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    The most characteristic vasomotor disorders of the type of Raynaud's syndrome in the form of vasospastic crises, accompanied by whitening and (or) cyanosis and a feeling of numbness of the fingers, less often of the legs. These disorders arise spontaneously or more often when exposed to cold, excitement.

    It is necessary to differentiate Raynaud's syndrome from Raynaud's disease, which is externally characterized by the same signs on the periphery (episodes of Raynaud's syndrome), but, according to the criteria of E. Alien, G. Brown (1932), is a purely functional pathology that begins in the first or second decade of life without signs of vascular occlusion and any primary disease that could be the cause of vascular spasms.

    Not to mention the age range, the very presence of the scleroderma process with its characteristic obliterating lesion of the arteries and arterioles makes it easy to exclude Raynaud's disease. However, at the onset of the disease in cases where Raynaud's syndrome is the first and only symptom of SJS for a number of years, differential diagnosis with Raynaud's disease is very difficult.

    Among the patients we observed, vasomotor disorders of the type of Raynaud's syndrome were noted in 95%, and in 85% of them they were pronounced, and in 67% - the first or one of the first symptoms of the disease. Sometimes they developed almost simultaneously with other signs of the disease (articular, skin, visceral), but more often preceded them (from 2 weeks to 23 years).

    SJS is characterized by the progression of vasospastic disorders both in terms of their intensity and prevalence. The onset of Raynaud's syndrome may not be recorded by the patient and attract attention only in the future with the severity of crises or the development of trophic disorders (changes in nails, trophic ulcers on the fingers, etc.).

    We have often observed such a gradual development of vasomotor disorders like Raynaud's syndrome in patients with chronic SJS. Some of them had a history of sympathectomy, which gave only a small and short-term improvement in peripheral circulation in patients, and then further progression of the disease was observed.

    Perhaps a sudden, relatively acute development of Raynaud's syndrome, sometimes after a sore throat, cooling, stressful situation.

    In 10% of patients, we observed disorders that were conditionally designated as "erased" manifestations of Raynaud's syndrome, since there were no characteristic peripheral crises, but there was an increased sensitivity to cold or chilliness of the hands and feet, numbness of the fingers without changing their appearance, or, conversely, - acrocyanosis, generalized angiospasm, cerebrospasm.

    Erased Raynaud's syndrome was more often observed in the subacute course of SJS and could later disappear or evolve into the characteristic Raynaud's syndrome. Sometimes, already from childhood or adolescence, small vascular changes were observed, which were not given special importance, regarding them as inherited constitutional features, which was confirmed by a family history, or temporary age-related (endocrine) disorders. However, in the future, gradually or more often violently (after a sore throat, flu or stress), characteristic and sometimes very painful manifestations of Raynaud's syndrome developed.

    Retaining, like the classic syndrome or Raynaud's disease, predominant localization in the area of ​​the fingers and initially capturing one or more fingers, vasospastic disorders in SJS have a rapid tendency to spread to all fingers, then the hand and feet may be involved; in some patients, they appear first on the legs. In addition, similar vasomotor disorders often develop in the area of ​​the nose, chin, and tongue. Naturally, these reactions are especially pronounced in the distal parts of the limb.

    In the case of predominant localization on the legs, vascular disorders are sometimes classified as obliterating endarteritis. Differential diagnosis is hampered by such signs as cold, cyanotic feet, a symptom of intermittent claudication, but it is important to note that the pulse is at aa. pedis and tibialis in patients with SJS is usually palpable (even with gangrenous changes!). This is due to the difference in the caliber of the affected vessels (small arteries and arterioles with scleroderma and large ones with endarteritis), although the obliterating nature of vascular lesions is characteristic of both nosological forms.

    Similar vasomotor disorders in the face area, which are often characterized only by numbness of one or another part of the face (chin, nose, cheek, tongue), are also difficult in the diagnostic sense.

    With the localization of vascular disorders in the area of ​​the tongue in some patients, we observed a sharp cyanosis of the tongue during the crisis and even articulation disorders during this period (similar to the syndrome of "intermittent claudication").

    The widespread nature of vasospastic disorders in such observations is obvious. This feature of Raynaud's syndrome in SS is even more pronounced in patients with symptoms of vascular lesions of the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, manifested by constricting pain in the heart, feeling short of breath, dizziness or headache, sometimes vomiting, fainting, increased blood pressure, blurred vision and loss of individual fields of vision during this period.

    In a number of patients, typical signs of Raynaud's syndrome on the hands were noted simultaneously with pain in the region of the heart. In contrast to angina pectoris, the intensity and frequency of pain attacks over the years (both as the duration of the disease and in relation to the age of the patients) cannot be more pronounced than later, or progress over a period and then subside.

    A similar pattern is revealed in individual patients and in relation to Raynaud's syndrome, which can be more pronounced at the onset of the disease or spread and progress over a number of years, and then recede into the background.

    Rice. 5.2. Vascular and trophic changes in the fingers: pinpoint ulceration and scarring, deformation of the nails.

    The genesis of hypertension in SS is different. In general, patients with SJS are more likely to have low blood pressure. An increase in blood pressure (transient or persistent) is observed in patients with kidney damage (acute or chronic scleroderma nephropathy) and common Raynaud's syndrome. Therefore, one of the pathogenetic mechanisms of arterial hypertension in SS is a generalized vasospastic phenomenon, including the involvement of renal vessels. The possibility of the independent development of hypertension with SJS as a concomitant disease is not excluded.

    Violations in the vascular sphere in SJS lead, as a rule, to significant circulatory disorders, especially pronounced in the distal extremities.

    Among the patients we observed, 43% had multiple, recurrent and long-term non-healing, often symmetrically located ulceration and suppuration at the fingertips, less often - necrosis, initial gangrene (Fig. 5.3); sometimes trophic ulcers were also present in the area of ​​the bony protrusions (above the joints), in the area of ​​the auricles and even the eyelids. In addition, a number of patients had deep or more superficial trophic ulcers that were not prone to healing.

    Rice. 5.3. IV necrosis and partial amputation of the third finger of the right hand due to initial gangrene.

    Vascular disorders are distinct, indicating chronic anoxia of tissues, with the development of persistent acrocyanosis of the fingers, less often - of the legs, increasing to "cast iron" with cooling, excitement and other factors. In 5% of patients with the progression of severe vascular lesions of the extremities, during the period of activation of the pathological process or in the terminal stage, dry gangrene developed in the area of ​​the nail phalanges of the fingers and toes, in 5 patients (in the terminal period) - also in the area of ​​the nose.

    The participation of trophic disorders and the state of tissue hypoxia is also evident in the development of osteolysis of the nail phalanges, which is observed more often in patients with severe Raynaud's syndrome.

    In the genesis of vascular disorders and Raynaud's syndrome lies a complex complex of intravascular changes and pathology of the vessels themselves, which is revealed and clearly demonstrated using functional and morphological studies.

    Angiographic examination of the extremities of patients with scleroderma revealed pronounced arterial changes in the distal parts of the fingers with zones of uneven narrowing and complete obstruction, as well as the absence of a network of additional capillaries (anastomoses), in contrast to what is observed, for example, in RA.

    Capillaroscopic studies of the nail bed and bulbar conjunctiva are very informative for identifying and clarifying the nature of vascular pathology. Almost all patients with SJS showed some changes in the shape and function of capillaries, slowing blood flow and stasis, a decrease in the number of capillaries and the presence of "avascular fields" reflecting the severity of vascular disorders with progressive desolation of the microvasculature.

