• What can be cooked from squid: fast and tasty

    Ancestor-Rod, Heavenly Rod! Strengthen my heart in the Holy Faith,
    Grant me the Wisdom and Power of my Ancestors, Your sons and grandchildren.
    Grant happiness and peace to Your peoples, now and forever, and from age to age!
    Taco be, taco be, taco be!

    rev. 01/14/2019 (updated)

    These runes are the priestly language of the x "Aryan people, which has remained unchanged to this day. A complete description of the whole images is not available now, so let's consider the crumbs that we managed to collect. For no one can ever refuse the right to know the Ancient Wisdom left by the Ancestors.
    A simplified version of Karuna is the Old Russian Letter, from the study of which it is recommended to start studying runes. Sanskrit (coming out of Karuna) will also help to understand Karuna more deeply, in the description of which up to 50 facets of one image are given.
    Speaking figuratively, the initial letter represents the form, and the Karuna is the content. This is manifested in the fact that the runes can be found in the Drop Letter in the form of syllables. Therefore, the reading of images based on Karuna occurs in syllables. Each rune is one symbol, or rather an image, but in the Initial Letter it is 2, 3, 4 or more initial letters.
    The phonetic sounding of the runes is shown in brackets, although often the full sound reflection of the image is included in the words. Color gradation can be attributed to the spectrum/level of a certain ray of the original white light of our octave of being. This reflection of the primary colors can also be seen on the spiritual and energy cross of the whirlwinds of the bodies and shells of our life.
    « Given color" should be understood as the silvery or white color of our octave. " Black"- the color of open space or causal matter, depending on the level of reading.
    The given identifications of runes and chemical elements should be understood as a first approximation, because even hydrogen in the second approximation is already described by nine runes in order to obtain the chemical properties that it possesses; and to describe intranuclear interactions, all 144 runes are needed.
    And further. The study of runes can radically change your outlook and worldview, so first think - do you need it? Rune reading always takes place at 3 levels - consciousness, subconscious and superconscious, which naturally causes an accelerated working off of karma. Have you heard of such a deity as Znych? But this is also the image of his trident. Therefore, in fairy tales there is a warning - are you torturing the case, or are you crying out of the case? Good help in the study of runes can provide and.

    - WHAT (k, ka). Bulkness, union, unification. At the beginning of the word, it is placed as an explanation of what the subsequent runes carry. At the end of words indicates the similarity to someone (something).
    A multidimensional unit of space that has a channel for the exchange of information with the unmanifested worlds of the universe.
    Numeric reflection - 1 .
    On the material plane, it is identified with hydrogen.
    - Cossack- containing the power of the earthly beginning, DZelo - very strong, from Arsh - the Earthly beginning, is similar to this Zelo strong Agni, i.e. with the power of the spirit.
    Ka-R-U-Na- Kako Soda OUk Nash. The deep meaning of the Kind of Heaven. Runic system, including 144 senior and 112 junior (total 256) Runes.
    In the modern world there is a huge number of so-called dichotomies, i.e. pairs of opposite concepts. Good is evil, bad is good, beautiful is ugly, earth is heaven. But in runic writing, the original language, these dichotomies do not exist! We did not say, this one is good and this one is bad, we always said different, different-minded, dissident, that is, one who perceives the universe in a different way. There is truth and lies, not lies. A lie is superficial knowledge lying on a bed, on the surface. But the deep meaning was not a lie. In our DNA, with the help of language codes (images), amazing knowledge is recorded, respect for everything that is created and manifested in the Universe, for all possible forms of life. And plus and minus are just mathematical concepts, but not ethical ones.
    Ka-Schey- containing the energy of Schurov, possessing the power of the Spirit, but it all depends on the purpose of using this power.
    Ka-Ga-n- the absorption of our movement, the title of the supreme ruler, similar to the prince. How do you say favorite in Ukrainian? Kohan. And the ruler chosen by the whole world? Kagan.
    Mer-Ka-Ba- a measure of similarity to Gods or Creators.

    - BE (b). There is. Being into that present in which one or another Person lives, or another form of essence. The form of existence in time. The principle of duality: division into two, and no matter how it is manifested (+ and -, magnetism, man and woman, etc.). The process of transition from one state to another generates transition time. The dimension of such processes can be any.
    Would-L- an epic, a tale, a story about what was once already manifested in this World. B-Ra-K– Be the Ra (Light) Absorption (Ka) of the Co-creator, something out of order, broken, spoiled, unusable. In English to be- the verb "to be, to be, to be."
    Numeric reflection - 2 . In x "Aryan arithmetic, this is an infinite number of one-dimensional objects in a multidimensional universe.
    On the material plane, it is identified with helium.

    - VEDAS (c). Know wisdom. Know something. To know the origins of the 3 Worlds - Rule, Nav, Yav. Displays the desire for knowledge of something unknown until now and not known before.
    The principle of accumulation of knowledge (consciousness), the principle of comprehending information and finding mutual connections.
    Numeric reflection - 3 . In x "Aryan arithmetic, this is an infinite number of two-dimensional objects in a multidimensional universe.
    On the material plane, it is identified with lithium.
    - news, the Vedas are a solid word. - avesta, radiant wisdom.
    - news, a message coming from the origins of being. Witch- knowing mother.

    The first three runes make up the first manifested plan of the Universe (Right), where Kako is a single space on which the Tree of Worlds grows; Best - dual principle (object of knowledge); Vedas - the principle of accumulation of experience (consciousness). Vyshen-Svarog-Rod ≡ Vishnu-Brahma-Shiva.
    ≡ - one of the many hypostases of the Sort.
    ≡ - a single hypostasis of the Sort.
    In the world of Rule, any manifested form passes through a certain circle during its life: from Ramha through the Kako channel, the body of the particle of Being is created with the given parameters of the Veda. In the process of life and interaction with other particles of the Veda (consciousness) evolves (transforms). This change through the Kako channel returns to Ramha. Then the cycle repeats, but with the updated Vedas.

    - VOICE (g). verb. Saying P-Ra-Ve-Dy. Guidance on the Path of Ra - light They know with the help of the Word P-Ra-Ved-Na-Go. Our and Go are the heavenly cows Zemun and Roda. Foreshadowing and prediction are the voice of God. They speak the truth, they lie, they talk falsely, they talk, they talk.
    The principle of knowledge and transmission of information and energy.
    Numeric reflection - 4 .
    On the material plane, it is identified with beryllium.
    ≡ - the accumulation of knowledge is the basis of its transmission.
    ≡ - awareness of oneself as a separate unit, forces one to begin cognition of the world around through the radiation of energy, that is, to direct one's attention to something specific (external).
    ≡ - consciousness, manipulating the body, produces various activities(deeds).
    ≡ - comprehension by the consciousness of the experience gained establishes a connection with the cognizable and the exchange of information (energy) with it.

    - WELCOME (d). Light deeds. The material God-T-St-Vo acquired by honest labor. And also spiritual values, in the form of knowledge and the acquisition of wisdom, which causes respect from others. As well as the inheritance from the Ancestors of the Family, acquired by them by honest labor and life experience in any Business and craft, in the form of the wisdom of the Family. Therefore, the father, seeing the success of the child, says to him: - Good!
    The principle of information transfer.
    Numeric reflection - 5 .
    On the material plane, it is identified with boron.

    - LIFE (w). Radiation. Energy passing through Reality, Nav and Rule. A form of creative creativity of living entities. Radiance is a part of the life of the birthing light of Inglia - the energy of the suns and stars, creating (materializing, manifesting) life. From Vyriya heavenly manifesting, as well as from Navi (Slav and Nav), the essences of certain forms of life from the mother-at-Kind (matter). As well as the manifestation of the energy of these life forms through their senses: creativity, militancy, aggression, love, etc.
    Numeric reflection - 6 .
    On the material plane, it is identified with carbon.
    ≡ - a man and a woman (family union), walking together through life, learning about the world around them.

    - HEAT (h). Excessive various forms of energies. Burning and sizzling. For example, the radiation of the sun can turn the Earth into a desert, a storm can worsen people's well-being. The power of magicians and sorcerers, withering eyes in moments of anger. Dryness. Clear mind.
    The principle of the origin of Reveal, the interaction of dual energy with the outside world. Making a decision to continue the Family.
    Numeric reflection - 7 .
    On the material plane, it is identified with nitrogen.

    - FOREST (l). Many forms of existence of life under Rod. Forest of hands. Forms of entities manifested in the world of Reveal: flora and fauna, reasonable (human) and humanoids (non-humans), as well as microorganisms. Ve-Les- knowing the Forest, that is, knowing many forms of manifestation of life. Goblin- Forest spirit.
    The principle of conception and the formation of a child in the womb.
    Numeric reflection - 8 .
    On the material plane, it is identified with oxygen.
    H2OHOH≡ - water, the basis of many forms of life, and at the same time one of the forms of life.

    - WORLD (m). State without war. A community, a community of people, an association (flock) of unreasonable creatures, animals, plants, microorganisms and minerals. .
    The principle of the birth of a new life. harmonious coexistence.
    Numeric reflection - 9 .
    On the material plane, it is identified with fluorine.
    ≡ - the impulse, acting on the form, generates an image (the world of nature). Settled in time (harmonious) trajectory of movement (World) in a resisting environment (Forest) to the impact of energy (Kako). Essentially corresponds F=m a.
    ≡ - the birth of a new life (community).

    - HOPE (n). Waiting for the news, longing for something better. A state of mind of anticipation of happiness or trouble, with hope for the best.
    Numeric reflection - 10 .

    - PATH (p). Road. The desire to move towards a specific specified or not specified goal, which each entity has its own, but one way for the Family, community or nation as a whole. Indicated by the spirit of the ancestors of the Family, the Gods. The goal is dictated by certain conditions of existence, the genetics of the essence and the impulses of the soul at the subconscious level. In English put- put (target - on the Lodge), put, put.
    Numeric reflection - 11 .
    - paobed; start of a new day. - tribute; rest after a meal.
    - poudani; end of the day.

    - RAT (p). Mighty and bright army. It can gather at any moment from many communities, on the basis of spiritual unity and spiritual impulse. In the face of imminent danger. The host gathers on the basis of mutual understanding and a sense of mutual assistance. Stand up - means: pay attention, there is danger.
    Perun- The Way There is Our Military Joy, one of the Highest Gods of the Triglav of the World of Reveal, who controls the element of Agni (electromagnetic interaction), therefore God is a thunderer, Knowing the Great Power of thunder and lightning, including the internal electricity of the planet, the patron of warriors, as well as opening To the priests of the Secret of Runes, as the materialized (manifested) energy of Ra Light. Therefore, Our Ancestors said: "Perun Runes on Veles Strings."
    Numeric reflection - 12 .
    In English rat- rat. This animal is highly social, therefore it lives in packs and attacks whole army on crops and cities, which was noticed in its name. Rat- to a lynx, it will be caught by a lynx, for cats prey on them.

    - WORD (s). Method of transmission and exchange of information. A means of communication and materialization of ideas. This happens with the help of mouths, gestures, signs (mental images) and initial letters. The Word of Truth inscribed on something preserves wisdom, the unwise clogs the mind.
    Numeric reflection - 13 .
    - this, spoken truth. Slav-Vit- the word to twist, to give glory. Servant- the word at Ga (paths-roads) - performing a certain assignment, mission or promise (vow) on its way. The modern meaning of this word has been primitivized to "slave, slave." Maybe that's why in English. - Slav- Slav, and slave- slave, subordinate

    - HARD (t). firmament, creator, affirmation. Spiritual strength, fortitude of character and peace of mind. Density, volume. The ability to assert something, create and create. The word is firm - said - done!
    Numeric reflection - 14 .
    - T'-Ra-Ga, the Approved Path of Light, one of the types of writing - yes "Aryan Tarags.

    - FAN (f, n). Ejection, expiration. Outcast. Isolation. Expelled from the Family, community, emigrant, hermit. Release of any unnecessary energy into the environment. fan-tan- splashes water. Fan Tick- something that is empty after the energy has flowed out.
    Numeric reflection - 15 .
    - Aristophanes, a descendant of the exiled, outcast.
    On the material plane, it is identified with phosphorus.

