases of the development of multiple sclerosis are described at the age of two, as well as at the age of 10-15 years. The number of patients in childhood varies according to different data from 2 to 8% of the total number of cases. The risk group now includes persons over 50 years old.

    The reasons for the development of sclerosis

    The tragedy of the disease is largely due to the fact that patients with multiple sclerosis are young people of the most flourishing age. Many diseases of the central nervous system affect the elderly (strokes, parkinsonism, dementia).

    MS "mows down" the most able-bodied part of the population, aged 18 to 45 years. After 50 years, the risk of onset of the disease is significantly reduced.

    Since the exact cause of multiple sclerosis has not yet been identified, researchers are paying attention to all the factors that can say something about an increased risk of the disease.

    It was found that:

    • the population of northern countries is sick much more often than people in the tropics. Some scientists believe this is due to a lack of sun exposure and vitamin D deficiency;
    • also in women, multiple sclerosis occurs almost three times more often than in men. However, male MS is much more severe;
    • people of European nationalities are more likely to get sick, and people of the Mongoloid race are practically not familiar with this disease;
    • those living in large agglomerations and industrial centers get sick more often than in villages. Perhaps this is due to the poor environmental situation;
    • patients with MS almost always have low blood uric acid levels. Therefore, people with gout and hyperuricemia need not worry.
    • also, many researchers tend to consider the cause of severe and severe stress and depression, smoking and frequent infectious diseases.

    As you can see from the above facts, the nature of MS is still a mystery.


    Depending on the type of pathological process, the main and rare (benign, malignant) variants of the development of multiple sclerosis are distinguished.

    The main options for the course of the disease:

    • remitting (occurs in 85-90% of cases). Symptoms of the disease appear periodically and then go away almost completely. This is typical for young patients;
    • primary progressive (observed in 10-15% of patients). Signs of damage to the nervous system are constantly growing without periods of exacerbations and remissions;
    • secondary progressive. Replaces the relapsing course, the disease begins to progress with periods of exacerbation and stabilization.

    Remitting multiple sclerosis is characterized by distinct periods of exacerbation and remission. During an attack of the disease, there is a persistent exacerbation of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis lasting up to 24 hours. For the next 30 days, the condition of the patient with multiple sclerosis is usually stable.

    With a secondary progressive type of the disease, the neurological symptoms of multiple sclerosis increase abruptly during periods of exacerbation. They become more and more frequent and soon the periods of remission of the disease become less pronounced. The secondary progressive type of the disease develops in patients with remitting multiple sclerosis, on average, 10 years after the onset of the disease in the absence of treatment.

    In primary progressive multiple sclerosis, symptoms increase rapidly from the onset of the disease. There are no periods of exacerbation and remission in this case.

    Another type of disease, relapsing-progressive multiple sclerosis, is characterized by a sharp increase in symptoms during periods of attacks, starting in the early stages of the disease.

    First signs

    The onset of the disease usually proceeds violently, as there is a sharp destruction of myelin (the sheath of nerve cells) and the same sharp violation of the conduction of nerve impulses.

    The first complaints of patients with multiple sclerosis:

    • decreased ability to work, increased fatigue, "chronic fatigue syndrome",
    • periodically there is muscle weakness (usually in one half of the body),
    • sudden short-term paralysis may occur,
    • paresthesia (numbness and tingling sensation),
    • frequent dizziness, unsteadiness of gait, neuritis of the facial nerve, hypotension,
    • disorders of the visual apparatus: drop in visual acuity, double vision, transient blindness, nystagmus, strabismus, etc.,
    • problems with urination (incomplete emptying of the bladder, sudden urge, intermittent or difficult urination, more
    • excretion of urine at night).

    Multiple sclerosis symptoms

    The disease can begin unexpectedly and rapidly, or manifest itself gradually, so that the patient does not pay attention to the deterioration for a long time and does not seek medical attention. In most cases, sclerosis occurs between the ages of 18 and 40.