    Biomicroscopy can be used for early and differential diagnosis of SJS, identification of patients at risk of developing it [Guseva N. G. et al., 1983; Anikina N.V., etc., 1984; Marioq H. 1981; Thompson R. et al., 1984; Houtman N. et al '1986; Wong M. et al., 1988; Kallenberg C., 1988]. "

    Vasomotor disorders are an important mechanism for the development of kidney damage in SJS. R. Cannon et al. (1974), when 131 Xe was injected into the renal artery to patients with clinical signs of sclerodermic nephropathy, a decrease in the volume, perfusate and a delay in the passage of contrast in the renal cortex, indicating the presence of vasospasm, were established. Cold-induced Raynaud's skin phenomenon was accompanied by a 32% reduction in blood flow in the renal cortex (in healthy individuals - by 10%).

    Patients with SJS often die due to renal failure in the cold season: mortality in autumn and winter is 76%, in spring and summer - 24%. The possible role of cold exposure in the onset or enhancement of Reino's visceral syndrome with a decrease in renal cortex perfusion and activation of the renin-angiotensin system as one of the factors of acute scleroderma kidney is discussed.

    As shown by the studies of N.V. Anikina et al. (1986), microcirculation disorders revealed during conjunctival biomicroscopy, study of the aggregation ability of blood cellular elements, fibrinogen metabolism in the blood, cutaneous and muscle blood flow, plasma renin activity, are more pronounced in the group of patients with kidney damage and correlate with the severity of renal pathology.

    Since the sympathetic system, which controls the activity of the vessels, is often involved in the disease by processes of the most diverse localization, various vasomotor disorders are very common in the nervous clinic.

    I will list the most dramatic of them.

    If you hold the handle of the hammer in a healthy person over the skin of the chest, abdomen, back, etc. with light pressure, then for a very short time a white stripe appears, which quickly takes on a pink color. The latter soon turns pale, and after 1 - 2 - 3 minutes, no traces remain. This is the so-called normal dermographism.

    In pathological conditions, this normal vascular reflex takes on a slightly different form, and then they talk about pathological dermographism.

    Pathological dermographism is of two types - white and red.

    With white dermographism, the entire reflex, as it were, stops at the first phase: the strip after being carried out with a hammer remains white all the time. Subsequent redness does not occur, and the duration of the entire reflex is quite significantly lengthened in comparison with the norm.

    With red dermographism, the second phase of the reflex predominates: after holding with a hammer, a red stripe appears sharply, often even slightly protruding above the skin and holding for many minutes, and sometimes even several hours.

    Recently, much attention has been paid to the so-called "break in dermographism". If a strip of dermographism is drawn along the entire body - behind or in front - with a hammer or a needle, then sometimes it can be seen that such a strip is interrupted for a certain length. This break corresponds to the level of damage in spinal lesions.

    From other vascular: disorders, mention should be made of the long-term phenomena of anemia due to vasospasm; at the same time, along with arterial spasm, venous stasis can often be observed. This kind of disorder, for example, is common in hemiplegics in paralyzed limbs.

    Sometimes you can see the opposite phenomenon - arterial or venous hyperemia. More often it is observed in the peripheral parts of the limbs, less often in the face.

    Periodic edema is not particularly rare - either in the form of small rounded plaques, or in the form of widespread edema of the entire face, whole limbs, the oral cavity, larynx and even, perhaps, internal organs.

    Probably related to these edema is the periodic formation of joint effusion (hydrops articulorum intermittens).

    VASOMOTOR DISORDERS [see. vasomotors] - pathological changes in the distribution of blood and blood filling of skin vessels on organic or psychogenic soil

    Psychomotor skills: dictionary-reference. - M .: VLADOS... V.P. Dudiev. 2008.

    See what "VASOMOTOR DISORDERS" are in other dictionaries:

      Psychosomatic disorders- I Psychosomatic disorders (Greek psychē soul, consciousness, sōmatos body) psychogenically or predominantly psychogenically caused disorders of the functions of internal organs or physiological systems (blood circulation, respiration, digestion, ... ... Medical encyclopedia

      Neuroleptic extrapyramidal disorders- a complex of neurological complications manifested by movement disorders associated with the use of antipsychotic (antipsychotic) drugs. The term "drug extrapyramidal disorders" also includes disorders caused by ... ... Wikipedia

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      DERMATOSIS- DERMATOSIS. Contents: I. D. professional ........... 703 II. E. pregnancy .............. 712 III. E. menstrual periods .............. 715 IV. D. dysmenoric .............. 718 Dermatoses (synonym: rashes, rashes, exanthema), the name given by the most ... ... Great medical encyclopedia

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    According to WHO statistics, vasomotor rhinitis accounts for about a quarter of cases of chronic rhinitis. The disease most often occurs in young people aged 20–40 years.

    Causes of vasomotor rhinitis

    At the heart of the pathological process in vasomotor rhinitis is the increased excitability of the autonomic nervous system, which causes an abnormal response to ordinary stimuli. In parallel, the ciliated epithelium of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity is transformed into goblet cells, the function of which is to produce mucus. As a result, the amount of secretion increases sharply, while its advancement slows down and the absorption capacity of the mucous membranes decreases, due to which the patient constantly feels nasal congestion and has difficulty with nasal breathing.

    Dysregulation of vascular tone in this case can affect only the nasal cavity or act as one of the manifestations of a general violation of vascular tone in neurocirculatory dysfunction with a predominance of the parasympathetic department. The role of provoking factors is played by:

    • acute and chronic upper respiratory tract infections;
    • anatomical defects that impede the passage of air through the nasal passages;
    • endocrine disorders;
    • fluctuations in hormonal levels during puberty, during pregnancy and during menopause;
    • emotional upheavals and neuroses;
    • irritants and allergens;
    • fluctuations in temperature and humidity.

    Another common cause of vasomotor rhinitis is the long-term uncontrolled use of nasal vasoconstrictor drugs and other medications that affect the regulation of vascular tone - oral contraceptives, anti-inflammatory and antihypertensive drugs, antipsychotics, etc.

    Sometimes vasomotor rhinitis is one of the manifestations of chronic gastritis, hiatal hernia and other diseases of the digestive system, accompanied by gastroesophageal reflux. The ingress of stomach contents into the nasal cavity injures the surface epithelium of the mucous layer and, ultimately, leads to sensitization and hyperreactivity of the mucous membranes. Vasomotor rhinitis, first diagnosed before the age of 50, may be the result of frequent alcohol consumption. Sometimes it is not possible to establish the cause of the disease, in such cases the diagnosis of idiopathic vasomotor rhinitis is made.


    Depending on the predominant etiological factor, two forms of vasomotor rhinitis are distinguished - neurovegetative and allergic. The neurovegetative form, usually occurs against the background of neurocirculatory dysfunction. With allergic vasomotor rhinitis, in turn, the year-round and seasonal varieties are differentiated.

    According to the severity of symptoms:

    • mild - only local symptoms are present, and the patient's general well-being remains satisfactory;
    • moderate severity - moderate asthenic manifestations and limitation of the patient's activity in the daytime;
    • severe - characterized by frequent prolonged exacerbations and a decrease in the patient's ability to work.

    The frequency of attacks is also important when choosing a therapeutic strategy, therefore, in clinical practice, intermittent vasomotor rhinitis is differentiated from persistent. In the first case, exacerbations occur no more than 3-4 times a week, in the second, paroxysmal attacks are repeated almost every day.

    Symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis

    Most often, vasomotor rhinitis occurs against the background of a clinical picture of a chronic rhinitis, the symptoms of which are well known:

    • persistent nasal congestion;
    • a large amount of mucous discharge;
    • the appearance of crusts in the nasal passages;
    • a feeling of heat and dryness in the nose;
    • sneezing;
    • loss of smell.

    The differential symptom of vasomotor rhinitis is the paroxysmal course of the disease. Exacerbations are of a paroxysmal nature and are provoked by external factors - inhalation of cold air, tobacco smoke and household chemicals, strong odors, dust, hot or spicy food, stress, etc. Often, the symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis intensify after eating or in the morning after waking up, as well as in a supine position and when turning from side to side. In this case, difficulty breathing is noted alternately in the right, then in the left nostril.

    With a prolonged course of the disease due to breathing disorders, ventilation of the lungs worsens, signs of insufficient blood supply to the brain and severe asthenic symptoms appear: weakness, apathy, fatigue, irritability, headaches, trembling of hands, loss of appetite, insomnia, memory and attention disorders.

    Vasomotor rhinitis in children

    In young children, vasomotor rhinitis is often associated with allergic conditions and ENT diseases. In particular, there is a direct connection between the incidence of vasomotor rhinitis and adenoiditis, inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, curvature of the nasal septa and other pathologies of the ENT organs. After elimination of the underlying disease, vasomotor rhinitis in children usually resolves by itself.

    Vasomotor rhinitis is especially dangerous for infants. Nasal congestion leads to loss of energy, breast rejection and increases the risk of respiratory arrest. With partial nasal congestion, the possibility of breastfeeding remains, but the sucking movements require serious efforts from the baby. Fatigue and frequent regurgitation prevent them from getting enough nutrients, which can lead to stunted growth and development in children.

    The neurovegetative form of vasomotor rhinitis in young children is less common than allergic, however, with a general tendency to autonomic neuroses, there is a risk of developing the disease due to chronic stress. In adolescents, the debut of vasomotor rhinitis may be associated with a sharp change in hormonal levels.


    The preliminary diagnosis is made by an otolaryngologist based on the clinical picture and anamnesis data. During the examination, a thorough examination of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, pharynx and larynx is carried out - rhinoscopy, pharyngoscopy and laryngoscopy. During the period of exacerbations, there is swelling and dryness of the mucous membranes, a marble pattern or white-bluish spots on the inner surface of the upper respiratory tract; defects of the nasal septum, hypertrophy of the mucous layer and polyps in the sinuses may be present.

    Vasomotor rhinitis is differentiated from allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, tuberculosis, scleroma, syphilis and Wegener's granulomatosis. To clarify the diagnosis, an X-ray of the paranasal sinuses, a complete blood count and allergy tests are usually prescribed. With neurovegetative rhinitis, the level of eosinophils and class E immunoglobulins (IgE) remains within the form, skin tests give a negative result. In the allergic form, eosinophilia and an increased level of serum IgE are noted; during skin tests, as a rule, it is possible to identify allergens. In pregnant women, the initial autonomic tone and hormonal status of the body is also determined; of particular importance are the indicators of estradiol, estriol and progesterone - hormones that affect neurovegetative reactions.

    According to the indications, additional studies are carried out - rhinopneumometry and endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity, microscopy of samples of the epithelium of the mucous membranes and bacterial culture of mucous secretions from the nose.

    Treatment of vasomotor rhinitis

    Mild and moderate forms of vasomotor rhinitis are amenable to conservative treatment. When developing therapeutic regimens, priority is given to eliminating concomitant diseases and provoking factors, restoring microcirculation and vascular tone in the tissues of the nasal cavity, deep sanitation of the nasopharynx and normalizing the functions of the autonomic nervous system as a whole.

    The use of intranasal vasoconstrictor drugs to facilitate breathing and relieve edema is strictly excluded; in extreme cases, oral decongensants are prescribed. With a mild course of vasomotor rhinitis, nasal drops based on essential oils give a good effect.

    In moderate cases, the edema of the mucous membranes is eliminated by the introduction of intranasal glucocorticoids and sclerosing drugs into the region of the inferior turbinates, novocaine and steroid blockades, or chemical cauterization of hypertrophied mucous membranes. Mucous discharge is removed from the nasal passages using finely dispersed irrigation of the nasal cavity with complex salt solutions. Additionally, tissue preparations that stimulate local immunity can be prescribed.

    If chronic foci of infection are detected, a course of antibacterial or antiviral drugs is included in the therapeutic regimen. With an allergic form of vasomotor rhinitis, antihistamines of systemic action are used; further, the possibility of conducting desensitizing therapy is considered.

    Severe deformities of the nasal septum and other serious defects of the intranasal structures are indications for septoplasty or endoscopic correction. In the management of children with adenoiditis, the issue of surgical removal of lesions of lymphoid tissue - adenotomy - is resolved.

    In order to restore the soft tissues and blood vessels of the nasal cavity as soon as possible, physiotherapeutic methods are widely practiced:

    • inhalation using nebulizers;
    • electrophoresis and ultrasonophoresis;
    • magnetotherapy;
    • ozone-ultraviolet sanitation of the nasal cavity.

    The positive results of the use of photodynamic therapy in vasomotor rhinitis have been reported. The essence of the method: a two-component effect is exerted on the altered areas of the mucous membrane: treatment of damaged tissues with a photosensitizer and irradiation with an exclusive red laser with a wavelength equal to the absorption bands. During the procedure, strong oxidants are formed, and the oxygen contained in the tissues is converted into a cytotoxic form. Since the ability of healthy and pathologically altered tissue to absorb light is not the same, the damaging effect is limited to areas of the proliferating epithelium in the foci of inflammation; healthy cells remain unaffected.

    With a low efficiency of conservative treatment, an operation for vasomotor rhinitis is indicated using the most gentle approach. In moderate cases, it is possible to manage with the methods of outpatient minimally invasive surgery, such as ultrasound or microwave disintegration, submucosal vasotomy, radio wave or laser destruction of the inferior turbinates. If the need for repeated intervention repeatedly arises, it is recommended to perform a conchotomy - removal of altered mucous membranes along with the bone skeleton of the lower turbinates. The operation is performed in a hospital under endotracheal anesthesia.

    Possible complications and consequences

    Difficulty breathing with vasomotor rhinitis worsens the aeration of the turbinates and paranasal sinuses, creating the prerequisites for the development of sinusitis and sinusitis, and is also considered one of the risk factors for the development of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome - a pathological condition that is accompanied by short-term respiratory stops during sleep and can lead to sudden death ... In addition, constant irritation of the pharynx and larynx with an air stream during forced mouth breathing provokes pharyngitis, laryngitis and tonsillitis, and also aggravates the course of chronic tonsillitis.

    Long-term course of vasomotor rhinitis leads to oxygen starvation of the brain and cerebral circulation disorders, which has negative consequences for the cognitive functions and intellectual productivity of the patient; the ability to learn decreases in children.


    With timely and adequate treatment, the chances of a complete cure for mild to moderate vasomotor rhinitis are highly estimated. The long course of the disease contributes to the development of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis: proliferative changes in the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity become irreversible. In such cases, surgical intervention is required to achieve a lasting positive effect. In severe vasomotor rhinitis, the prognosis depends on the severity of general symptoms, response to therapy, the presence of complications and concomitant diseases, but in most cases it is possible to achieve stable remission.


    For the prevention of vasomotor rhinitis, the general well-being of the nervous system is important, therefore, it is necessary to avoid stressful situations, observe a sparing daily regimen, eat well, give up bad habits and not abuse stimulants. A contrast shower is useful, which serves as a good gymnastics for the vessels.