    - HINA (x). Trinity. Something 3-dimensional, circle, sphere or figure. Three moons, three Earths (Midgard, Orey, Daya) Yarila-Sun, once inhabited by RAS, white descendants of our Family.
    Numeric reflection - 16 .

    - PURPOSE (c). dream aspiration point. Spiritual uplift. To some conscious form of perfection, guiding along the path of Life - to the object of aspiration. It is a stimulant of spiritual uplift and gives strength to the soul in the form of willpower.
    Numeric reflection - 17 .

    - DASH (h). Border, Edge or Hall. Transition between worlds. A frontier that cannot be crossed without permission. Halls - separation by an invisible line of the starry sky. Devils- entities that cross the line of what is permitted. Traits and Cuts- one of the types of Slavic-Aryan writing. Drawing- image of the spatial structure, o trait ny form of the object.
    Numeric reflection - 18 .

    - WIDTH (w). Terrestrial expanse - horizon. The infinity of space on all four sides, as far as the glance around is enough - the horizons of earthly entities. The breadth and depth of the flight of thoughts and dreams. As well as the breadth and depth of perception of the human soul.
    Numeric reflection - 19 .

    - SHUR (sh). Ancestor of the Family. The head of the family, who left the name of the family in memory of himself - the surname. The image of this ancestor affects the spirit, and how the symbol has a secret (sacred) effect on the behavior of a person, a person, a non-human, etc. It can be very ancient or not very.
    Numeric reflection - 20 .
    Squint- to remember our Shchurovs and Grand-Shchurovs. Pike- one of the Shchurov, that's why the pike in the lake, so that Ka-Ras did not doze.

    - PRA (p, pr). Ancestor of the Sort, ancient Shchura. Before - more ancient. initial. Pra-Schur, in the aggregate, who is revered for God. Also, the image of an event in the time of the great-epoch, which happened a very long time ago and has sunk into oblivion, but is the forerunner of modern events.
    Numeric reflection - 21 .
    Pra-Schur- Great-Grandfather, Rodo-Chief.

    - FASH (f, o). Flame. Union, unity, unification, defeat of enemies. The earthly path through agni is revealed to the world. All the fire that destroys around itself is plasma (the energy of creation, through purification), this fire is emitted by thermonuclear sources. Besides, Fash- a fiery idea that kindles a fire in the hearts of the masses of the people.
    Numeric reflection - 22 .
    Fashi- a bunch of arrows. Fascism- an ideological group of ardent like-minded people. Fa Lan Ga– the area of ​​the fiery path.

    - MARA (m, k). Madder. Purification, well-being, Kolovrat, transition from one state to another. The world of Anti Ra - the light opposing - other world. Marena - the chamber of Darkness - the Fox (Navi), the patroness, as well as winter, night and death, knows the transition from life to death (from Reveal to Navi) and vice versa, the rebirth of souls from Navi (new incarnation). Ice Flame, guarding the peace of the Universe.
    Numeric reflection - 23 .
    Marat- let in darkness, get dirty in soot. - White Mara, "White Death", the spaceship of the ancient Race.
    - M-Or-Al, the death of everything, petrification that occurs after the excess of the principle of stability, due to the absence of changes, changes, strong stagnation, thickening, drying.

    - BHA (b, bh). Heavenly Harmony. Divine radiation, revelation. The state of the spirit at the time of the reincarnation of the soul in the world of Navi. The moment of connection with the cosmos - divine revelation. Visions of the future and the past in a dream or in a state of meditation.
    Numeric reflection - 24 .
    Bha-Ga-Wan- The Great Way of Harmony. The level of consciousness, reaching which the Jivatma becomes so high level harmony, which is able to enter into direct contact with the Higher Gods.

    - MIR (m). Universe. Metagalaxy in the whole trinity of the universe. Parallel structures. Reality, Nav, Rule, with all its manifested and unmanifested structures, the combination of the light of Ra-M-Khi with the Darkness of the Great Something.
    Numeric reflection - 25 .
    - RA-M-HA, a single, life-giving light, generating universes with spiritual light.

    - VITA (v, vi, f "it). A separate form of life. Terrestrial life enclosed in a temporary structure. Enclosed in a certain shell or structure, in isolation from external influences - phyto. A living hermit by himself, or hovering in the clouds, individual. For example Vitamin- a special food product that also contains a time bomb (there is chemistry, a joke). Vitaly- a dreamer in the clouds.
    Numeric reflection - 26 .
    Scroll- words coil, a book twisting into a spiral. C-Vit-Ok- Tse Coil, energy coil, as well as "Colors Coil", because. multicolored. Po-Wit-U-Ha- helps Creation(Ha) Life.

    - WAIT (w, w). Fading in anticipation. Temporary rest. The state when no action is taken, temporary fading in anticipation of something, changes in time.
    Numeric reflection - 27 .
    Beget- Rod Wait.

    - GHARA (gh). wisdom teacher. Spiritual movement, mentoring, carrying the knowledge of higher wisdom - spirituality. In order to pass them on to the next generation, new initiates. A person capable of teaching them meditation and levitation, immersing themselves in the past and the future, seeing events that have already happened and are still to come. The one who carries, carries away, brings the highest spiritual knowledge, movement from one world to another, from one space to another, from one dimension to another.
    Numeric reflection - 28 .

    - JIVA (d, j). Virgo. Giving the beginning of life, from the image of the spirit and blood of the 1st man in her womb. The pure and undefiled Mother of God Jiva bestows a living soul at the 1st step, before the transformation from birth in the womb, in a bodily shell, to birth as a child of the Family.
    Numeric reflection - 29 .

    - NAV (n). 3D structure. It is located between the world of the Highest Gods - Vyriy and Earthly Yavu. Glory - the world of the souls of our departed ancestors - the Legs of the Guardians, incorporeal souls - spirits of light. Brownies, banniks, goblin, mermaids, etc. Naf (dark Nav), where nafik is sent, is anathema - dusk (The Essence of Joy to the World of Ra-light Kako-likeness) - immortal souls - weighed down by earthly vices, but having a chance in a subsequent incarnation to Earthly reality, through trials - the Rock of Fate, to correct the sins of a past life (many lives). Inferno is the kingdom of Viy (Pluto), where little souls perish in the undead, in a fiery hyena they burn out in timelessness.
    Numeric reflection - 30 .
    Os-Nav-noy- the basis (essence) of navi (information). Ditch- Sink into Nav, a hole in the ground into which you can fall.

    - KHA (gh, kh). spiritual love. Love is pure - as a manifestation of a sense of spiritual attraction and spiritual closeness. Love for the Motherland, Fatherland, mother, etc. Gha-Rno- okay, fine, fine.
    Numeric reflection - 31 .

    - SUMMER (l). Time period, year. Sign * - is added if a numerical value is indicated after some runes. Summer is a unit of chronology of a certain cycle. Summer of the Svarog Circle - 16. Summer of the Circle of the Elements - 9. Life - 144. 1/16 of the Svarog Circle - 1.620 years.
    Numeric reflection - 32 .

    - THOUGHT (m). Thought. The ability to perceive and comprehend information, both explicit and cosmic. Thought is the heavenly world that controls the mental, spiritual and physical potential of thinking beings. It leads to their spiritual perfection.
    Numeric reflection - 33 .
    Meaning- the word of thought, the manifested thought.
    - poppy- as thinking like God; son. O-U-M-b He is the creator of thought.

    - OUR (n). Nation. A particle of a clan or tribe, without an admixture of genetically foreign incest. Son or Daughter. Maybe ours in terms of a profession or a group of people or other entities.
    Numeric reflection - 34 .
    Na-Rod- Our Rod. A freak is under the protection of the Family, that is, the first-born child in the family. In English again - Nation He is ours, the Nation.
    - nothing; time of connection with Rod. - crust.

    - RIGHT (p, pr). Path of Ra Know. The Milky Way, along which the soul of a person goes to immortality in Glory (in Slav) and in Vyry heavenly - in Rule. From there, the essences of our Family and the heavenly cow Zemun are manifested. A Pokon that operates in all worlds.
    Numeric reflection - 35 .
    Ruler- asserting (T) the Will of the Highest Gods (Spruce) Rule - Highly wise mentor. Rule-Lo– Rule the Bosom, an elementary unit of measure inherent in the given World in the given dimension.

    - SPEECH (p, re). dialect. Alien speech, and distorted (adverb), with the help of which a foreigner communicates in his circle, or with others. Previously asked strangers: - Whose language? Pagan - speaking in another (no) language or other faith.
    Numeric reflection - 36 .
    On the River- name, give another name. Adverb- part of a single Genus, a language that differs in accent from the main one.

    - SWORD (m, s). Power and Strength. The unity of the energies of the soul, spirit and body, manifested in the single will of the people. Protection and patronage of the Gods - the ancestors of the Family in the defense of the Fatherland from the thugs. Lightning - the heavenly swords of the Gods-warriors of Perun, Odin, Stribog.
    Numeric reflection - 37 .
    Me-t-Al- densely concentrated force hardened into stone (Al). Place- strong stability.

    - TARKH (t). Dazhd-God Tarkh Perunovich. Gives patronage to the children of Svarog and the entire Kin of Heaven. Son of Perun and grandson of Svarog. He also gives rain, so that there may be a harvest. Righteous patron.
    Numeric reflection - 38 .

    - TRIGLAVE (t, tr). Union of 3 Gods. Triglavs of the three worlds, patron gods. There is also the concept of a triple alliance.
    Numeric reflection - 39 .
    Tr-On- Triune On. Cable- Triune Axis, a rope woven into a triune “pigtail”.
    Build– To unite the Trinity into One Whole.

    - ROD (p). Unknown Essence. The beginning in any kind of thinking entities: human, humanoid, inhabitants, undead and other non-humans of the dark Navi. Different clans have a different, in genetic terms, body structure and image of the spirit and blood, which almost does not allow incest. There are other concepts of the genus: plants, animals, social and professional structures. Spiritual hierarchy - class.
    Numeric reflection - 40 .
    Rod-I-Na- Rod Connecting Ours. - Spring, a place that connects with Rod - chakra; a spring of pure water spouting from Mother Earth. - Breed, according to the Genus, i.e. bearing the signs of a certain Genus.

    - GOD (b, b). Ancient Patron. Indicates something original (b) at the end of words. Protects in the form of the name Rod (surname), as the spirit of an ancestor. And also through the patronage of the Triglavians.
    Numeric reflection - 41 .
    - Swa-Bo-Da- God's Heavenly Gift.

    - READER (Thu, h). reading. Aloud speaking wisdom written on something. In Santias, tablets, manuscripts, stone, books, etc. The image of a Priest, interpreter, teacher, giving a lesson or lecture in schools, churches, universities, synagogues, mosques, etc.
    Numeric reflection - 42 .

    - SHIELD (u, o). Amulet or protection. The force that reflects the attack is aggression, the attack of the forces of darkness in the form of damage or the evil eye. The circle represents safety in harmony with the surrounding world.
    Numeric reflection - 43 .
    - Community, embracing the Shield of Nash.

    - PRIEST (female, female).. Life is Cutting, Changing (Re) Energy (C) of Life (F). A clergyman - Ra, Lunar, satanic, who knows about the canons of eternal life, light, or the frailty of being, or cultivates fear of the Lord.
    Numeric reflection - 44 .
    Zh-Er-Tva- Creation by Priests. Sacrifice - bringing gifts to the Gods. As material, such as natural sacrifices (mushrooms, berries, plants, smoking) or human sacrifice, i.e. things made by human hands, food (pancakes, pancakes for Shrovetide).
    J-Ra-Tva- Creation of Ra by the Priests. The creation of a certain rite, later - the reception by the Priests of ritual food, consecrated, offered to the Gods, and capable of enriching the bodies with the energy of Ra-Light. Modern concept negativeized to the image of "eating like a pig."

