• What can be cooked from squid: quick and tasty

    The main meanings of the card in upright position:
    1.explanation, soft showdown, peaceful solution to the problem;
    2. authority and vigilance;
    3. a hectic period in personal relationships;
    4. the time when you need to go forward;
    5.chance, opportunity;
    6. explanation, explanation of the situation;
    7.conflict, scandal;
    8. unfair reprimand from the authorities;
    9. a sense of danger in connection with a risky task;
    10. the beginning of the end;
    11. conflict with a partner;
    12.cooling to each other;
    13. Strengthening the union because of the conflict ("cute scold only amuse themselves");
    14. strong will, sharp mind;
    15. travel;
    16.important information;
    17. honesty;
    19. discretion;
    20. constructive criticism;
    21. espionage;
    22. delay;
    23. summons to law enforcement agencies;
    24. desire to take on a lot of things at the same time;
    25. rumors and gossip.

    The main meanings of the card in an inverted position:
    1. pettiness, quarrels, insults up to a break in relations;
    2. Unpleasant news in your opinion in the future;
    3.offensiveness, deceit;
    4. suspicion, espionage;
    5.problems, poor health;
    6. deception, sarcasm, cynicism;
    7. trial;
    8. obscene behavior;
    9. unexpected events;
    10. improvisation;
    11.Vindictive narrow-minded person.

    Bulletin he is Page or Slave of Swords.

    A young man with a sword in his hand stands in indecision; he holds his sword like a toy. Clouds pile up in the sky, birds rush. This is a boy, still completely carefree, not knowing how many problems life is fraught with. But he already guesses about this, and he is frightened by the need to make decisions himself. However, it will pass; it is only important that he does not stay in this position forever, getting used to shifting responsibility onto others.

    When fortune-telling in a direct position, it can mean an explanation, a clarification of relations through negotiations, a soft, "peaceful" solution to the problem.

    In an inverted position - clinging to trifles, a quarrel, heated debate and mutual insults up to a break in relations.

    (E. Kolesov "Alphabet of tarot")

    DESCRIPTION: As mentioned earlier, the Page can be a young boy or a woman. Here the Page clutches the sword with both hands, as if taking a fighting stance. Clouds float and flocks of birds fly in the sky over the Page, but the weather can be seen to be windy as the trees in the background are tilted to one side. The ground is bumpy and uneven. Elements: Earth - Air.

    EXPLANATION: This card stands for authority and vigilance. You are ready for what happens next, and that confidence and faith in yourself is based on your personal experience... You may be going through a turbulent, uneven period in your personal relationship that will require you to show some determination, but it will end well as the conflicts you were involved in are ending. You don't have to make excuses. Don't delay fulfilling your plans. This is the time to go forward.

    THE VALUE OF THE INVERTED CARD: Ahead you will have to face something unexpected. Perhaps you will receive some unpleasant, in your opinion, news that will disrupt your plans for the future.

    LESSON ON SELF DEVELOPMENT: After going through a period of doubt and self-esteem, you are now ready to act. This card says that you are ready to part with past illusions, get rid of glamors and are able to start from scratch.

    (N. Drury “Tarot. Step by step guide for study ")

    The Jack of Swords, like other jacks, personifies a certain chance or opportunity that opens up to us, an external driving impulse. The jack of the suit of Swords, thus, often means clarification, clarification of the situation, a kind of fresh stream, thanks to which the true meaning of what is happening suddenly opens up to us, and even the most confusing matter becomes simple and understandable. More often than not, this happens through conflict, scandal, or sharp conversation, which the Knave of Swords may indicate. Therefore, it should be taken as a warning, prepare for the inevitable fight or not delay it, so that the conflict will finally serve to clarify the essence of the matter.

    WORK: In connection with the work, we will have to prepare for conflicts, showdowns, tensions, perhaps for sharp polemics. The card can mean both a reprimand from the authorities (unfair), and the emergence of rivalry between colleagues, or a disagreement with a business partner. Or a sense of danger in connection with a risky assignment. Therefore, in principle, it can also mean the beginning of the end of our current activities, although it may be a kind of "fresh stream", even if even a hurricane that will refresh the atmosphere at your work and clarify the situation.

    CONSCIOUSNESS: We may find ourselves drawn into disputes, polemics, fierce discussions that will greatly shake our previous beliefs and views, in short - we will be criticized. Whether this will be a cruel blow for us or a useful lesson, a reason to reconsider our views, depends on our willingness to learn from our mistakes. But you can find out only by checking other cards of the layout.

    PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP: Here, the Knave of Swords means a conflict initiated by your partner, or an exacerbation of a long-standing disagreement that threatens to destroy your alliance. This can be expressed in a sudden cooling of partners who have recently loved each other so much, in a stream of reproaches, in disappointment that has been accumulating for a long time, in the splashing out of old grievances, or just some everyday trifles that have reached a certain "critical mass". It is clear that such a surge of accumulated emotions can greatly exacerbate the situation and even lead to a rupture. However, the Knave of Swords can also mean the opportunity to re-strengthen the alliance through a cleansing conflict.

    Page in Tarot

    Very often, pages indicate the receipt of some important information. They may suggest that you need to master a lot of information to make a mature decision. Pages often appear in the layout if the question is about the child. Perhaps the presence of a page in the layout indicates that all your thoughts are now about the child.

    Figured (character) cards can mean the following.

    • A specific person in your life.
    • Your personality traits or personality traits.
    • Your sense of self-determination or depth of knowledge of yourself.
    • The roles you play on the stage of life.
    • Events or situations in the future.
    • Seasons.
    • Qualities that you need to develop in order to successfully cope with different situations.
    • In an inverted position, curly (character) cards can mean the dark sides of your personality or people who are acting against you.

    Figured cards have a double interpretation. On the one hand, they represent those aspects of your personality that are worth paying attention to in a given situation. On the other hand, curly cards represent other people. They talk about your relationship with them. When a lot of curly cards appear in the layout, this suggests that many people are involved as participants in a given situation.

    Page of Swords in an upright position

    Key words and phrases: Strong will. Sharp mind. Insight. Exciting change. Forced or harsh communication. Curiosity. Stimulus to mental activity. Travel. Important information... Logics. Honesty. Determination. Discretion. Caution. Constructive criticism. Espionage. Diplomacy. Good business sense. Agility. Agility. Responsiveness. Ability to handle delicate business. Protection. Delay in implementation of the plan. Phone call. Message. An important document. Contract or agreement. Summons to law enforcement agencies. Professional advice. The rudiments of abstract thinking. News about a conflict, illness, or dispute. Bad news. A message promising a change. Speak as it is. Call a spade a spade. Whoever doubts has lost.

    Situation and advice: Positive meaning This card is that you will be able to use your talents in a situation where caution is required, the ability to quickly analyze the moment and make a decision. Your dispassionate rationality can save the day. You may need to contact a professional counselor for help in order to make a decision. Weigh the pros and cons carefully before signing the contract. Think about what you are doing now, and calculate what the results of your activity will be. The danger of the current moment is that you are trying to take on several tasks at the same time, but many of them remain unfinished.

    Negative meaning: now you are surrounded by rumors and gossip, and someone enthusiastically spreads them. You may be the target of harsh verbal abuse. You may be upset by the behavior of a young person. In the near future, get ready to receive bad news. Your plans may be delayed. You may not fully understand the importance of the contract you are about to sign. You are too preoccupied with a deteriorating relationship and arguments with some young man. Someone whom you considered a friend may turn out to be your enemy.

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    People: Spies. Young people matured early. Smart kids. Smart and energetic people. Those who negotiate. Mediators. People who are capable of solving problems in a rational and dispassionate manner. People who know how to defend themselves. Those who think quickly and find many ways to solve the problem. Calculated people who are looking for benefits in everything and do not pay attention to the feelings of others. Diplomatic young people. Professional consultants. People endowed with physical and mental agility. Sociable people. Scientists. Mathematicians. Linguists. Aviators. Travelers.

    Inverted Page of Swords

    Key words and phrases: Gossip. Insult with words. Suspicion. Insidiousness. Espionage. Intervention. Blackmail. Problems. Poor health. Slight malaise. Deception. Misunderstanding. Slipshod work. Sarcasm. Cynicism. Sharp tongue. Resentment. Trial. Spitting in the back. Cruelty. Militancy. Indecent behavior. Voyeurism. Boneless tongue. Unexpected behavior. Unpredictability. Bad news. Unforeseen events that disrupt plans.

    Situation and advice: Someone uses dirty methods to collect and disseminate information about you. Perhaps you are being spied on or acting against you. Unexpected problems may arise. You may receive a promise that will later be broken. Read any agreement carefully before signing it. Misunderstanding may arise. Remember the statement by President George W. Bush when discussing the issue of the budget deficit: “Read your lips; no new taxes. " Was he really against the new taxes?

    People: not very smart people. Tongue-tied. People bowing to someone else's authority.

    The meaning and inner meaning of the lasso Page of Swords

    Interpretation in an upright position:

    • Spy, Curious, Observer, Observer, Amateur, Overseer (Taskmaster), Manager.
    • Exam, Mark, Note, Observation, Observation, Speculation, Counting, Calculation, Estimate.
    • Scientist, Artist.

    Other meanings of the page of tarot swords in an upright position:

    • keen mind, change, vigilance, fitness
    • usually an indication of an intelligent, intelligent young person
    • malevolent, treacherous young man or woman
    • a person who will (or will try to harm) the Questioner out of envy or anger
    • espionage, secret mission, authority

    The Page of Swords of the Tarot represents an energetic, quick-witted and self-confident young man with a keen analytical mind that allows him to quickly delve into the essence of the matter. Therefore, he is indispensable in negotiations, especially if dexterity and prudence are needed. Situationally, the card speaks of upcoming changes. The client will need to make quick and responsible decisions. The Page of Swords Tarot card also warns against deception and advises you to be extremely vigilant.

    If this card does not represent a certain person, then beware of envious eyes, angry gossip, bad news, future or already received. An indication of the disease is also possible.

    Inverted interpretation:

    • Suddenly, Suddenly, Suddenly.
    • Amazing, Amazing, Unexpected.
    • Improvise.
    • Act and speak without preparation. Compose and pronounce suddenly.

    Other meanings of the inverted page of tarot swords:

    • cunning, secret machinations, adaptability, unforeseen circumstances
    • unrestrained and tactless person
    • loss of vigilance, twilight state of mind, illness

    The Inverted Page of Tarot Swords means a cunning, insincere person, prone to revenge, with which he compensates for his own inferiority and shortcomings. Deception, which is only hinted at by the correct card, is evident here, and the Client needs to take measures to protect it.

    If you are not an enemy to the Page of Swords, he will be able to make you an enemy, whether you know it or not (or will do something that guarantees enmity).

    Bad intentions, bad news, but more so. All this can arise at the most unexpected moment and from the most unexpected place.

    Inner meaning

    A very young man or woman who has not yet reached maturity, but otherwise has all the qualities of figure cards. The Page of Swords of the Tarot does not have the power and authority of other curly cards, but it can be just as unpleasant: he has all the makings of an overly curious, malicious and malevolent personality.

    As his symbolic parents and as a Knight, the Page of Swords can be attractive in its own way - lively, confident, active. But this young man is a master of innuendo, behind-the-scenes intrigue and stinging remarks.

    Page - "stuck" - a person who joined the government in the hope of merging with it or pretending to be associated with it. He (or she) can feign friendship as long as it is in his or her interests. As a partner in any enterprise, he will let the Questioner down, either on purpose or out of carelessness and laziness. If the Page of Swords Tarot card does not personify a person, then be prepared for bad news, evil gossip, betrayal and treachery.


    1. N. Dryury “Tarot. A step-by-step guide to learning "
    2. E. Kolesov "Alphabet of tarot"
    3. Unknown Author "Getting Started for Reading Tarot Cards"
    4. H. Banzhaf "Self-study guide on tarot"
    5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot is simple and clear"

    Key meanings of the Page of Swords in an upright position:

    • clarification of the situation
    • vigilance
    • honesty
    • sharp mind
    • curiosity
    • energy
    • conflict

    Key values ​​upside down:

    • a lot of talk and no action
    • rush
    • unfulfilled promises
    • deceit
    • cutting
    • revengeful

    This tarot card depicts a young man standing in the middle of rough and rocky terrain. With both hands, he grips the raised sword, as if ready to rush into battle. His hair blows in the wind. Clouds float across the sky and trees in the background sway with the wind. The general mood of this card is chaotic energy.

    The page of swords is the element of Air, and Air governs thinking and communication. Therefore, it has to do with how we think, our thought processes, logic, ability to reason, analyze, think rationally.