    For relaxation, you can practice breathing exercises, yoga and meditation; useful walks in the fresh air, trips out of town, swimming and water aerobics. Sports loads for patients prone to autonomic disorders are too tiring; moderate but constant physical activity is preferred. Roughness, intimidation and moral pressure are unacceptable in dealing with excitable children.

    For acute upper respiratory tract infections, do not self-medicate; the haphazard reception of potent agents is especially undesirable. Patients with chronic diseases who have to constantly take medications should strictly adhere to the recommended regimen and not resort to self-replacement of drugs. With frequent colds and allergic rhinitis, nasal sprays and drops with a vasoconstrictor effect should not be used for more than two weeks in a row. In order to prevent colds, hardening is recommended, and in case of a tendency to allergies, an appeal to an allergist-immunologist is recommended. Reliable determination of the allergen using immunological tests and modern methods of desensitizing therapy allow you to quickly get rid of allergies.

    Compliance with hygiene standards in living and working areas has a positive effect on the state of the respiratory system. Be sure to regularly ventilate the rooms and wet cleaning at least twice a week.

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    Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

    The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!

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    Vasomotor in children

    Vasomotor is the ability of the walls of blood vessels to change the diameter of their lumen under the influence of various factors. The vasomotor reaction belongs to the systems of the body's defenses. With the help of this mechanism, internal regulation of pressure and filling of the bloodstream occurs.

    At an early age, the vasomotor system in children is insufficiently developed. In this regard, during stressful situations for the body, various vascular disorders can occur. In particular, with a sharp position of the body relative to the vertical axis, dizziness, flickering of flies in the eyes can be observed. In the case of a serious violation of the vasomotor reaction, vasoconstriction does not occur when exposed to cold air. This leads to rapid hypothermia of the body. In this regard, pediatricians recommend dressing young babies according to climatic conditions. The process of heat transfer depends on vasomotor blood reactions. Any, even minor hypothermia for a child can cause a serious cold.

    With extensive blood loss, the release of adrenaline into the blood and massive allergic reactions, a sharp contraction of the arterial vessels can provoke collapse and loss of consciousness.

    Medical terms. 2000.

    See what "Vasomotorica, Vasomotion reaction" is in other dictionaries:

    VASOMOTORICS, VASOMOTORAL REACTION - (vasomotion) change in the lumen of blood vessels, especially arteries. See Vasoconstriction, Vasodilation ... Explanatory Dictionary of Medicine

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    The word vasomotor

    The word vasomotor in English letters (transliteration) - vazomotornyi

    The word vasomotor consists of 12 letters:

    The meanings of the word vasomotor. What is vasomotor?

    Vasomotor - 1. associated with the regulation of the tone of blood vessels; 2. indicating a decrease in vascular tone (vasodilation) or an increase (vasoconstriction).

    VASOMOTOR. 1. Pertaining to the nerves that control the muscle walls of the blood vessels. 2. Pertaining to two forms of action of these nerves, namely vasoconstriction and vasodilation.

    Oxford Dictionary of Psychology.

    Vasomotor (vas- (Vaz-) + lat. Motor driving) causing narrowing or expansion of blood vessels.

    Vasomotor rhinitis is caused by a violation of the neuro-reflex mechanisms of reaction to reflex irritations (cold air, pungent odor), which leads to a violent reaction from the nasal mucosa.

    VASMOTORNESS, ALLERGIC. Symptoms for. Attacks of sudden stuffy (tm) nose with copious watery-mucous discharge, sneezing. Vasomotor rhinitis is a neuro-reflex disease ...

    Vasomotor runny nose When should you see a doctor If you have thick and colored nasal discharge. What Your Symptoms Tell You Your constantly wet nose resembles a faulty faucet.

    Vasomotor syndrome is a state of autonomic dysfunction with a predominance of disorders from the cardiovascular system (dizziness, fainting, tachycardia, bradycardia, pallor of the skin or cyanosis, etc.).

    Zhmurov V.A. Comprehensive Explanatory Dictionary of Psychiatric Terms

    Vasomotor syndrome is a state of autonomic dysfunction with a predominance of disorders from the cardiovascular system (such as dizziness, fainting, tachycardia, bradycardia, pallor of the skin or cyanosis, etc.).

    Vasomotor, Vasomotor (vasomotor)

    VASOMOTOR, VASOMOTOR (vasomotor) - controlling the process of contraction and relaxation of the muscular membrane of the walls of blood vessels (especially arteries), and, consequently, the lumen of blood vessels.

    Vasomotor, Vasomotor (Vasomotor) - controlling the process of contraction and relaxation of the muscular membrane of the walls of blood vessels (especially arteries), and therefore, the lumen of blood vessels.

    Medical terms from A to Z

    Vasomotor, Vasomotor (Vasomotor) controls the process of contraction and relaxation of the muscular membrane of the walls of blood vessels (especially arteries), and therefore, the lumen of blood vessels.

    Vasomotoricity, Vasomotion reaction

    VASOMOTORICS, VASOMOTORAL REACTION (vasomotion) - a change in the lumen of blood vessels, especially arteries. See Vasoconstriction, Vasodilation.

    Vasomotor, Vasomotion reaction - a change in the lumen of blood vessels, especially arteries. See Vasoconstriction, Vasodilation.

    Medical terms from A to Z

    Vasomotor, Vasomotion reaction - a change in the lumen of blood vessels, especially arteries. See Vasoconstriction, Vasodilation. Source: "Medical Dictionary"

    Vasomotor disorders.

    Since the sympathetic system, which controls the activity of the vessels, is often involved in the disease by processes of the most diverse localization, various vasomotor disorders are very common in the nervous clinic.

    I will list the most dramatic of them.

    If you hold the handle of the hammer in a healthy person over the skin of the chest, abdomen, back, etc. with light pressure, then for a very short time a white stripe appears, which quickly takes on a pink color. The latter soon turns pale, and after 1 - 2 - 3 minutes, no traces remain. This is the so-called normal dermographism.

    In pathological conditions, this normal vascular reflex takes on a slightly different form, and then they talk about pathological dermographism.

    Pathological dermographism is of two types - white and red.

    At white In dermographism, the entire reflex seems to stop at the first phase: the strip after being carried out with a hammer remains white all the time. Subsequent redness does not occur, and the duration of the entire reflex is quite significantly lengthened in comparison with the norm.

    At red dermographism, the second phase of the reflex predominates: after holding with a hammer, a red stripe appears sharply, often even slightly protruding above the skin and holding for many minutes, and sometimes even several hours.

    Recently, much attention has been paid to the so-called "break in dermographism". If a strip of dermographism is drawn along the entire body - behind or in front - with a hammer or a needle, then sometimes it can be seen that such a strip is interrupted for a certain length. This break corresponds to the level of damage in spinal lesions.

    From other vascular: disorders, mention should be made of the long-term phenomena of anemia due to vasospasm; at the same time, along with arterial spasm, venous stasis can often be observed. This kind of disorder, for example, is common in hemiplegics in paralyzed limbs.

    Sometimes you can see the opposite phenomenon - arterial or venous hyperemia. More often it is observed in the peripheral parts of the limbs, less often in the face.

    Periodic edema is not particularly rare - either in the form of small rounded plaques, or in the form of widespread edema of the entire face, whole limbs, the oral cavity, larynx and even, perhaps, internal organs.

    Probably related to these edema is the recurrent formation of joint effusion (hydropsarticulorumintermittens).