    - EARTH (h). Heavenly body. Revolving around the luminaries (sun or star) in orbit, according to the canon of universal gravitation - gravity. The luminaries, giving light to these Earths, give rise to life, depending on the range of the radiation spectrum and the geology (composition of the earth's crust) of the lands. The earth is the mother (the matrix of the universe).
    Numeric reflection - 45 .

    - REAL (I, h). World of 3 dimensions. In which time reigns, which flows like a river - the river of time. The world of the physical incarnation of souls in the body shells of microorganisms, minerals, plants, animals, people, non-humans, humans and aces. This world exists throughout the cosmos, on the Earths where the suns and stars shine. What are the conditions of existence - such is life in this Reveal.
    Numeric reflection - 46 .

    - SON (s). Nega. No movement on the physical plane. An altered state of the soul and manifestations of the spirit - bodily peace (rest). The state of restoration of strength and the transfer of the attention of the soul at this time to the other world of Navi (Navi and Slav).
    Numeric reflection - 47 .

    - CASE (d). Work. Creative or destructive deeds not good harmony. Depending on the entity that creates the deeds. During deeds, the entity is guided (controlled) by inspiration, which visits this or that entity and casts an image of what needs to be created. What matters is from which Navi the image is cast. Light or dark.
    Numeric reflection - 48 .

    - TROUBLE (b). Bad. Violation of the integrity of being, damage, or damage to something. Physical death, due to an injury or illness that caused a stop during the time of life in Yavi. As well as a change in the form of thinking - dementia.
    Numeric reflection - 49 .
    - slave, the light of trouble. And the slave under the supervision of the eyes - worker.

    - AS (a). Superman. The manifestation in life of a physical talented entity - a master of his craft, with increased abilities and capabilities. The mission of the messenger of God for a specific purpose, from the higher worlds of Glory and Rule.
    Numeric reflection - 50 .
    - you are. - Asia, the country of Ases. Latin - Asia.

    - IS (e). Byst. different forms of existence. Manifestation of the present being, in due time, of a concrete entity. It points to the inviolability and manifestation, to what this essence carries in itself - the genetic principle, through the image of the spirit and blood.
    Numeric reflection - 51 .

    - INTA(s). Union. The totality of spiritual energies aimed at comprehending the canons of the universe Ra-M-Khi with the energy of the creator of our Universe - the Metagalaxy.
    Numeric reflection - 52 .

    - YOGA (th). Eugeism. Unity of opposites. A receptacle of wisdom at the level of the ability to unite around oneself the clansmen of the family with their spirit energy, in order to repulse the enemy or orphans to an orphanage in order to save them from hunger and equip them. Like Baba Yoga, this essence is superhuman, with the ability of energy penetration between the worlds in meditation, in order to achieve harmony and peace between the worlds. Yogi is also able to quickly restore his health.
    Numeric reflection - 53 .

    - OH (o). Leader. The Elder of the Family, the one who has the wisdom to lead. Floating ahead on the river of time, able to foresee and ahead of relatives in terms of the level of knowledge (perfection). Respected and recognized authority.
    Numeric reflection - 54 .

    - JOY (y). Control action. The energy of the directed influence on the processes of a positive property. The movement of change to a better state, by some action.
    Numeric reflection - 55 .
    - morning. - utdayni; end time of action.

    - AGNI (ah, oh). Fire. The sacred fire of the home hearth of the Race and the fire of vital energy located in the forehead and body of a person. Immune systems are essentially a talisman - struggling with ailments and ailments. Its strength depends on the purity of the image of the spirit and blood - the purity of the Race or Genus to which this entity belongs.
    Numeric reflection - 56 .
    - Nagar- a trace from the Fire in Reveal.

    - ENGLAND (and, oh). life giving birth to light. Part - the creator of the Universe, which is manifested by the light of the Suns and Stars, as the primary fire of the universe. Setting sun.
    Numeric reflection - 57 .

    - ETA (uh, uh). Similarity. Something similar in essence, but different in form and image, having a difference, temporary or structural (moral, physical, genetic). Et-Russians- similar to the Russians, but with altered genetics and morality, due to a change in the conditions of existence on Earth, genetic incest with aliens.
    Numeric reflection - 58 .

    - YUR (yu, yur). Yurod. Something twisted for the worse. That which has undergone modification, that is, is fundamentally wrong and inferior in strength and possibilities of manifestation in life. A-Yur-Veda, anti jur veda. Vedic medicine. Contains principles proper nutrition, healing and healing of the physical body of a person in order to prevent changes leading to foolishness.
    Numeric reflection - 59 .

    - ASH (I, Yas). sacred tree of the universe. The source of being from Ra-light on Earth is the original residence of the souls and spirit of the Ancestors of the Family, depending on the purity of the Family, on which the health of the Family depends. Castes - indicate professional affiliation and class.
    Numeric reflection - 60 .

    - DOE (l, la). Bosom. The surface of something: land or territory in the area in which this or that Genus, tribe, people originally lived or lives, that is, the land of the Ancestors, where some kind of Genus lived or lives, where family estates, pastures, forests, fields and villages.
    Numeric reflection - 61 .
    D-doe- the surface of the hand. A lie also has an original image - Doe, because it is a superficial reflection of the truth. “The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it ...” K-Lani-Tsya- to reach for the fallow deer, to bow to Mother - Raw Earth. K-la-st-b. Ant Lan- the land of Ants.

    - ARSH (a, ar). Measure. The form of displaying something: length, width, height, area, in volumetric and schematic terms - in the 3-dimensional dimension of the world of Reveal. And also the life giving birth to the feminine principle - the Earth as a mother under the Family. A wife is a woman who bears children to her husband's family. Husband - joy and stability. It is like the sun giving birth to life on Earth, giving birth to life by the birthing light of Inglia, in the womb of a wife.
    Numeric reflection - 62 .

    - FIR (oh, e). wise, lofty. The one who carries (embodies) a pure image. The energy structure of the universal mind of the worlds of Rule and Glory - the Gods-ancestors. On the earthly plane - the wise old man of the Family. The spruce cone in shape resembles the pineal gland (pineal gland) - a physiological reflection in the body of Yavi of the Chelo chakra (third eye), which is responsible for Conscience. Therefore, earlier spruces were decorated in the forest and not cut down for the new God.
    Numeric reflection - 63 .

    - IRIY (and, ir). Clean. Immaculate, source of pure light. The name of the sacred river in Belovodie. star cluster.
    Numeric reflection - 64 .
    Ir-Tysh- Iriy is the quietest. Irination- pure love, in a high sense, that is, the fusion of physical, mental and spiritual, for life. Name Irina- means physically healthy, purebred and loving.

    - TRUE (is, and). Source. Dogma, axiom, someone else's truth, which does not require proof. Something invariable in other entities from the Gods and their ancestors. Truth is given to other families from its source, for us it is not pure (from mud) truth, because we have our own Source. Each Genus at the level of genetic memory is given its own.
    Numeric reflection - 65 .

    - FATHER (from, about). patron of descendants. Spiritual mentor in the temple of the gods, confessor - patron of the soul, accepting confession. The one who is responsible for his children in the family. In general, one who is responsible to the Ancestral Gods for those whom he patronizes.
    Numeric reflection - 66 .

    - STAY (y, k). Kon. The canon of being is an unshakable rule, that the Path of Ra Knows the Source of Lan - the land of the ancestors is an image. The charter is what is known through the mouth, as accepted as the basis in the traditions of the ancestors, and provides for the norm of behavior in the process of communicating with relatives and foreigners. Charters different peoples their own and come from the foundations of life, the canons and traditions of their Family. It is not in vain that wisdom says: - They don’t go to a foreign monastery with their charter. Even individual communities have their own statutes - well-established norms of life based on the canons of Rita and mop law - the testaments of ancestors.
    Numeric reflection - 67 .

    - UNRA(s). The energy of creativity. One of the manifestations of the life of the birthing light of Inglia - the creative principle. The source of radiation of vital energy, that which radiates and creates.
    Numeric reflection - 68 .

    - VYRIY (c). Garden of Eden. The abode of the Gods in the world of Rule, where the souls of the dead rush. The ancestral home from where they arrived in Nav and Yav.
    Numeric reflection - 69 .
    - west, rise to the abode of the Gods in the world of Rule.

    - RITA (p). The canon of the purity of the image of spirit and blood. Code of canons and rules established by our ancestors. Rules to keep the blood of the Genus clean, which means the offspring are healthy. This con does not allow marriage with genetically alien entities like a white person, especially with subhumans, as well as with close relatives. – Sort Source approved by Asami, we keep them.
    Numeric reflection - 70 .
    - am-rita, guardian of the sunset (drink of the Gods, giving immortality).

    - UR (y, ur). wilderness. Where the forest and the valley of visions are full, where the virgin nature is, where the harmony of nature is not broken. Fertile soil, forests and pastures, no hermitages and settlements. Ur-man- a zamorochny forest, a territory where the harmony of nature is violated. Marmot- a beast that lives in a dense forest.
    Numeric reflection - 71 .

    - YUGA (y). Cycle of time. A period in the chronology within any limits of the cosmic scale, consisting of many periods of years of human life. Kalli Yuga, Svarogy Krug, etc.
    Numeric reflection - 72 .

    - SVA (sva, sv). Heaven. A place where there is no demon. Beyond the earth's atmosphere is the world of Slavi. The worlds of the ancestors, where immortal souls go - Sva-rga pure.
    Numeric reflection - 73 .
    svaor; Sunrise.

    - ANTA (an, a). Anti. Opposite. Against something, confrontation, opposition. The forces of light - the forces of darkness, enemies, location opposite something. Ant doe- the lands of Antes, located opposite Aeneas (Europe). Politically, there are anti-people sentiments. Vedanta– Knowledge of the Essence, a philosophy that includes the methods of dual logic of the opposites of the male and female principles.
    Anthracite– affirming anti-Ra energy; black coal, the opposite of white. Ananda- synthesis of double negation (Sanskrit "pleasure") - opposition to opposition, due to which a state of supreme goodness is achieved, based on the principle of non-violence - do no harm.
    Numeric reflection - 74 .

    - AYNA (aye). An exclamation of joy. Reflects the emotions of a light plan. Great, great, when it's better not to.
    Numeric reflection - 75 .

    - ARIS (ar). direct descendant. The one who leads the genealogy directly from the Source of the family, from some well-known family. And also a receiver to something or someone.
    Numeric reflection - 76 .

    - AUS (ay). Hearing calling. The cry of a lost person in the forest, or those who are looking for him. And also an appeal: - "Listen to what I'll tell you."
    Numeric reflection - 77 .

    - EOR (eo, op). Something that makes a difference. Dividing, sowing discord between something or someone. Sets boundaries in relationships. Or-den helps to maintain discipline and keep order. Or or ovicehore- a particle of causal matter, carrying in itself base inclinations, which is covered as a shell of Alive, being born in the Universe.
    Numeric reflection - 78 .

    - OUCH (oh). deep meaning. The secret inner meaning of something. Indicates what to pay attention to. Russia cannot be understood with the mind. Previously, Ross was written, something that can only be understood by the mind.
    Numeric reflection - 79 .

    - AURA (ay, ra). Shine. Light, dawn, glow of the atmosphere, or the glow of physical bodies, plants, animals.
    Numeric reflection - 80 .

    - VEND (c). Pathfinders. Travelers, sea and land, who during times of cooling went west, populating Venia (Aeneas. Europe), as well as the islands around it, the Mediterranean and North Seas. The land explorers were called the Wends and the Wends, and the sea explorers - the Varangians (I am moving in ar).
    Numeric reflection - 81 .

    - GUARD (g). hail. Settlement with a fortress wall, a fenced area. O-city is a fenced garden. Delhi - Indragard.
    Numeric reflection - 82 .

    - WHITEMAN (wow, wow). "White Moon" (bosom). An artificial earth satellite or other aircraft that travels within the atmosphere, in near-Earth orbit, or between the Earths, within the solar or stellar system. Spherical or ovoid in shape. Designed to move also between suns and stars, within the galaxy.
    Numeric reflection - 83 .