    Page of Swords - personality trait

    This is a young man with a good reaction, quick wit, easily adapts and finds a common language with different people. His head is full of thoughts, ideas and plans. Has a flexible, sharp mind and a "well-hung tongue."

    But when faced with the Page of Swords in its negative manifestation, you can get cuts and pricks from its sharp sword (thoughts or words). If he is angry, he can make malicious, offensive comments that hurt to the heart. A keen mind manifests itself in the form of sarcasm, cynicism and the weaving of behind-the-scenes intrigue.

    The Page of Swords is still inept, but energetic. At the same time, its activity is stormy and chaotic, but not long. He directs his irrepressible energy both to himself and to those around him.

    He actively interferes in the affairs of other people. And he does not ask if they agree to such an intervention. Its flaw is a restless and inquisitive nature, not held back by experience or wisdom.

    This is not yet an independent young man, although he really wants to seem like that. If we are talking about a mature person, then this lasso may indicate infantile features in his character. Also, the card can symbolize a person who has not yet taken place professionally, socially or financially.

    Like all representatives of the suit of Swords, the Page is not a particularly pleasant subject. He can be very treacherous, malicious. Able to intrigue, gossip, rub into trust in order to achieve their goals.

    The card can mean a young man, a young woman, or a child.

    Page of Swords - interpretation and meaning in a straight position

    The Page of Swords can be interpreted as a messenger bringing difficult situations or challenges. This map suggests that the opportunity for growth may come in the form of a problem. Such difficult situations should be taken as tests designed to test character and resilience. Having overcome them, a person becomes stronger.

    Sometimes this lasso means that the situation is filled with a spirit of learning, discovery and mental activity of all kinds.

    The Page of Swords reflects an excess of energy, passion and enthusiasm. You are passionate about working on a new project or new business, full of enthusiasm. The problem is whether you can handle it. As with all Pages, the beginning always looks promising, but something else is needed in order to maintain the momentum.

    In addition, it can mean communication and information. This card indicates the need to receive, evaluate, take into account or communicate ideas, assumptions or other information. Moreover, such information can be either your own or someone else's. But you need to be careful that this does not escalate into gossip.

    You should also pay close attention to what you say, so as not to spread confidential information about yourself. If you don't think about your thoughts, you can later regret what you said.

    Like all the other Pages in the Tarot deck, the Page of Swords can be the bearer of unexpected news. It can be news about legal issues, contracts, conflicts, problems, or simply it became known about someone's lies or gossip. Often they are of an official nature: notification from the court, fines, results of medical examinations.

    The Page of Swords can also symbolize a child or a young at heart, an adult who pesters with questions or seething energy. Since Swords often point to elevated level tension or conflict, this pressure of enthusiasm and interest can be excessive and irritable.

    The appearance of a real arcana of the Tarot at a time of life's difficulties may indicate the need to use reason and logic to solve a problem. Have courage and fortitude and think positively. But before you do or say something, you need to think carefully about everything. Remember, the less said, the easier it is to fix.

    In addition, the card can be interpreted as a warning about the need to protect yourself or be on your guard so as not to miss something important. The situation is heating up, it will be necessary to look for a way out of the situation, but for now it is worth being vigilant and ready for any development of events.

    Page of Swords - interpretation and meaning in an inverted position

    According to the inverted Page of Swords in fortune-telling, it is possible to suggest hasty actions, without preliminary careful thought. There is enough energy and strength to achieve what was planned, but the way they are used is not effective and does not give results.

    This card also indicates a lot of conversations and no action. You have to be very careful with your promises and your words. Do not promise what you cannot fulfill, or not say what you might later regret.

    In addition, you should be wary of other people's commitments or promises. They may not be able to do what they should.

    The Upside Down Page is a person who wants to impress. He talks a lot about his talents, achievements and experience. But in reality this turns out to be an exaggeration.

    One of the meanings is a misunderstanding of what was said, written, someone's behavior or situation. Overlooked details.

    In an inverted form, this Page is now the very initiator of conflicts and anxiety. Instead of solving problems, he can be the cause of them. Petty quarrels, absurdity, quarrelsomeness.

    Unpleasant news, taken by surprise. Circumstance that can interfere with the planned plans.

    The Reversed Page of Swords can be an unpleasant and potentially dangerous character, regardless of age. He uses his sharp and flexible mind in a negative way. He manipulates the situation and those around him for his own benefit.

    Can be quite ruthless in how he achieves his goals. He now uses his communicative power to make cynical and sarcastic remarks. Very self-confident and not inclined to listen to the opinions of others.

    But the inverted card can also characterize another aspect of the personality. Immaturity and naivety may make a person less likely to assume that their actions or words are harming others. Speaks without thinking and without choosing expressions. Therefore, talking quickly can lead to a quarrel.

    People around you feel offended. His clumsy attempts to justify himself or settle the situation further irritate and resent him.

    Also, the inverted Page of Swords suggests vengeful behavior. Slander and intrigue.

    Page of Swords - relationship and love

    If, in a relationship, the Page of Swords characterizes a partner, such a person loves honesty and trust in a relationship. He will not beat around the bush if he feels that communication or relationships are not working out. Without unnecessary emotions and mental anguish, he will end such a connection. And, in his opinion, it will be correct and honest. He simply does not see the point in continuing what “does not work”.

    A person characterized by this card cannot stand pressure and seeks to prove his innocence, to insist on his own. Such a desire to get what you want at all costs can be the cause of constant problems in relationships.

    The Page of Swords signifies an immature relationship between partners. In describing the situation, this lasso foreshadows petty quarrels about and without, disagreements, squabbles, verbal "pricks", irritability, selfishness.

    But such conflicts, as a rule, do not have significant negative consequences for lovers, such as breakup or divorce.

    The Inverted Page of Swords in divination for love is a frivolous attitude. Offensive or careless words that do not at all dispose a partner to sincere and pure love.

    Such a person can make you feel guilty or unhappy. He can be morose and uncommunicative if he feels neglected or is under pressure from someone.

    Work and career

    In layouts for work, the Page of Swords may indicate a young specialist who still does not know how much, but is ready to learn. Intelligence and ambition, striving for a career.

    However, one of the meanings of this lasso may be an indication of the need to study or look for work. You talk a lot about it, but you do nothing to achieve it.

    As a tip - to obtain the desired success in work, you will need to undergo additional training, advanced training.

    The card speaks of problems in relationships with partners, work colleagues, and bosses. At the same time, such a conflict situation is caused by petty quarrels, intrigues, nagging, gossip, exchange of barbs that do not quite correspond to the behavior of adults.

    The appearance of an inverted Page of Swords is not a good sign if you are expecting job or promotion news. The news will be disappointing. A new job or promotion will not be possible now due to lack of qualifications or experience.

    Boring and routine work. Disputes, conflicts in the workplace, tense work environment. The card may indicate an employee spreading rumors and gossip, an "office snitch", weaving intrigues behind your back.

    If you are planning to start a business, an inverted card in fortune telling means that at the moment the plan is not feasible or not fully thought out. Bad news about business partners or contracts.

    Minor Arcanum Tarot Card Page (Princess, Knave) of Swords

    Description of the Page of Swords Tarot card

    The Page of Swords Tarot card in most decks depicts a young man holding a sword in his raised hand. One gets the impression that the young man is playing with a weapon and does not know what danger the sword can pose both to him and to those around him.

    The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Page of Swords in fortune telling and spreads

    Direct card position

    The Page of Swords in an upright position means clarification, clarification of the situation, a kind of fresh stream, thanks to which the true meaning of what is happening suddenly opens, and even the most confusing matter becomes simple and understandable. Most often, however, this happens through conflict, scandal, or sharp conversation. Therefore, the card should be taken as a warning, advice to prepare for the inevitable conflict, or not to delay its beginning, so that it finally serves to clarify the essence of the matter.

    Inverted card position

    In an inverted position, the Knave of Swords can predict unpleasant news or a circumstance that will change or disrupt plans. However, the trouble is likely to be transient or insignificant, because in this case there is no need to talk about serious and long-term problems.

    The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Swords card in fortune-telling and layouts for work, business and career

    Direct card position

    Having received a direct card of the Page of Swords in fortune-telling or a layout, the fortuneteller will have to prepare for conflicts, showdowns, tension, possibly for sharp polemics. A card can mean an unfair reprimand from superiors, and the emergence of rivalry between colleagues, or disagreements with business partners, predict significant financial losses.

    Inverted card position

    Appearing upside down, Princess of Swords signifies an attempt to use dirty methods, intrigue and gossip in her work. It can be non-fulfillment of obligations assumed, evasion from fulfillment of promises and agreements. Also, the card advises to carefully study the documents before signing them, and not to trust everything that is said.

    The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Swords card in layouts and fortune-telling on health

    Direct card position

    Latent diseases, difficult disease diagnosis.

    Inverted card position

    Childhood diseases, gallbladder diseases are possible.

    The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Swords card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

    Direct card position

    In personal life, the direct card Princess of Swords means a conflict initiated by a partner, or an exacerbation of long-standing disagreements that threatens to destroy the union. This can be expressed in a sudden cooling of partners who have recently loved each other so much; in a stream of reproaches, in disappointment that has been accumulating for a long time, in throwing out old grievances or just some everyday trifles that have reached a certain "critical mass". It is clear that such a surge of accumulated emotions can greatly exacerbate the situation and even lead to a rupture. However, the Page of Swords can also mean the opportunity to re-strengthen the alliance through a cleansing conflict.

    Inverted card position

    In the inverted position, the Knave of Swords is interpreted as a relationship built on sarcasm, deception and mutual misunderstanding. The card warns of the possible deceit of a partner.

    The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Swords card in layouts and fortune-telling for personality assessment

    Direct card position

    When the Page of Swords acts as a court card and falls in an upright position, it symbolizes a dark-haired young man (regardless of gender), most likely born under the Zodiac Sign of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. This is a person who cares about everything, he has so much vital energy that he, without hesitation, spends it both on himself and on others. He is sociable, communicative, very quick-witted and savvy. Unfortunately, in addition to the unbearable habit of "digging out" details from the life of his loved ones or simply people he knows, this person is distinguished by an absolutely incredible ability to confuse any matter with which fate confronted him. In addition, he is incredibly chatty, so a fortuneteller needs to think very well before making contact with him. Sometimes the straight Page of Swords describes a treacherous young lady who will harm (or try to do it) harm to a fortuneteller out of envy or anger, and sometimes just in search of thrill.

    Inverted card position

    In an inverted position, the Page of Swords court card indicates a quitter, " eternal student"Without a goal in life, a parasite or a person who psychologically exhausts the one who was" lucky "to once bring him closer to himself, to let him into his life. This is a born spy and schemer, hiding under the guise of courtesy and benevolence. The Page of Swords does not yet possess strength and power, but it can already be unpleasant and dangerous: he has all the makings of an overly curious, malicious and malevolent personality.

    The meaning and interpretation of the card Page of Swords as a card of the day

    Today you will be criticized and your proposals may be rejected. Be prepared for this and do not try to immediately launch a counterattack. Perhaps the criticism that you will have to listen to does contain a lot of value. Listen to her, and then, perhaps, a lot will become clear to you.

    Board card Page of Swords in fortune telling and spreads

    Control yourself, uncontrolled behavior and a desire for revenge can harm you yourself.

    Minor Arcana Tarot. Swords

    Online tarot divination

    For a long time, people have sought to know the future. Uncertainty is frightening, therefore, wanting peace of mind, representatives of the human race often turned to various fortune-telling and predictions.

    Tarot cards: age-old wisdom

    One of the ways to open the veil of fate was and remains the ancient Tarot cards. Their history is shrouded in legends and is rooted in the mysterious tunnels located under the pyramids of the Egyptian pharaohs. The word "tarot" is translated from the language of the ancient Egyptians as "divine path". Until now, it has not been precisely established where the tarot cards came from. There are many versions and hypotheses, but the most popular of them tends to the country on the Black Continent, lulled by the waters of the gray Nile.

    Researchers believe that it was in the dark galleries where fragments of the Book of Thoth were kept, in which the most important world knowledge was collected, that mystical maps were first discovered. In the symbolic paintings left for mortals by the god of wisdom, information about human destinies was encoded. It was these images, according to some scholars, that became the prototype of the now famous Tarot cards.

    William Ryder and Arthur Edward Waite: Fathers of the Modern Tarot

    Not only the history of origin, but also the design of Tarot cards causes countless controversies among researchers. It is believed that such pictures were brought to the territory of Europe by gypsies, some argue that the tarot are of Germanic or Egyptian origin. In any case, the date of the appearance of maps on European lands varies from the 13th to the 15th centuries.