    Secretory disorders.

    The sympathetic nervous system, as I have already said, is involved in the management of, probably, all glands - both internal and external secretions. Lesions of the sympathetic system can theoretically cause disorders of secretory activity in any gland. It is possible that this is the case in reality. But the vast majority of the corresponding phenomena are already related to visceral disorders and, as such, lie outside the limits of our specialty.

    Therefore, there is little left for us.

    Among these few, sweating disorder should be put in the foreground. This function can increase more or less sharply: the so-called hyperhydrosis appears. Sweat in these cases is secreted in large quantities under all conditions - and in warm and cold weather, and under the influence of all mental movements, and, finally, for no apparent reason. At strong degrees, this seemingly empty disorder turns patients into martyrs who must change their underwear, soaked in decaying sweat, several times a day.

    Sweating can be general (hyperhydrosisuniversalis) or local.

    It is interesting to observe how, in the latter case, the places of intense sweating give the types of distribution that are strangely familiar to the neuropathologist. That sweating affects one half of the body, like hemiplegia or hemianesthesia - hemihyperhydrosis; then even one half of the face and the opposite half of the body sweats - hyperhydrosiscruciata, - like hemianaesthesiaalternans; then the peripheral parts of the limbs sweat - a distribution similar to the peripheral type of paralysis or anesthesia-Sweating is also observed in the region of one of some nerves.

    On the other hand, the disassembled function can be reduced, and we will always have dry skin.

    The conditions under which these disorders occur are completely unknown. You can list those painful conditions in which they are observed, but this list will essentially give nothing. So, increased sweating is observed with neurasthenia, Basedow's disease, strikingly often and in the most bizarre forms in alcoholics, with traumatic neuroses. Reduced sweating is observed with myxedema and occasionally with some other diseases.

    Increased secretion of tears is observed with trigeminal neuralgia: with the same suffering, there is sometimes an increased secretion of nasal mucus on the diseased side.

    With bulbar and pseudobulbar paralysis, they often talk about increased saliva secretion - salivation. However, it is difficult to say whether salivation in these patients depends on increased secretion or insufficient swallowing of saliva.

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    Vasomotor reactions and emotions

    How to be afraid, angry, run from heart attacks and fight strokes. For a start, let's put aside psychology, consider anatomy. Given - with strong emotional experiences, people can turn pale or blush. Because the blood vessels in the skin narrow or dilate. If an increase in pressure is expected in the circulatory system, then the walls of the vessels are tense. If the pressure does not rise to the expected level, then the wall tension will lead to a narrowing of the lumen, the skin will turn pale. The walls of blood vessels relax while waiting for a decrease in pressure. If it has not decreased, then the blood vessel will swell, become more noticeable, and the skin will turn red. The pressure increases near those organs that have to work. Pressure decreases when work is to be done elsewhere.

    Strong emotional experiences are associated with predictions - you will either have to run away, or catch up, or do something else tensely, in general, you will need enhanced nutrition near some organ, and for others it is better to calm down and not interfere. The heart starts to work harder, the pressure builds up, an urgent need to prepare the circulatory system. The preparation is carried out by the corresponding nerve cells - vasomotors, which control the walls of each blood vessel. Vasomotor is the reaction of the nervous system to the forecast for an increase or decrease in work. The reaction to heat and cold also refers to the work of the vasomotor system, but now you can not be distracted by adjusting to temperature fluctuations.

    The walls of a blood vessel are under pressure from both sides throughout their life. From the inside, the vessel is bursting with blood flow, and from the outside it is compressed by body tissues and atmospheric pressure. The walls of the vessel have muscles that can compress or expand the lumen. Vasomotors control the tension of these tiny muscles. The lumen of the vessel depends on the tension of the walls, on which the amount of nutrients passed through the vessel depends, thus the correspondence of the supply to the load depends on the work of the vasomotors. As the turn signals of the car are turned on before the start of the turn, so the vasomotor system works in advance, and is not directly related to the activity of the heart, so it can be delayed or triggered prematurely. If the experiences speak of the work to come, but the work does not begin, then the person turns pale in some places, blushes in others.

    The vasomotor system is tunable throughout life. If there is an inadequacy of reactions, then the necessary adjustments are made to the programming of nerve cells. The problem is that behavioral errors are projected inward - contradictory actions lead to the accumulation of errors in the body's work. If one part of the subconscious is convinced that there is a serious problem, and another part of the consciousness orders to demonstrate equanimity, then the system is upset. As a result, the neighboring vessels will receive conflicting signals. When one branch has tensed, and the neighboring one has relaxed, the blood flow, according to the laws of physics, will rush into the relaxed one - there the gap is wider. And woe to that vessel that lacks elasticity. Or a muscle that stays hungry.

    Stroke and heart attack are well-known, but still poorly predictable enemies. These are extreme manifestations, when a blood vessel closes or ruptures, so that it eventually ceases to perform its function, as a result of which a vital part of the brain or heart muscle that feeds this vessel can be damaged. An active lifestyle trains the vascular system, but does not guarantee the flawless operation of the vasomotors. Restrained fear, hatred, other strong emotions and even pleasures can shake, blab and mislead, confuse the setting of useful programs. In addition to fresh air, proper nutrition and other physical education, something else is certainly needed so as not to replenish the statistics of cardiovascular diseases.

    Silently stands a young man near the wall, pale with a burning gaze. It is better to drain the tension of resentment or anger, rather than hide it from yourself. One should not enumerate past sins, insult now and curse for the future - not to confuse ethics with physical needs. You need to drain the physical stress, and not burn part of your psyche. Swearing is tempting because it’s easy, but it’s easier to break off each time, and it’s difficult to restore the habit of being polite. It is easy to learn to use foul language, but it is difficult to talk to children afterwards.

    The stronger the anger, the more likely it is directed to the wrong address. If something does not add up in the subconscious, the way out is not visible, then a tense expectation of a bad result arises, an unpleasant fear. Consciousness tries to find the cause of the unpleasant sensation without being tied to the problem that is lost in the subconscious. They are always angry not at the problem, but at what is taken as a hindrance to the solution of some problem. Anger does not lead to a solution, the subconscious mind intensifies unpleasant experiences, the consciousness considers this a confirmation of the correctness of its guesses and persists in furious attempts to eliminate the designated culprit. Therefore, in case of a fit of anger, steam should be released without address. Fighting with a real enemy is always a joy, anger and resentment are always wrong and breed their own kind.

    We can be angry at the bad manners of a child who has gone on a spree, and the real reason is our powerlessness in trying to ensure the safety of his beloved, infinitely good. We can freak out at manifestations of stupidity by the users of our program, although the real reason is the morning quarrel with a spouse, caused by financial instability. We can regularly get angry at motorists blocking the road when the real reason is not having our own apartment. You can even beat the bedside table, which you touched with your knee, but this will only make it more painful. The only way to stop freaking out is to figure out the real reason for your negative emotions at your leisure. Talk to yourself honestly and thoroughly. In a quiet environment.

    In the meantime, the root of the problem is not visible, but emotions require an outlet, then you can breathe, work with your hands or feet. At least just walk in a circle, stretch a piece of rubber, do push-ups from the seat of the chair. Crumple a piece of paper and launch it into the wall if no one is around. If your body is expecting a load, then don't be fooled. Then it will respond adequately in cases where the load is really required. It is only difficult to guess the moment and place of the beginning of the necessary effort.

