• What can be cooked from squid: quick and tasty

    Ornamental and coniferous shrubs are widely used in the formation of landscape design. They are distinguished by their endurance and beautiful appearance.

    We invite you to find out what are the most common coniferous trees and shrubs that can be grown in a variety of climates.

    Conifers: names and photos

    Next, you see the names of what conifers are that can grow in many regions of our country. There are many photos of conifers from different angles. We hope that the names and photos of conifers will help you make right choice seedlings for your garden and vegetable garden.


    The flat needles are usually white or gray on the underside. Most species grow too tall for ordinary garden... The exception is the blue-gray Fir Arizona (A. arizonica) ‘Compacta’ - 2 m and the dwarf variety Balsam fir (A. balsamea) ‘Hudsonia’ - 30 cm.


    • Location: best sunny
    • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

    Lebanese cedar (C. libani) is too big for a typical garden, but there are dwarf and weeping varieties such as 'Nana' and 'Sargentii'. Atlas cedar (C. atlantica) ‘Glauca’ 3 m high has blue-green needles, and the Himalayan cedar (C. deodara) also has hanging shoots 3 m high — the lower variety ‘Golden Horizon’.


    • Location: best sunny
    • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

    A very popular genus. There are dwarf varieties for rockeries and tall trees for large garden... Lawson's cypress (C. lawsoniana) is the most popular species; has many varieties - ‘Elwoodii’ (turns blue in winter), ‘Minima Aurea’ (golden, dwarf variety) and ‘Lane’ (golden, columnar).


    • Reproduction: cuttings under glass in summer

    Cupressocyparis replaced Lawson's cypress in a coniferous hedge. It can withstand heavy pruning. K. leyland (C. leylandii) reaches a height of 10 m, if it is cut, and a height of 20 m, if left uncircumcised. Trim your hedge 3 times from late spring to early fall.


    • Location: best sunny
    • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

    Tie up the young trees to stakes and do not prune them. There are columnar K. evergreen (C. sempervirens) 3 m high, and K. large-fruited (C. macrocarpa), also 3 m high, with a conical crown shape. Its popular yellow variety is 'Goldcrest'.


    • Location: best sunny
    • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

    This tree can grow in a country estate, but not in an average garden. It is one of the few deciduous conifers. In winter, it stands with bare branches, and in spring, bunches of needle-like leaves appear on them. European larch (L. decidua) in adulthood reaches a height of 25 m or more.


    • Location: best sunny
    • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

    Norway spruce (P. abies) is a traditional tree. The Serbian spruce (P. omorika) has a narrow conical crown, the 'Nidiformis' spruce variety is a dwarf 30 cm high with a flat top. There are also other colors - the prickly spruce (P. pungens) blue, and the eastern spruce (P. orientalis) ‘Aurea’ 3.5 m high with yellow needles.


    • Location: always sunny
    • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

    Most of the pines are too tall, but there are slow-growing and dwarf varieties. Scots pine (P. sylvestris) has a number of varieties, while black pine (P. nigra) is good tree for single landing. Dwarf species include Mountain Pine (P mugo) 60cm tall and 'Nana' Weymouth Pine (P. strobus).

    Coniferous shrubs: names and photos

    Now get to know such a magnificent group of plants as coniferous shrubs. On this page you can see the names and photos of coniferous shrubs for landscape decoration. The photo of coniferous shrubs shows different kinds registration of plots. The names of coniferous shrubs are in common usage.


    • Location: best sunny
    • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

    Japanese cryptomeria (C. japonica). Green leaves turn reddish-brown in winter. K. japonica has a height of 6 m, but at maturity can reach 25 m. ‘Elegans’ 3 m high has feathery foliage; 'Vilmoriniana' is a popular dwarf variety for rocky gardens.


    • Location: sunny or partial shade
    • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

    There are many types - creeping, such as the horizontal Juniper (J.horizontalis); medium-sized shrubs like M. medium (J. media) 'Pfitzerana'; and tall trees such as J. virginiana ‘Skyrocket’. You can find junipers with green, gray, blue, or yellow leaves.