    - WHITEMARA (wow, wow). "White death". An intergalactic large aircraft designed for long journeys between the worlds of galaxies in the Universe, life-long, as well as between Dimensions, from the world of Reveal to Slav or Nav. The size of such a ship reached 200 kilometers or more. And in the belly of the whitemara there were 144 whitemans - space boats. Funny, in English White(white) - white, Mara - death, change of measure, transition from one state to another.
    Numeric reflection - 84 .

    - SNOWS (p). growl. Speech through the mouth, as a means of communication, for the transmission of information. In the native language, speech is to talk, tell, negotiate (not reaching the dialect in a foreign language). In Russia, they spoke a voice and did not speak (to steal someone else's voice) or they pushed - they interpreted someone else's speech.
    Numeric reflection - 85 .

    - EZER (with, with). Water. Formed with something. Lake - from underground sources. A swamp is a stagnant lake. Natural and artificially created reservoirs, from spills and diversions of rivers that have made their way out of the springs. This rune also has a direction property: from something.
    Numeric reflection - 86 .
    - conscience, joint, true knowledge from the Ancestors how to live.

    - ALL (in). Part of the territory. An administrative-territorial unit of Ancient Russia, an analogue of a district. Such a territory usually belonged to a single Genus as a whole. The whole is part of a doe (region) or edge.
    Numeric reflection - 87 .
    - west, the area is at the top, where the sun goes (to the west, the west).
    - know, good admiration for creation.

    - FOOT (s. st). step. Stage of the path to some goal, a person or community and the country as a whole. The stopped movement of time, the size of this movement. The degree of achievement of something, merit before the family. In x "Aryan arithmetic there is a measure of length - 1 stop. There is a measure of quantity - a stop - 1000 pieces.
    Numeric reflection - 88 .
    Old age- cessation of growth, cessation of the processes of cellular renewal of the body (physical body), which comes with age. In different epochs (Yugas), the time at which old age comes changes, because. it depends on the ability of a person to harmoniously use the resources of his body. It happens that people massively fall into passion and ignorance, and grow old and die earlier than the period allotted for a person as a species.

    - KOROB (k). Basket, box, case. Peddlers carried a box over their shoulders. Chest, domina. As well as the body of the house, ship, car, aircraft, etc.
    Numeric reflection - 89 .

    - STAR (h). weak luminary. Having in its gravitational field no more than 9 Earths with satellites - the Moons. Planets are also Stars, but wandering in the Universe, because they have lost their system of lands and are doomed to go out sooner or later. On the earthly plane - the one who gained popularity and fame.
    Numeric reflection - 90 .
    - zaurnitsa; completion of starlight. - Zaura; star shine

    - SKY (n). System limit. The space limited by the limit of any system, from the luminary to the boundary of the system of this luminary. Covers the world of Reveal and Navi. The worlds of dark Navi and Hell immeasurable - the Kingdom of Viy (Pluto), where Darkness and darkness reign. There the souls of sinners remain, in the process of purification, and in Hell the souls of villains and scoundrels perish in timelessness. Viy - the owner of Hell, forwards them, burning with his gaze.
    Numeric reflection - 91 .

    - SKUF (s, sk). small village. Forest skuf, a settlement where there is no temple, but there is a sanctuary with idols and altars - an open-air settlement where trebs are offered up to the gods' kummirs standing as idols in the valley (idols).
    Numeric reflection - 92 .

    - YARILO (I, yar). Our sun. The central luminary that illuminates our (other) system of Earths and Moons. It brings the life-giving light of englia to its lands, including Midgard. The rune means the giving of life, and warmth, and light, and the image of a bright, pure relationship.
    Numeric reflection - 93 .
    Bo-Yary the husband is like the sun, radiating the energy of health, beauty and spirit. Knight- knows the source of firmness, which the beginning will reveal from the Gods.
    Label- ardent bast, a written decree of the khan, prince, written on birch bark (bast). Bright- Yar Kako Iriy, giving a strong light, shining, sharp.

    - VECHE (c). The cathedral. The meeting of the people, or representatives from tribal communities from the lands and villages at the ecumenical council - Veche. The goal is to discuss the vital.
    Numeric reflection - 94 .
    - evening, the time of the evening meeting.
    - evening; the time of the appearance of stars in the sky.

    - MONTH (m). Reflected Light Magic Power. Introducing distortions in the reflected light and the movement of something. The reckoning period. Change of movement, change of form.
    Numeric reflection - 95 .
    9 + 5 = 14 - control of unmanaged (from our point of view) processes through energy (5).

    - FATTA (f). Fatality. The tragic fate of fate with a fatal outcome, personifies the one who died more than 13,000 years ago, which led to the almost complete death of the inhabitants of the earth.
    Numeric reflection - 96 .

    - LELYA (l). Liko. Smile, joy, happiness. The image of the moon Lelya, which died more than 111,000 years ago, is associated with the number 7. And also with the successful, but not without consequences, military operation to destroy the strongholds of the Kashchei of darkness.
    Numeric reflection - 97 .

    - PERST (n). One as a finger. The first finger on the hand. A pioneer in some business or deed. Bobyl, bachelor or widower. An integral part, located in the distance, but without losing touch with the whole.
    Numeric reflection - 98 .

    - EVERYWHERE (in, ve). eyes. To see, to see, and not just to see, but also knowing. Observe, look, stare. A pair of something or someone. Double.
    Numeric reflection - 99 .

    - ROS (p). Silver-eyed white-skinned Aryan. One of the clans of the white race, who arrived from the system of the sun Tara (Polar Star), from the land of Rai, in the hall of the Elk. The essence is the descendants of the Heavenly Clan and Zemun, the children of the gods Veles, the sons of Roof and Lada.
    Numeric reflection - 100 .

    - RAS (p, ra). Fire-eyed Slavs - Rasen. They arrived from Ingard-land from the Dazhd-God sun system, in the hall of the White Leopard (Alpha, Leo constellation).
    Numeric reflection - 101 .

    - DZELO (s, d). Zelo. Otherworldly power is something strongly manifested: the patronage of the Gods, or the forces of darkness. In nature, this manifests itself as a protective reaction to the violation of harmony - balance, in the form of an impact. Solar radiation, floods, earthquakes, epidemics, etc. This manifestation is for the good, necessary to restore harmony in nature and is perceived by people and humanoids that disturb the balance of nature as a great evil (tragedy). This reaction of the mother - Raw Earth, manifests itself unexpectedly and immediately for these entities, because they do not know what they are doing. There is no absolute good and evil in nature, because zelo is energy manifested in space and time.
    Numeric reflection - 102 .
    - see to find the truth given from above.

    - THUNDER (h). Sound. The fourth part of something. Four of us. The musical instrument is the rosary, the accountant's instrument is the abacus. Tap dance.
    Numeric reflection - 103 .

    - SPAN (n). metacarpus. Hand, five fingers, their unity. The basis of the span counting system.
    Numeric reflection - 104 .

    - YAT (I). Take. Get something, or take someone else's. For example: Yat Glory, fortitude, adopt someone else's religion. The outflow of the spirit of several into one.
    Numeric reflection - 105 .
    Contribute– to do something conscientiously, with inspiration. hug- to grasp something with a glance, thought or hands. From-N-Yat- From Nash Yat, to take something away from someone.

    - SHADY (w). simple majority. 6 out of 10. Veche scoring system. Spare, respect - the generosity of the soul.
    Numeric reflection - 106 .

    - SHEM (s). Seed. 7 out of 10. The smallest living form. Veche system of counting votes. The seed is the basis of the wisdom of the universe.
    Numeric reflection - 107 .

    - SEE (view, c). winnow. The basis radiating some kind of single energy: thoughts, ideas. If you put the rune "Father" in front of this rune, you get unbreakable taboo on something. In combination with runes of direction indicates the direction: Answer, Testament, etc.
    Numeric reflection - 108 .

    - DAUGHTER (d). Daughter. Marriable virgin, the one who in the future will continue the family of her husband. The personification of purity, purity and harmony in Rod. The Matrix of the Universe.
    Numeric reflection - 109 .

    - DARKNESS (t). dark space. Naf - the totem layers of the Navi world. 10,000 lands where there are either no suns or they emit the light of another world - ultraviolet and infrared rays that warm but do not shine. Perhaps this is the world of dwarf stars.
    Numeric reflection - 110 .

    - AL (a, al). Stone. Something tightly compressed or concentrated in a certain volume, all-encompassing, having no void - Solid. Something hard to perceive - densely concentrated, like information that is beyond the bounds of the usual worldview.
    Numeric reflection - 111 .
    Algorithm- a structured sequence of actions for modulating information.

    - AY (ay). Surprise, fear. Surprised exclamation or fright, from surprise - an emotional outburst from something implicit. From a change in temperature, energy impact, radiation. New gift.
    Numeric reflection - 112 .
    Ai-Let- a month of new gifts, the first frosts. Runes ( URAI) - "bright land of new gifts"; the abode of life is the land of Urai in the Hall of the Eagle on the Svarog Circle, located in the dimensions of Rule, and not Reveal.

    - TAY (thai). Limit. Completion of any deeds or deeds, the limit of something. Corresponds to the Ъ-sign in the ugly letter.
    Numeric reflection - 113 .
    Taiga- end of the road Thailand- end of the earth. Taiwan- extreme isolation.
    Thai-myr- end of the world.

    - BAY (b, bay). White. Divine level of purity. Radiance of the world Glory. A feeling of complete peace in the soul. Paradise, where there is no place for darkness. Beylet is a month of peace and white radiance.
    Numeric reflection - 114 .

    - GAY (g, gay). Fortitude. Militancy and rigidity of character (justified cruelty) in military deeds. Stiffness and slowness in nature - in winter. The frozen ringing state of something. Gaylet is the month of blizzard and cold.
    Numeric reflection - 115 .

    - GIVE (d, give). God's beginning. Awakening, acquisition, rebirth, the beginning of life, revival, resuscitation, the beginning of movement, aspiration, flow. That which personifies the Kind of Heaven - the creator of the Race. The essence is light. Daylet is the month of awakening in nature.
    Numeric reflection - 116 .

    - E (e). sowing, waiting. Grain in the ground, knowledge of wisdom, life-bearing seed. Elet is the month of sowing and naming, the month of waiting.
    Numeric reflection - 117 .

    - WAY (way, way). winnowing. Earth elements: winds, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc., which bring rains, cyclones, dry winds. Movement, stirring of the layers of the atmosphere, leading to turbulence and raising dust. Veylet is the month of the winds.
    Numeric reflection - 118 .

    - HEY (hey). Summarizing. The beginning of harvesting from the fields, obtaining the results of any activity. Time for summing up, understanding the quality and moving on to the next. Haylet is the month of new gifts.
    Numeric reflection - 119 .

    - OB (about). Both. The unity of at least two principles. That which is adjacent to the sacred, pure, uniting with it. The Ob flows into the Irtysh. Hand in hand. Something that gives a dual meaning to the image.
    Numeric reflection - 120 .
    Image- the unity of the first and second, masculine and feminine in its original form. Deception- the second Mind, an indication of a secret plan that is in the mind, but not announced.
    - obestina; mass (together with someone). - eat; lunch, meal.

    - GO (go). Zemun. The sacred cow is the mother of all Slavic-Aryan families. A pasture is a pasture where cows graze.
    Numeric reflection - 121 .
    goy- superman, descendant of the family. Go-Sud-Ar- the highest from the heavenly mother (Go) judging measure (Arsh). It also has a literal meaning a lot of. mountain, city.

    - JUDGE (s, o). Essence. The turn of the power of the image is a manifestation of both positive and negative. In a specific situation, in a clear form of content, in order to create deeds, or to administer a court. Acts, depending on the essence, can be right and right - left.
    Numeric reflection - 122 .

    - NI (n. nor). Not. Denial, rejection of everything superfluous, not recognition of anything or anyone. Not a manifestation of something foreign and alien.
    Numeric reflection - 123 .