    As with anger, fear is not a response to an apparent cause. And not on the audible one, not on the one that we managed to recognize. For example, an unexpected cry can panic someone who has something of value and is afraid of losing it. Especially if it's a secret. Or worse, layering of deceptions. If you hide something very important for a long time, then it becomes part of the inner world, and a person subconsciously awaits the moment of declassification. Every unexpected sound will be checked first of all - isn't it, isn't it this terrible moment of loss?

    For peace of mind, it is better not to do anything, for which later you may become ashamed. Every dishonest benefit will generate long-term fears in the future. It is better to get rid of the skeletons in the closets, even if for this you need to consult a psychotherapist, because sometimes we hide these skeletons even from ourselves, so then we cannot find them without help. You can start with something easier - cross roads in the right places, do not slip into the yellow light, leave the house on time for work. The habit of hiding behind harsh words fosters neurasthenia, not self-confidence. You can assert yourself, but by exalting yourself, and not humiliating others in endless competition. Computer games and horror films do not train fearlessness, but they shatter the nervous system.

    The second common cause of fear is violation of reality. If I see an ax floating on the river, a flying cow, or hear someone coughing from an empty room, then I will begin to doubt what I know about my surroundings, and as a result, I will not know what to do. Such uncertainty is more frightening than real enemies. If my thoughts are immersed in some kind of imaginary situation, then a sharp sound or unexpected touch in the real world will act in exactly the same destructive way. To regain courage, you need to return to the real world. It is enough just to look at what is happening around, listen, feel. And break the habit of looking for the worst possible explanation, practice finding the good.

    And when fear nevertheless happens - not to portray an imperturbable agent of foreign intelligence, but to let this fear physically manifest itself. At least a little, but pour it out on a physical level. Talking loudly, breathing deeply, waving your arms excitedly - after the onset of fear, there are only two heartbeats to allow the body to respond. If during this time you do not allow yourself to strain at least something in your body, then the circulatory system will receive a blow. The person did not yet understand that he was frightened, and the vasomotors had already prepared for the consequences of the fright. Just in case, we strained the vessels, squeezed them to withstand the pressure that is about to jump. Let it jump just a little.

    The manifestations of joy are also accompanied by vasomotor reactions. And you should be honest with yourself, so as not to shake your priceless circulatory system with false alarms. One should learn to rejoice violently if the joy is really violent. Too many people cannot dance or even smile broadly. They squeeze themselves into embarrassment, foster complexes of guilt and inferiority. For psychotherapists there is an untapped field - to teach this world to rejoice. In the meantime, there are few good psychotherapists, you can try to raise the general level of your mood by cultivating a positive way of thinking. This will not make you invulnerable, optimists also sometimes get angry and even bang their heads against the wall, but it will definitely become easier to get out of crisis states, give strength to further search for real causes and effects. The previously written "instruction on optimism" to help.

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    Vasomotor reactions and emotions

    The walls of a blood vessel are under pressure from both sides throughout their life. From the inside, the vessel is bursting with blood flow, and from the outside it is compressed by body tissues and atmospheric pressure. The walls of the vessel have muscles that can compress or expand the lumen. What for? If the body goes into a mode of vigorous physical activity, then the muscles begin to consume more oxygen and nutrients, for this it is necessary to ensure a greater flow of blood, for this the heart begins to work more actively, the pressure in the circulatory system increases, which must be resisted - you need to strain the walls so that the vessel did not bloat. And then a state of rest sets in, blood is no longer needed in the muscles of the legs, but somewhere near the digestive tract, so here the pressure has decreased, the walls of the vessels can be relaxed. This complex work of the vascular system is controlled by the spinal cord, the corresponding nerve cells are called vasomotors.

    If the vasomotor system goes wrong, then troubles of different sizes arise. If the vessels prepared for the load, but it did not appear or turned out to be weaker than planned, then the vessels will narrow, there will be a noticeable pallor. Anger, it's time to rush into a fight, but education or politics does not allow, as a result, "a pale young man with a burning gaze stands silently near the wall." If the heart began to pound, and the body did not receive the command to work, then the unprepared vessels will expand, and we will turn red, and only in some places. Maybe from the same anger that would make another person pale. As the turn signals are turned on before the start of the turn, so the vasomotor works in advance, and is not directly related to the activity of the heart, so it can be delayed or triggered prematurely. Also, the expansion may not be at all related to the activity of the heart, but be, for example, a way to increase heat exchange, get rid of excess heat. Likewise, narrowing can be a way to save heat calories when cold or thin. Those who wish can then read additionally about the word "hyperemia".

    What do the extreme degrees of manifestation of disorders of the vasomotor system look like? Disabling logic, developed behavioral algorithms for overcoming the crisis is not a vasomotor one. Loss of consciousness from "excess of feelings" is vasomotor. The most extreme manifestations are rupture of a vessel or its complete obstruction. Stroke, heart attack - well-known, but still poorly predictable enemies of man. An active lifestyle normalizes the work of the vascular system, but does not guarantee the flawless functioning of the vasomotor system. Fear, hatred, other strong emotions, as well as pleasures can shatter, blur and mislead our spinal cord, knock down useful programs, accumulate errors. Therefore, in addition to fresh air, proper nutrition and other physical education, something else is definitely needed in order not to replenish the statistics of cardiovascular diseases.

    Anger. If you are pissed off, drain the tension rather than hide it from yourself. No shouting, stamping your feet and slamming the door, no - don't confuse ethical violation and physical need. It’s easier to break off every time, but it’s difficult to restore habits later, to become a well-mannered person again. It is easy to learn to use foul language, but it is difficult to talk to children afterwards. In order not to confuse the vasomotors, we just need to breathe, work with our hands or feet. At least just walk in a circle, stretch a piece of rubber, do push-ups from the seat of the chair. Crumple a piece of paper and launch it into the wall if no one is around. Do not target your anger - you must drain the physical stress, not burn part of your psyche. If your body is expecting a load, then don't be fooled. Then it will respond adequately in cases where the load is really required.

    Perhaps understanding the nature of anger can help you deal constructively with anger attacks. Nature is such that the stronger the anger, the more likely it is directed to the wrong address. If something does not add up in the subconscious, the exit path is not visible, there is not even a hint of the existence of such a path, then a certain tension arises. Unpleasant, painful. Consciousness tries to find a reason and finds, but something extraneous - we begin to get angry not at the problem, but at what we take for the problem. This does not lead us to a solution to the real problem, the subconscious is even more upset by the lack of understanding of the consciousness, an emotional storm boils, the consciousness joyfully sees this supposedly confirmation of the correctness of its guesses and persists in furious attempts to eliminate the alleged cause. We can be angry at the bad manners of a child who has gone on a spree, and the real reason is our powerlessness in trying to ensure the safety of his beloved, infinitely good. We can freak out at manifestations of stupidity by the users of our program, although the real reason is the morning quarrel with a spouse, caused by financial instability. We can regularly get angry at motorists blocking the road when the real reason is not having our own apartment.

    Therefore, when you get angry, let off steam, but without address. Because the object of your anger is most likely not the real reason for it, and continuing to be angry with it is completely useless - you can even beat the bedside table, which you touched with your knee, but this will only make it more painful. Then, at your leisure, try to find the real reason for your negative emotions - this is the only way to stop freaking out. Look for a way to deal with the real problem, not the temper tantrums. How to search? To begin with, talk to yourself honestly and thoroughly. In a quiet environment.

    You can also try to raise your overall mood by cultivating a positive mindset. This will not make you invulnerable, optimists also sometimes get angry and even bang their heads against the wall, but it will definitely become easier for you to get out of crisis situations. Previously written post "Exercises for the eyes" to help.

