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    It has long been known that words have a power - constructive or destructive, with which we cannot always cope. However, letters and their sequences, which have a unique numerological meaning, have a huge impact on the world. Numerology is engaged in their study - an exact science, not devoid of mysticism. Research around the world has shown how symbols "resonate" with their environment, which has led to the creation of tables where each letter of the alphabet is represented by a number with its own meaning.

    The application of this knowledge is universal: a person who knows his numerical code gains access to invaluable information about his own destiny and character.
    The history of numerology goes back millennia. The oldest of the teachings about the meaning of numbers, their influence on nature, man is the Vedic system of numerological correspondence of numbers and letters, based on the merger of the ancient Greek and Indian sciences. It attaches special importance to the date of birth and initials as carriers of the Numbers of the Soul, Name, Destiny. The main method for calculating the code is folding, sequential addition of the numbers of the name, surname, patronymic to obtain the base digit that carries the value inherent in it. This method of obtaining a digital code was used in ancient Greece, where it was called isopsephy. In the XIII century, with its help, attempts were made to interpret the Holy Scriptures, as well as other texts by the method of numerical decoding - gematria. Subsequently, the works of the Kabbalists laid the foundation for the development of the science of cryptography.


    Before decoding, you should use the tables of correspondence between letters and numbers based on the studies of A. Kisel, Cairo, S. Vronsky in the field of numerology. The tables are different for the characters of the Russian and Latin alphabets, but the calculation algorithms are similar.
    The folding procedure is simple:
    1. Expanding the surname, first name, patronymic into letters that compose them, establish a correspondence with the numbers from the tables below.
    2. First add up the found numbers, after - the digits of tens and ones. As a result, you get a series of three natural numbers. The base digit of the name will be their sum.
    Below is a table for decoding Russian letters.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


    The numerological meaning calculated in the Latin version of its spelling will differ from the Russian one, because a person is closely related to the alphabet of his native language. What symbols he uses when writing leaves an imprint on his life path, and consciousness is formed under the influence of the environment, of which language is an integral part.
    The correspondence table of Latin letters and numbers is as follows:

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Modern services allow you to quickly get the meaning of a name online; the classic way of counting will allow you to find out the code using simple calculations. When choosing a name for a child or changing a surname, it will not be superfluous to seek advice from numerology. It is only important not to miss the signs of fate and remember that you are its masters.

    In numerology, there are general principles and concepts for any calculations. One such concept is base number. The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 are considered basic in numerology. They have their own meanings, and in different calculations they are different. If in the process of calculating the number following the nine is obtained, then this number is not base, and it is necessary to add the numbers further (10 = 1 + 0 = 1). The exceptions to this rule are the numbers 11 and 22. In numerology, they have a special meaning and are called master numbers. They are taken into account when calculating the Number of a person's life path (the Number of the entity) and the calculation of the Golden Number.

    The master number is a higher order number. But, as a rule, a person who received 11 or 22 in the calculations rarely fully corresponds to this concept. The numbers 11 and 22 usually begin to influence the fate of already adults, and only in exceptional cases does this influence manifest itself in childhood. Only a very small number of people live under the influence of master numbers. For the majority of those who received 11 or 22 in the calculations, it is important to live not in accordance with the energetics of numbers 11 and 22, but in accordance with code 2 (11 = 1 + 1 = 2) or 4 (22 = 2 + 2 = 4).

    For any calculations in numerology, numerological addition or folding is used. To do this, it is necessary to add up all the digits of a particular number in question. Roman numerals are replaced with Arabic ones, for example: VI = 6. If the result is one of the base numbers, the addition stops, if not, it is performed again.

    For example, consider 1987.

    Add: 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 25
    The number 25 is not one of the basic numbers, so we continue the addition: 2 + 5 = 7.
    Thus, the result of the numerological addition of the number 1987 is the number 7.

    If several numbers are involved in the calculation - for example, day, month and year, then first, each of the numbers is collapsed separately, and then the resulting numbers are added. After that, if necessary, the result is collapsed.

    For example, consider the date 04/17/1967

    Add up the day: 1 + 7 = 8
    Then month: 04 = 4 (zero is not used in numerology)
    Then the year: 1 + 9 + 6 + 7 = 23 = 2 + 3 = 5
    Now all the numbers obtained together: 8 + 4 + 5 = 17 = 1 + 7 = 8.
    The result of numerological addition is the number 8.

    In calculations using letters (for example, when calculating the number of a name), the correspondence of letters of the alphabet to numbers is used. The calculation is carried out according to the table of numerical values.

    For example, let's calculate the number of the name Svetlana. Numerical correspondence of the letters of the name: C - 1, B - 3, E - 6, T - 2, L - 4, A - 1, H - 6, A - 1
    Add: 1 + 3 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 6 + 1 = 24 = 2 + 4 = 6
    The result of numerological addition for the name Svetlana is the number 6.