    Meanwhile modern design the most popular deck of tarot cards was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by Arthur Edward Waite, a well-known researcher of kabbalistic cults and Freemasonry. The artist Pamela Coleman-Smith helped him in this, and the London publisher William Ryder published mystical cards for the first time. The deck was complete with detailed symbol interpretations. So, the author and the publisher gave new life and given name design tarot cards. Today's soothsayers and fortune-tellers still use such decks.

    The Page of Swords of the Tarot: Meaning and Interpretation

    The deck of cards contains Major and Minor Arcana. The word "lasso" is of Latin origin and is translated as "secret". Indeed, Tarot cards are a mystery of fate that people are so eager to know. But in order for fortune-telling to be carried out according to all the rules, and its result was distinguished by its reliability, it is necessary to clearly understand the meaning of all the arcana and decipher them secret meaning in the context of a particular alignment. Let's consider the specifics of working with cards using the example of the Junior Arcana Page of Swords. The value of the Tarot as a tool for determining the further path and finding answers to burning questions can hardly be overestimated. Despite the fact that the Page of Swords is not included in the Major Arcana group, it should not be discounted, because without this card the alignment will not be fully revealed.

    Consider the meaning of Tarot cards. The Page of Swords is as clear as possible, at least its visible side. The image shows a young man holding a shiny, sharp sword. The young man looks somewhat detached, as if unaware of the danger his weapon carries. Moreover, the risk of being defeated threatens not only others, but also the young man himself. If this lasso appeared in the alignment, it means conflicts that help to comprehend the essence of the problem, changes, timely assistance, an extraordinary situation that will take place in the life of the questioner.

    Despite the fact that Waite, creating the deck design, changed places of some Arcana, changing their names, these metamorphoses did not affect the Page of Swords (Tarot) card. The meaning of Ryder-Waite is similar to others and says that the fallen Knave of Swords provides an opportunity to influence the situation, indicates a certain chance to fix everything, warns against a possible scandalous incident, which, however, will solve the problem once and for all.

    The instruction, written by Arthur Waite, links the interpretation of tarot cards with astrology. Describing the Junior Arcana Page of Swords, the meaning of which Waite does not in vain intertwine with the warlike planet Mars, the author focuses on the atmosphere of emerging tension, the growing atmosphere of discord, in which truth will undoubtedly be born.

    The value of the card in a personal layout

    Jack or Messenger are other names for the Page of Swords (Tarot) card. The meaning in relations between people when this Arkan appears is interpreted in the following way: news, gossip, petty squabbles or skirmishes that do not carry serious consequences. Appearing in the layout, it can mean a young patron or someone who is being helped by the questioner himself. Often this is an infantile person, an "eternal child" who actively learns the world around him and its laws. Sometimes the Page of Swords can change the meaning in the layout, for example, often the card symbolizes a person from the environment of a fortuneteller who is not distinguished by honesty, is treacherous and is capable of causing harm. Similar changes in the meaning of the Arcana occur under the influence of its position and the presence of neighboring cards.

    Also, the Page of Swords can indicate a talented person who lives with reason rather than emotions, with a penchant for diplomacy. He attaches great importance to mental activity. His dexterity and ability to adapt to any circumstances arouse the envy of those around him.

    Surprisingly, several diverse images coexist within the framework of one archetype. Which of them will be embodied in a particular scenario will depend on the position of the card and the accompanying Arcana.

    Page of Swords and love: how will the heart calm down?

    The Page of Swords (Tarot) has an ambiguous meaning in love: on the one hand, the fallen Knave of the suit of Swords denotes a conflict situation, initiated by a loved one, and on the other, a quarrel that has arisen will dot the "i", which will lead to clarification of the circumstances and consolidation union. Therefore, having seen the Page of Swords (Tarot) card in the layout, the meaning for personal relationships should be interpreted in two ways, depending on the specifics of the location of the Arcana. If the neighboring cards are unfavorable, then the cooling of relations between people in love is possible, up to the breaking of the existing union. This will be facilitated by the accumulated grievances, regrets and an abundance of mutual reproaches. In any case, the card calls on to look at the situation from a different angle, not to avoid conflicts, but, on the contrary, not to stop trying to sort things out and, if possible, come to an agreement.

    Career and the Page of Swords (Tarot): meaning

    Whether the questioner is concerned about work or personal relationships, the meaning of the card does not change - this is a tense situation. In the case of a career, this interpretation manifests itself in conflicts between employees or with superiors. There may be an undeserved reprimand, financial losses. Trouble at work will be an absolute surprise if the Page of Swords (Tarot) appears in the solitaire game. The meaning in the relationship between employees is competition. And not always honest. Hostility and tension of the situation can manifest itself in a risky project, disagreements with colleagues, cooling relations with a business partner. But do not fatally perceive the Arkan Page of Swords. The meaning of the Tarot layout with this card can bring clarity, fresh ideas, or the end of boring activities to a stressful work environment. Such changes always open the way for something qualitatively new and more interesting. Any conflicts serve as a lesson for those who know how to benefit from them, as well as a litmus test that reveals the true face of the people around.

    Fortune telling on health

    In any kind of layouts, the Page of Swords (Tarot) remains stably true to itself. The meaning (health is meant or work is not so important) is always the same: struggle, tension, conflict. If the card fell out in the layout for health, then its interpretation boils down to the following: you need to carefully monitor the state of your body, since there may be any hidden ailments. Since it is difficult to diagnose a disease that does not manifest itself in anything, you will have to seriously take care of your well-being.

    Upside down: what to expect?

    But not only in a straight position does the Page of Swords (Tarot) appear in the layout. The meaning of the inverted Arcanum is more negative. In the general scenario of the situation, this can mean unwanted news or a situation that will literally turn life upside down. Consolation is the fact that such troubles are of a short-term nature.

    If we are talking about a person who is personified by the inverted Page of Swords, the meaning of the Tarot layout speaks of a lazy and parasite. Taking care of him is a real punishment and an energetic torture. But the "eternal student" will still be given a chance to take place in life.

    As for career, the inverted card advises not to get involved in conflicts with schemers and gossipers, avoiding their society if possible. You should carefully study the documentation, especially those papers that the questioner plans to sign. An avalanche may fall on the fortuneteller unfair criticism or a spy officer will be found monitoring every step. But the fog of insincerity will soon disappear to make way for constructive change.

    Health will not please if the Herald of Swords appears in the layout. There may be serious ailments, chronic illnesses are found, or ailments hit the younger family members.

    If in the alignment of the relationship between loved ones Arkan falls out - the Page of Swords, the meaning of Tarot divination promises deception and hypocrisy of the partner. The instability of this union will be aggravated, dragging the lovers into a maelstrom of misunderstanding and lies. The situation can become so aggravated that it will lead to a rupture.

    Instant answer: fortune telling

    Sometimes it becomes necessary to ask for advice from fate, which is guided by cards. How to assess the answer if the Junior Arkan fell - the Page of Swords (Tarot)? Meaning "yes" or "no" for the Herald of Swords card one of the most popular fortune-telling. Many people want to get an instant and clear answer to their question, and not delve into the intricacies of card symbols. If in the situation the Knave of Swords fell in an undistorted position, then, despite the atmosphere of rumors, gossip and omissions, the questioner will cope with the mission entrusted to him or will find harmony in matters of the heart. In general, the situation will be resolved in favor of the fortuneteller. But do not forget about attentiveness and caution, especially when working with papers. You may have to postpone some plans, including in your personal life.

    In an inverted position, the card is interpreted more in the meaning of "no" than "yes". Intrigues, and possibly active actions of enemies against the questioner, can generate a lot of problems and negate the results of painstaking work. Also, the card can mean unfulfilled promises or annoying misunderstandings with far-reaching consequences.

    Page of Swords: Influence of Neighboring Arcana

    Its interpretation depends on the cards in the layout next to each other - this fact will be confirmed by any tarot reader. Moreover, there are Arcana that weaken the effect of the selected card, and there are those that enhance its value. For example, in tandem with the Hermit, the Knave acquires a touch of loneliness and abandonment, and next to the Empress we can say that the questioner stubbornly ignores the necessary information and rejects the experience of successful people. Among others, the Page of Swords is weakened by such Arcana as Ten of Swords and Ace of Cups.

    On the contrary, the Major Arcana Mage and Chariot reinforce the positive meaning of the Page of Swords card. Their appearance next to the Messenger means that the questioner is on the right path. The Two Pages - of Swords and Pentacles - denote a fruitful idea that awaits embodiment. Six of Cups urges not to miss these opportunities and move more dynamically towards the goal.

    In combination with the Major Arcana, the Page of Swords means the following:

    • Page of Swords + Emperor: criticism of the administrative level.
    • Page of Swords + Death: renewal at the mental level.
    • Page of Swords + Hanged Man: actions that will not be worth the effort.
    • Page of Swords + Devil: Surrounded by the questioner, a sneaky spy or cunning werewolf masterfully hides.
    • Page of Swords + Strength: in no case should you succumb to anger.
    • Page of Swords + Justice: one should beware of petty offenses and listen to reasonable arguments.
    • Page of Swords + High Priestess: do not be too arrogant and reject the proposed knowledge.
    • Page of Swords + Wheel of Fortune: you need to immediately take advantage of elusive opportunities.
    • Page of Swords + Star: most likely, the hard-won idea will find its continuation.
    • Page of Swords + Tower: you need to monitor your own mental state.
    • Page of Swords + Lovers: discord between lovers is possible.
    • Page of Swords + Sun: you can boldly put forward innovative ideas.
    • Page of Swords + Judgment: do not sow the wind, otherwise you can reap the storm.
    • Page of Swords + Moon: It should be remembered that paranoia is not the best advisor.
    • Page of Swords + Jester: Avoid frivolous behavior and unreliable surroundings.

    In combination with some of the Minor Arcana, the Herald of Swords also creates interesting tandems:

    • Knave of Swords + Ace of Wands: do not try to exacerbate the situation.
    • Knave of Swords + King of Wands: Conflict inevitable.
    • Knave of Swords + Page of Wands: An unhealthy rivalry.
    • Knave of Swords + Nine of Wands: suspicions are not in vain.
    • Knave of Swords + Three of Wands: mismatch with a business partner will lead to a quarrel.
    • Knave of Swords + Four of Wands: do not pay attention to provocative statements.
    • Jack of Swords + Two of Wands: it is necessary to look at the problem from a different angle.

    Thus, it becomes clear that the isolated interpretation of the Page of Swords card is done infrequently. Its meaning is revealed most effectively alongside other Arcana.

    Is it worth believing in fortune-telling?

    Not everyone believes in the truth of divination, including the layouts of Tarot cards. Of course, this is a personal matter for each person, but still it is worth figuring out: believe it or not. It so happened that there are many charlatans around who claim that they will help, predict, save and heal. In fact, everything turns out to be empty chatter, so people are disappointed in any kind of fortune-telling. But the situation with Tarot cards is somewhat different. They contain the wisdom of the universe, universal experience and a system of knowledge enclosed in symbols. Their paper bodies depict basic models, fundamental images, understandable to people of any nationality and religion without translation. It is their interpretations that will help analyze the situation from the right angle, look at ourselves from the outside and partially comprehend the laws of existence.

    But do not expect that bright cardboard will make decisions instead of a person. Cards will not save you from problems and troubles, will not cure diseases. But they are capable of suggesting options for a way out of a difficult situation and a variety of solutions to any life issues. Tarot will help you take responsibility for your own life, give useful advice, will force you to consciously look at your actions. The cards will encourage the questioner to take a closer look at his surroundings, find the correct answer, and objectively assess the situation. You can even meditate with tarot cards. They stimulate human intuition and the connection of spiritual energy with the Cosmos.

    Ancient symbols survived persecution, forgiven people for disbelief in their wisdom. Tarot cards were collectible and aroused excitement, acting as a game, but despite the difficult path, they retained their mystical power for future generations.

    Page of Swords

    Tarot card meaning

    Page of Swords

    The card refers to the mind, thoughts, yours or another person's.

    The essence of the map

    Personalized tarot cards usually hint at a specific person. To understand what kind of person he is, we need to understand the “character” and “psychology” that the card describes.

    This card has a combination of the energy of Air (Swords) and Air (Page), see the video below for what this means.

    Watch my video below

    Energy card

    Air- it is mental energy, it is intellect, reason, meaning and our thoughts.