    Fear. A separate problem is the overcoming of something that always arises unexpectedly and too quickly to have time to consciously react to it. Why are we afraid? What? Conscious fear of a situation does not prompt us to take immediate action. Fear of, for example, spiders, will not lead you to hysterical jumping and screaming, if the spider is not near you - you just know that you do not want to be near the object of your fears. It's another matter when real fear arises, the cause of which we cannot even recognize at first - a loud bang, a sudden fall, a notification of the death of a loved one. When the urge to run and do something arises, but consciousness takes control and begins to understand the situation, after which the order to run is canceled, so that the vasomotors remain at a loss with extremely compressed vessels.

    As with anger, fear is not a response to an apparent cause. And not on the audible one, not on the one that we managed to recognize. For example, an unexpected yell can lead to panic in someone who is afraid of being caught by the hand. Or often deceives. Or has something valuable and is afraid to lose it. We are afraid that our secret will cease to be a secret. We have kept it for so long, it is very important for us, it is part of our inner world, this is part of our universe - this is what was deposited in the subconscious. And we subconsciously begin to wait for the moment of declassification, this terrible moment. And every unexpected sound will first of all be checked - isn't it, isn't it this awful moment?

    In order not to be afraid of anything - get rid of the habit of lying and do not do anything at all for which you could later become ashamed. Get rid of skeletons in closets, even if you need to see a psychotherapist for this, because sometimes we hide these skeletons even from ourselves, so that later we cannot find them without help. Cross the road to the green light. Become polite, stop trying to compete with everyone you meet - it will not make you weaker, and it will make you more confident in yourself. The absence of obscenities in speech will make you more attractive to the opposite sex and will not make you weaker in the eyes of your friends - get rid of delusions, your habit of hiding behind harsh words makes you neurasthenic, not self-confident. Computer games and horror films do not train fearlessness, but they shatter the nervous system.

    And when fear does happen, do not pretend to be an imperturbable agent of foreign intelligence, but let this fear physically manifest itself. Just a little, but pour it out on a physical level. Feel free to start talking loudly, breathing deeply, waving your arms excitedly - once fear arises, you only have two heartbeats to allow your body to respond. If during this time you do not allow yourself to strain at least something in your body, then your circulatory system will receive a blow.

    The manifestations of joy are also accompanied by vasomotor reactions. And you should be honest with yourself, so as not to shake your priceless circulatory system with false alarms. One should learn to rejoice violently if the joy is really violent. Too many people cannot dance or even smile broadly. They squeeze themselves into embarrassment, foster complexes of guilt and inferiority. For psychotherapists there is an untapped field - to teach this world to rejoice. In the meantime, there are few good psychotherapists - do "exercises for the eyes", this will help you learn to experience joy more often and give strength to further search for real causes and effects.

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    Climacteric syndrome- a symptom complex that develops in women with a decrease in the level of female sex hormones in the blood. Considering that hormones are necessary for the proper functioning of all organs (brain, blood vessels, joints), their deficiency will manifest itself as a disruption in the work of all organs. A woman may complain of decreased mood, tearfulness, headaches, joint pain, lower abdomen, and menstrual irregularities.

    How to determine the onset of menopause in time?

    Menopause (menopause) is a natural phase in a woman's life, during which the hormonal balance in the body changes. The ovaries produce less and less sex hormones as a result of the natural aging process and associated hormonal changes. Thus, menopause is a process of physiological restructuring, and not any disease.

    Typically, women go through menopause between the ages of 45 and 55.

    What stages is the climax divided into?

    The climacteric period is divided into three main stages.

    Premenopause- the period until the last menstruation, usually begins after 40-50 years and lasts an average of 15-18 months. At this time, there is a gradual extinction of ovarian function, the cessation of ovulation, and conception becomes problematic, but at the same time, protection is still necessary. There is a gradual increase in the intervals between menstruation, a reduction in their duration and a decrease in blood loss. Premenopause lasts from the onset of irregular periods until the last menstrual period.

    Women during this period may have symptoms of "climacteric syndrome": headaches, hot flashes (that is, sudden redness of the face, neck, chest, nape, accompanied by a feeling of heat; this condition lasts 2-3 minutes, more often in the evenings), palpitations , mood swings, dryness of the vaginal mucous membranes, frequent urination, fatigue, decreased sexual activity.

    Hot flashes last 1-2 years on average, with a maximum of 5 years.

    Premenopausal decreases the production of female sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone), and the amount of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) increases. The level of male sex hormones, which are also present in women, sometimes decrease more smoothly, therefore hyperandrogenism (the predominance of male hormones) may occur. This condition leads to an increase in body weight (an increase can be 5-8 kg in a short time and it can be difficult to get rid of it).

    Menopause Is the year following the last menstrual period. On average, menopause occurs between the ages of 50 and 53. During this period, a high level of FSH is noted, the risk of developing osteoporosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus and obesity increases.

    Postmenopause begins one year after the last menstrual period. FSH levels remain elevated during this period. An increase in FSH in the blood and urine is a laboratory sign of its onset. All symptoms of the climacteric period disappear at this time.

    How can you determine the onset of menopause?

    The time of the onset of menopause is highly dependent on individual characteristics, therefore it is best consult a gynecologist-endocrine rhinologist... Every woman, regardless of age, should visit a gynecologist every six months.

    Some women are afraid of menopause for fear of the unknown. They are frightened by a new state during the period of hormonal changes in the body, they do not know what will follow. The usual way of life is disturbed. It is very important at this age to understand the problems of such a period and correct your condition in time, using the achievements of modern science and in time contacting a gynecologist-endocrhinologist.

    What are the main symptoms of climacteric disorders?

    Vasomotor disorders

    These are perhaps the most common menopausal disorders. A vasomotor disorder is called hot flashes, or climacteric hot flashes as well as excessive sweating at night. They occur during menopause in about 50-70% of women, and are most pronounced after surgical menopause.

    Hot flashes can occur at any time, causing insomnia, irritability, fatigue, and decreased concentration. A sensation of heat in the upper body is usually followed by intense sweating and chills. The temperature of the skin during menopause rises by about one degree Celsius.

    The causes of vasomotor disorders are considered to be a slowdown in blood circulation in the skin, and problems with the functioning of serotonin receptors.

    Psychological problems

    Depression, t jealousy, irritability, mood swings - all this refers to climacteric disorders. There is also such a violation as climacteric depression - a disease in which the patient requires the help of a doctor. In patients with a history of depression, the likelihood of serious psychological problems during menopause is significantly higher than average. At the same time, studies show that in most women, menopause passes without significant disturbances in the emotional sphere.

    Urogenital disorders

    The reproductive system and lower urinary tract in women are very sensitive to the effects of estrogen. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that during menopause, women develop urogenital disorders.

    Their signs are: vaginal dryness, sometimes recurrent bacterial vaginosis, frequent urge to urinate, urinary incontinence (especially in stressful situations), recurrent urinary tract infections.

    Approximately 50% of women have at least one of these symptoms during and after menopause.

    Sexual dysfunction

    With age, sex drive and sexual activity decrease, especially in women.

    Sexual dysfunction of the climacteric period is expressed in weakening of libido, painful sensations during intercourse; many women stop experiencing sexual arousal and cannot get a body.

    This increases stress levels and, to a certain extent, reduces the quality of life. Urogenital disorders and psychological problems have a negative impact on the sexual sphere, and sexual dysfunction can, in turn, exacerbate depression. In some cases, a vicious circle turns out from which women cannot get out without the help of a specialist.

    Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

    Women suffer from Alzheimer's disease 1.5-3 times more often than men. The incidence increases significantly in the age group over 65; after this age, the likelihood of developing this disorder doubles every five years.

    Estrogen deficiency that occurs during menopause has been linked to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

    Throughout life, estrogen plays an important role in the functioning of the brain. This hormone is necessary, among other things, for the implementation of immune responses. The brain is constantly exposed to toxins - both from within the body and from the outside. They trigger inflammatory reactions in the immune and vascular systems of the brain, and estrogen is necessary to regulate these reactions - it inhibits their spread, preventing damage to a large number of neurons.

    When estrogen is deficient, the control over inflammatory responses is weakened, and this can lead to various diseases. In addition, due to the low level of estrogen, the restoration of the endothelium of the cerebral vessels slows down. All this can contribute to the development of a number of disorders, including dementia and Alzheimer's disease.


    Osteoporosis is a disorder characterized by a decrease in bone density, which makes bones more fragile and increases the likelihood of fractures.

    One and three postmenopausal women suffer from osteoporosis. Estrogen has a protective effect on bone tissue; in addition, the absorption and reabsorption of calcium in the body in part depends on estrogen.

    During menopause, estrogen deficiency leads to a rapid decrease in bone density that lasts for 6-10 years. The process then slows down in most cases, and only a few women develop osteoporosis. Factors that increase the risk of developing this disease are a family history of osteoporosis, smoking, low body mass index, endocrine disorders, alcohol abuse, inadequate calcium intake, rheumatoid arthritis, and a sedentary lifestyle.

    Causes of cervical erosion

    Erosion is a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix. True erosion of the cervix is ​​rare and does not last long. It usually heals in 10-14 days.

    However, more often the term "cervical erosion" is called a different process. Normally, the vaginal part of the cervix is ​​covered with the so-called stratified squamous epithelium (MBE). And in the cervical canal there are completely different, cylindrical cells located in one layer.

    Under the influence of many factors, the junction zone of these two different tissues can be displaced to the surface of the cervix. And the cylindrical cells end up where they shouldn't be. The acidic environment and microorganisms living in the vagina begin to act on the cells of the columnar epithelium (CE), which maintains chronic inflammation. In addition, CE, unlike MPE, does not have protective properties and cannot prevent the penetration of bacteria and / or viruses into the cervical canal and uterine cavity. This defect in medical language is called pseudo-erosion or ectopia, and in everyday life, for simplicity, the word "erosion" is used.

    To the most frequent reasons the occurrence of erosion includes mechanical damage to the cervix, reduced immunity, genital infections (genital herpes, human papillomavirus, and others).

    True erosion of the cervix can occur after difficult childbirth, abortion and other gynecological intrauterine interventions. And also due to the resulting gaps. The cervix can, as it were, turn inside out, the cylindrical epithelium of the cervical canal is on the vaginal part of the cervix and ectopia is formed.

    Cervical erosion symptoms and diagnosis

    Symptoms are few. As a rule, cervical erosion does not lead to significant changes in a woman's well-being.

    Women with this condition do not have lower abdominal discomfort. And it does not appear during intercourse, because there are no sensitive receptors on the cervix. However, after intimacy, some women have slight bloody or bloody discharge, which is a good reason for visiting a gynecologist.

    In most cases, cervical erosion is an accidental finding when examined by a gynecologist. The doctor sees it as a small, bright red patch on the cervix. However, to clarify the diagnosis, it is important to do an additional examination - colposcopy or video colposcopy

    Colposcopy is called the examination of the cervix using a special optical device with a magnification of 25-30 times. The device helps the doctor to see the changed areas better. After colposcopy, the gynecologist makes a more accurate diagnosis. The fact is that the term "cervical erosion" refers to several diseases, different in their origin and prognosis. The examination takes at least 20 minutes, but at the same time it is practically painless for the patient.

    During colposcopy the gynecologist has the opportunity make a biopsy of the altered part of the cervix. This study is not carried out when the patient complains of any symptoms, but only if the doctor saw a suspicious area during colposcopy.

    The biopsy is usually performed on the 5-7th day of the cycle, immediately after the cessation of menstruation. It is also important that at the time of taking the material there is no inflammation in the vagina. Therefore, if you are concerned about itching or discharge, it is advisable to see a gynecologist in advance and be treated. And then go to the examination of the cervix.

    The doctor excises a small area of ​​cervical tissue, so that it can then be sent for histological examination. A detailed study of cells in the area of ​​cervical erosion and the depth of the lesion allows the doctor to develop the correct tactics for treating the patient.

    In addition to colposcopy and biopsy before erosion treatment you need to undergo a number of additional examinations... This is a smear for flora, cytological examination, blood tests for HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis. Tests for the presence of genital infections will also be required: chlamydia, gardnerella, myco - and ureaplasma, Trichomonas, herpes, human papillomavirus.

    Despite the fact that the symptoms of erosion are not always pronounced, this disease must be treated. Pseudo-erosion the cervix is ​​characterized by the presence of such an epithelium around the cervical canal that does not have a protective function and cannot prevent the penetration of infection (if any) from the vagina into the uterine cavity.

    In addition, in a number of cases, a process of spontaneous epithelialization of erosion occurs, which can lead to the formation of a defective epithelium.

    If erosion persists for a long time, and there is no correct treatment, the cells of the cervix can be irreversibly changed. As a result, the risk of cervical malignancy increases. Therefore, a dispensary examination by a gynecologist twice a year is mandatory for every woman.


    A patient with cervical erosion must be supervised by a gynecologist. Only with erosions that occur in adolescence, you can not rush to treatment. Such erosion most often does not cause much harm and disappear by itself. But even in this situation, you need to regularly see a doctor.

    In other cases, in the absence of proper treatment, cervical erosion can lead to complications. Due to prolonged inflammation, the structure of the cells in the area of ​​erosion may change. The appearance of so-called atypical cells, precancer and even cervical cancer is possible. Sexual infections, especially papillomaviruses and their combination with genital herpes viruses, can play a negative role in this process.

    Treatment of cervical erosion

    The method of treatment is determined after a complete examination. The choice of a specialist and the method of exposure should be approached with caution, especially if a woman plans to have children in the future.

    Electric moxibustion has been used for a long time. (diathermoelectrocoagulation - DEK). But this procedure is not without its drawbacks. Healing after it lasts a long time, and sometimes moxibustion leads to complications, rough scars may occur. Perhaps, for example, narrowing of the external opening (or throat) of the cervical canal. This can lead to problems during the next pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, diathermoelectrocoagulation is now used much less frequently. Currently, preference is given to other methods, in particular, freezing with liquid nitrogen - cryodestruction, radio wave method and laser coagulation.

    Specialists of the Center for Women's Health use a radio wave method of treating pathologies of the cervix. This method is successfully used in gynecology.

    This method consists in the physical effect of radio waves on eroded tissues. During the procedure, the tissues diverge, at the same time the vessels are sterilized and sealed. Therefore, excess bleeding and postoperative infiltration are excluded. There are no burns or scars in the area that has been exposed to radio waves. The procedure for the patients does not cause any pronounced discomfort.

    Sometimes, with erosion of the cervix, a small operation is needed - conization of the cervix. It is performed if, according to the results of a biopsy, doctors find significantly altered, that is, atypical cells. If erosion has occurred after a difficult birth, sometimes an operation for plastic surgery of the cervix is ​​required.

    Remember that cervical erosion- a disease in which a doctor's consultation is required. Self-medication according to folk recipes can do more harm than good.