    • Location: sunny or partial shade
    • Reproduction: the acquisition of new plants

    Slow growing conifers. Berry yew (T. baccata) 2 m high is a popular type for hedges. The 'Fastigiata' cultivar has a narrow-columnar crown shape; The 'Repandens' is a 60cm tall dwarf. Medium yew (T. media) 'Hicksii' forms round bushes.

    Conifers - belong to a very ancient group. Their remains have been found for 300 million years. Conifers (Pinóphyta) are woody, vascular and evergreen plants in which seeds are formed in cones. These plants grow wild in all parts of the world. But since they are plants of a rather warm climate with good air humidity, they mainly grow in a temperate climatic zone.

    Scientific classification

    Domain - Eukaryotes

    Kingdom - Plants

    Department - Conifers

    Woody - perennial plants in which the trunk with branches form wood.

    Vascular - plants that have vessels inside, consisting of cells for the transfer of water and nutrients.

    Evergreens are plants that do not shed their foliage throughout the year. Their leaves change gradually, imperceptibly to our eyes. Some conifers change leaves once a year, and some change once every 45 years, such as the bristlecone pine, which grows in Colorado and New Mexico.

    Department conifers consists of one class (Pinopsida) gymnosperms. It includes existing species plants and those that became extinct.

    According to one of the classification systems, the department of conifers is divided into four orders: cordaite (extinct), war (extinct), Wolcian (extinct), pine.

    Order - Cordaite

    In appearance, they resembled modern conifers. These were plants with powerful trunks. Their leaves were linear from 20-50 cm and more. The organs of reproduction were earrings with male and female cones. Perhaps these plants gave rise to all conifers.

    The author of the painting is Zdenek Burian

    Zdenek Burian is a Czech artist who painted many paleontological paintings in which he reproduced prehistoric plants, animals and people. In this picture, we see an extinct subclass of conifers.

    Order - Pine

    The pine (coniferous) class includes 6-8 families, 65-70 genera and up to 650 plant species.

    It is divided into the following families:

    I. Araucariaceae

    Araucariaceae - This family includes three genera:

    1. Agathis is a large tree with leafy needles. This genus is common in Australia, on the islands of the Malay Archipelago, in the Philippines, in New Guinea.

    2. Araucaria is a tall tree with flat needles. The height can reach up to 90 meters.

    Brazilian araucaria

    The Chilean Araucaria cone weighs up to 1.5 kg.

    3. Wollemia is the most oldest plant on earth, listed in the Red Book. It was considered extinct until it was discovered by David Noble in Australia in 1994. Its height is 40 meters. Her leaves are flat, up to 8 cm long.

    II. Cephalotis

    This family includes three genera:

    1. Golovchatotis - grows in Southeast Asia.

    2. Amentotaxus is a genus, the peculiarity of which is the presence of hanging earrings in the plant - micro - strobilus - cones.

    3. Torreya is a genus of small evergreen trees, reaching up to 25 m in height.

    III. Cypress

    Cypress are low, creeping or upright trees or shrubs. This family is divided into 32 genera and 166 species.

    IV. Pine

    Pine - this family consists of 11 genera and 252 species.

    Here are some of the famous genera.


    I.I. Shishkin. "At the edge of a pine forest" 1882

    Spruce - evergreen tree(with beautiful crown) up to 96 meters high.

    Cedar - evergreens up to 50 meters high.

    Larch - representatives of this family of plants drop needles for the winter every year. This tree species is the most widespread on Earth. They can reach a height of up to 50 meters under favorable conditions.

    Golden larch

    Fir is a genus of plants, the peculiarity of which is that the needles are flat, and their cones, like cedars, grow upward and disintegrate right on the trees.

    Hemlock - common in Asia and North America.

    V. Subcarpous

    Podocarp - grow in the southern hemisphere - mainly in the Australian part of it. But also in the northern hemisphere there are some species.

    The family includes 20 genera and up to 200 tree species.

    Sciadopitis - today this genus of plants grows only in Japan. This is a tree with a pyramidal crown. It grows up to 40 meters in height. Has unique needles.

    Vii. Yew

    Yew - Plants of this genus are mostly evergreen, but there are some that shed their foliage. This family includes 6 genera and 31 species.

    Austrotaxus is the only species of the yew family that grows in the southern hemisphere.

    Yew is a slow growing tree or shrub, up to 10 meters high. Bow and spears were made from its wood.