    If the card hints at another person

    The character or psychology of a given person will usually consist of positive (good) and negative (evil) characteristics, and strong and weak characteristics. All of the characteristics described below will be distorted in this way! This is important to understand, since more than one person will not look like he is described below. Some characteristics will fit and some will not, you will need to decide if the essence of the description is suitable or not.

    A person with this character will look like this:

    Air- intellectual, sees problems and situations from different sides, loves the truth, inclined to science, if the profession is possibly related to science, reasonable, wise, theoretical, thoughtful, fair.

    Negative characteristics can be: impulsiveness, stupidity, the habit of constantly arguing with everyone, indecision, difficulty in understanding what is best and what is worse in any situation, laziness, superstition, bias, cynicism, racism, sexism, stubbornness, obstinacy, mental and mental disorders ( schizophrenia, severely distorted thinking and perception of reality).

    With a double combination (Air and Air), as in this case, these characteristics will be even more pronounced and they will not be balanced by other characteristics (which correspond to other elements - fire, earth, water, etc.).

    In work

    Watch my video below

    In relationship

    Watch my video below

    About personalized cards

    Although personified cards are usually used to understand a person, I also use these cards to understand a situation or some object (for example, a project at work, the stage of a love relationship, a problem, etc.). In this case, we simply transfer the character / psychology to this object, and look at what energy is present in it and what energy is absent in it. From this we draw conclusions about how best to act.

    We always remember that everything that tarot tells us is hypotheses, not facts. This means that these hypotheses need to be tested in real life in order to understand whether they are true or not, and how much truth they contain and how much falsehood. This is very important to understand. If we accept the hypotheses of the tarot (information) as “truth”, without any objective and real tests, then we will begin to develop a small form of schizophrenia in ourselves (from which, unfortunately, a lot of fortune-tellers suffer - because they believe in any information that creates their mind in the process of tarot divination).

    Ask one of these questions in a new divination

    1. If the card is about another person and you understand who it is: What is the danger of this person for me?
    2. If the card is about another person and you understand who it is: How can I interact with this person?
    3. If the card is about another person and you understand who it is: What is my weakness in front of this person?
    4. If the card is about you: What makes me angry?
    5. If the card is about you: What am I afraid of?
    6. If the card is about you: Who from my environment soothes my anger?
    7. If the card is about you: Who from my environment develops anger in me?

    After you have chosen one of these explanatory questions, and concentrated on it, click.

    Description of all tarot cards

    The main meanings of the card in an upright position:
    1.explanation, soft showdown, peaceful solution to the problem;
    2. authority and vigilance;
    3. a hectic period in personal relationships;
    4. the time when you need to go forward;
    5.chance, opportunity;
    6. explanation, explanation of the situation;
    7.conflict, scandal;
    8. unfair reprimand from the authorities;
    9. a sense of danger in connection with a risky task;
    10. the beginning of the end;
    11. conflict with a partner;
    12.cooling to each other;
    13. Strengthening the union because of the conflict ("cute scold only amuse themselves");
    14. strong will, sharp mind;
    15. travel;
    16.important information;
    17. honesty;
    19. discretion;
    20. constructive criticism;
    21. espionage;
    22. delay;
    23. summons to law enforcement agencies;
    24. desire to take on a lot of things at the same time;
    25. rumors and gossip.

    The main meanings of the card in an inverted position:
    1. pettiness, quarrels, insults up to a break in relations;
    2. Unpleasant news in your opinion in the future;
    3.offensiveness, deceit;
    4. suspicion, espionage;
    5.problems, poor health;
    6. deception, sarcasm, cynicism;
    7. trial;
    8. obscene behavior;
    9. unexpected events;
    10. improvisation;
    11.Vindictive narrow-minded person.

    Bulletin he is Page or Slave of Swords.

    A young man with a sword in his hand stands in indecision; he holds his sword like a toy. Clouds pile up in the sky, birds rush. This is a boy, still completely carefree, not knowing how many problems life is fraught with. But he already guesses about this, and he is frightened by the need to make decisions himself. However, it will pass; it is only important that he does not stay in this position forever, getting used to shifting responsibility onto others.

    When fortune-telling in a direct position, it can mean an explanation, a clarification of relations through negotiations, a soft, "peaceful" solution to the problem.

    In an inverted position - clinging to trifles, a quarrel, heated debate and mutual insults up to a break in relations.

    (E. Kolesov "Alphabet of tarot")

    DESCRIPTION: As mentioned earlier, the Page can be a young boy or a woman. Here the Page clutches the sword with both hands, as if taking a fighting stance. Clouds float and flocks of birds fly in the sky over the Page, but the weather can be seen to be windy as the trees in the background are tilted to one side. The ground is bumpy and uneven. Elements: Earth - Air.

    EXPLANATION: This card stands for authority and vigilance. You are ready for what will happen next, and this confidence and belief in yourself is based on your personal experience. You may be going through a turbulent, uneven period in your personal relationship that will require you to show some determination, but it will end well as the conflicts you were involved in are ending. You don't have to make excuses. Don't delay fulfilling your plans. This is the time to go forward.

    THE VALUE OF THE INVERTED CARD: Ahead you will have to face something unexpected. Perhaps you will receive some unpleasant, in your opinion, news that will disrupt your plans for the future.

    LESSON ON SELF DEVELOPMENT: After going through a period of doubt and self-esteem, you are now ready to act. This card says that you are ready to part with past illusions, get rid of glamors and are able to start from scratch.

    (N. Drury "Tarot. A Step-by-Step Guide to Learning")

    The Jack of Swords, like other jacks, personifies a certain chance or opportunity that opens up to us, an external driving impulse. The jack of the suit of Swords, thus, often means clarification, clarification of the situation, a kind of fresh stream, thanks to which the true meaning of what is happening suddenly opens up to us, and even the most confusing matter becomes simple and understandable. More often than not, this happens through conflict, scandal, or sharp conversation, which the Knave of Swords may indicate. Therefore, it should be taken as a warning, prepare for the inevitable fight or not delay it, so that the conflict will finally serve to clarify the essence of the matter.

    WORK: In connection with the work, we will have to prepare for conflicts, showdowns, tensions, perhaps for sharp polemics. The card can mean both a reprimand from the authorities (unfair), and the emergence of rivalry between colleagues, or a disagreement with a business partner. Or a sense of danger in connection with a risky assignment. Therefore, in principle, it can also mean the beginning of the end of our current activities, although it may be a kind of "fresh stream", even if even a hurricane that will refresh the atmosphere at your work and clarify the situation.

    CONSCIOUSNESS: We may find ourselves drawn into disputes, polemics, fierce discussions that will greatly shake our previous beliefs and views, in short - we will be criticized. Whether this will be a cruel blow for us or a useful lesson, a reason to reconsider our views, depends on our willingness to learn from our mistakes. But you can find out only by checking other cards of the layout.

    PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP: Here, the Knave of Swords means a conflict initiated by your partner, or an exacerbation of a long-standing disagreement that threatens to destroy your alliance. This can be expressed in a sudden cooling of partners who have recently loved each other so much, in a stream of reproaches, in disappointment that has been accumulating for a long time, in the splashing out of old grievances, or just some everyday trifles that have reached a certain "critical mass". It is clear that such a surge of accumulated emotions can greatly exacerbate the situation and even lead to a rupture. However, the Knave of Swords can also mean the opportunity to re-strengthen the alliance through a cleansing conflict.

    Very often, pages indicate the receipt of some important information. They may suggest that you need to master a lot of information to make a mature decision. Pages often appear in the layout if the question is about the child. Perhaps the presence of a page in the layout indicates that all your thoughts are now about the child.

    Figured (character) cards can mean the following.

    • A specific person in your life.
    • Your personality traits or personality traits.
    • Your sense of self-determination or depth of knowledge of yourself.
    • The roles you play on the stage of life.
    • Events or situations in the future.
    • Seasons.
    • Qualities that you need to develop in order to successfully cope with different situations.
    • In an inverted position, curly (character) cards can mean the dark sides of your personality or people who are acting against you.

    Figured cards have a double interpretation. On the one hand, they represent those aspects of your personality that are worth paying attention to in a given situation. On the other hand, curly cards represent other people. They talk about your relationship with them. When a lot of curly cards appear in the layout, this suggests that many people are involved as participants in a given situation.

    Key words and phrases: Strong will. Sharp mind. Insight. Exciting change. Forced or harsh communication. Curiosity. Stimulus to mental activity. Travel. Important information. Logics. Honesty. Determination. Discretion. Caution. Constructive criticism. Espionage. Diplomacy. Good business sense. Agility. Agility. Responsiveness. Ability to handle delicate business. Protection. Delay in implementation of the plan. Phone call. Message. An important document. Contract or agreement. Summons to law enforcement agencies. Professional advice. The rudiments of abstract thinking. News about a conflict, illness, or dispute. Bad news. A message promising a change. Speak as it is. Call a spade a spade. Whoever doubts has lost.

    Situation and advice: The positive meaning of this card is that you will be able to use your talents in a situation where caution is required, the ability to quickly analyze the moment and make a decision. Your dispassionate rationality can save the day. You may need to contact a professional counselor for help in order to make a decision. Weigh the pros and cons carefully before signing the contract. Think about what you are doing now, and calculate what the results of your activity will be. The danger of the current moment is that you are trying to take on several tasks at the same time, but many of them remain unfinished.

    Negative meaning: now you are surrounded by rumors and gossip, and someone enthusiastically spreads them. You may be the target of harsh verbal abuse. You may be upset by the behavior of a young person. In the near future, get ready to receive bad news. Your plans may be delayed. You may not fully understand the importance of the contract you are about to sign. You are too preoccupied with a deteriorating relationship and arguments with some young man. Someone whom you considered a friend may turn out to be your enemy.

    People: Spies. Young people matured early. Smart kids. Smart and energetic people. Those who negotiate. Mediators. People who are capable of solving problems in a rational and dispassionate manner. People who know how to defend themselves. Those who think quickly and find many ways to solve the problem. Calculated people who are looking for benefits in everything and do not pay attention to the feelings of others. Diplomatic young people. Professional consultants. People endowed with physical and mental agility. Sociable people. Scientists. Mathematicians. Linguists. Aviators. Travelers.

    Key words and phrases: Gossip. Insult with words. Suspicion. Insidiousness. Espionage. Intervention. Blackmail. Problems. Poor health. Slight malaise. Deception. Misunderstanding. Slipshod work. Sarcasm. Cynicism. Sharp tongue. Resentment. Trial. Spitting in the back. Cruelty. Militancy. Indecent behavior. Voyeurism. Boneless tongue. Unexpected behavior. Unpredictability. Bad news. Unforeseen events that disrupt plans.

    Situation and advice: Someone uses dirty methods to collect and disseminate information about you. Perhaps you are being spied on or acting against you. Unexpected problems may arise. You may receive a promise that will later be broken. Read any agreement carefully before signing it. Misunderstanding may arise. Remember the statement by President George W. Bush when discussing the issue of the budget deficit: “Read your lips; no new taxes. " Was he really against the new taxes?

    People: not very smart people. Tongue-tied. People bowing to someone else's authority.

    Interpretation in an upright position:

    • Spy, Curious, Observer, Observer, Amateur, Overseer (Taskmaster), Manager.
    • Exam, Mark, Note, Observation, Observation, Speculation, Counting, Calculation, Estimate.
    • Scientist, Artist.

    Other meanings of the page of tarot swords in an upright position:

    • keen mind, change, vigilance, fitness
    • usually an indication of an intelligent, intelligent young person
    • malevolent, treacherous young man or woman
    • a person who will (or will try to harm) the Questioner out of envy or anger
    • espionage, secret mission, authority

    The Page of Swords of the Tarot represents an energetic, quick-witted and self-confident young man with a keen analytical mind that allows him to quickly delve into the essence of the matter. Therefore, he is indispensable in negotiations, especially if dexterity and prudence are needed. Situationally, the card speaks of upcoming changes. The client will need to make quick and responsible decisions. The Page of Swords Tarot card also warns against deception and advises you to be extremely vigilant.

    If this card does not represent a certain person, then beware of envious eyes, angry gossip, bad news, future or already received. An indication of the disease is also possible.

    Inverted interpretation:

    • Suddenly, Suddenly, Suddenly.
    • Amazing, Amazing, Unexpected.
    • Improvise.
    • Act and speak without preparation. Compose and pronounce suddenly.

    Other meanings of the inverted page of tarot swords:

    • cunning, secret machinations, adaptability, unforeseen circumstances
    • unrestrained and tactless person
    • loss of vigilance, twilight state of mind, illness

    The Inverted Page of Tarot Swords means a cunning, insincere person, prone to revenge, with which he compensates for his own inferiority and shortcomings. Deception, which is only hinted at by the correct card, is evident here, and the Client needs to take measures to protect it.