    - SHTA (pcs). to stitch. To honor the spirits of the ancestors of the Family, calling the power of their patronage energy. That ensures the preservation of both the family as a whole and the life of one person.
    Numeric reflection - 124 .
    Calm- peace at sea.

    - CHI (chi). Chelo. The energy of displaying images with the third eye. One of the types of energy is the life of the birthing light of England - Ra-M-Khi. The energy of clairvoyance - visions in various images - strategic thinking - visions of what needs to be done.
    Numeric reflection - 125 .

    - SHI (shi). demolish. Energy of destruction. Under the influence of this energy, the processes of degradation and evolution of something take place, through destruction and creation. Replacing one energy with another. Niy is the God of the Seas, the hypostasis of this energy.
    Numeric reflection - 126 .

    - TEREM (ter, tm). Castle. A solid house, built with skill and soul, of a certain shape and several floors. The head part of the Whitemara. The crown of something.
    Numeric reflection - 127 .
    Therma- a house in which it is possible to maintain a certain temperature - an analogue of the Russian bath in ancient Rome. Terem- the essence of the crown of something, the embodiment of some lofty goal. Created by noble intentions.

    - DESNA (de). Right hand. The right hand, carrying the positive energy of creation or repaying in truth - the canons of Our Ancestral Gods.
    Numeric reflection - 128 .

    - ODES (one). Shuya. Left hand, roundabout way - falsehoods, falsehoods. Shuya carries negative energy aimed at destroying harmony in the world under Rod.
    Numeric reflection - 129 .

    - TRUID (t, tr). Trinity. The basis, consisting of three spheres, a set of fields +, -, 0. Triple penetration (touch) of the three worlds into each other.
    Numeric reflection - 130 .
    Work- good worker. Funny, in English True- Truth.

    - FORTY (s, litter). Krivda. Something originally distorted or incorrect. That which is fundamentally unfounded and exists only in reality. False information is not supported by facts. What is not beneficial, on the contrary, is harmful, clogging the brain - garbage. brought in from outside.
    Numeric reflection - 131 .

    - HUMAN (h, che). Figurative receptacle of mental images. Education. Chakra, which materializes images, by the power of thought, through dreams and dreams, in the form of ideas, with the help of which they are embodied in deeds. This receptacle of the mind is erroneously called the forehead, which is the receptacle of the intellect - the analytical center of the brain and controlling the body.
    Numeric reflection - 132 .

    - SKIT (sk). Settlement with a temple. The city where it can live, from young to old, many Clans. Gard is a large city. Asgard is the capital city. Land is also adjacent to the skete.
    Numeric reflection - 133 .

    - SOMA (som). Life force drink. An herbal potion that gives vitality. It is also sacrificed to the Gods, part is poured into a sacrificial fire, and part is placed in front of the idols of the Gods. Same way combination, connection.
    Numeric reflection - 134 .

    - DON (don). Power of Influence. Strong personality moving processes in time. Don, also a powerful force of the elements, moving stones - the Don River. Something or someone capable of penetrating barriers and overcoming obstacles. The one who grants patronage to the weak, needy and infirm helps to survive. Don Quixote for example.
    Numeric reflection - 135 .

    - VEK (c). Life time period. This period is designed for the life of all the entities of the world of Reveal from birth to death - the transition to another existence. Stones and minerals turn into dust, animals, plants and people turn into dust, the human soul turns into Nav. And aces and goyim in the Rule. Eternity defines the boundaries of the temporal space for which the life path of earthly beings is calculated.
    Numeric reflection - 136 .

    - CHAKRA (h, chak, k). Circle or dot. Kolo is a source that radiates the energy of the light of mind and heat, or absorbs the energies of the suns, stars, moons, earths. The word has been preserved in Ukrainian CHAKLOON, which is translated as a sorcerer, although he performs several other functions.
    Numeric reflection - 137 .

    - WATER (in, o). Okie Yan. She knows the Deeds of Agni. An ocean of information, an information flow that carries life force when you plunge into the river. Or you will find death if you enter the raging sea. In the event of a violation of harmony during the Family, the sea elements purify the Earth with a flood.
    Numeric reflection - 138 .
    Vodka- a healing drink made on the basis of pure water from seven pure sources, on which medicinal plants and plants of strength were infused, not containing ethyl alcohol. Water- the spirit of water (inorganic being).

    - UL (ul). Mound. Our movement to non-existence. Gathered together another form of life, over which time has no power. After death, the body is subjected to a fire. The ashes are buried in the ground, and a mound was erected in this place, marking the end of the earthly journey.
    Numeric reflection - 139 .
    ul- the road leading to the temple. Bullet Uly's way.

    - KRODA (k, cr). Bonfire. To the Fathers for Judgment Firmly Eor is the edge of the transition, therefore this fire is a funeral.
    Numeric reflection - 140 .

    - Ita (ita). Perpetual motion. To the knowledge of wisdom, everything new, unknown until now, secret wisdom. The canon of the universal movement, as the basis of the universe of the universe. Constant striving for excellence.
    Numeric reflection - 141 .

    - VYA (vie, vie, vie). Rotation. Something rotating in a spiral and drawing in itself. Black hole, tornado, whirlpool. Squeezing - tourniquet, fetters, loop. Spinning in a circle - neck (neck), screw, propeller, Earth, moons, etc.
    Numeric reflection - 142 .

    - DRU (dr, friend). tree. Tree, forest and other vegetation. The tree of ancestors, depending on the form of the essence of matter - the mother that gave birth to this essence.
    Numeric reflection - 143 .
    - Druid, priest of the forest. - druides engaged in clairvoyance, treatment, prophecy, prediction. - Olegsanr, the grandson of leg, bearing the spiritual basis of the wisdom of the universe and our ancestors, the son of a druid. - Olegsanra.
    It is put at the end: - for men, - for women.

    - CHILD (h). Child. A piece of life. A descendant of Rod, born from the life of the birthing light of Inglia, the masculine principle, in the womb of a wife. The child is the source of creation.
    Numeric reflection - 144 .

    Above was given 144 runes. But 144 - these are just the main ones. And runes of time, runes of space, runes of uniform images, runes of changing images, penetrating images, etc. go to them. Moreover, all objects in the Milky Way galaxy have their own runic designation. When you open the "Book of Light", you see - it is written in 256 runes.

    Karuna is written 16 runes per line. When translating from other writing systems, for example, tarag or, for example, from Glagolitic to runic, explanations are inserted into the text, and it is no longer written in 16, but in 32 rune lines. Therefore, the "Book of Light", originally written in yes "Aryan, has already been rewritten in 32 runes. That is, when you look at the runic text, you immediately pay attention to the number of runes in a line: if 16 runes are written in a line, then this is the original Karuna , costs 32 - it means that this is a translation from traga. If it costs 48, then this is a translation from another system altogether. Sometimes 64 - this means that it has already been translated several times, that is, an accompanying commentary is entered. What is interesting, according to the Vedas, in solar system 108 major and 144 minor moons.


    For all the following runes, the color gradation is not affixed, but you can find it in other sources. It’s just that this issue still needs to be dealt with, otherwise it will turn out like in the film Kin-Dza-Dza: “A society in which there is no color differentiation of pants is devoid of purpose. Well, here you are, on Earth, how do you determine who is in front of whom how many times should sit down?" - "Well, it's on the eye" - "Savages!". Now compare the pants and shells of the jiva and things will become much more interesting.

    Let's continue.

    - GA. Movement, movement.

    - GOA. A shift in space and time from one point to another.

    - RA. Radiation, radiance, thermoplasma, luminary. Moving and shining.

    - RAS. Asov clan.

    - ROSTOK. future priest.

    - MAN. The combination of three into one, the fourth. Mantra- the triune affirmation of the light of Ra.
    Shaman- a person who manages the space.

    - MANN. Man-Ni is the non-doing of the Mind. A person who knows the World of Navi - performing spiritual practices (Yoga) of not doing the Mind - meditation, turning off the internal dialogue, achieves inner silence. At the same time, the energy is directed to other Chakras and significant opportunities open up for him, for example, the opening of the Chelo Chakra (third eye) for seeing the essence of things.

    - WAY. The flow of wind, continuous, constantly changing direction. - ant, a living form that has its own habitat, its own measure.

    - KOP. Constant movement, according to the canons, in a certain sequence, affecting all existing forms of life, organizing (changing) their form of existence and deeds. - cop, right.

    - DU. The duality of something, bifurcation, refraction, decomposition.
    Soul- the unity of two spatial (Shi) planes, personified in aspects: Ha - masculine and T-Ha - feminine.

    - DAU. Constant movement from top to bottom. Down is a degrading entity. Setdown - sit down in English.

    - ASP. The life force that lifts up, moving from below upwards, spiraling, in all its beauty and diversity. Asp- a person who can levitate. - strife, the truth of the Race rises together, but each in its own way.

    - WHITEFISH. Instantaneous movement in space - whitefish. Rune of victory over enemies.

    - AM. A powerful constant force that preserves, protects, protects. - Amur, the force that guards the territory. - amba, God living on earth, a descendant of the heavenly Gods - the guardian of God.

    - YEW. Time is constant, invariably manifesting various forms of world mapping. In speech forms, it has an interrogative form to get an answer. Belongs to the movement of time, which manifests itself in any space and time. - nutis What do you tell me, I'm waiting.

    Slavic runes only make it possible to reveal the mystery of the heritage of the ancient nation, which was used not only as symbols of writing, but also to communicate with the gods.
    What power and meaning are hidden in the symbols of the ancient runes of the Slavs

    What power and meaning are hidden in the symbols of the ancient runes of the Slavs?

    Such an incomprehensible and completely unknown magical world of runes, uniting a separate sphere of the universe in several dozen symbols, is of interest to many modern people. And not only scientists are interested in deciphering signs and runic magic. Ordinary people also want to know what is behind certain symbols, because, according to the ancient legends of our ancestors, they can radically change lives. Many with constant interest study Slavic runes and their meanings, learn knowledge that is only part of the great heritage of our ancestors. And in this article you can find answers to the most pressing questions about ancient symbols that have come to us since pagan times.

    Runic records and the magic of symbols, which are a kind of reminder of the history of primitive humanity, have become the main topic of discussion for many writers and famous cultural figures. Based on historical information and all sorts of clues, some of them were able to publish quite interesting publications, which later became the basis for a course on the sacred traditions of the ancient Slavs.

    Among these publications is one of the books of Yggvolod (A.V. Platov, a well-known writer and activist in certain circles of the pagan movement "Renaissance") - "Rune magic", published in 1994, it carries reliable data about many runic signs and their meaning. Starting with the basics of the sacred teachings of the ancient nation of the Slavs and ending with documented information (drawings of rock art, photos, videos), it allows you to understand the deeper meaning of the heritage. In the future, this helps a person interested in mastering runic magic to more accurately apply rune symbols in achieving their goals.

    Definition and basic concepts

    First of all, it is worth noting that runes are a kind of records, hieroglyphs denoting magical amulets. As the representatives of the ancient Slavic nation themselves claimed, the runes were presented to them as a gift by the supreme god Veles. The use of these peculiar "patterns" allowed a person to protect himself from troubles, misfortunes, the evil eye and other hardships. Ancient runes could be both individual amulets and magical universal tools for protecting a home, family, and a whole clan. Therefore, they were applied in ancient times to almost any surface. The most common were Slavic runic inscriptions on clothes, ammunition of warriors, clothes and medallions, pendants. Often, to protect the house, women applied runes and symbols of Slavic ancestors to household items and walls of the house.
    But the ancient signs in the form of runes carry not only a protective meaning. Some time ago, various fortune-telling on runes was very popular. They were distributed almost throughout the entire territory of Central Europe, which is closer to the end of the VIII century. settled by the Slavs. This could be explained by the reliability of the results obtained in the course of prediction by combinations of runes.

    Few people know, but the runes are also considered to be the writings of our ancestors. A.V. also mentions this. Platov in his edition, as about the pre-Christian alphabet of the ancient Slavs. Used to save messages, runes became the basis for alphabets that appeared much later.