    Yew berry

    Conifers are the oldest, most beautiful and decorative class plants.

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    Many amateur gardeners choose coniferous vegetation to decorate their garden or summer cottage. After all, these are not only magnificent evergreen alleys for walking, but also healing air. In addition, conifers are unpretentious and perfectly complement the landscape both in composition and separately.

    Thanks to almost all conifers and shrubs retain their attire all year round your green garden will delight the eye at any time of the year, to the envy of your neighbors. With the help of conifers, be they giants or dwarfs, you can create a noble and original landscape even on your small summer cottage.

    Coniferous plant names

    In the conditions of the Russian climate, the most popular and widespread conifers are:

    • fir;
    • juniper;
    • Pine;
    • cypress;

    Ways to decorate the site

    Coniferous "decoration" of an open space can be done in several ways:

    To create an original unique composition, you should first familiarize yourself with the characteristics of various conifers and determine in advance their place on your site.

    Conifers for the garden: types and descriptions

    Combination of plants of different varieties and species will create a unique landscape on your site, but at the same time it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each group, its advantages and disadvantages. But not all types of conifers are suitable for decorating a garden.

    Landscape designers have long identified the types of conifers that go well with other trees and shrubs and take root well.

    Basic a representative of this species of conifers is yew... This plant has needle-like leaves arranged in two rows or asymmetrically. Yew can be both dioecious and monoecious. There are about twelve species in the yew family. They grow mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, since representatives of this genus of conifers are very demanding on the composition of the soil and air humidity.

    Drained soil provides plants with vigorous growth, and thanks to a strong root system, they receive a sufficient amount of the necessary substances.

    Yew trees are recommended to be planted in areas well protected from the wind and preferably in partial shade. With this arrangement, the plant will have a brighter saturated color. Yew does not grow on acidic soils, as well as on wetlands.


    Among the twelve members of this family there are both trees (for the most part) and shrubs... They are also subdivided into frost-resistant and heat-loving plants. This type of conifers requires special attention, which consists in observing certain conditions.

    All types of cypress trees are easy to grow from seed. Due to their spectacular appearance, representatives of the cypress family have gained immense popularity among landscape designers.

    When landing in a sunny area, the plant will have an unpresentable yellow color, therefore, in order to protect the dark green crowns from burning out, it is better to place the cypress in a shaded place.


    Largely representatives of the pine family are quite large(up to 50 m in height) and therefore not always suitable for garden decoration. They will look especially ridiculous in a small area. Therefore, before giving preference to one or another species of the pine family, it is necessary to clarify its future dimensions. These plants are mainly found in the wild and are generally found in Europe and Asia.

    The main the advantage of pine is that they tolerate well as heat and frost. The root system of this ephedra is quite well developed and tends to grow actively. Therefore, it is necessary to pre-allocate a large place on the site where the ephedra will not interfere with the growth and development of other plants.

    Representatives of the pine family all year round delight the eye with the rich green color of the needles and do not need special care.

    Tall species of conifers

    The following types are quite high:

    If you do not want to have a too tall coniferous plant on your site, you can regulate its growth by pinching the shoots. But this must be done every year in order to avoid the appearance of a freak plant in the garden.

    Medium-sized conifers

    Conifers medium-sized plants will serve as an excellent landscape decoration your garden. They perfectly complement small flower beds, keeping their presentable appearance in winter period... Usually these conifers are planted about entrance doors and along the paths, which gives symmetry in the design of the site.

    Especially popular among conifers of medium height are:

    • golden yew;
    • spherical thuja Globosa.

    Dwarf conifers for the garden

    First of all, it should be clarified that far not all so-called dwarf conifers are... So, a dwarf spruce can grow up to 2 meters high. But this is a rarity - usually dwarf species of conifers reach a height of no more than a meter. They look great in combination with ornamental grasses and stones.

    The most common varieties are:

    • Korean fir Piccolo;
    • mountain pine Hampi;
    • spruce Lombers.

    Features of caring for conifers

    In order for conifers to please the eye both in winter and in summer, they need constant care... An important role is played by the location of the plant. The ideal planting spot is a semi-shaded spot in the corner of the garden. The soil must be sufficiently moistened, and the level of its fertility can be medium, since you can always add the missing elements yourself by applying the appropriate fertilizers. However, any rule has its exceptions - pines grow better in the sun, and yews and spruces feel quite comfortable in the shade.