    If you are not an enemy to the Page of Swords, he will be able to make you an enemy, whether you know it or not (or will do something that guarantees enmity).

    Bad intentions, bad news, but more so. All this can arise at the most unexpected moment and from the most unexpected place.

    Inner meaning

    A very young man or woman who has not yet reached maturity, but otherwise has all the qualities of figure cards. The Page of Swords of the Tarot does not have the power and authority of other curly cards, but it can be just as unpleasant: he has all the makings of an overly curious, malicious and malevolent personality.

    As his symbolic parents and as a Knight, the Page of Swords can be attractive in its own way - lively, confident, active. But this young man is a master of innuendo, behind-the-scenes intrigue and stinging remarks.

    Page - "stuck" - a person who joined the government in the hope of merging with it or pretending to be associated with it. He (or she) can feign friendship as long as it is in his or her interests. As a partner in any enterprise, he will let the Questioner down, either on purpose or out of carelessness and laziness. If the Page of Swords Tarot card does not personify a person, then be prepared for bad news, evil gossip, betrayal and treachery.


    1. N. Dryury “Tarot. A step-by-step guide to learning "
    2. E. Kolesov "Alphabet of tarot"
    3. Unknown Author "Getting Started for Reading Tarot Cards"
    4. H. Banzhaf "Self-study guide on tarot"
    5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot is simple and clear"

    Key meanings of the Page of Swords in an upright position:

    • clarification of the situation
    • vigilance
    • honesty
    • sharp mind
    • curiosity
    • energy
    • conflict

    Key values ​​upside down:

    • a lot of talk and no action
    • rush
    • unfulfilled promises
    • deceit
    • cutting
    • revengeful

    This tarot card depicts a young man standing in the middle of rough and rocky terrain. With both hands, he grips the raised sword, as if ready to rush into battle. His hair blows in the wind. Clouds float across the sky and trees in the background sway with the wind. The general mood of this card is chaotic energy.

    The page of swords is the element of Air, and Air governs thinking and communication. Therefore, it has to do with how we think, our thought processes, logic, ability to reason, analyze, think rationally.

    This is a young man with a good reaction, quick wit, easily adapts and finds a common language with different people. His head is full of thoughts, ideas and plans. Has a flexible, sharp mind and a "well-hung tongue."

    But when faced with the Page of Swords in its negative manifestation, you can get cuts and pricks from its sharp sword (thoughts or words). If he is angry, he can make malicious, offensive comments that hurt to the heart. A keen mind manifests itself in the form of sarcasm, cynicism and the weaving of behind-the-scenes intrigue.

    The Page of Swords is still inept, but energetic. At the same time, its activity is stormy and chaotic, but not long. He directs his irrepressible energy both to himself and to those around him.

    He actively interferes in the affairs of other people. And he does not ask if they agree to such an intervention. Its flaw is a restless and inquisitive nature, not held back by experience or wisdom.

    This is not yet an independent young man, although he really wants to seem like that. If we are talking about a mature person, then this lasso may indicate infantile features in his character. Also, the card can symbolize a person who has not yet taken place professionally, socially or financially.

    Like all representatives of the suit of Swords, the Page is not a particularly pleasant subject. He can be very treacherous, malicious. Able to intrigue, gossip, rub into trust in order to achieve their goals.

    The card can mean a young man, a young woman, or a child.

    The Page of Swords can be interpreted as a messenger bringing difficult situations or challenges. This map suggests that the opportunity for growth may come in the form of a problem. Such difficult situations should be taken as tests designed to test character and resilience. Having overcome them, a person becomes stronger.

    Sometimes this lasso means that the situation is filled with a spirit of learning, discovery and mental activity of all kinds.

    The Page of Swords reflects an excess of energy, passion and enthusiasm. You are passionate about working on a new project or new business, full of enthusiasm. The problem is whether you can handle it. As with all Pages, the beginning always looks promising, but something else is needed in order to maintain the momentum.

    In addition, it can mean communication and information. This card indicates the need to receive, evaluate, take into account or communicate ideas, assumptions or other information. Moreover, such information can be either your own or someone else's. But you need to be careful that this does not escalate into gossip.

    You should also pay close attention to what you say, so as not to spread confidential information about yourself. If you don't think about your thoughts, you can later regret what you said.

    Like all the other Pages in the Tarot deck, the Page of Swords can be the bearer of unexpected news. It can be news about legal issues, contracts, conflicts, problems, or simply it became known about someone's lies or gossip. Often they are of an official nature: notification from the court, fines, results of medical examinations.

    The Page of Swords can also symbolize a child or a young at heart, an adult who pesters with questions or seething energy. Since Swords often indicate an increased level of tension or conflict, this rush of enthusiasm and interest can be overwhelming and irritating.

    The appearance of a real arcana of the Tarot at a time of life's difficulties may indicate the need to use reason and logic to solve a problem. Have courage and fortitude and think positively. But before you do or say something, you need to think carefully about everything. Remember, the less said, the easier it is to fix.

    In addition, the card can be interpreted as a warning about the need to protect yourself or be on your guard so as not to miss something important. The situation is heating up, it will be necessary to look for a way out of the situation, but for now it is worth being vigilant and ready for any development of events.

    According to the inverted Page of Swords in fortune-telling, it is possible to suggest hasty actions, without preliminary careful thought. There is enough energy and strength to achieve what was planned, but the way they are used is not effective and does not give results.

    This card also indicates a lot of conversations and no action. You have to be very careful with your promises and your words. Do not promise what you cannot fulfill, or not say what you might later regret.

    In addition, you should be wary of other people's commitments or promises. They may not be able to do what they should.

    The Upside Down Page is a person who wants to impress. He talks a lot about his talents, achievements and experience. But in reality this turns out to be an exaggeration.

    One of the meanings is a misunderstanding of what was said, written, someone's behavior or situation. Overlooked details.

    In an inverted form, this Page is now the very initiator of conflicts and anxiety. Instead of solving problems, he can be the cause of them. Petty quarrels, absurdity, quarrelsomeness.

    Unpleasant news, taken by surprise. Circumstance that can interfere with the planned plans.

    The Reversed Page of Swords can be an unpleasant and potentially dangerous character, regardless of age. He uses his sharp and flexible mind in a negative way. He manipulates the situation and those around him for his own benefit.

    Can be quite ruthless in how he achieves his goals. He now uses his communicative power to make cynical and sarcastic remarks. Very self-confident and not inclined to listen to the opinions of others.

    But the inverted card can also characterize another aspect of the personality. Immaturity and naivety may make a person less likely to assume that their actions or words are harming others. Speaks without thinking and without choosing expressions. Therefore, talking quickly can lead to a quarrel.

    People around you feel offended. His clumsy attempts to justify himself or settle the situation further irritate and resent him.

    Also, the inverted Page of Swords suggests vengeful behavior. Slander and intrigue.

    If, in a relationship, the Page of Swords characterizes a partner, such a person loves honesty and trust in a relationship. He will not beat around the bush if he feels that communication or relationships are not working out. Without unnecessary emotions and mental anguish, he will end such a connection. And, in his opinion, it will be correct and honest. He simply does not see the point in continuing what “does not work”.

    A person characterized by this card cannot stand pressure and seeks to prove his innocence, to insist on his own. Such a desire to get what you want at all costs can be the cause of constant problems in relationships.

    The Page of Swords signifies an immature relationship between partners. In describing the situation, this lasso foreshadows petty quarrels about and without, disagreements, squabbles, verbal "pricks", irritability, selfishness.

    But such conflicts, as a rule, do not have significant negative consequences for lovers, such as breakup or divorce.

    The Inverted Page of Swords in divination for love is a frivolous attitude. Offensive or careless words that do not at all dispose a partner to sincere and pure love.

    Such a person can make you feel guilty or unhappy. He can be morose and uncommunicative if he feels neglected or is under pressure from someone.

    In layouts for work, the Page of Swords may indicate a young specialist who still does not know how much, but is ready to learn. Intelligence and ambition, striving for a career.

    However, one of the meanings of this lasso may be an indication of the need to study or look for work. You talk a lot about it, but you do nothing to achieve it.

    As a tip - to obtain the desired success in work, you will need to undergo additional training, advanced training.

    The card speaks of problems in relationships with partners, work colleagues, and bosses. At the same time, such a conflict situation is caused by petty quarrels, intrigues, nagging, gossip, exchange of barbs that do not quite correspond to the behavior of adults.

    The appearance of an inverted Page of Swords is not a good sign if you are expecting job or promotion news. The news will be disappointing. A new job or promotion will not be possible now due to lack of qualifications or experience.

    Boring and routine work. Disputes, conflicts in the workplace, tense work environment. The card may indicate an employee spreading rumors and gossip, an "office snitch", weaving intrigues behind your back.

    If you are planning to start a business, an inverted card in fortune telling means that at the moment the plan is not feasible or not fully thought out. Bad news about business partners or contracts.

    For a long time, people have sought to know the future. Uncertainty is frightening, therefore, wanting peace of mind, representatives of the human race often turned to various fortune-telling and predictions.

    One of the ways to open the veil of fate was and remains the ancient Tarot cards. Their history is shrouded in legends and is rooted in the mysterious tunnels located under the pyramids of the Egyptian pharaohs. The word "tarot" is translated from the language of the ancient Egyptians as "divine path". Until now, it has not been precisely established where the tarot cards came from. There are many versions and hypotheses, but the most popular of them tends to the country on the Black Continent, lulled by the waters of the gray Nile.

    Researchers believe that it was in the dark galleries where fragments of the Book of Thoth were kept, in which the most important world knowledge was collected, that mystical maps were first discovered. In the symbolic paintings left for mortals by the god of wisdom, information about human destinies was encoded. It was these images, according to some scholars, that became the prototype of the now famous Tarot cards.

    Not only the history of origin, but also the design of Tarot cards causes countless controversies among researchers. It is believed that such pictures were brought to the territory of Europe by gypsies, some argue that the tarot are of Germanic or Egyptian origin. In any case, the date of the appearance of maps on European lands varies from the 13th to the 15th centuries.

    Meanwhile, the modern design of the most popular deck of tarot cards was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by Arthur Edward Waite, a famous researcher of kabbalistic cults and Freemasonry. The artist Pamela Coleman-Smith helped him in this, and the London publisher William Ryder published mystical cards for the first time. The deck was complete with detailed symbol interpretations. So, the author and publisher gave new life and their own name to the designer tarot cards. Today's soothsayers and fortune-tellers still use such decks.

    The deck of cards contains Major and Minor Arcana. The word "lasso" is of Latin origin and is translated as "secret". Indeed, Tarot cards are a mystery of fate that people are so eager to know. But in order for fortune-telling to be carried out according to all the rules, and its result was distinguished by its reliability, it is necessary to clearly understand the meaning of all arcana and decipher their secret meaning in the context of a particular alignment. Let's consider the specifics of working with cards using the example of the Junior Arcana Page of Swords. The value of the Tarot as a tool for determining the further path and finding answers to burning questions can hardly be overestimated. Despite the fact that the Page of Swords is not included in the Major Arcana group, it should not be discounted, because without this card the alignment will not be fully revealed.

    Consider the meaning of Tarot cards. The Page of Swords is as clear as possible, at least its visible side. The image shows a young man holding a shiny, sharp sword. The young man looks somewhat detached, as if unaware of the danger his weapon carries. Moreover, the risk of being defeated threatens not only others, but also the young man himself. If this lasso appeared in the alignment, it means conflicts that help to comprehend the essence of the problem, changes, timely assistance, an extraordinary situation that will take place in the life of the questioner.

    Despite the fact that Waite, creating the deck design, changed places of some Arcana, changing their names, these metamorphoses did not affect the Page of Swords (Tarot) card. The meaning of Ryder-Waite is similar to others and says that the fallen Knave of Swords provides an opportunity to influence the situation, indicates a certain chance to fix everything, warns against a possible scandalous incident, which, however, will solve the problem once and for all.

    The instruction, written by Arthur Waite, links the interpretation of tarot cards with astrology. Describing the Junior Arcana Page of Swords, the meaning of which Waite does not in vain intertwine with the warlike planet Mars, the author focuses on the atmosphere of emerging tension, the growing atmosphere of discord, in which truth will undoubtedly be born.