    With the development of the disease, persistent symptoms of multiple sclerosis appear. The most common ones are:

    1. Malfunctions of the pyramidal system (pyramidal paths). The main muscle function is preserved, however, there is increased fatigue, moderate loss of strength in the muscles, and various paresis are not uncommon in the later stages. The lower limbs are usually more affected than the upper ones. Reflexes disorders: abdominal, periosteal, tendon, periosteal. Muscle tone changes, patients have hypotension, dystonia;
    2. The defeat of the cerebellum (impaired coordination). It can manifest itself slightly and hardly noticeable: dizziness, uneven handwriting, slight tremor, unsteady unsteady gait. With the development of the disease, the symptoms worsen, more serious disorders appear: ataxia, nystagmus, chanting of speech, cerebellar (intentional) tremor, cerebellar dysarthria. Motor, speech functions are impaired, a person loses the ability to eat independently;
    3. Dysfunction of the cranial nerves. Depending on the location of the plaques (intracerebral, extracerebral), clinical symptoms are of a central or peripheral nature. Disorders of the oculomotor and optic nerves (strabismus, double vision, various nystagmus, ophthalmoplegia), facial, trigeminal disorders are most often observed in patients;
    4. Deterioration of sensitivity. This series of symptoms is common in multiple sclerosis along with movement disorders. Many patients feel numbness in the limbs, cheeks, and lips. Lermitt's syndrome is observed - a sensation of an electric shock in the muscles, pain in the muscles;
    5. Disorders of the sphincters (pelvic function). Frequent or, on the contrary, rare urge to urinate and defecate, in later stages - urinary incontinence;
    6. Intelligent change. In patients, memory, attentiveness, the ability to think and perceive information deteriorate, there is rapid fatigue during intellectual activity, difficulty in transferring attention from one lesson to another. On the psycho-emotional side, patients often suffer from depression, anxiety, apathy, nervousness, and euphoria also occurs. In rare cases, patients develop dementia;
    7. Failures of sexual function. Decreased libido, in women - changes in the menstrual cycle, in men - impotence.

    The symptoms of multiple sclerosis are conventionally divided into several groups: primary (onset of the disease), secondary (main) and tertiary (complications). The signs of sclerosis are very different, depending on the localization of the plaques, and therefore the clinical picture can be very diverse.


    Multiple sclerosis has a very large number of symptoms; one patient may have only one of them or several at once. It proceeds with periods of exacerbation and remission.

    Any factors can provoke an exacerbation of the disease:

    • acute viral diseases,
    • trauma,
    • stress,
    • error in diet,
    • alcohol abuse
    • hypothermia or overheating, etc.

    The duration of periods of remission can be more than a dozen years, the patient leads a normal life and feels absolutely healthy. But the disease does not disappear, sooner or later a new exacerbation will surely occur.

    The range of symptoms of multiple sclerosis is quite wide:

    • from slight numbness in the hand or staggering when walking to enuresis,
    • paralysis
    • blindness and difficulty breathing.

    It so happens that after the first exacerbation, the disease does not manifest itself in any way for the next 10, or even 20 years, a person feels completely healthy. But the disease takes its toll as a consequence, an exacerbation occurs again.


    Instrumental research methods make it possible to determine foci of demyelination in the white matter of the brain. The most optimal is the method of MRI of the brain and spinal cord, with the help of which it is possible to determine the localization and size of sclerotic foci, as well as their change over time.

    In addition, patients undergo an MRI of the brain with the introduction of a contrast agent based on gadolinium. This method makes it possible to verify the degree of maturity of sclerotic foci: active accumulation of the substance occurs in fresh foci. MRI of the brain with contrast allows you to establish the degree of activity of the pathological process.

    To diagnose multiple sclerosis, a blood test is performed for the presence of an increased titer of antibodies to neurospecific proteins, in particular to myelin.

    In approximately 90% of people with multiple sclerosis, cerebrospinal fluid tests show oligoclonal immunoglobulins. But we must not forget that the appearance of these markers is observed in other diseases of the nervous system.


    Among the complications most often observed are pneumonia, cystitis followed by pyelonephritis, less often bedsores.