    If you only planning to plant conifers and shrubs, then you should not worry about the lack of black soil on your site - they will need only 20-25 cm of fertile land. As a last resort, add a small layer of black soil and some fertilizers. It is also recommended to mulch the soil - this will save it from sharp freezing during the onset of frost and protect it from weeds.

    Useful with the properties of conifers were known to people five centuries ago... This is confirmed by the found tablets itself ancient civilization- the Sumerians. By planting only a few units of yew or juniper in your garden. You will arrange a "health resort" right next to your home, and coniferous plants will "thank" you for the care and attention for many years to come.

    Sometimes, looking at evergreen conifers, people think: why does a person have such a short life on earth? Intelligent beings who can think, feel and create, on average, live 70-80 years, and ordinary trees - more than a thousand. Perhaps someday the dream of eternal life will come true, and then people will be able to enjoy environment fully. Until that time has come, it is worth getting to know better different kinds conifers to decorate your summer cottage with them.

    It is these evergreens that harmoniously fit into any landscape design. Their austere and sophisticated forms stand out clearly on the green lawn in summer. And in cold weather, they refresh Vacation home rich greenery and pleasant resinous aroma. Many gardeners grow evergreen beauties on their plots, because their diversity is truly impressive. They are tall and dwarf. They are found in the form of a pyramid or cone. Therefore, the unforgettable landscape of coniferous trees remains in the hearts of grateful people forever. Let's take a closer look at the most popular types.

    Among the huge number of coniferous centenarians, unique specimens are especially impressive: the Old Tikko spruce in Sweden (more than 9 thousand years old), the Methuselah pine in the USA (about 5 thousand). In general, there are up to 20 such trees on the planet.

    National favorite - spruce

    Probably, there is no person on earth who has not heard about this tree. A lot of poems and songs have been composed about him, pictures and fairy tales have been written. The plant is associated with various holidays, customs, and sometimes with bad omens... Because of this, the plant suffers from excessive felling, which brings a lot of grief to connoisseurs of nature.

    Spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree that belongs to the Pine family, capable of growing up to a height of 35 meters. It has a pyramidal or triangular crown shape, ending with a sharp top. Branches are located along the entire trunk, so it is practically invisible from the side. They grow dark green needles with a glossy shiny coating, which are much shorter than those of pine.

    The tree is found almost everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the main component of the Russian taiga, where it grows next to oak, pine, hazel, etc. In nature, there are about 50 types of spruce. Some of them successfully take root on lawns country houses... The following types are especially widely used.

    Spruce roots are close to the soil surface, therefore strong hurricane wind can knock her down. Therefore, the tree should not be planted near living quarters.


    This type of spruce is characterized by a wide conical crown with hanging branches. It is considered slow growing. For 30 years it grows up to 4 meters in height. Plant diameter about 3 m. Prefers shaded areas. Spruce tolerates cold temperatures well. In the summer heat, it needs watering.


    The tree has a columnar crown and flowing weeping branches, which, like a train, touch the ground. Grows up to a maximum of 8 meters. The diameter of an adult plant is about 2.5 m.

    European Maxwelli

    A dwarf shrub in the form of a wide cone. It tolerates winter frosts and shaded places without problems. It grows up to one meter in height. The diameter of an adult shrub is 2 m.

    Glauka Globoza

    The famous spruce stands out with blue needles. It grows up to 2 meters in height. Used in many countries to decorate urban and suburban landscapes. Due to the fact that the tree lends itself to shearing, original blue balls are made from it, which delight their fans all year round.

    Fir - a tree with purple cones

    Evergreen representative of the genus "Pine". It differs from its close relatives in the features of the needles:

    • softness;
    • shine;
    • flat shape.

    White stripes are visible on the underside of each needle, which gives the plant a festive look. The fir tree is decorated with purple cones, which is its main highlight. It grows slowly over 10 years, after which growth accelerates. Lives for about 400 years. Breeders have developed decorative varieties that are used to decorate urban and suburban areas.