    Jack or Messenger are other names for the Page of Swords (Tarot) card. The meaning in relations between people when this Arkan appears is interpreted in the following way: news, gossip, petty squabbles or skirmishes that do not carry serious consequences. Appearing in the layout, it can mean a young patron or someone who is being helped by the questioner himself. Often this is an infantile person, an "eternal child" who actively learns the world around him and its laws. Sometimes the Page of Swords can change the meaning in the layout, for example, often the card symbolizes a person from the environment of a fortuneteller who is not distinguished by honesty, is treacherous and is capable of causing harm. Similar changes in the meaning of the Arcana occur under the influence of its position and the presence of neighboring cards.

    Also, the Page of Swords can indicate a talented person who lives with reason rather than emotions, with a penchant for diplomacy. He attaches great importance to mental activity. His dexterity and ability to adapt to any circumstances arouse the envy of those around him.

    Surprisingly, several diverse images coexist within the framework of one archetype. Which of them will be embodied in a particular scenario will depend on the position of the card and the accompanying Arcana.

    The Page of Swords (Tarot) has an ambiguous meaning in love: on the one hand, the fallen Knave of the suit of Swords denotes a conflict situation, initiated by a loved one, and on the other, a quarrel that has arisen will dot the "i", which will lead to clarification of the circumstances and consolidation union. Therefore, having seen the Page of Swords (Tarot) card in the layout, the meaning for personal relationships should be interpreted in two ways, depending on the specifics of the location of the Arcana. If the neighboring cards are unfavorable, then the cooling of relations between people in love is possible, up to the breaking of the existing union. This will be facilitated by the accumulated grievances, regrets and an abundance of mutual reproaches. In any case, the card calls on to look at the situation from a different angle, not to avoid conflicts, but, on the contrary, not to stop trying to sort things out and, if possible, come to an agreement.

    Whether the questioner is concerned about work or personal relationships, the meaning of the card does not change - this is a tense situation. In the case of a career, this interpretation manifests itself in conflicts between employees or with superiors. There may be an undeserved reprimand, financial losses. Trouble at work will be an absolute surprise if the Page of Swords (Tarot) appears in the solitaire game. The meaning in the relationship between employees is competition. And not always honest. Hostility and tension of the situation can manifest itself in a risky project, disagreements with colleagues, cooling relations with a business partner. But do not fatally perceive the Arkan Page of Swords. The meaning of the Tarot layout with this card can bring clarity, fresh ideas, or the end of boring activities to a stressful work environment. Such changes always open the way for something qualitatively new and more interesting. Any conflicts serve as a lesson for those who know how to benefit from them, as well as a litmus test that reveals the true face of the people around.

    In any kind of layouts, the Page of Swords (Tarot) remains stably true to itself. The meaning (health is meant or work is not so important) is always the same: struggle, tension, conflict. If the card fell out in the layout for health, then its interpretation boils down to the following: you need to carefully monitor the state of your body, since there may be any hidden ailments. Since it is difficult to diagnose a disease that does not manifest itself in anything, you will have to seriously take care of your well-being.

    But not only in a straight position does the Page of Swords (Tarot) appear in the layout. The meaning of the inverted Arcanum is more negative. In the general scenario of the situation, this can mean unwanted news or a situation that will literally turn life upside down. Consolation is the fact that such troubles are of a short-term nature.

    If we are talking about a person who is personified by the inverted Page of Swords, the meaning of the Tarot layout speaks of a lazy and parasite. Taking care of him is a real punishment and an energetic torture. But the "eternal student" will still be given a chance to take place in life.

    As for career, the inverted card advises not to get involved in conflicts with schemers and gossipers, avoiding their society if possible. You should carefully study the documentation, especially those papers that the questioner plans to sign. An avalanche of unfair criticism may fall on the fortuneteller, or a spy officer will be found monitoring every step. But the fog of insincerity will soon disappear to make way for constructive change.

    Health will not please if the Herald of Swords appears in the layout. There may be serious ailments, chronic illnesses are found, or ailments hit the younger family members.

    If in the alignment of the relationship between loved ones Arkan falls out - the Page of Swords, the meaning of Tarot divination promises deception and hypocrisy of the partner. The instability of this union will be aggravated, dragging the lovers into a maelstrom of misunderstanding and lies. The situation can become so aggravated that it will lead to a rupture.

    Sometimes it becomes necessary to ask for advice from fate, which is guided by cards. How to assess the answer if the Junior Arkan fell - the Page of Swords (Tarot)? Meaning "yes" or "no" for the Herald of Swords card one of the most popular fortune-telling. Many people want to get an instant and clear answer to their question, and not delve into the intricacies of card symbols. If in the situation the Knave of Swords fell in an undistorted position, then, despite the atmosphere of rumors, gossip and omissions, the questioner will cope with the mission entrusted to him or will find harmony in matters of the heart. In general, the situation will be resolved in favor of the fortuneteller. But do not forget about attentiveness and caution, especially when working with papers. You may have to postpone some plans, including in your personal life.

    In an inverted position, the card is interpreted more in the meaning of "no" than "yes". Intrigues, and possibly active actions of enemies against the questioner, can generate a lot of problems and negate the results of painstaking work. Also, the card can mean unfulfilled promises or annoying misunderstandings with far-reaching consequences.

    Its interpretation depends on the cards in the layout next to each other - this fact will be confirmed by any tarot reader. Moreover, there are Arcana that weaken the effect of the selected card, and there are those that enhance its value. For example, in tandem with the Hermit, the Knave acquires a touch of loneliness and abandonment, and next to the Empress we can say that the questioner stubbornly ignores the necessary information and rejects the experience of successful people. Among others, the Page of Swords is weakened by such Arcana as Ten of Swords and Ace of Cups.

    On the contrary, the Major Arcana Mage and Chariot reinforce the positive meaning of the Page of Swords card. Their appearance next to the Messenger means that the questioner is on the right path. The Two Pages - of Swords and Pentacles - denote a fruitful idea that awaits embodiment. Six of Cups urges not to miss these opportunities and move more dynamically towards the goal.

    In combination with the Major Arcana, the Page of Swords means the following:

    • Page of Swords + Emperor: criticism of the administrative level.
    • Page of Swords + Death: renewal at the mental level.
    • Page of Swords + Hanged Man: actions that will not be worth the effort.
    • Page of Swords + Devil: Surrounded by the questioner, a sneaky spy or cunning werewolf masterfully hides.
    • Page of Swords + Strength: in no case should you succumb to anger.
    • Page of Swords + Justice: one should beware of petty offenses and listen to reasonable arguments.
    • Page of Swords + High Priestess: do not be too arrogant and reject the proposed knowledge.
    • Page of Swords + Wheel of Fortune: you need to immediately take advantage of elusive opportunities.
    • Page of Swords + Star: most likely, the hard-won idea will find its continuation.
    • Page of Swords + Tower: you need to monitor your own mental state.
    • Page of Swords + Lovers: discord between lovers is possible.
    • Page of Swords + Sun: you can boldly put forward innovative ideas.
    • Page of Swords + Judgment: do not sow the wind, otherwise you can reap the storm.
    • Page of Swords + Moon: It should be remembered that paranoia is not the best advisor.
    • Page of Swords + Jester: Avoid frivolous behavior and unreliable surroundings.

    In combination with some of the Minor Arcana, the Herald of Swords also creates interesting tandems:

    • Knave of Swords + Ace of Wands: do not try to exacerbate the situation.
    • Knave of Swords + King of Wands: Conflict inevitable.
    • Knave of Swords + Page of Wands: An unhealthy rivalry.
    • Knave of Swords + Nine of Wands: suspicions are not in vain.
    • Knave of Swords + Three of Wands: mismatch with a business partner will lead to a quarrel.
    • Knave of Swords + Four of Wands: do not pay attention to provocative statements.
    • Jack of Swords + Two of Wands: it is necessary to look at the problem from a different angle.

    Thus, it becomes clear that the isolated interpretation of the Page of Swords card is done infrequently. Its meaning is revealed most effectively alongside other Arcana.

    Not everyone believes in the truth of divination, including the layouts of Tarot cards. Of course, this is a personal matter for each person, but still it is worth figuring out: believe it or not. It so happened that there are many charlatans around who claim that they will help, predict, save and heal. In fact, everything turns out to be empty chatter, so people are disappointed in any kind of fortune-telling. But the situation with Tarot cards is somewhat different. They contain the wisdom of the universe, universal experience and a system of knowledge enclosed in symbols. Their paper bodies depict basic models, fundamental images, understandable to people of any nationality and religion without translation. It is their interpretations that will help analyze the situation from the right angle, look at ourselves from the outside and partially comprehend the laws of existence.

    But do not expect that bright cardboard will make decisions instead of a person. Cards will not save you from problems and troubles, will not cure diseases. But they are capable of suggesting options for a way out of a difficult situation and a variety of solutions to any life issues. Tarot will help you take responsibility for your own life on yourself, give good advice, force you to consciously look at your actions. The cards will encourage the questioner to take a closer look at his surroundings, find the correct answer, and objectively assess the situation. You can even meditate with tarot cards. They stimulate human intuition and the connection of spiritual energy with the Cosmos.

    Ancient symbols survived persecution, forgiven people for disbelief in their wisdom. Tarot cards were collectible and aroused excitement, acting as a game, but despite the difficult path, they retained their mystical power for future generations.

    As you know, Pamela Smith was a theater artist. And many of the maps drawn by her are indistinguishable from theatrical mise-en-scenes. Theater, first of all, is the art of convention. And theatrical reality has little to do with real reality. As, for example, stage fencing, with all the external similarity, pursues completely different goals than combat fencing.

    The Page of Swords is an exclusively theatrical, staged map. Here is what Waite writes in the description of this card: “A lithe, agile youth holds a raised sword in both hands. At the same time, he is in a position of impetuous movement. "

    I didn’t work with a two-hander, but I did a lot with a pole. I am simply touched by these unclenched fingers on the hilt of the sword and the playfully set back leg.

    And by the way, a two-handed man is a weapon not for flexible and mobile young men, but for hefty rednecks, who quite reasonably receive a double pay.

    Key ideas

    • Aloofness
    • Indecision
    • Betrayal
    • Seeds of Conflict

    Basic meaning

    One of the meanings of the Tarot card, the Page of Swords Waite gives in the description of the card. He writes that the character of the card "looks agitated and wary, as if he expects an enemy attack at any moment." Waite goes on to give following values: control, tracking, vigilance, espionage and verification, which, incidentally, goes well with the theatrical pose of the character.

    For the upside-down tarot card, Waite's Page of Swords lists meanings that, in his opinion, reinforce the negative aspects of direct meanings. Unforeseen situations, unpreparedness, illness.

    Get the Page of Swords values ​​in a convenient PDF format as a gift

    Modern ideas about this map generally retain the negative points proposed by Waite. The card is associated with the inability to act, danger, various kinds of threats and negligence. It also retains the meaning of surveillance, exaggerated concern for security, constant expectation of a worsening of the situation.

    Video: Tarot Card Meaning - Page of Swords

    Meaning in relationships

    Now consider the meaning of the Page of Swords Tarot in relationships and love.

    Open - closed card

    The Page of Swords is a very hole card. He practically does not show initiative in establishing relations and is in no hurry to respond to other people's signals.

    The card can indicate a high degree of internal tension, usually negative, and unpleasant external relationships. Moreover, the level of unpleasantness develops on the rise.

    "And I told you!" He is confident that everything will always be bad. The Low Page of Swords rejoices in other people's failures, does not believe in his own success, often lives by the principle "the worse the better." An encounter with a high Page of Swords is a great rarity. But even the high Page of Swords is characterized by misanthropy and disbelief in the positive qualities of people.

    The Page of Swords is a very difficult relationship model. It's a painful, exhausting relationship. They are based on the desire to hurt, offend, bite on the sly. Partners are constantly dissatisfied with themselves, each other and the whole world in general. The partners do not understand each other and do not seek to understand. And at the same time, they do not break off such a relationship, finding some painful pleasure in their continuation.

    Psychological condition

    The Page of Swords indicates severe emotional states: depression, depression, paranoid expectation of the worst.
    Malevolence, skepticism, pessimism are associated with this card.

    What is the meaning of the Page of Swords card in combination with other Tarot cards ...

    Combined with the suit of Wands

    Combined with the suit of Staves

    • with 4 of Wands: Be careful during the holiday
    • with 7 of Wands: Unwillingness to Fight
    • with 10 of Wands: Difficult and hard work that does not give results

    Significance in health matters

    The meaning of the Tarot Page of Swords in matters of health is suspiciousness, that is, there can be all diseases without exception. In fortune-telling - everything is not as bad as you think for yourself. Suspiciousness does not lead to a cure for the disease. A person focuses on the fact of the disease, on the experience of the disease, but not on how to be cured.