    When calculating the number of a full name, first addition is done for the first name, then for the patronymic, then for the surname. After that, the resulting numbers are summed up and reduced to the base number.

    Table of numerical values ​​of the letters of the Russian and English alphabets


    The ancient science of numbers will help everyone to see their true purpose in life. Sophian numerology considers the name and surname as a special code. Having deciphered it, you will understand why you have an indisputable talent. It helps in choosing a profession or hobby, and for someone it can help radically change their lives. The number of the name is easy to learn from the numerological alphabet. If you are ready for a change, then surprise yourself with this information.

    The secret of the name will reveal not only your abilities, you can find out what the soul of a child, your soulmate is about.

    This ancient knowledge can make life easier, guide a person on the right path. Letters have their own meaning, and it can make the owner of the name the happiest of people. If a person changes his name or surname, then his fate will also change - do not forget about it.

    Numerology of fate

    The fact that the greatest secret of the Universe is hidden in numbers has been known for a long time. Many scientists have devoted their lives to numerology, and this science is half exact, half mystical. The letters have their own magic, which will open only to those who are ready to plunge headlong into this secret knowledge. Letters surround us, first of all - our name and surname. Parents choose names that are pleasant to the ear, sometimes completely incredible, invented.

    Are they doing the right thing or not? A set of letters gives the number of a name, and it determines its future life, destiny. Be sure to check which first name together with the last name will give your baby a lucky destiny. If you have lived with your name for a long time, then find out how it can help you. Each of us has talents, hidden skills. We do not always know about them, but if we develop them, our talents can bring us not only satisfaction, but also fame, fame, money.

    For any alphabet, you can calculate a numerological chart. Find out everything about yourself, your family and friends. All you need is your full name, patronymic and surname. If your friend is from a country where no middle name is used, just put in the father's full name for calculations. This is important, because the middle name is a kind of beacon that connects your life and the fate of your parents. The most intimate is the answer to your question "Who am I?"

    What's in a name

    Different names, different destinies. Repeating the same name over and over in a family is a mistake. All its positive qualities, of course, remain, and the negative ones become a generic trait. Here, unfortunately:

    • alcoholism, drug addiction;
    • addiction to gambling;
    • tendency to cheat;
    • aggressiveness, criminal inclinations.

    Better to introduce new names - they will be a stream of fresh air for you and your descendants. Diversity, mixing of cultures is good for your family. An unusual name can be very lucky. Calculate its meaning using the Russian alphabet. In the Latin layout, it can give a different meaning.

    The ABC is of great importance

    The alphabet matters, because a child or an adult will write and subscribe to it many times. The name is on passports, passes, on personal documents. It also gives them a special destiny. It is believed that people with long, sonorous names are always happier. This is not necessarily the case, because we consider the name as a combination of the name itself, patronymic and surname. In fact, these are three names: your own, your father, the whole family.

    Value tables

    Everything has already been calculated, a table has been drawn up for each alphabet. You just have to substitute the value - it's not difficult. The calculations are simple, anyone can handle them.

    The meanings of the Russian alphabet (Cyrillic)

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    A B V G D E Yo F Z
    AND Th TO L M N O NS R

    In this order, they should be used. Combinations of letters and numbers will give you a finite number. If you have already done calculations for classical numerology, then you know how to do it. If not, then an example will tell you.

    The meanings of the Latin alphabet

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
    A B C D E F G H I
    J K L M N O P Q R
    S T U V W X Y Z

    The numerological map for the Latin alphabet is no different. The calculations are carried out in the same way.

    Counting the number of a name

    NIKOLAI 6 + 1 + 3 + 7 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 33 = 3 + 3 = 6

    VASILIEVICH 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 66 = 6 + 6 = 12 = 3

    GOGOL 4 + 7 + 4 + 7 + 4 + 3 = 29 = 2 + 9 = 11 = 2

    We got three numbers. Each has an important letter meaning that can be considered separately. To find the final value, add three numbers:

    Here it is, fate determining number of a given person. In the same way, numerology allows you to choose a name for a child. You already have a last name and, most likely, a middle name. Choose the perfect combination. True, this method can deprive your baby of an important one - a gift from Fortune. Parents are mainly guided by their own feelings on behalf of, and not by counting letters. This gives the child the chance to receive unexpected talent.

    Decoding the number of the name

    The alphabet is important, but in fact, it is only needed to obtain this value. This numerology tool has been used since ancient times.