    The duration of the current varies widely. With the exception of acute cases occurring with tabloid phenomena, death occurs from associated intercurrent diseases, oturosepsis and sepsis associated with extensive bedsores.


    Treatment for multiple sclerosis depends on the course of the disease. With a remitting course of the disease, it is necessary to treat exacerbations, prevent exacerbations, slow down the transition to the stage of secondary progression, as well as symptomatic treatment of depression, pain symptoms, urinary disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc. disease. With primary progressive multiple sclerosis, symptomatic treatment is prescribed.

    For the treatment of a patient with multiple sclerosis, an individual approach is required. This means that the doctor, when diagnosing, should get as close as possible to understanding what stage of the disease the patient is in at the moment - active, inactive, stabilization, or during the transition from one stage to another. This requires an MRI examination of the patient in dynamics, as well as an immunological blood test. Immunological parameters, together with clinical data and MRI, make it possible to judge the activity of the pathological process in a patient at a given time. This makes it possible to resolve the issue of the appointment, duration of use, the possibility of canceling active immunosuppressants, such as steroid hormones, cytostatics, etc. The same diagnostic methods are also control over the treatment.

    Additional methods of diagnosis and control of treatment are electrophysiological methods: electromyography, as well as studies of visual, auditory and somatosensory evoked potentials of the brain. Electrophysiological methods make it possible to judge the level and extent of damage to the pathways of the nervous system. In addition, the changes detected using these methods increase the reliability of the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. In case of damage to the visual pathway, constant observation by an ophthalmologist is advisable. If necessary, after examination by a neuropsychologist, psychotherapeutic treatment is prescribed to patients and often to their families.

    Thus, for the successful treatment of a patient with multiple sclerosis, constant contact of this patient with a number of specialists is necessary: ​​a neurologist, immunologist, electrophysiologist, neuropsychologist, neuro-ophthalmologist, urologist.

    The main objectives of the treatment:

    1. Stop exacerbation of the disease;
    2. By acting on the foci of autoimmune inflammation, stimulate the development or enhancement of compensatory and adaptive mechanisms;
    3. To prevent or postpone in time the development of new exacerbations, or to reduce their severity and, consequently, the subsequent neurological deficit in the patient;
    4. Influence the symptoms that make it difficult to do work, lead a normal life (symptomatic treatment);
    5. Choose measures that allow the patient to adapt to the existing consequences of the disease in order to make his life as easy as possible. And although this sphere is more social than medical, most often the patient turns to a doctor for advice on this matter, and it is the doctor who determines the time for the implementation of certain recommendations, based on the patient's capabilities and the prognosis of the disease.

    Experimental drugs

    Some doctors report the beneficial effects of low (up to 5 mg per night) doses of naltrexone, an opioid receptor antagonist, which has been used to reduce symptoms of spasticity, pain, fatigue, and depression. One trial showed no significant side effects of low doses of naltrexone and reduced spasticity in patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Another trial also reported an improvement in quality of life based on patient surveys. However, too many dropouts from the study reduce the statistical power of this clinical trial.

    Pathogenetically justified the use of drugs that reduce the permeability of the BBB and strengthen the vascular wall (angioprotectors), antiplatelet agents, antioxidants, inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes, drugs that improve the metabolism of brain tissue (in particular, vitamins, amino acids, nootropics).

    In 2011, the Ministry of Health and Social Development approved a drug for the treatment of multiple sclerosis Alemtuzumab, the Russian registered name of Campas. Alemtuzumab, currently used to treat chronic lymphocytic leukemia, is a monoclonal antibody against CD52 cell receptors on T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes. In patients with early-stage relapsing multiple sclerosis, Alemtuzumab was more effective than interferon beta 1a (Rebif), but severe autoimmune side effects such as immune thrombocytopenic purpura, thyroid damage, and infections were more common.

    The website of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in the United States regularly publishes information about clinical trials and their results. Since 2005, bone marrow transplantation (not to be confused with stem cells) has been effectively used to treat MS. Initially, the patient is given a course of chemotherapy to destroy the bone marrow, then the donor bone marrow is transplanted, and the donor blood passes through a special separator to separate the red blood cells.