    In the modern world, runic inscriptions are called a specific sign system. Those who have not previously encountered this topic at all feel the mystery and a kind of sacred mysticism of ancient hieroglyphs. And it is not surprising, because the meaning of the Slavic runic inscriptions is deeper than other signs of ancient mankind known today. So, for example, the basis for the interpretation of the runes was the reflection of the trinity of divine power, which appeared in the worldview of the representatives of the Slavic people in the form of opposites:

    What do the designations mean?

    Depending on which rune will be used by a person, one can understand how much he believes in deities, or what goal he pursues. In addition, the translation of some runic writings could tell about its belonging to a relatively certain genus.

    Protective symbols, as previously mentioned, could be transferred by the Slavs to a wide variety of things:

    • Houseware;

    • decorations (decor or accessories);

    • towels;

    • belts;

    • cult elements and much more.

    In mantic (the technique of ancient divination), runes were used as the main tool that gave an interpretation of possible events in the future according to the combinations that fell out during the course. In this case, the symbols are applied to special plates. The ancient Slavs usually made them from wood or carved on stones. For such fortune-telling, a certain system of interaction of signs is provided.

    The author's alignment during fortune-telling on the runes made it possible to judge possible events in the near future. Starting the rituals of prediction, the Slavs usually established an invisible energy connection with the gods. Such an introduction helped to get a more reliable clue from unearthly forces and increase the value of some runic signs:

    What exactly each of them means, as well as other runic symbols, you can find out by reading the article further.

    Runic images with their decoding

    As a memory of the Slavic family, the runes of Maly Furtak are still closer to many of us “in spirit”. The system, consisting of ancient signs, contains 18 runes, each of which carries an individual meaning. What kind of meaning they are endowed with, and how exactly they are read and depicted, is shown in the photo.

      • The first rune shown in the photo above reads World. She personifies the Universe, as the Slavs saw it. Also, this symbol conveys the essence of the Tree of the World. In some other interpretations, this sign is an image of the inner "I" of every person, eager to overcome Chaos and directing a person to Order in the World. In general, this meaning of the World rune can be considered correct. Both of them are considered to be a reliable translation of the ancient hieroglyph, which A.V. Platov mentioned in his book. In the world of magic, where such symbolic inscriptions are increasingly used to predict the future, the World rune represents protection. The one who got a die with her image will be under the auspices of the Gods.

      • The second in the photo shows the rune Chernobog. She, as the opposite of the first symbol, personifies the forces that strive for disorder, Chaos. In prophecy, this sign indicates a break, destruction, completion, etc. Depending on the combination in which a die with such an inscription falls out, a person can expect either the destruction of unnecessary connections, or a long-awaited way out of the “vicious circle”.

      • The next rune in the photo is Alatyr, which means the center of the entire Universe. Its essence is everything that exists from the beginning to the end of the Universe. This is the center around which there is always movement. It is about him that is mentioned as the stone that lies at the foundation of the World and around which the forces of Chaos and Order constantly revolve, being in constant struggle. The sacred meaning of this sign is the altar, which serves as a place of sacrifice. In other sources, Alatyr is the personification of the law of balance.

      • Rainbow, the fourth rune in the image above, means the way. However, this is not the road that can arise in human understanding. Rainbow is a special path, which is determined by the struggle and simultaneous unity of opposites (Chaos and Order, Fire and Water, etc.). The runic road-rainbow on the plate is not even the movement of a person, but his destiny, a state unlike any other. Personifying balance, which gives a person a beginning and has a specific result, in magic this rune means stabilization, a favorable completion of affairs, help to travelers.

      • In the photo, the next rune reads Need. This symbol is related to the god Navi, whom the Slavs attributed to the Lower World. Need (or rune Viy) means fate, a set of events intended for a person. In the direct sense, this mark is the final result, which no one can avoid (death). In magic and divination, it is considered a warning. Seeing a plate with such a sign, a person needs to think about making a specific decision that radically changes his life.

      • Another symbol is the Krada rune, symbolizing the sacrificial Fire. It is also a prototype of the desire, embodiment and implementation of the plan. At the same time, this sign carries the meaning of discovery, exposure. This is due to the fact that the conceived, in the process of its implementation, becomes clear, visible to the World. In the world of magic, Krad's plate is purification.

      • The seventh rune in the photo is Treba, this is the sign of the Warrior of the Spirit. It carries the meaning of sacrifice for the fulfillment of intentions. If we take into account that everything in the World is interconnected, then we can assume that for the implementation of his intention, a person on the Road needs to sacrifice something in order to get what he wants. And this is not the kind of sacrifice that the gods need to bear for appeasement. It is rather a symbol of self-sacrifice, the ability to deny yourself something in order to achieve your goals. The same meaning of the rune is transferred to the world of magic, divination.

      • The rune of Strength is a Warrior's Treasure. It means changes, and not only in the World, but also in oneself in relation to the World. This is a symbol, as a confirmation of the results intended for a person walking along the Road, and the power that he will receive if he sacrifices himself for the sake of liberation from the shackles of consciousness. For prophecy, a plate with the inscription of the Force will mean a clarification of an unresolved situation.

      • The rune of the Spirit is Wind, the next sign in the photo. It symbolizes the road of ascent to the summit. Associated with the element of Air, this plate is a prototype of the spiritualized Will, Strength. Deciphering it in prophecies is inspiration, a breakthrough in creativity.

      • Bereginya - rune Feminine, an image of the Mother and a symbol of motherhood, which is also associated with protection. The Slavs attribute her to the Goddess Mother-Beregini, who is in charge of the fate of all living beings in the World, fertility, prosperity. Since it concerns the life of things on earth, this rune is considered to be a symbol of Life, Death and Fate.

      • Another runic symbol is Oud, which is the traditional designation of male dignity. In general, it is a sign of fertility, love and passion. The Slavs perceived such a symbol as a Force capable of fertilizing the Void of the Universe and giving birth to life.

      • Lelya is a representative of the Water element, a rune associated with Living Water. The ancient Slavs believed that it was this water that flowed in all natural springs. Such a symbol is perceived by magic as intuition, higher knowledge, joy, and also a kind of awakening.

      • The rune of the unmanifested Spirit can be called the following hieroglyph - Rock. This is the exact definition of the beginning of all things and its end. The mysterious symbol in the magical world is perceived as a dedication to the Unknowable.

      • The next rune, Support, is also related to the foundations of the Universe. Carrying a clear connection with the Gods, it represents the Tree (support), which connects heaven and earth and opens the way for the sorcerer to receive answers to questions of interest.

      • Rune Dazhdbog, which is a direct symbol of the Good, the gifts of the Gods. A die that has fallen out with such a pattern carries the meaning of well-being in any area (wealth, love, happiness, luck). A prophecy for a person with the Dazhdbog rune will mean a successful acquisition, an increase in something or an addition, new connections, etc.

      • Perun, the sign of God the Thunderer. This rune protects people from Chaos, the world of the Gods - from the Dark Forces. At the same time, it symbolizes Vital Force and power. endowed protective properties, in the prophecies it will mean the patronage of the Gods.

      • The rune is a symbol of Life, Being with its changeable variables. This is a sign of constant movement, renewal, change, growth. It is the factor that makes all living things grow, improve, live.

      • The Rune of Ice is the last symbol in the photo - the Source. Considering that Ice is a special state of Force and movement at rest, Source will mean stagnation in those things that are rapidly developing. The potential power inherent in this sign and symbolizing the rune Source, as a result, will become movement.

      The deep meaning of sacred being, which is contained in the ancient Slavic runic inscriptions, allows you to lift the veil of the mysterious heritage of a great nation, about which many documentary videos have been shot. Awareness of the possible meanings of each rune and the ability to correctly interpret it in building predictions will allow you to more clearly see the picture of the near future. This once again confirms the explanation why the use of runes is so popular and very versatile.

      Runes and their meaning photo

    Slavic runes and amulets with them - one way or another during your life you heard these words and, perhaps, at least once thought about how to protect yourself with the help of the magic of our ancestors. From a bad look, from the evil eye, from the slander of unkind people, from bad events in life and all those incidents that no sane person wishes for himself. How to do it with runes?

    In the article:

    Charms with runes among the ancient Slavs

    It should be remembered that magic is science, which has its own cause-and-effect relationships, laws of work. She does not allow liberties and careless treatment of herself. Every magical ritual is based on a hundred and thousand years of history of their land. Each rite, each practice, incantation or runic, is older than any centenarians. Thanks to the sacred experience of our ancestors, we can understand the world better, realize the secret meaning of our actions, understand why the performance of this rite is just that. People seeking to master magic should remember that without knowledge of the historical and mythological roots of the practice, it does not gain strength.

    As we know, from ancient times to the present day, people have used pictographic symbols, endowing them with special meaning and power. In different countries, in different eras, magicians, shamans, priests, sorcerers, masters of the occult sciences and even priests used symbols in order to protect themselves from evil spells, attract good luck, and protect the mind from other people's influence. Even the Christian cross is nothing more than a symbol that has tremendous power thanks to the faith of billions of people around the world.

    Our Slavic ancestors were also not far from such practices. Even before the appearance of Cyril and Methodius, the Slavs had their own written alphabet, which was used everywhere. They embroidered protective symbols and signs of their kind on clothes, wore amulets made of wood, bone, semi-precious stones and metals, minted things with runes and squeezed out special signs on the clay sides of household utensils. Even the doors of the houses were covered with runes to prevent the penetration of evil spirits into the dwelling.

    On the sacred idols were runes, signifying the names and powers of these gods. Each person devoted himself to some god, gave himself under their high patronage. Warriors from the princely squad and the prince himself prayed to the Thunderer Perun, merchants and merchants, people whose activities were connected with money - Velesa, women and girls considered Makosh, the patroness of the hearth and the giver of fate, and Lada, the goddess of girlish beauty, as their intercessors.

    The runes have much more meanings than the signs of writing, since the history of the runic alphabet is rooted in the Bronze Age. With the help of these symbols, our ancestors invoked the elements of nature: rain on the fields languishing from the heat, dryness on the land flooded with water. These are powerful conductors of energy, which must be used with extreme care so as not to harm oneself. So what do you need to know about these signs so as not to get burned and harm yourself?

    The meaning of the Slavic runes

    First of all, it should be remembered that each rune has its own pair-opposite. Positive and creative rune "Peace (Belobog)" corresponds to the destructive rune "Chernobog", rune "Bereginya" opposite sign "Oud". Their opposite does not mean that they cannot be in the same runic formula, but speaks of the complexity of their joint application. A beginner in magic who wants to make his own amulet or amulet should not take on complex symbols.

    Slavic runes

    First rune Slavic alphabet- this is the World or Belobog. She has great power, as it means the World Tree and the progenitor of all Slavic gods. The one who wears it entrusts himself to the patronage of Belobog, takes responsibility for his actions and even thoughts. One bad deed can destroy all the protective energy of the rune and turn it against the owner.

    Chernobog is the rune of the destruction of the old, the rune of change. It is suitable only for those people who want to finally get rid of the past and are not afraid to lose it. If used improperly, it can destroy a person's life and even lead to physical death.

    Alatyr is the center of the world, the harmony of good and evil, chaos and order. Symbolizes stability. This is a sign of people who do not strive for exploits and conquer new heights, but are ready to preserve what they have with all their might.

    Rainbow - the rune of the path to Alatyr, a sign for people who strive to achieve stability in their lives, know their goal. In the same formula with the rune, Alatyr takes on the meaning of "path and goal." To create and wear it, you need to clearly understand what you want.

    Need is a limitation, constraint, bondage, the imposition of an irresistible ban. It limits strength, does not allow to move on. The symbol is even cruel, since it is used to shackle a person and not allow him to fully open up.

    Her anti-symbol is Krada, a sign of energy and accomplishment even of what seems impossible. This rune is perfect for a person who aims to accomplish a great deal. The one who wears it acquires great powers.