    The person does not even take a step back. His whole life is a constant movement towards the intended goal. Have you met such people? They have only a favorite thing on their minds. It can be a hobby that has become a job. It's hard with them, no one argues. But, pay attention - their idea always exceeds expectations. The person with the number 1 always gets things done. Most likely, he chose the profession of a lawyer, economist, investment specialist, or is engaged in high technology. Less often these people are doctors, politicians. Number 1 is difficult for its owner, it does not allow you to deviate from the planned path to relationships, unnecessary feelings, experiences.

    Units are people of action


    The number of letters of the name gave 2. A person strives for harmony in life. But, he cannot achieve it. He is always not happy, he always wants to get something better. People often suffer from health problems, especially mental ones. It seems that he lives only one life known to him. There are always many plans, inclined to creative activity. pictures are only half written, everything is not done to the end. It is part of his nature to quickly become disillusioned with the results of his labors, not yet waiting for the results. It happens that once they are lucky - they receive recognition, applause, glory. All life is a reminder of that moment. It's hard, you must admit. Poets, artists, researchers - this is their destiny.


    For Troikas, the main thing is stability and balance

    Stable personalities with the name number 3. The numerological alphabet shows 3, when a person knows how to find harmony in his existence. Three is the first of the number of harmony, it says that in the spiritual, material and personal terms, a person has achieved balance. He knows how to be different at the same time, change, adapt to circumstances. It will find a place for itself in almost any field of activity, but most often - doctors, designers, teachers. Moreover, they are very successful in their business. People with a name number 3 can only be envied, because they find a path through life that leads a straight path.


    Four is the second stable number. It characterizes 4 elements. The harmony of that number is colossal, so that a person knows how not only to improve his life, but also to bring balance to the lives of other people. Most often these are social professions, psychology, massage, people working with children. If this is your number, then you probably noticed - animals love you very much, people are drawn to you, children are always smiling. This inner property of yours can be seen from afar. A positive person with great potential.


    Fives need to control themselves

    Five is a very dangerous number. It suggests that a person often deviates from the intended plan. He wants to give up everything, start something new, come up with another project. He needs constant monitoring. In childhood, these are parents, and then? The man is an adult, but children's problems still remain. He wants to take a leadership position, but it's hard to do it, and if it works out, failure is inevitable. The alphabet of your name suggests that you just need to take hold of yourself with both hands. Make plans, schedules, keep a diary. This will help you concentrate.


    The third harmonious number, consisting of two threes or 2 and 4. Those who have it are very lucky. Often the names giving 6 are specially given to children. A person is at the epicenter of events, but does not lose his head; focused when needed, and after that - can relax, have fun; knows exactly how to distribute his time and love between family, friends, work, personal life. A positive number 6 is capable of a lot. First of all, these are good drivers. From 6 professions he chooses legal specialties, cookery, has excellent knowledge of numbers.


    Seven is the number of the adventurer. Very often these people cannot hold money in their hands. They literally burn a pocket. There is a great danger of getting addicted to gambling. It seems that the wheel of Fortunu is turning towards you, here it is - long-awaited luck. The lucky period passes quickly, and it is simply impossible to catch up with Fortuna. Along with gambling comes a passion for waste, useless purchases. Pay attention to what you are spending money on, it may very well be that it flows away so quickly precisely because of the inability to spend. This person should definitely not work where there is cash.

    Gambling Sevens are always on the move


    The eight indicates that the alphabet of your name is harmonious, although there are problems. A person is fixated on the material world. Things, objects, money, income mean too much to you. You are completely absorbed in your material life, and you have not thought about the spiritual realm for a long time. It is not only about the religious aspect, but also just a good rest, values. Traveling outside the city is a pleasure from nature, clean air. A good book is an impression, a fantasy, a dream. Lunch with old friends - laughter, emotions, fun. All this makes life richer spiritually. Why not? You are used to working, thinking about your family, solving problems. Who will think of you? Such a person has taken place as an administrator, business leader, political scientist, university professor.


    Nines are prophets among people

    Sophian numerology agrees with the classical here. People with the number 9 are the messengers of heaven. They came to the world with a specific purpose, carry their burdens as much as necessary. Their path is always clear, because the Angels lead a person with a nine. He knows exactly where to step, where to turn, what to do next. How? Don't ask, just believe in it. It is not easy for him from his mission, but he is a sign - if not him, then no one can do it. The most beautiful thing is that after its completion, he feels an unprecedented freedom. What should have happened, he fulfilled the divine destiny. What will happen next? Perhaps a new plan awaits him, but for now - a little rest.

    Change of name and surname

    Now it is fashionable to change the name. A person can choose an exotic name for himself, or vice versa - change to a simpler one. This is good, because we can change our destiny together with him. Always approach the change process intelligently if you decide. Changing letters will change your name number, and new talents may come along with it. Unfortunately, something old will definitely go away.