    Someone must come and heal, and the Page of Swords will whine. Strange, fantastic methods of self-medication. Esoteric treatments are very popular, but they don't work. Subconsciously, preference is given to non-working methods of treatment. All doctors know nothing, all doctors are deceivers.

    Combined with suit of Cups

    Combined with suit of Cups

    • with the King of Cups: A very harmonious combination.
    • with the Knight of Cups: There is no understanding between people.
    • with Page of Cups: Don't act, stay passive.

    Business and finance, in professional activities

    Stability, manageability, controllability

    A fairly stable situation, but not very positive for finance. You can only track its changes (and even then not all), but not manage. More precisely, management and control is extremely unlikely.

    The Page of Swords has nothing to do with raising incomes at all. Rather indicates losses.

    The Page of Swords is definitely in the red.

    None. There is no state. Between minus and zero. At best, everything will remain as it is.

    The question of how the pages can affect the increase in income is rhetorical. You can, of course, focus on the implementation of the most attractive features of the pages, but this still has the most distant relation to business. However, let's call it: Page of Swords - scrupulous. Despite the fact that the lack of ambition and motivation, the unwillingness to take responsibility and the fear of making mistakes, cut any actions in the financial field to the root.

    Be vigilant.

    Don't get involved in adventures.

    Do you want to know the features of the interpretation of Tarot cards? Then start by studying the detailed interpretation of each meaning. In this article, you will learn what the Page of Swords means in combination with other Tarot cards, as well as a lot of other useful information... Enjoy reading!

    The classical interpretation of the card looks like this: a young man, dressed in expensive clothes, stands in a pompous pose, holding up a sword. The landscape surrounding Page - small hills, mounds, lack of vegetation. The sky is threatening with leaden clouds - it is about to start raining.

    Description of the card - analysis of the current situation, reassessment of existing values ​​in favor of the fortuneteller. "You should call a spade a spade" - the advice of the symbol.

    There is a set of key phrases that characterize the Page of Swords sign. Here is a short list of them.

    • Strength of will
    • Sharpness of Mind
    • Insight
    • An exciting change
    • Abrupt, forced communication
    • Curiosity / curiosity
    • Conclusion of an agreement / contract
    • Human protection
    • Honesty and determination
    • Disease / Conflict News
    • Having abstract thinking
    • Important documentation (maintenance)

    A number of key ideas can be applied to this symbol, some of which are described below.

    • Conflict of several parties
    • Indecision fraught with disastrous consequences
    • Aloofness
    • Betrayal of a loved one

    Let's consider the main meaning of the above card.

    If this value falls out, the fortuneteller should be wary. Avoid suspicious people in your environment that influence the course of current events. Betrayal, "uncleanliness" of behavior, distortion of the veracity of information are not far off - this will aggravate the perception of the reality of events. Hostility sets in, the derivative of which is inaccurate / negative information, misunderstanding of the situation as a whole.

    The reversed meaning of the Page of Swords of the Tarot indicates that you should prepare for possible obstacles on the way. Calculate the ill-wisher - this will save you from intrigues, gossip. Be careful, do not lose vigilance, exclude excessive credulity. Protect yourself from possible attacks (applies to the work area).

    Another interpretation of the inverted value of the card is the presence of offenses, problems with executive / regulatory bodies, criminal law.

    Here are the main examples of the combination of the above sign with other Major Arcana.

    • Jester: Excessive frivolity
    • Magician: An innovative approach to business
    • High Priestess: Lack of knowledge, overconfidence / arrogance
    • Emperor: Riot of subordinates, criticism directed at the manager
    • Empress: Rejection of the results, the experience gained
    • The Hierophant: Denial of Conventional Dogma
    • Lovers: Conflicts, quarrels, omissions in a relationship
    • Chariot: Achievement of set goals through quarrels, conflicts, strife
    • Strength: Hot temper, uncontrollable anger
    • Hermit: Quarrels, squabbles, leading to loneliness
    • Wheel of Fortune: "Chasing the last car of a departing train", an attempt to keep up with the outgoing opportunities for self-realization
    • Fairness: Deliberate rejection of reasoned arguments, minor offenses
    • The Hanged Man: "After the battle, they don't wave their fists."
    • Death: Renewal of the organism on the mental plane
    • Moderation: Reducing quarrels, anger, criticism to "no"
    • Devil: The presence of a spy, "werewolf", ill-wisher, envious
    • Tower: Temporary insanity, mental confusion
    • Star: Expectations, hopes for creative self-realization
    • Moon: Strange visions, paranoid states, twilight (incomprehensible) state of mind
    • Sun: Having bold ideas that will gain recognition
    • Judgment: "What you sow, so you reap"
    • World: Novelties in the field of information technology will be approved, a modest idea will find its place in modern society

    Consider the meaning in love and relationships of the Page of Swords of the Tarot in more detail.

    The dropped card is directly associated with overcoming difficulties. Deal with the relationship, remove the conflict atmosphere with quarrels, reproaches, verbal attacks. The symbol indicates the presence of selfishness, irritability, intransigence, harshness.

    If the alignment is carried out on a partner, the Page of Swords will indicate the immaturity of his thoughts, malice, hysteria. Suicide attempts, blackmail of a loved one, etc. are often manifested.

    The presence of a card during fortune-telling can ruin even a harmonious relationship. Talk with your lover / beloved more often, find out the root causes of conflicts, have constructive conversations.

    The peculiarities of the combination of the above card with the suit of Wands are described in detail below.

    • Ace: Postponing problem solving - wait a bit
    • Two: Objective thinking, the tendency to "choose the lesser of two evils"
    • Troika: Change of team, change of activity
    • Four: Conflicts, problems at work, family
    • Five: Huge scandal at home / at work
    • Six: Adventurism
    • Seven: Arrogant behavior, rudeness, impartiality
    • Eight: A long course of circumstances, a falling out with a loved one
    • Nine: Cheating, excessive suspicion
    • Ten: Uncertainty in strength, fear of exposure
    • Page: Having a strong opponent; learning problems
    • Knight: Stormy Showdown
    • Queen: Fire, burning of property, conflict with a mature woman
    • King: Default, disagreements with management

    Consider the psychological characteristics of the personality from the Page of Swords.

    The card represents a person with a sharp mind, self-confident, knowing what she wants. In relations with others, the Page is overly restrained, cold in the manifestation of emotions - this allows him to keep the necessary distance. Sentimentality, excessive sensuality is not his "strong point".

    Cunning, courage in making the necessary decisions make the Page an excellent leader. He will be able to make the right decision even in the most controversial situations. Perfectly absorbs any information, is able to act treacherously when it suits him. Malevolence, intrigue, the creation of conflicts, a quick analytical mind, dexterity are the main qualities of the Page.

    Here are examples of the combination of the Page of Swords with Cups:

    • Ace: Emotionlessness, arrogance
    • Deuce: General dissatisfaction with life, disagreements with work partners
    • Three: Discord with a friend, setting up a friend in an unpleasant matter
    • Four: Hard business, unwillingness to accept harsh reality
    • Five: Unwillingness to understand / accept the situation, dirty deeds
    • Six: Heavy memories of past events, betrayal of a friend
    • Seven: Deception, confusion, dissatisfaction with illusions. There is a person who uses a fortuneteller for his own selfish purposes
    • Eight: Insanity, Social Media Addiction
    • Nine: Struggle for a "place in the sun"
    • Ten: Abortion, a serious family quarrel
    • Page: Adventurism, friendship with the wrong people
    • Knight: Non-reciprocal crush, strength of friendship
    • Queen: Charm of a Woman
    • King: Rival, manipulation (work, career)

    The values ​​of the Page of Swords in health are as follows:

    The card indicates problems associated with the nervous system (frequent headaches, pressure drops, exacerbation of vegetative-vascular dystonia, etc.). There is also a danger of injury, cuts.

    The inverted position of the Page symbolizes soreness, general malaise, temporary loss of memory, clouding of mind (the likelihood of suicidal attempts is high, etc.)

    How does Page stack with Swords? Details below!

    • Ace: Willpower, composure
    • Deuce: Achievement of the set goals, confrontation with the whole world
    • Three: The desire for revenge, the presence of a jealous rival, a duel
    • Four: Groundless thoughts, undesirable moment for decisive action
    • Five: No turning back, distress, poverty
    • Six: Denial of help, poor coordination
    • Seven: Scandal "on everyone's lips", disclosure of family secrets
    • Eight: Lost court case, unfinished cases
    • Nine: Eliminating Potential Rivals
    • Ten: Neutrality, go with the flow
    • Knight: Tendency to make a problem out of thin air
    • Queen: Family destruction, divorce, global conflicts
    • King: Tired of the Ordinary

    Did the Page of Swords drop at work? Then take into account further recommendations.

    The card indicates that the fortuneteller will have to use "slippery", ambiguous methods - this will help to achieve minimal results. Take advantage of the opportunities presented, process the information received in detail, look for non-trivial solutions to existing problems.

    Advice! Get rid of unnecessary nervousness, optimize your workflow, use modern technologies

    The Page of Swords personifies brokers, investigators, detectives, assistants, scouts. The straight position of the map indicates excellent prospects for the military.

    The inverted position of the card reads as follows - get rid of dirty working methods, deception, fraud, etc. If the fortune-telling is on another person - be careful, because you are dealing with idle talk.

    How does the card stack with Pentacles? A detailed explanation is given below.

    • Ace: Money disputes
    • Deuce: Dealing with a deceiver, moral blow
    • Troika: Intense work atmosphere
    • Four: Attempts to break out of the ordinary by trying something new
    • Five: Threat of a nervous breakdown, illness of the next of kin
    • Six: Management reprimand, small bonus
    • Seven: Service in the army, constant anxiety, anxiety
    • Eight: Unreasonable bullying in the work collective, disputes with colleagues
    • Nine: Family discord, arguments with mother
    • Ten: Unhealthy envy, the desire to take away something that does not belong to the fortuneteller
    • Page: Questionable Transactions, Money Laundering Operations
    • Knight: Criminal / administrative responsibility for the deed is possible, complete lack of principle
    • Queen: Family problems, quarrel with an insidious woman
    • King: Trouble with father, quarrels with dignitaries

    Improve your own safety, be vigilant. Weigh the rationality of your actions, then act. Success is assured.

    Be careful with loved ones. There may be troubles associated with theft, showdown. Be vigilant, correctly perceive the incoming information, be wary of everything - there is a high probability of distortion of the material.

    An inverted position indicates communication with an impartial person who loves intrigue, gossip, etc. Avoid contact with this person.

    Asking the card the following questions will help clarify the current situation.

    • What should I learn and what should I do to achieve this?
    • Why am I being careful?
    • What are the main reasons for mistrust of business partners?
    • Is it better to observe or act?

    To better find out the features of the meanings of Tarot cards, stay tuned on our website. All the best and see you soon!

    Minor Arcanum Tarot Card Page (Princess, Knave) of Swords

    Description of the Page of Swords Tarot card

    The Page of Swords Tarot card in most decks depicts a young man holding a sword in his raised hand. One gets the impression that the young man is playing with a weapon and does not know what danger the sword can pose both to him and to those around him.

    The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Page of Swords in fortune telling and spreads

    Direct card position

    The Page of Swords in an upright position means clarification, clarification of the situation, a kind of fresh stream, thanks to which the true meaning of what is happening suddenly opens, and even the most confusing matter becomes simple and understandable. Most often, however, this happens through conflict, scandal, or sharp conversation. Therefore, the card should be taken as a warning, advice to prepare for the inevitable conflict, or not to delay its beginning, so that it finally serves to clarify the essence of the matter.

    Inverted card position

    In an inverted position, the Knave of Swords can predict unpleasant news or a circumstance that will change or disrupt plans. However, the trouble is likely to be transient or insignificant, because in this case there is no need to talk about serious and long-term problems.

    The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Swords card in fortune-telling and layouts for work, business and career

    Direct card position

    Having received a direct card of the Page of Swords in fortune-telling or a layout, the fortuneteller will have to prepare for conflicts, showdowns, tension, possibly for sharp polemics. A card can mean an unfair reprimand from superiors, and the emergence of rivalry between colleagues, or disagreements with business partners, predict significant financial losses.

    Inverted card position

    Appearing upside down, Princess of Swords signifies an attempt to use dirty methods, intrigue and gossip in her work. It can be non-fulfillment of obligations assumed, evasion from fulfillment of promises and agreements. Also, the card advises to carefully study the documents before signing them, and not to trust everything that is said.

    The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Swords card in layouts and fortune-telling on health

    Direct card position

    Latent diseases, difficult disease diagnosis.