    Treba - it gives a person what he wants, but takes something of equal value in return. Without giving, you cannot take, because it is a symbol of sacrifice. A rune that is difficult to handle and not suitable for everyone.

    Strength is power and authority, inflexibility in achieving one's goal. The symbol of real warriors, winners. It is very difficult to cast and wear, because it obliges a lot and not every person can wear it.

    There is - a sign of nature, unity with the world, the exchange of forces. Literally intended for those in need of restoration of vital energy. Also suitable for those in need of the protection of the elements.

    Wind is a symbol of creative people, meaning unrestrained impulse, inspiration, light as fluff. It does not allow you to slide into the abyss of stagnation and lose heart. Frees the mind and awakens the flight of fantasy.

    Bereginya is an exclusively female rune, maternal. This is female energy, the beginning of life, a talisman for all women, from teenage girls to older ladies. In women, it awakens sensuality and sexual energy.

    Ud is a male rune dedicated to the fiery Yarilo, the god of fertility. It does not allow the male energy to weaken, protects from destruction. Also grants health.

    Lelya is a rune associated with flowing water, spring, joy. Enhances intuitive abilities, attracts good luck. Especially suitable for young girls.

    Support is help, support, protection. This rune allows you to stand on your feet stronger, gain self-confidence. It is the strongest amulet that protects against need, discouragement and weakness.

    Slavic god of joy and abundance. It attracts good luck in all spheres of life, helps its owner in any endeavors. Its main tasks are to attract money, preserve family well-being, and protect the health of family members.

    Perun is a symbol of beginning. The power of the runes of Perun will help move a completely hopeless case to a dead center. Attracts changes, new, reliable people, changes the person himself.

    Source is the rune of ending or stagnation. Slows down the circulation of energy, leads to calmness. With the help of this sign, they streamline their thoughts, gain sobriety of mind and clarity of sight. They also become more balanced in character.

    So the meaning of the Slavic runes in fortune-telling you can find in a separate article on our website.

    Designation of Slavic runes

    The ancient Slavs used runes everywhere: they embroidered on clothes, minted on jewelry, made dishes with runic signs, wore amulets. Silver talismans were considered the most valuable, since silver is a universal magic metal with mystical properties, capable of disinfecting water and scaring away evil spirits.

    Embroidered ornament with runes

    If a person had a discord in business, family, he was pursued by failures, then he should wear a gold amulet, which was considered to attract prosperity. In addition, talismans were made of hard leather, stones, wood, copper, bronze, and bone. Occupation, origin and marital status - everything could be recognized by the symbols on clothes, jewelry.

    It should be remembered that Slavic runes primarily belong to white magic, that is, with the help of these runes it is impossible to send damage, evil eye or curse - negative energy will be reflected and returned to the caster. Successful fortune-telling, harmony with the forces of nature are possible only if the fortuneteller has good thoughts and goals, not directed against his neighbor, not full of self-interest or envy.

    With the help of runes, you can lift the veil of the future or turn to the events of the past to understand how they affected your present. But do not forget that the runes are just a conductor between you and the world of subtle matters. The result of fortune-telling depends only on you, your state of mind, energy and faith.

    How to choose a rune-amulet

    According to experienced practicing magicians, Slavic amulets are more effective in our land than Scandinavian ones. This is probably due to the fact that we have a common energy field, historical roots and spiritual energy. It is much easier for Slavic people to interpret the Slavic runic alignment than the Scandinavian one. Undoubtedly, with proper practice, one can learn to understand the meaning of any runes. However, everyone decides for himself what his heart lies more in - to native, primordially our symbols, or to strangers who have come to us from across the sea.

    More advanced people, no longer beginners, but not experienced magicians, combine meditation and runes. They make up their runic formula that makes sense prayer-appeals, and use it to enhance the energy call. The combination of meditation, which is used in the East to cleanse the mind, and runic symbols gives a wonderful effect, allows you to achieve impressive results.

    In order for the runes to serve you for a long time, magicians advise choosing strong and durable materials: wood, stone, metal. Wood is the easiest to craft, which is why most runes are made from it. The selected plank of a certain breed that you like is cut into small pieces, best of all oval in shape, processed and runes are applied. After that, each rune must be varnished for better preservation. Metal and stone are much more difficult to process, and besides, these materials are difficult to make at home.

    rune tattoo

    At the same time, it is believed that runes made of stone have more power than those made of metal, and runes made of metal are stronger than wooden ones. This can probably be explained by the antiseptic effect of silver and the durability of the stone. You can order the manufacture of a set of runes in the workshop, however, it is best to apply the symbols with your own hand - this way they become compatible with your energy even at the initial stages of their creation.

    Store your set in a soft bag made of natural fabric, cotton or linen. And you can activate the rune in the simplest way: holding it in your hand, while closing your eyes and thinking about the good, your desires and goals. As a result of this, possible negative effects that appear if the runes were made by another person are eliminated.

    Remember: before you start practicing, rune divination, and amulets, you need to carefully study the theory. Without knowing thoroughly the meaning of each sign, you can harm yourself or the people around you who will receive your amulets. Even a few positive characters in an incorrectly written formula can have a strong negative effect.

    In contact with

    Today, many people are discovering the pagan culture of the ancient Slavs - the Scythians, Lyutichs, Drevlyans and other nationalities. to the traditions and beliefs of the ancestors is not accidental. The connection of people of that time with nature, the energies of the Earth was too strong, which allowed them to live in harmony with the outside world, which is so lacking in modern man.

    Old Slavic runes are part of that culture. At one time they were very revered and were used not only as symbols of the alphabet, but also for protection.

    The history of the appearance of Old Slavic runes

    Historians have not come to a consensus about the time of the appearance of runic writing among the Slavs, but agree that it is as ancient as the Celtic and Etruscan symbols.

    For example, the famous German chronicler Titmar of Merseburg, who lived at the end of the 10th - beginning of the 11th century, mentions idols with incomprehensible signs on them when describing the Slavic temple in the lands of the Luticians. Surely he would have recognized the Germanic or Scandinavian runes.

    Similar images were described by Ibn El Nedim, an Arab writer who lived in the same period. He mentions the ancient pre-Cyrillic writing, which he found on the gravestones of Slavic burials.

    Thus, we can safely say that the oldest alphabet of our distant ancestors was the Old Slavonic runes. If you turn to archaeological finds, you can find out that the ancient masters put runic signs on household utensils. For example, a clay pot found near the village of Voiskovoe, on the Dnieper, contains an inscription of 12 words, for which 6 characters were used. The fact that 3 of them looked like Scandinavian runes suggests that the cultures of these peoples intersected.

    The same symbols were found on cult objects from the ancient temple of Radegast, destroyed in the 11th century, belonging to the Polabian (Baltic) Slavs.

    It is impossible to perceive the Old Slavonic runes (and their meaning is a direct confirmation of this) solely as signs of writing. Their influence on the life of the ancient pagans was enormous: these symbols were applied to the body, to rune stones, dishes, livestock, idols and other objects important for life and beliefs.

    Runic alphabet

    This writing has Etruscan and Celtic roots, since these peoples lived next door to the Slavs. In addition to the fact that runes were used for writing, there was a cult according to which these signs were considered sacred, since they were given to people by the gods. Tablets with runes, for example, were placed in burial places, and pebbles with signs applied to them served as amulets.

    They were used not only during pagan times, but also after the adoption of Christianity by the Slavic peoples. For example, the rune Algiz was depicted in, since it was considered a strong protection against someone else's witchcraft and the evil eye. To increase its power, multiple images of this symbol could be applied.

    To date, 18 runes are known: Peace, Chernobog, Rainbow, Alatyr, Krada, Need, Wind, Strength, Eat, Treba, Bereginya, Lelya, Ud, Rock, Opora, Dazhdbog, Perun and Istok.

    Old Slavic runes and amulets with symbols applied to them carried a certain meaning and had power.

    Runes - symbols of good

    As is customary among almost all ancient peoples, the Slavs believed that good and evil forces ruled the world. Among their gods and goddesses there are both those who help people and take care of them, and those who inspire horror.

    Old Slavic runes did not escape the same fate. Among them there are also protections, which include:

    • Runa World symbolizes the Tree of life and the universe. It is also referred to the White God and the person who is his incarnation. The rune resembles or a tree with two branches. Its center is the trunk of the World Tree or the human spine. The rune of Belbog also means family, world order and harmony. In Scandinavian mythology, he corresponds to the god Heimdall, who protects order and the world from chaos.
    • A rainbow means a road that has no beginning or end. As a talisman, it was used in travels for a favorable return, as well as for a positive end to some difficult business. The rune conveys a state on the road that is different from the usual fuss, as if a person is sliding through life between Order and Chaos.

    • Among the ancient Slavs, the word “steal” meant fire, and the rune with that name indicated purification, the disclosure of their plans to the world. For magical purposes, it was used to embody intentions, to get rid of masks and superficial desires. She helped make dreams come true. were fire and the verb (“word”).
    • Treba meant sacrifice, without which it is impossible to realize one's desires. It was depicted as an arrow, which indicates that its main direction is purposefulness, like a warrior's desire for victory. It is impossible to reach new heights without sacrificing one's comfort and habits, and this sacrifice must be made by anyone who sets foot on a new Road.
    • The Rune of Power meant the ability to change two worlds - the inner human and through it the outer. The symbol is a warrior, and the magical meaning is unity. A person who lost integrity and connection with nature, with the help of this rune, restored balance in consciousness and cleansed it. Warriors took it with them to return home with victory.
    • Bereginya is a symbol of the Mother Goddess, who is in charge of all living things on Earth and protects her children. On the one hand, it gives the souls that come into the world a new body, but on the other hand, it takes away life, so it can be called a symbol of both life and death.
    • Old Slavonic amulets, runes and their meaning in the life of the ancient pagans is an extremely interesting topic. These characters played a very important role. Belief in the external control of the destinies of people by the gods was attached to these signs magical power which helped our ancestors to withstand the threat of evil and chaos.

      Runes - symbols of death

      Regardless of the level of development of civilization and the beliefs of people, they have always been afraid of death. The uncertainty that lies behind it terrifies a person. The ancient Slavs had their own myths about the afterlife, and some of the runes are associated with death or fate, from which even the gods cannot hide.

      Old Slavic runes and their meaning associated with evil or death:

      The ancient Slavs conventionally divided the runes into strong and weak ones, and, depending on the situation, they could enhance their effect by repeated repetition.

      The most powerful runes-amulets

      Modern connoisseurs of runes do not fully understand all the nuances of their meanings, as was typical of the Old Slavonic shamans and sorcerers. In those days, faith in their strength was very high among the people, so amulets with runic signs were especially popular.

      They were made of stones, silver, wood or gold, runic symbols were embroidered on shirts, women wove ribbons with them into braids. The most popular were amulets, which depicted Old Slavic runes (photos of some of them are presented in the article), associated with wealth, prosperity, health and keeping the family hearth.

      Among them, the strongest were:

      To some extent, the modern descendants of the ancient Slavs adopted the traditions of their ancestors to use runes to protect themselves from problems or to attract wealth, love or success into their lives. Some of them use amulets, and some make tattoos. Old Slavic runes are not a tribute to fashion, but a deep connection with the Family for those who were able to reveal it in themselves.

      Home, family and property protection

      Knowledge of one's kind, honoring the memory of ancestors and the family were very important in the life of the ancient Slavs. They knew well where and from whom their family descended, and passed on this knowledge to subsequent generations. The rituals associated with burial, the birth of a person, were largely associated with natural energies that people used to repose the dead or protect newborns.

      The ancient Slavs in this matter are very similar to the Chinese, who understood the importance of the correct flow and distribution of qi energy. Old Slavic runes, properly charged, had a magical property to harmonize the external and internal space. Some of them were used to protect the hearth, to protect family well-being, the birth of beautiful and healthy children, the possibility of procreation. These include:

      Here they are so interesting and multifaceted - Old Slavonic amulets, runes and their meaning. Tattoos with them are one of the most popular among modern people, since the well-being of the family is as important for them as it was for their ancient ancestors.