    Another situation is with the change of surname. Women do this often, just to support the tradition, to please their husbands. If you see that a new surname will bring you trouble, it is better not to change it. The numerological alphabet allows you to calculate all possible options. Why not, maybe your husband will want to change his last name in this case?

    Fate is in your hands. You can influence the number of the name, fortunately. If it seems to you that:

    • fate treats you too harshly;
    • you are failing;
    • relationships, love, friendship do not add up.

    Think about it, maybe it's in the name? Of course, in order to decide to change the name, a very good reason is needed, the presence of all these points at once, for example. Changing names is exciting, but not always beneficial. Fate should not be confused. A change is possible only once in a lifetime; it cannot be done more often.

    Crack the code of your destiny, or the Matrix of the fulfillment of desires Korovina Elena Anatolyevna

    Mystical geometric relationships. The cornerstone of harmony Mathematics was to me as a child what religion was. Because both religion and mathematics claim to explain the whole world. Robert Diggs There are only five perfect mathematical The method of correlation with classical setups As already mentioned, the resulting figure must be compared with the classic

    The energy of numbers In order to determine the value of the birthday genetics number, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the meaning of the number itself, its status and energy content. According to the concepts of our everyday life, the "weight" of each numerical value grows as the

    Characteristics of the digits Digit 1 - red. The point of reality, the basis, the core of the entire digital superstructure, which determines the Genus of this or that flow of energy. The purpose of the number 1 is to determine the meaning, importance and weight of the emerged reality. So in the world of business on

    TRANSITIONS OF NUMBERS We can congratulate you on the fact that all the characteristics of numbers have been studied. Feel free to start calculating the dates of birth of all your loved ones, friends, acquaintances, strangers and enemies. Great! Now everyone will reveal their "hidden essence". Start, of course, with yourself - and you will immediately

    RELATIONSHIP OF DIGITS 5 AND 9 The last transition cannot be called a transition itself, since it will not be about the transition of one number to another, but about the strengthening of one number through another. Let's consider the mutual influence of the digits 5 (logic) and 9 (memory) on each other. Before we define

    The ratio of numbers and letters Table

    The ratio of numbers and letters

    Magic of numbers or math? Since ancient times, people have turned to numbers and attached sacred meaning to them. To unravel the mystery of numbers meant to unravel the mystery of life. Even the ancient Greek sage Pythagoras believed that everything in the world is known through numbers.

    The magic of numbers Your magic number For each of us, according to numerologists, there is a kind of key to the cherished secret - a magic number sign. To determine it, you need to add up all the digits of your date of birth. Add until you get it.

    Directory. The meaning of numbers This is the strength of character, the Yang energy of a person, his sun. The presence of units in the matrix determines the purposefulness of a person, his self-esteem, his leadership qualities, his degree Demonstration of the ratio of diameter and circumference Mr. John Taylor, author of the book "The Great Pyramid: Who Built It And Why?", Suggests that the perpendicular height so refers to the double base, as the diameter to the circumference. It depends on the angle

    Before special symbols were invented to denote numbers, most peoples used the letters of their alphabets for this purpose. The ancient Slavs were no exception.
    They had a separate letter corresponding to each digit (from 1 to 9), each ten (from 10 to 90) and each hundred (from 100 to 900). Numbers were written and pronounced from left to right, with the exception of numbers from 11 to 19 (for example, 17 is seventeen).
    In order for the reader to understand that there are numbers in front of him, a special sign was used - titlo. It was depicted as a wavy line and placed above the letter. Example:

    This sign is called "az under titlo" and means one.
    It should be noted that not all letters of the alphabet could be used as numbers. For example, "B" and "F" did not turn into numbers, since they were not in the ancient Greek alphabet, which was the basis of the digital system. In addition, the numbers were letters that are not in our modern alphabet - "xi" and "psi". For a modern person, it may also seem unusual that there was no zero familiar to everyone in the counting row.

    If it was required to write a number more than 1000, a special thousand sign was written in front of it in the form of a slash, crossed out in two places. An example of writing the numbers 2000 and 200,000:

    To get even larger values, other methods were used:

    Az in the circle is darkness, or 10,000.
    Az in a dotted circle is a legion, or 100,000.
    Az in a circle of commas is leodor, or 1,000,000.

    Dates on Peter's coins

    On Peter's gold coins, dates in the Slavic account appeared in 1701 and were affixed until 1707 inclusive.
    On silver coins - from 1699 to 1722.
    On copper - from 1700 to 1721.
    Even after the introduction of Arabic numerals by Peter I on coins, dates were minted under the title for a long time. Sometimes engravers mixed Arabic and Slavic numbers in the date. For example, on coins of 1721, you can find the following date options: 17KA and 17K1.

    Date designation with letters on old Russian coins.