    Since the needles of a tree have healing properties, growing a fir in a summer cottage is a great idea. It helps in the fight against colds, sciatica and wound healing.


    The tree has a straight trunk and a narrow crown resembling a column. Grows up to 10 meters. The dense branches point upwards, giving the tree a majestic character.


    This fir is famous for its long branches outstretched above the ground, which can reach 2.5 meters in length.


    The variety is characterized by original silvery needles, the tips of which are painted in a whitish color. Every spring, shoots of a yellow color of a luminescent nature emerge from its buds. This unusual combination creates a stunning view of the site. country house... And it lasts almost a whole month.


    A dwarf tree that grows only up to 50 cm. The diameter of an adult plant is 1 m. The crown is rounded, slightly flattened. It takes root wonderfully in small areas.

    Majestic cedar

    Since time immemorial, these trees have been considered a symbol of greatness. In their natural environment, they grow at an altitude of 3 km above sea level and resemble real giants. They grow up to 50 meters. They live for more than two centuries.

    Despite its greatness, it is a unique tree, as it can decorate any garden landscape. If you put it at the front door, it creates an atmosphere of some kind of celebration. On spacious lawns - home comfort.

    Some dwarf varieties are used to grow bonsai plants. To create original landscapes, species are widely used that differ:

    • the color of the needles;
    • the length of the needles;
    • the size of the tree.

    When choosing a suitable species, it is advisable to first get acquainted with the plant. For home cultivation use such varieties:

    Mysterious larch

    Many people think that if a tree is called larch, then it is not a coniferous species. In fact, this is not the case. The plant is a representative of the Pine family, but unlike its relatives, it loses its needles in the fall.

    Larch grows up to 50 m in height. In this case, the trunk reaches 1 m in diameter. The branches grow in a chaotic manner, with a barely noticeable slope. As a result, a cone-shaped crown is formed. The needles are noticeably flattened, soft to the touch, bright green in color. In the natural environment, there are 14 different varieties. For garden design the following types are used:

    This variety allows you to create magnificent landscapes on the territory of summer cottages.

    Dignified pine

    Biologists count over a hundred different varieties of such an evergreen. Moreover, a distinctive feature is the number of needles on one bundle. The pine tree often grows up to a height of 50 meters. The straight trunk is covered with reddish-brown cracking bark. Long needles are located on the branchy branches of the tree and have a rich aroma. Pine lives for about 600 years and perfectly tolerates cold and summer heat.

    Planting a pine tree should be done quickly, as its roots can dry out in a quarter of an hour. Such a plant does not take root in a new territory.

    For garden decoration, breeders have created original miniature species:

    Without a doubt, such evergreen living decorations are suitable for creating landscape rock gardens or mixborders. In any case, a pine tree can become the hallmark of a summer cottage.

    Her majesty - thuja

    An evergreen tree of this type is almost always used to decorate city parks and green areas. Recently, this plant has been widely used to decorate home gardens. It is prized by gardeners for its ability to withstand severe winter frosts, drought and high humidity.

    The thuja tree is distinguished by lush branches, on which are scaly leaves of a dark green color. Each year, the plant is covered with miniature bumps that resemble scattered beads on green cloth. In addition to traditional forms, thuja are:

    • dwarf;
    • weeping;
    • creeping.

    Most often, for the design of the personal plot, seedlings called "Occidentalis" are used. The tree can grow up to 7 m in height, and create a crown of about 2 m. Another type - "Sloth of Gold" - has a golden shade of needles. It takes root well in shady areas of the garden.

    Medium-sized variety - "Columna" amazes with its dark green needles with a glossy sheen. It does not disappear even in winter, for which it is highly valued by lovers of green spaces. "Columna"

    Compact type of thuja tree - "Holmstrup" has a conical shape, despite its height - 3 m. It tolerates cold winters wonderfully, lends itself to pruning and is used as hedge... Another giant - "Smaragd" - grows up to about 4 m. The diameter of an adult tree is up to 1.5 m. The needles are juicy, dark green in color with a shiny sheen. Such a beauty will surely decorate the countryside landscape of connoisseurs of greenery.

    Having become better acquainted with the majestic conifers, it is easy to pick up suitable option... And let the suburban area turn into a green oasis of joy, where hardy conifers grow.

    Conifers in landscape design - video