      Runes from the evil eye and damage

      Ancient Slavic magicians knew how not only to use runes to create protective amulets, but also to make spells from them. Superstitious people at all times are afraid of someone else's envy, damage and the evil eye. A properly made amulet can have not only protective functions, but also neutralize the negative sent to a person.

      For example, to protect the witches used:

      The ancient Slavs sincerely believed that their dead ancestors could protect them and help them in difficult times. The combination of powerful symbols in one drawing greatly increased its charge. You can do the same in our time, having studied the Old Slavonic runes and their meaning. A tattoo of several symbols will not only create powerful protection, but will also attract good luck or wealth.

      Rune divination

      Today you will find few people who could interpret runes as well as the sorcerers and magicians of antiquity did. One of the ways to find out your fate or just get advice on how to act in a given situation was fortune telling on Old Slavic runes.

      Depending on how they fell out, which side the sign lay on, its meaning changed, and a good rune could turn out to be bad. Knowledgeable sorcerers of those times helped people avoid problems or warned them of possible danger. Modern magicians know only the basic meanings of runes in divination, for example:

      • The rune Alatyr could mean the beginning of a new business or an upcoming road.
      • The Rainbow symbol meant a successful outcome of something.
      • If during fortune-telling a Need fell out, then a person was expected to have obstacles in business, ruin or even death.
      • The rune of Krada foreshadowed that a person had to bring something to life, but for this he needed to clear his mind.
      • When the Force fell out, it meant that a person would find the right solution for his situation.
      • Rune Wind personified the creative essence of man and indicated that time should be taken to reveal one's potential.

      These are far from all interpretations of the Old Slavonic runes, since even the sequence of their fallout could give new options for the development of events in the fate of a person. Sometimes they used Old Slavonic (runes) to search for treasures. Since the ancient pagans believed that the hidden treasures were protected by spells, they made conspiracies and special combinations of runes, which were supposed to not only lead the treasure hunter to the right place, but also save his life.

      Runes in tattoo

      Today it is becoming fashionable to use Old Slavonic runes and their meaning in tattoos. Those who decide to use their protective power should be very careful, because without knowledge and faith in their power, this - at best - will be just a drawing on the skin, and at worst, the opposite effect may be obtained.

      It was the faith of people that endowed the runes with power, because each of them was associated with a specific god, for example:

      • Rune Wind symbolized Veles, who transferred the souls of the dead to the kingdom of Marena.
      • The Beregini sign was associated with Makosha, the goddess of the earth and harvest.
      • The rune Ud is Yarilo.

      It was faith in these gods and goddesses that endowed the runes with powerful energy. The ancient Slavs painted them on the body as protection from dark forces or to attract good luck. Similarly, today people should use the Old Slavonic runes. A tattoo, backed up by knowledge of their meaning and faith in the ancient gods, will be a real talisman for its wearer.

      How to make a rune-amulet

      It makes no sense to buy a ready-made amulet, but if it is not possible to make it yourself, then you should at least properly charge the purchase. To do this, it must be washed in running clean water, then held over the fire of candles, put in salt for a day, and then fumigated with incense. So all 4 elements will give the amulet their strength.

      The next stage is the transfer of one's energy to the amulet with a prayer to a god or goddess, which the rune symbolizes. Asking for help or protection endows him with mighty power.

    Slavic runes are more than just symbols. The culture of every nation is not only in fairy tales, legends and traditions.

    A sign of a full-fledged culture is writing, with the help of which everything that happens with separate group people, people and civilization. And the Slavic-Aryan civilization is no exception - a lot of evidence has survived to this day that our ancestors were a highly educated race that knew, perhaps, even more than our generation.

    Slavic runes, meaning, description and interpretation - this is part of the culture of the Slavs, and not only the ancients, but also the present. Slavic runic writing is a figurative writing of tribes belonging to the Slavic-Aryan race, used in pre-Christian times. Runes were known long before the appearance of the first variants of the Old Slavonic language based on Cyrillic and Glagolitic.

    Some skeptics, especially from Christian circles, argue that Slavic runes did not exist, but how can one explain the strange symbols on the ancient temples located on the territory of our country. No one will argue that there are extremely few sources according to which it is possible to assert the existence of runic ancient Slavic writing, so the question still remains open. But at the same time, it is difficult to find another logical explanation for the symbols applied to the tools, weapons and household items of the ancient Slavs.

    Protect Slavic runes - it is more than just symbols with which information could be stored. It is part of the culture, the knowledge preservation system. The symbolism of the Slavic runes consists of a special energy and information space in which the ancient Slavic peoples lived.

    It is worth immediately stipulating such a moment that the very concept of “Slavic runes” cannot be considered absolute, since the Slavs are only half of the Race - Rasen and Svyatorus. The second half of the Race - Ha'Aryans and Da'Aryans have a slightly different name - Aryans. But this point is the topic of a separate discussion and even a scientific treatise, which can serve as the basis for writing a doctoral dissertation. Therefore, Slavic runes are a fairly general definition, which is worth discussing in more detail.

    Runic writing was used for the first time by the Ha'Aryans, who compiled the first alphabet of runes - the Ha'Aryan Karuna. Simply put, karuna is a word inscription consisting of two runes, in which the rune “ka” means connection, and “rune” is the main element of such a peculiar writing. It is worth noting that each Great Family had its own script:

    • The Da'Aryans have tragi,
    • The Rasen have a gossip,
    • The Svyatoruss have letters.

    Today, there are no Slavic runes for writing symbols and letters, since all systems for tracing symbols are rather conditional. According to experts, Karuna was the most successful and perfect version of the letter, since it was simpler than other options in tracing and memorizing. An important feature of the Slavic runes is that their real number and full designation is unknown. For example, Pater Diy Svyatoslav knew about three million runic symbols.

    Many people who are just beginning to be interested in Slavic culture mistakenly confuse Slavic runes with illiterate Vedic runes that have nothing to do with them, about which it is only known that they were primitive and practically did not carry any logical load. The ancient Slavs used their own runes for millions of years, and our contemporaries, who honor their roots, write or today.

    Features of reading Slavic runes

    It is important to understand that the standard 18 Slavic runes, which are most often found in many sources, are just a part of the runic symbols used by the ancient Slavs. Karuna had one feature that must be taken into account, the runes in it can have the most various meanings- it can be a single letter, and a syllable, and a word, and even a whole image. It is worth saying that images in Slavic writing were a priority, and one rune could have up to three meanings, depending on the features of use (images that may be necessarily interconnected).

    In order to write down the runes, slokas were used - 9 rows with 16 characters in each. Every 16 slokas formed larger letters - Santii. In order for Santii to be not just a series of symbols, but to carry an information and energy load, they were applied to precious metals (gold or silver) rolled onto plates. On a metal plate, up to 4 slokas were applied on both sides, such a plate was also called Santia. 9 Santi, gathered into a single whole, were the Circle.

    One of the features of writing slokas can be considered the fact that there are not 16, but 32 runes in a row. According to this rule, each first rune is a commentary on the second, taking into account the context of the entire text. Quite often, 64 runes are used, which indicate a double translation of the previously applied text. In order to correctly read the sloka of runes, it is necessary to read from the first line from left to right to the last line. After that, the procedure is repeated in reverse order, rising from the last rune to the first. According to the research of scientists and archaeological excavations, it is possible to read the text in two ways - by letters or by images. In the first, everything is simple and banal - each sound is encrypted with a symbol. With a figurative reading, a key image is initially determined, to which the rest of the runes are attached, and then the reading goes according to the standard algorithm. The result of such writing and reading is a message that is received by letters and images. It is worth saying that quite a lot of specific narrow-profile literature is devoted to Slavic runes and their meaning, which is usually found in the closed funds of museums and central libraries not only in our country, but also in the world.

    In order to understand the basic principles of reading runes, consider an example - the name of the well-known Slavic god Perun. If it is written in runes as letters, then everything is simple - the name "Perun" will turn out. But if you read it in images, then the phrase will be much more complicated - "The path is our military joy." At the same time, one should not forget that there is an even more complex version of reading, but it is more accessible to historians and researchers, although if there is a desire, then an inquisitive descendant of the ancient Slavs will be able to figure it out.

    How many runes are there and what do they mean?

    The standard Karuna contains 144 runes, in addition to which one can single out the runes of movement, time, figurative (they are quite difficult for modern people to understand). If we consider karunic records as a source of information, then they are not so difficult both when reading letters and images. For example, Veles is a two-runner, consisting of "ve" - ​​the knower, and "forest" - the Universe. When writing with a capital letter instead of "e" in the "forest" rune, it is inscribed as "yat", so the image of the Universe is obtained, and not green spaces. And there are several thousand such examples of words that were used by our ancestors today, but you can read more about them in special historical and philological literature or in special university courses.

    Quite often, one can also find the mention of the Kha'Aryan Karuna as a Scandinavian utkharka, consisting of 24 runes. Slavic runes and the Scandinavian utthark can only be used in an esoteric context, since they are just a part of a general karunic or symbolic system. If you look at the runes from the point of view of modernity, then they have somewhat lost their expediency of use. They can only be used to learn the traditions and customs of our ancestors, touching the lost and lost knowledge.

    The meaning of the runes of the Slavic peoples

    Slavic runes and their meaning is one of the main issues that interest modern Slavs. Their values ​​can be obtained even without special knowledge, it is enough to know the gods and the names of the runes. The standard 18 runes, which are basic, are considered the most magical and are widely used in a variety of occult rituals. Runes are applied to any objects and surfaces, ranging from weapons to tattoos on the body. The decoding of Slavic runic amulets is closely related to specific Slavic deities, since each rune symbolizes one god. The simplest interpretation is:

    • Wind - Veles;
    • Bereginya - Mokosh;
    • Ud - Yarilo;
    • Need - King Navi Viy;
    • World and Rod - Belobog;
    • There is - Live.

    An inquisitive descendant of the Slavs, who knows all the features of each god and their graphic interpretation, can make a charm on his own, partly fulfilling his purpose. The runes of the Slavs are part of the knowledge hidden from the average layman, they have a hidden meaning that allows you to use the traditions of paganism in order to improve interpersonal relationships, prosperity, and get a promotion. Amulets and amulets provide an opportunity to get the desired result, and to some extent remind you that you need to make decisions on your own in order to realize your plan. The popularity of Slavic symbols in the past few years is explained by the fact that more and more people dream of comprehending the secrets of the Aryan Slavs, learning more about their traditions, beliefs and rituals. Therefore, today it is not a problem to buy a Slavic amulet, which will bring good luck, to establish relationships. Silver amulets are most in demand, since it was this metal that was always considered magical from the very beginning.

    Slavic alphabets based on runes

    In order to correctly understand and use the runes of the Slavs, it is important to know that there are not many basic runic alphabets, each of which has its own characteristics of use and application:

    1. Venedian (Vendian) runes are the alphabet used by the Slavs who lived in the south of the Baltic between the Elbe and the Vistula until the middle of the first millennium AD;
    2. Boyanov runes - they wrote the Boyanov Hymn in the fourth century (one of the most famous ancient Slavic epics). These runes are similar to the inscription of the symbols of the peoples of Greece, Asia Minor and the Black Sea coast;
    3. Veles runes - were used in the cultural and social relations of the Eastern Slavs. With their help, chronicles were kept until the 9th century in Russia. They wrote the "Book of Veles" - one of the main collections of rituals, legends and tales of the Slavs.
    4. Runica - according to some scientists, this alphabet has existed since the Paleolithic, on the basis of which the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabets were compiled. At the same time, there is a theory that such a “rune” is the basis for the writing of Ancient Egypt and China.

    It is worth remembering that Slavic runes are not just beautiful symbols, the application of which has become popular, it is part of our history. The issue of studying rune writing is a complex issue that requires not only basic knowledge of mythology, but also a fundamental study of cultural and social relations throughout the history of all civilizations that have contributed to the development and formation of mankind.

    18 Slavic Runes used in modern times