    Inverted card position

    Childhood diseases, gallbladder diseases are possible.

    The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Swords card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

    Direct card position

    In personal life, the direct card Princess of Swords means a conflict initiated by a partner, or an exacerbation of long-standing disagreements that threatens to destroy the union. This can be expressed in a sudden cooling of partners who have recently loved each other so much; in a stream of reproaches, in disappointment that has been accumulating for a long time, in throwing out old grievances or just some everyday trifles that have reached a certain "critical mass". It is clear that such a surge of accumulated emotions can greatly exacerbate the situation and even lead to a rupture. However, the Page of Swords can also mean the opportunity to re-strengthen the alliance through a cleansing conflict.

    Inverted card position

    In the inverted position, the Knave of Swords is interpreted as a relationship built on sarcasm, deception and mutual misunderstanding. The card warns of the possible deceit of a partner.

    The meaning and interpretation of the Page of Swords card in layouts and fortune-telling for personality assessment

    Direct card position

    When the Page of Swords acts as a court card and falls in an upright position, it symbolizes a dark-haired young man (regardless of gender), most likely born under the Zodiac Sign of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. This is a person who cares about everything, he has so much vital energy that he, without hesitation, spends it both on himself and on others. He is sociable, communicative, very quick-witted and savvy. Unfortunately, in addition to the unbearable habit of "digging out" details from the life of his loved ones or simply people he knows, this person is distinguished by an absolutely incredible ability to confuse any matter with which fate confronted him. In addition, he is incredibly chatty, so a fortuneteller needs to think very well before making contact with him. Sometimes the straight Page of Swords describes a treacherous young lady who will harm (or try to do it) harm to a fortuneteller out of envy or anger, and sometimes just in search of thrill.

    Inverted card position

    In an inverted position, the Page of Swords card of the yard indicates a quitter, an “eternal student” without a goal in life, a parasite or a person who psychologically exhausts someone who was “lucky” to once bring him closer to him, to let him into his life. This is a born spy and schemer, hiding under the guise of courtesy and benevolence. The Page of Swords does not yet possess strength and power, but it can already be unpleasant and dangerous: he has all the makings of an overly curious, malicious and malevolent personality.

    The meaning and interpretation of the card Page of Swords as a card of the day

    Today you will be criticized and your proposals may be rejected. Be prepared for this and do not try to immediately launch a counterattack. Perhaps the criticism that you will have to listen to does contain a lot of value. Listen to her, and then, perhaps, a lot will become clear to you.

    Board card Page of Swords in fortune telling and spreads

    Control yourself, uncontrolled behavior and a desire for revenge can harm you yourself.

    Minor Arcana Tarot. Swords

    Online tarot divination

    Among the minor arcana, the meaning of the Page of Swords in the Tarot is one of the most controversial. It can reflect many factors. This is influenced by the position of the lasso itself, the purpose of the layout and, of course, the neighboring cards. However, understanding this issue is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. First, you should get acquainted with the information that will reveal all the secrets.

    general characteristics

    The card depicts a young man. His posture is full of self-confidence, the hand gripping the sword is raised. The young man is overcome with anxiety, clouds are hanging over his head. If you look more closely, you will notice that his body position is unnatural.

    Pose and open your eyes to the true position of the Page of Swords. The meaning of this minor arcana is deceit. The young man is by no means the daredevil he wants to portray himself. He is a coward, and in a dangerous situation he will abandon his comrades-in-arms at the battle site. He is only concerned with the impression he makes on others.

    But is it all that bad? Maybe the young man is justified by his youth? He stands all alone, the weather is bad. The guy does it of his own free will. He lacks life experience, however, it has potential and inner strength. While they are in their infancy, they will soon begin to develop. He has to become a knight and gain real strength.

    Traditionally, each card is dealt in base and inverted position. In the upright position of the Knave of Swords Tarot, the meaning will be as follows:

    So far, everything is clear enough, but do not forget about the other meaning of the card. Although it does not change dramatically, Junior lasso The inverted page of swords has a slightly different characteristic:

    Personal meaning

    This is a young, quick-witted man. He is masterfully adaptable and knows how to communicate with different personalities. His mind is filled with ideas, plans, dreams. He has pure intelligence and flexibility.

    If you are destined to face a negative person, which is denoted by a lasso, you can be rewarded with a prick from his sharpened sword. In a state of anger, this person is able to offend, aiming at the very heart. His intelligence will find its manifestation in cynicism, sarcasm and sarcastic jokes.

    The Knave of Swords does not yet have the necessary energy, so its actions are chaotic and not too long. He uses his violent energy both on himself and on other people.

    He likes to interfere with someone else's life. He will not seek consent to this act. The reason is curiosity and inexperience.

    He wants to appear independent, but he is not. If we are talking about a man of mature age, the card speaks of his infantility. This lasso can also personify a failed personality. It doesn't matter how it manifests itself, be it finances, career or personal life.

    The Page of Swords is not the most pleasant person. He is characterized by gossip and intrigue. Sometimes a young female person is hiding under this card, she can be called a princess. V rare cases lasso indicates a child.

    Love relationship

    Swords - always represent a fight with problems, and the Page of Tarot swords is no exception. The meaning in a relationship is rather negative. A negative atmosphere has developed in the couple, which periodically leads to conflicts and endless reproaches. Lovers are not ready to give in to each other.

    If the alignment was done on one of the partners, his attitude to love is immature. He is irritable, prone to blackmail. Sometimes this can lead to suicide attempts. Of course, he values ​​his life very much, but blackmail is his favorite method, and he does not intend to give it up.

    This person looks like a hysterical child and is very jealous. He can violate in every possible way personal boundaries, read SMS, eavesdrop on what his passion is talking about on the phone. The owner is even capable of hacking social networks.

    The Knave of Swords can destroy any bond. Despite his intelligence, in love he is completely blind. If he has a premonition that the relationship may collapse, he will carefully calculate his further actions. Cunning will become a faithful companion. Knave's neighborhood with a Lady shows an ardent, young lover, not endowed with experience.

    The lasso in an inverted position assures that the union is built on complete misunderstanding, sarcasm and lies. The relationship is very confusing. If a couple is preparing for a divorce, the card will indicate a bright negative towards each other. The conflict will end with mutual accusations. This inverted lasso symbolizes the same as the straight line, but more explicitly.

    Career and work

    In the layout with regards to the business sphere, the Page of Swords symbolizes a beginner, inexperienced specialist. He knows little, but he is ready to learn. He has quite high ambitions and a strong desire to build a career.

    Arkan can also say that you need to study or look for a job. The questioner thinks about it a lot, but does little. The advice might be that it is worth taking refresher courses.

    This card indicates difficulties in relationships with colleagues and management. The situation in the team is negative. Intrigue, gossip, quarrels and sarcasm are present.

    The jack of swords in an inverted position bodes bad news. Don't wait for a promotion or a new one successful work... In the business sphere, everything is boring and routine for a fortuneteller. Arkan can symbolize a gossip colleague.

    If the questioner intends to open his own business, an inverted lasso indicates that the plan is not very real at the moment. It can be poorly thought out. There will be unpleasant news about business partners or with regards to contracts.

    Health status

    The junior lasso talks about possible problems with nervousness. It may be vegetative-vascular dystonia or headaches. Also, the card may indicate the occurrence of cuts and bruises.

    In the inverted position, the lasso reveals a general malaise of the whole organism, sometimes loss of memory or short-term clouding of the mind. In rare cases, the card speaks of suicide attempts.

    The positive meaning of this arcana is the ability to use your skills at the moment when it will be necessary. Perhaps the advice of a professional consultant will come in handy. You should think carefully about everything before making any decision. Perhaps now the fortuneteller seeks to "keep up with two birds with one stone." This is not a situation where it is worth taking on several tasks in the same period.

    As you know, Pamela Smith was a theater artist. And many of the maps drawn by her are indistinguishable from theatrical mise-en-scenes. Theater, first of all, is the art of convention. And theatrical reality has little to do with real reality. As, for example, stage fencing, with all the external similarity, pursues completely different goals than combat fencing.

    The Page of Swords is an exclusively theatrical, staged map. Here is what Waite writes in the description of this card: “A lithe, agile youth holds a raised sword in both hands. At the same time, he is in a position of impetuous movement. "

    I didn’t work with a two-hander, but I did a lot with a pole. I am simply touched by these unclenched fingers on the hilt of the sword and the playfully set back leg.

    And by the way, a two-handed man is a weapon not for flexible and mobile young men, but for hefty rednecks, who quite reasonably receive a double pay.


    • Caution
    • Gorebird
    • Analyst
    • Spy
    • Surveillance
    • Discord

    Key ideas

    • Aloofness
    • Indecision
    • Betrayal
    • Seeds of Conflict

    Basic meaning

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    One of the meanings of the Tarot card, the Page of Swords Waite gives in the description of the card. He writes that the character of the card "looks agitated and wary, as if he expects an enemy attack at any moment." Waite goes on to give the following meanings: control, surveillance, vigilance, espionage and verification, which, incidentally, goes well with the theatrical pose of the character.

    For the upside-down tarot card, Waite's Page of Swords lists meanings that, in his opinion, reinforce the negative aspects of direct meanings. Unforeseen situations, unpreparedness, illness.

    Modern ideas about this map generally retain the negative points proposed by Waite. The card is associated with the inability to act, danger, various kinds of threats and negligence. It also retains the meaning of surveillance, exaggerated concern for security, constant expectation of a worsening of the situation.

    Video: Tarot Card Meaning - Page of Swords

    Meaning in relationships

    Now consider the meaning of the Page of Swords Tarot in relationships and love.

    Open - closed card

    The Page of Swords is a very hole card. He practically does not show initiative in establishing relations and is in no hurry to respond to other people's signals.

    Relationship intensity

    The card can indicate a high degree of internal tension, usually negative, and unpleasant external relationships. Moreover, the level of unpleasantness develops on the rise.

    Map as a scenario of relationships: love, family, relatives, work

    "And I told you!" He is confident that everything will always be bad. The Low Page of Swords rejoices in other people's failures, does not believe in his own success, often lives by the principle "the worse the better." An encounter with a high Page of Swords is a great rarity. But even the high Page of Swords is characterized by misanthropy and disbelief in the positive qualities of people.

    The Page of Swords is a very difficult relationship model. It's a painful, exhausting relationship. They are based on the desire to hurt, offend, bite on the sly. Partners are constantly dissatisfied with themselves, each other and the whole world in general. The partners do not understand each other and do not seek to understand. And at the same time, they do not break off such a relationship, finding some painful pleasure in their continuation.

    • card combination: Dangerous actions
    • combination with the card: Expectation of trouble will be fully justified
    • combination with the card: The business is stupid

    Psychological condition

    The Page of Swords indicates severe emotional states: depression, depression, paranoid expectation of the worst.
    Malevolence, skepticism, pessimism are associated with this card.

    What is the meaning of the Page of Swords card in combination with other Tarot cards ...

    Combined with the suit of Wands

    • c: Be careful during the holiday
    • c: Unwillingness to fight
    • c: Difficult and hard work that does not give results

    Significance in health matters

    The meaning of the Tarot Page of Swords in matters of health is suspiciousness, that is, there can be all diseases without exception. In fortune-telling - everything is not as bad as you think for yourself. Suspiciousness does not lead to a cure for the disease. A person focuses on the fact of the disease, on the experience of the disease, but not on how to be cured.

    Someone must come and heal, and the Page of Swords will whine. Strange, fantastic methods of self-medication. Esoteric treatments are very popular, but they don't work. Subconsciously, preference is given to non-working methods of treatment. All doctors know nothing, all doctors are deceivers.

    • c: Very harmonious combination.
    • c: There is no understanding between people.
    • c: Don't act, stay passive.

    Business and finance, in professional activities

    Stability, manageability, controllability

    A fairly stable situation, but not very positive for finance. You can only track its changes (and even then not all), but not manage. More precisely, management and control is extremely unlikely.

    Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

    The Page of Swords has nothing to do with raising incomes at all. Rather indicates losses.

    The Page of Swords is definitely in the red.

    The general state of finance and trends of change

    None. There is no state. Between minus and zero. At best, everything will remain as it is.

    Positive and negative impact of the card on income

    The question of how the pages can affect the increase in income is rhetorical. You can, of course, focus on the implementation of the most attractive features of the pages, but this still has the most distant relation to business. However, let's call it: Page of Swords - scrupulous. Despite the fact that the lack of ambition and motivation, the unwillingness to take responsibility and the fear of making mistakes, cut any actions in the financial field to the root.